History of the Future

History of the Future
The Cold War &
Paranoia in the 1950s
As World War II Finishes
Soviet Union has key role in Nazi defeat
Builds up international credibility
Strong Communist parties in France, Italy
Asserts new control in E. Europe
US finishes war as sole Great Power
50% of world manufacturing capability
Most power Army, Navy, Airforce
Only nuclear power
The US Policy: Containment
US policy from 1947
Soviet expansionism as major world threat
Defensive response, open ended
Strengthening of international alliances
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Bretton Woods (IMF, World Bank)
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade)
Marshall Plan (Rebuild Western Europe)
Mao takes power, 1949
War relations with Soviets through 1950s
Korean War begins 1950
West tends to view Communism as monolithic
Finishes with battles between Chinese & UN (largely
American) troops
Result is a draw
More paranoia
Manchurian Candidate (1962, from 1959 novel)
Joseph McCarthy, Republican Senator (19081957)
Habitual liar, alcoholic
Facing defeat in 1950, claims list of 25 communists in
State department
Smears Truman administration as “Reds”
Chairs Committee on Government Operations
Many careers destroyed
Colleagues turn against after targeting US Army,
fellow Republicans
Exposed on TV, censured by Senate in 1954
Film Interlude
Anti-communist propaganda film
House Committee on Un-American Affairs
Best known for “Hollywood Hearings” of 19471948
Created in 1938, used by opponents of New Deal
10 screenwriters and directors jailed for contempt
uses hearings as political weapon
Nixon makes political mark here
Becomes Vice President in 1952
The Rosenberg Case
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
Arrested 1950 (around Korean war)
Jointed communist party in 1939
Passed atomic secrets from Manhattan
project during WWII
Executed 1953 – unusual for civilians
Millions believed innocent
Other prominent spy trials of era
Alger Hiss (“pumpkin papers”)
Klaus Fuchs
Eisenhower & Politics
War leader turned president
Centrist, non-ideological
Accepted reforms of New Deal period
Leaned toward corporations
Cold war supports domestic truce
“New Deal Order” lasts into 1970s
Civil Rights & Religion
Cold War puts spotlight on “freedom”
Intensive activism following WWII
MLK exploits cleverly & non-violently
Truman desegregates army
Brown v. Board of Education case, 1954
Rosa Parks and the bus, 1955
Civil Rights Act 1957, peak comes in 60s
Billy Graham – Christian Revivalism
Massive popularity in 1950s
Economic Competition
Soviet economy seen as dangerously
Used as argument for more planning,
simulation, modeling in USA
Used as argument for national scientific
Challenges capitalism to justify superiority
First artificial satellite, October 1957
Soviet propaganda triumph
US effort undermined by political bickering
Crisis of confidence results
Eventual strengthening of US science
Formation of ARPA (funds research)
Big boost for high school science, etc.
NASA created
George Orwell - 1984
Orwell – British leftist journalist
& novelist
Several famous concepts
Published 1948
Critique of Stalinism
Big Brother
control of past = control of future
Influential use of future
Ray Bradbury
Well known as SF writer in 40s & 50s
Fahrenheit 451
Martian Chronicles issued as book 1950
Fantastic, nostalgic, small town
1951 in Galaxy, 1953 as book
Popular dystopia
Read widely as “mainstream” author
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Earliest novels were science fiction
Slaughterhouse-Five, 1969
Player Piano, 1952 – automation
Sirens of Titan, 1959 – religion
Cat’s Cradle, 1963 – science & morality
Hugely popular “mainstream” novel
Kilgore Trout
recurring character – SF writer
Paranoia: Alien Invasion
Aliens disguised as humans in
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
– 1956
I Married a Monster from Outer
Space (1958)
And in Print
The Puppet Masters (Heinlein) –
The Cold War in SF
Surprisingly little direct coverage
Some treatment of Communists
Other than nuclear aftermath stories
Interest in war stories fades somewhat
Who? (Algis Budrys) – 1958
More general sense of paranoia
Philip K. Dick - Time Out of Joint (1959)
JRR Tolkien – Lord of the Rings
Published 1954-1955
Seen as allegory of WWII
Builds cult following through 1960s