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AP World History
Name____________________________________ Per______ Date_____________________
Ch 32 Study Guide- Crisis, Realignment, & Post-Cold War World 1975-1991
Directions: Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. Page numbers
1. What were proxy wars? P.848
2. What does the term “Brazilian Solution” refer to. Be specific. p.850
3. Which U.S. president worked to re-establish Panamanian sovereignty in the Canal Zone?
4. Who were the “Contras”? p.850
5. What effect did the Falkland Island War have on Argentina? P.851
6. What happened when Mexico could not make its debt payments in the 1980s? p.852
7. In what became known as the Iran-Contra Affair, what did the United States hope to gain by
selling arms to Iran during the Iran-Iraq War? p.853
8. Which country found itself in an “unwinnable” war in Afghanistan in 1978? P.853
9. List at least 2 economic changes made in China under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping.
10. Who was Vaclav Havel? P.859
11. List 3 effects of the hard line Communist coup attempt against Gorbachev. P.860
12. What year did the Soviet Union dissolve? P.860
13. Give 2 reasons for Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War. p.861
14. Why did the leaders of some developing nations promote large families? P.862
15. Where do 28 of the 40 million people infected with the HIV virus live? P.863
16. What explains the lower level of fertility found in mature industrial nations? P.863-864
17. What percentage of the world population do China and India account for? P.865
18. What population problem is Sweden confronting? P.865
19. Japan has the oldest population of any industrial nation. What has it done in an attempt to
remedy the problem? P.867
20. What has generated a surge in international immigration? P. 867
21. The gap between the rich and poor has not diminished in the prosperous years following
WWII. How many people in the world live on less than $500 a year? p.868
22. How did people in host nations treat immigrants in Germany and France after 1960? P.870
23. Why were worsening relations between immigrants and the native-born population
inevitable? P.870
24. Technological innovation powered the economic expansion that began after WWII, but what
nations saw their power increase and which saw their power decrease? P.870
25. What technology has had the greatest significance since WWII? P.871
26. What country has arguably the worst environmental record? P.871
27. List 3 laws that are efforts aimed at preserving the environment. P.875
Notecard Terms: Identify (who/what/when/where/how/why) and explain its significance
(think of the relevant SPRITE category and what effects it had on it).
Resources: Use your chapter reading, glossary, student website (electronic flash cards are
provided!), and/or internet. Sometimes using only one source will not suffice.
proxy wars
Salvador Allende
Dirty War
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Saddam Husain
Asian Tigers
newly industrialized economies (NIEs)
Deng Xiaoping
Tiananmen Square
Mikhail Gorbachev
Thomas Malthus
demographic transition
Free Response Focus Questions: Answer these questions in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.
In your own words!!! Do not simply copy from the book and memorize the response. Know it.
You must support your response with plenty of facts!
Understand where events fall historically (global context, cause/effect, etc)
1. What economic and political conditions led to the end of the Cold War and the breaking up of
the USSR?
2. How did American and Soviet imperialism in the Middle East lead to Islamic Revolutions in
Iran and Afghanistan? How were those events viewed by those at home (U.S. and USSR)?
Pp.852-853, 858
3. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the forces of the Cold War were changed and were
evident immediately in the Middle East. Describe the first conflict after the end of the Cold War
in the Middle East and explain the events that led up to it and resolved it. pp.861-862
4. Explain the characteristics of the Newly Industrialized Economies (NIEs), including the Asian
Tigers, of the Pacific Rim that allowed those nations to quickly industrialize and become global
economic powers. Be specific. pp.856-857
5. Discuss global population growth since WWII, and compare the impact of population growth in
developing and in industrialized nations since WWII. Your discussion should also include
altered migration patterns. pp.862-867
6. What part did technological innovation play in the economic expansion after WWII? What is
the role of the transnational corporation on the dissemination of technology? p.871
7. What are the environmental consequences of post-WWII population and economic growth?
How has technological innovation affected the environment? pp.871-875