TASFAA Board Meeting

TASFAA Board Meeting
May 18-19, 2010
Hilton Arlington
Arlington, TX
Members and Committee Chairs Present: Carolyn Jones, Rick Renshaw, Tia Clary, Ed Turney,
Amy Hardesty, Kay Mooney, Enrique Garcia, Mike Carranza, Shannon Crossland, Joe Pettibon,
Amanda Jurovic, Dana Mingo, Devon Wiggins and Karen Krause
Guests: Vicky Tanner, Gary Rodgers, Jane Caldwell, Lyn Kinyon, and Mike Novak
Not Present: Melet Leafgreen, Carolyn Mallory, Alan Ahmad, JimAnn Batenhorst, Sharon
Mullins, Carol McDonald, Raul Lerma, Anne Walker, Richard Silva, Lynn Barnes, Christina
Quintanilla, Amanda Dickinson and Laurie Coulter
Carolyn called the meeting to order at 12:43 p.m.
President’s Report
Carolyn Jones
Carolyn passed out a new contact information sheet. She stated that Mike Williams is no longer
chairing the Mentor Committee. He is being replaced by Belen Valdez with Texas A&M. Karen’s
information is on the list now since she replaced Lyn. Alan Ahmad’s contact information has
changed as well. She also mentioned that Amanda Dickinson is now Amanda Stephens. Matt
Siegel is no longer with USA Funds.
ATLE is having their meeting at TG next week (June 15th). They asked Carolyn to come to the
meeting to visit about what ATLE’s role can be in the future. Karen stated she was not sure how
to answer that since we do not know who the members are and their size. Caren agreed.
Carolyn stated that her first thoughts were financial literacy and default management. Karen
asked about what their resources are and would they be able to provide a service. Rick asked
what their position is on private loans. Caren asked if they could help with the PUT loan issues.
She again asked who the members were. Carolyn speculated that NelNet and SallieMae might
be key players. Caren stated that any help we could get on the student issues would be great.
Mike asked if we could gather information on what their plan is. Ed asked if we could get a copy
of their updated mission statement. Carolyn stated that they may be looking to us to give some
direction on where they should go.
Carolyn visited about NASFAA’s new training in addition to the webinars. Revising your cost of
attendance would be a training session and they will still provide webinars. Carolyn did not think
this would be a good session to have at the regional trainings but might be good to have it at the
fall conference. SWASFAA is supposed to have trainers available in the region. Karen was
asked to participate on the committee. She stated that it might be good to have half a day on
revising your cost of attendance and then a session on the net price calculator. They also
discussed having a pre-conference training since it is about a 2.5 - 3 hour training. Karen stated
that she has not seen the materials to know if it could be condensed. It was discussed that it
might be good to have it as a pre-conference session. The issue with that is that those in the
board meeting can’t attend a pre-conference session. Karen thought we might have to charge for
the materials but Carolyn thought the materials would be free. Handouts could be pre-printed so
that there would not be a cost for the training. Ed suggested sending the handout electronically
to those who registered to attend the training. Karen will visit with Mary Sue about having it as a
pre-conference session on Wednesday, October 6 from 8:30-11:00 or 11:30. Carolyn will talk to
Anne about using it as a pre-conference session.
On April 26th, Lisa, Rick, Joe and Carolyn visited with the Senate Education Committee. Rob
Sheridan also filled in a spot. Carolyn thanked them for their time and visiting with the committee.
I would like to thank everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers during such trying times. Your
support means a great deal to me and my family. It also helps me to remember that I am not alone!
I have an updated contact list for everyone.
ATLE is meeting June 15, 2010, at TG and I have been asked to speak. ATLE would like to know
what role we see them playing to assist TASFAA in serving students. I would appreciate board input in
what our association needs from ATLE.
There is new NASFAA Training available entitled “Revising Your Cost of Attendance”. Since it
is such a limited subject would this be a good session at the Fall Conference?
There was a Senate Hearing on April 26, 2010. Lisa Blazer, Joe Pettibon and Rick Renshaw
spoke on the same subjects as they did in February to the House. Also Rob Sheridan of University of
Houston spoke on TASFAA’s behalf. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for doing a
wonderful job! If you see any of these people please thank them for their hard work and dedication to
TASFAA and Texas students.
Vice President’s Report
Kay Mooney
Kay went over her report. Kay stated that she will send a message out to the list serve at the end
of May encouraging everyone to volunteer. Carolyn asked that Kay work with Alan to get the
volunteer site up and running. She will also need to work with Joe on changes that he is going to
make for committees. Karen mentioned that NASFAA asked people to volunteer for their
interests not specifically for a committee. She did not know if that would help. Rick stated that it
might make things harder to match up.
Vice President Report
May 17, 2010
Agenda and Scheduling
May 18, 2010
Meeting starts with lunch at 11:30 in the Capitol I & II meeting room
Snacks and drinks will be provided for the 3:00 break on Tuesday
Dinner will be with the NAOW campers at 6:30 pm in the
Beverly/Flamingo/Statler meeting rooms.
May 19, 2010
Breakfast at the Capital I & II meeting rooms from 8:00 am to 8:45 am.
Board meeting will begin at 9:00 am in the Capital I & II meeting rooms.
The following have rooms on the Master Bill at the Hilton Arlington
Carolyn Jones, Kay Mooney, Tia Clary, Amy Hardesty, Shannon Crossland, Enrique Garcia,
Amanda Jurovic, Ed Turney, Mike Carranza and Dana Mingo.
The following are self-pay: Joe Pettibon
Committee Reports
I did not receive a report from:
Joe Pettibon – Finance Committee
Alan Ahmad – Communication Network
Belen Valdez – Mentoring, Leadership & Diversity (New committee Chair, replacing Mike
Nothing new to report
Carolyn Mallory – Awards
Melet Leafgreen – Newsletter
Volunteer Forms
I will be sending a message to the TASFAA community via the list-serve at the end of
May to encourage everyone to volunteer for the upcoming year (November through October).
Joe Pettibon
A report was not available.
Past President and Planning & Evaluation Committee Reports
Rick Renshaw
Rick discussed the meeting with the Senate Higher Education Committee. There was a good
amount of time for questions and answers. He had about 25 minutes with the committee – about
10 to present and 15 minutes for questions. They are interested in TASFAA’s position and what
they can introduce as pre-bills for the next session. Rick stated that he did let them know that we
will make some recommendations/positions for the legislature. We need to be involved in the
Rick discussed the EASFAA spring conference and stated that he was appointed as a NASFAA
Commission Director for next year. How do you transition into this new environment, how to
balance our budget, how do we provide meaningful products and do what we want to do in this
new environment were topics of discussion. There will be discussion on what NASFAA can do
the help state and regional associations. There are some associations that are struggling
because they don’t have reserves as they had relied on vendor support. Financial stability is a
concern for the associations. Rick discussed the survey on credentialing and a good response
was received. The national association is divided on their thoughts on credentialing. Good things
came out of the survey and he is hopeful that training options will be a priority.
Past Presidents Report
May 2010 Board Meeting
Arlington, Texas
In April, I was invited back to the state capitol by the Texas Senate Higher Education Committee to reprise
the presentation on federal aid programs that was presented to the House Higher Ed Committee in
February. The senate hearing was quite a bit more structured and we were put on a timer to limit the
presentation time. However, there was quite a bit of dialog after the presentation. So, in addition to the ten
minute presentation, I had another fifteen minutes of question and answers. It is my impression that the
committee is very interested in TASFAA’s position on several issues expected to come up in the next
session. They are looking for some help right now in suggestions for legislation that could be introduced.
This is a great window of opportunity for our association.
This past weekend I was in Connecticut at the site of the EASFAA spring conference. I have been
appointed as a NASFAA commission director for this next year. Laurie Wolf, NASFAA Chair-elect,
Justin Draeger, the newly selected NASFAA President, and the two other commission directors, Susan
Murphy and Dino Koff, met to complete the selection of NASFAA committee members and plan for the
next year. With the passing of the HCERA this past spring, the profession can move forward beyond the
discussions of FFEL vs. FDL. One of the issues that we discussed was how could NASFAA help the state
and regional associations address the issues with their financial stability in this new paradigm. This will be
discussed at the next NASFAA board meeting and it is possible that some sort of summit or leadership
meeting with state and regional association leaders may be set up at the Denver conference.
Treasurer’s Report
Tia Clary
Tia stated that the informational return has been filed – similar to a tax return – we are not
required to file a tax return. She discussed the audit report. We had a clean audit. This covers
our fiscal year beginning Nov 1st – Oct 31, 2009. She discussed using cash from investments to
help with expenses from the last two conferences. At the end of the fiscal year, we had about
$73,000 in cash. Karen questioned the two conferences expenses occurring in the same fiscal
year and Tia did state that it was just a timing issue. Rick stated that two years ago we did not
know until after the conference but this year we had notice of the additional expenses. She also
discussed the association’s investments. Ending balance of investments was approximately
$252,000. Joe asked what the other expenses included. Tia stated that credit card fees,
database (ATAC) fees, stipends, etc were probably included in this line item (non-committee
expenses). Carolyn asked Tia to provide information to the Newsletter Committee for the annual
Tia passed out a Budget vs. Actual and Balance Sheet reports. She went over each report. We
are currently operating at a loss. Tia and Carolyn visited last week and Tia moved funds from
investments in the amount of $9000 to cover the deficit. Carolyn asked if there were any
outstanding payments from last year’s fall conference. Tia and Rick have several that they are
still working on. Tia stated that we may be short in the NAOW line item by approximately $45000. She discussed that Membership Dues will increase as fall conference registration rolls
around. Karen asked if there has been a comparison of who has not paid. Carolyn stated that
the Membership Committee report will cover this. Joe thought there might be a dozen who are
still outstanding. Revenue expectations may be short approximately $15,000-20,000. Caren
stated that credit card processing fees have gone up. Tia discussed possibly reducing committee
budgets. Training will be over budget because of the hotel costs. Room costs were high
because many did not want to share a room and we only charged $100 more for a single room.
Rick stated that it is still better to have the expenses and receive a benefit. Carolyn asked about
reducing committee expenses as she felt there was a reason for the budget amount. Karen
thought the committee funds were specific to the committee’s use and then there was another
line item for administrative expenses. The asset page does not include investments that Gary will
discuss in his report. Caren asked if the checking account included the $9000 that was moved
from investments and Tia confirmed. Carolyn asked about the CD’s and when they mature. Tia
stated that there are three available. The closest one’s maturity date is October 2010 with a
value of approximately $8400, the next matures in January 27, 2011 for $10,000 and the third
comes due in October 2011 for $15,000. We could cash those out and pay a penalty.
Committee expenses and July board meeting are pending between now and October. NAOW is
the only other expense that are still being processed.
Tia stated that we have two action items – address the need for liquidity (cash in CD’s or work
with Gary on recommendations regarding cash flow needs through the investments) and
completing a resolution for Rodgers Capital so that they can move forward as our broker. Gary
stated that a resolution is needed to allow the treasurer and president to sign for funds from the
money market account.
Carolyn asked if we need to adjust the budget. Tia did not think this was necessary. She stated
that information might need to be provided to the auditors at the end of the year. Karen asked if
we could go ahead with Gary’s report so that we could visit about these issues in length.
Joe asked if there was a minimum amount that she likes to carry in the bank account. Tia stated
that she would feel better if there was at least $10,000 in the bank account. Carolyn stated that
she had asked Tia to be prepared to write a check to the hotel and that is why funds were
needed. Carolyn stated that we are going to need some additional funding with NAOW and
Board meeting expenses.
Tia stated that Devon indicated that she would be short about $8000. Carolyn asked about those
who got scholarships and would that indicate that we are even further over budget. Karen stated
that we would take in about $33,000. She is looking at comparing revenue vs. actual expenses.
Tia agreed with Gary that we need to liquidate the CD’s first and put the funds in savings that
could earn about the same as the CD’s would. Joe stated that we would not need to liquidate
them all right now. Tia stated that they are difficult to cash in so it might be best to do them all at
the same time. Tia stated that we would not need to give Gary any further directions and that we
could wait until July to give him additional guidance. Karen discussed current expenses that we
have. Carolyn stated that we would have about $15,000 in cash after Gary sell’s the funds as
motioned at the last meeting. Tia stated that we had $20,000 in the bank and we need $13000
for NAOW plus $3500 for the board meeting. This would leave us about $18000 to get through
the summer. Carolyn asked what we need to do to adjust the budget. Tia stated that she would
not change it at this time. Plans change and we need to keep an eye the budget. Carolyn asked
if there were any action items for Tia and she stated that we did not need anything since we took
care of the resolution with Gary and gave him the information to liquidate the funds per the last
board meeting. Carolyn stated that we have the CD’s to fall back on if needed. Joe stated that
we need to visit with the committee chairs on what we need to do from this point further and that if
we need to do things differently we communicate it now. Direction is needed now if changes are
needed. Caren stated that you might go line item by line item to see where the holes might be.
Joe asked what needed to be communicated to the committees who are already overspent. Rick
stated that the PAC report will address some of these issues and that they knew it would take a 3
year transition because of the large contracts that were in place earlier. Carolyn stated that next
year’s conference contract needs to be worked on. Rick thinks they will work with us and allow
us to release the convention center that would allow them to book it with someone else. Tia
suggested that Carolyn follow up with the committee chairs as to their expectations and what our
expectations are and present that to us in July. Carolyn thinks that our revenue is the biggest
factor. Many committees have not used funds and we already cut their budget. This year we
were trying to stop the blood flow due to the loss of income from vendors. Anne has a good
handle on the money and is being as responsible as possible. They are working on making the
conference as self sufficient as possible. They are talking about putting the presentations online
so that we can save on printing. Alan is working on a site for the fall conference so that they can
register for each meal so that will help us with the numbers and food cost. They are going to
push staying at the conference hotel. All other committees’ budgets have been cut. Tia asked if
we have set pricing for the fall conference. She suggested that we adjust the fee to help with the
expenses. Carolyn is not sure they have a recommendation on the cost. They are working on
getting the registration site up and running. Carolyn stated that they are planning on having an
auction at the conference to help with the scholarship fund. Attendees will be asked to bring an
auction item to help raise scholarship funds. Amy asked if the cost for the conference will have to
be determined before the registration can be placed online. Carolyn will contact Anne about the
registration fee. Tia stated that we need to get a handle on what our cost will be so that we can
get a good idea on the registration fee. Henry asked about the number on the committee. Dana
stated that a large number is helpful. Karen agreed that a committee of 8 or 9 with a local
arrangements committee would be better. Karen also suggested that the trip that the committee
took to Houston would have been better if they went to Galveston to the conference hotel and
used some of the rooms. Karen is concerned about revenue stream and cost. She stated that
we can’t do things like we used to. Joe stated that unless we can adjust the fee to help with the
cost of the conference then the only other thing we can do is use investments again. He is
concerned about increasing the conference fee at the potential of losing attendees due to the
higher cost. Joe agreed that the revenue on the fall conference is where the funds need to come
from. The committee has control over the fee but not the room block. Joe suggested that we
adjust what we have control over. Karen asked what the contract looked like for this year.
Carolyn stated that the contract has been downsized twice. Dana mentioned that the conference
in Dallas had a great attendance but fell short on the rooms because of commuters. She stated
that commuters won’t be an issue in Galveston and Karen stated that attendance might be lower.
Karen asked if they were looking at the contract again for Arlington 2011 and Carolyn stated that
they are meeting with them again tomorrow after the board meeting. Dana stated that the food is
the biggest expense. She stated that other than printing, food was the largest expense. Carolyn
stated that changing the registration to ask about the meals might help with that expense. Karen
stated that if we don’t meet the food costs then we may have to pay for meeting rooms. Dana
stated that at the convention center they were able to set a cap on the number of plates and then
can increase the day of if needed. Karen stated that planning is an issue. She hopes that we
can get to a point where we can plan instead of reacting to the situation. Carolyn stated that we
have renegotiated the room block twice. Joe asked about the reduction. The October meeting
report states it was reduced from 900 to 800. Carolyn thought it was at 723 at this point. The
contract is at her office. Carolyn stated that they would start renegotiating the 2011 contract
tomorrow. Room blocks are 500 Hilton and 800 Sheraton in the 2011 contract. Rick stated that
they will work with the conference center on changing the contract. They think the Sheraton has
large enough conference rooms that we can meet there instead of the convention center. There
were 420 attendees last year. There were not very many vendors who signed up for the
conference. Carolyn stated that they will have to work on this for the 2011 conference since
commuters will be an issue again.
Balance Sheet
As of May 14, 2010
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Certificates of Deposit
Plains Capital Bank
Savings - Plains Capital Bank
Friday, May 14, 2010 12:14:54 PM GMT-5 - Cash Basis
Budget vs. Actuals: Fiscal Year 2010 - FY10 P&L
November 2009 - October 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010 11:50:56 AM GMT-5 - Cash Basis
ABC Workshop Fees
Fall Conference Fees - Current
Fall Conference Fees - Prior
$ 7,500.00
$ 132,750.00
$ 5,000.00
New Aid Officers Workshop Fees
Regional Training Fee
$ 40,000.00
$ 9,000.00
Membership Dues
$ 35,525.00
$ 43,750.00
Investment Income
Total Income
$ 76,256.02
$ 39,500.00
Board of Directors
Past President
President - Elect
Trailblazer Award
Stipend - Secretary
Stipend - Treasurer
President's Discretionary
Committee Expenses
Standing Committees
Fall Conference Committee
Finance Committee
Membership Committee
Nominations/Elections Committee
Training Committee
Ad Hoc Committees
Awareness/Partnership Development
Awards Committee
Communications Network Committee
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Mentoring, Leadership & Diversity Comm.
Newletter/Public Relations Comm.
Regional Training Committee
President's Advisory Council
Scholarship Committee
Site Selection Committee
Operational Expenses
Annual Report Printing
Database Services
Fall Conference - Current
Fall Conference - Prior
High School Partnership Training
Mack Adams Scholarship
Regional Training
Award Pins, Plaques and Cert.
Training - NAOW/ABC
Total Expenses
Net Income (Loss)
Secretary/Historian Report
$ 15,000.00
$ 2,000.00
$ 4,500.00
$ 4,000.00
$ 3,250.00
$ 2,400.00
$ 4,200.00
$ 12,000.00
$ 103,443.42
$ 2,500.00
$ 4,500.00
$ 20,000.00
$ 4,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 9,000.00
$ 3,700.00
$ 36,000.00
$ 248,600.00
$ (9,100.00)
$ 2,610.00
$ 3,441.82
$ 30,110.83
$ 1,926.51
$ 1,277.50
$ 35,678.42
Amy Hardesty
Amy presented the minutes. No corrections were needed. The minutes were accepted as
Partners Reports
Gary Rodgers
Gary asked if we would let him know our needs as we continue to discuss the association’s
shortfalls and what they need to do to assist us.
Gary started by stating his request to the board to move our services from ING to Williams
Financial Group. Gary will make a call and sell some investments to cover the check that was
written. Gary discussed our portfolio and their performance. Some of the funds are up after
some good recoveries. Gary stated that there is one fund that he would recommend that we sell
– UNG (natural gas). Natural gas has not been performing well. That one fund is down about
50% and we only had approximately $4900 invested. He recommends that we sell it at a value of
about $2648. He stated that our need to cover the check that was written would change his
recommendation to participate in a floating rate fund. He stated that we might want to visit this in
the future. He stated it is the best class to have when interest rates are rising. He stated that we
would postpone that until the July board meeting. Tia asked if we could liquidate some of the
bonds and move them into the floating rate fund. Gary stated that we have kept the bond rate
short. If the interest rate goes up, the government raises our value so that we don’t lose
purchasing power. Tia asked if we had to liquidate what funds would he recommend that we sell.
Gary stated that we would sell some equities if needed. Gary stated that they will work with us on
the timing of when cash is needed. Joe asked if we had pulled any more funding out of
investments other than the $9000. Tia did not believe we had. Carolyn thought we had moved
something back in February. Gary stated that this move would put $2600 more in money market.
Tia stated that we can give him our projections and they would reposition the funds and Gary
confirmed. Carolyn asked if we could follow through on the motion that was made at the last
board meeting. The motion was not communicated to Gary. It was confirmed that Gary could
follow the last motion. Joe asked that we see the resolution before we make a motion and take a
vote. Carolyn asked if we need to do anything for Gary. He will just need direction as to our
needs. Joe asked if it would be better to pay the penalty on the CD’s. Gary stated that it would
be best to use investments first and use the CD’s if needed. Joe asked if we update the
signature card each year. Tia confirmed.
Karen made a motion that the board give authorization to the president and
treasurer to sign for changes on behalf of TASFAA. Henry seconded. Motion
Jane Caldwell and Lyn Kinyon
Jane visited about the budget cuts at the state level and current cuts were to be 5%. They have
been visiting with the Legislature about excluding financial aid programs from the budget cuts.
Some cuts were made but coming up with a budget cut this year was not feasible since funds had
already been allocated. Jane discussed the importance of keeping financial aid funds flowing but
the cuts are large that need to take place. If they receive a bye in the fund cutting, then they will
send out an additional allocation notice. The CB has the chance to provide a request for
appropriated funds and it would not be a surprised if we see a 10% cut in the next biennium.
Now is not the time to cut funding as many are returning to school. There is a lot of competition
for funds. As soon as a final answer is available the CB will share it with us.
Jane also visited about BOT and asked that we use it to help students. There are funds available
to help students. She stated that they cannot use these funds to meet the request to cut the
financial aid budget. There are many in Austin who are passionate about the BOT program.
Private institutions funding comes from appropriations and public institutions funds come from set
aside and appropriations. There are funds available if additional funds are needed.
Priority model for TEXAS Grant was also discussed. In fall 1999, the program targeted the funds
to students who completed the recommended curriculum. That was about 50% of the students at
that time. Currently, most meet this requirement which has caused this program to be
underfunded. Adding a higher academic preparation requirement would put the program back to
where we were at the start of the program. There are some who think TEXAS Grant should be
used to help all students go to college. There is a proposal that would include additional
requirements – graduating in the top 30% of the class, 3.0 gpa, certain number of college credit
or scores on ACT/SAT. This would allow you to qualify for the priority group. If all of the funds
were used to meet the needs of the priority group, then those that meet the recommended
curriculum would not receive funds. If you did not use all of the funds for priority students, then
you could fund those students who did meet the required curriculum. There were concerns that
this would mean funds would move from one school to another but that would not be the case.
The school would keep their allocation to help their students. It is still up in the air as to whether
this will go forward. None of this can change without a change in the legislation to the TEXAS
Grant statute. The EFC cap is also an issue as many of those who meet the requirements might
not meet the EFC requirement. The hope is that by increasing the upfront requirements the
student would be better prepared to graduate. The argument is that those who are in this group
would most likely complete their degree. The leadership at the CB believes this is a good idea.
Graduation and success is a priority. It can send a message that those who receive and
graduate will be a motivational for their community. Karen stated that there are some high
schools that are moving away from ranking even though there is a need to rank for the Top 10%
and she is not sure how this group made this decision. She also stated that students who are
successful for four years may limit the funding for new students. Her concern is that funds will be
committed to current students and not new students. Jane did mention that funding would need
to increase to help with new students in the program. Jane also mentioned that a problem with
TEXAS Grant is the rapid increase in tuition and fees. The program tries to cover the full cost.
She visited about making TEXAS Grant similar to TEG which would allow the institution to set the
maximum and give some flexibility in the award amount. Carolyn asked about test scores being
used to determine eligibility and her concern for community colleges that do not require scores for
admissions. Jane stated that the new requirements would apply to students entering universities
not junior/community colleges. Karen stated that it would be confusing to students who are
comparing schools since there would be two different criterion used to determine eligibility for the
program. Jane stated that there has been a lot of discussion about the changes. The
commissioner believes that by raising the bar that students perform better. Another proposal
coming from the CB is that formula funding may be affected by completion rates so that
institutions are being incentivized to hang on to students.
The CB is hoping to go forward with some proposed changes with TEOG. A student can’t get a
TEOG if they are eligible for TEXAS Grant. They are hoping to get this changed since funding is
an issue. TEOG also limits funds to new students and they are hoping to change this so that
students returning to school to retool or learn new skills will be eligible as well.
CAL loan funds are still available. The interest rate is 6% fixed. The variable rate is not longer
available. The CB would like us to share how conversion to Direct Lending is going.
Top 10% Program - Eligible recipients submit by August 1st and no later than August 10th – initial
recipients. You can include renewal students. Renewal requirements are very stiff – complete 30
semester credit hours and have a 3.25 gpa. Funding would be available towards the end of
August. If a student is a duplicate on more than one schools report, the school will have to work
together like you do with Pell to see where the funds need to be sent. Renewal deadline is
September 10th. You will have until September 30th to take care of duplicates and to complete
verification. Duplicate reporting was a huge issue and they are trying to clear these up quicker
this next year. All of the funds will be issued in the fall. Rick asked if they are recommending
additional funding to the next legislature. Jane stated that they would recommend additional
funding for TEXAS Grant, TEOG and possibly TEG. The Top 10% Scholarship does not have
support of a statute and it would to have a statute passed that gives support for the eligibility
requirements that have been negotiated with the legislature so that funding can be put into place.
Net Price Calculator – Lyn is working to help get the product in final form. She is helping with the
wording so that students/parents will better understand what they are reading. There is one glitch
that is being corrected. This product does meet the federal guidelines. State institutions are
required to participate in the state’s net price calculator. They are working on making the state’s
HEOA compliant.
Rick asked about the BOT loan and the issue with the new truth in lending act. He stated that if it
was worded as a conditional grant (instead of a loan) that it might be one item that TASFAA might
want to put into a position for approval. He asked if the CB legal team has checked on this. This
would make the program better. Jane stated that it would be good if everyone is on the same
page – ICUT, CB, TASFAA, etc. Karen stated she hated to call it a grant if it would be a loan.
Taxable aid during the year it is awarded would be better for the student than a lump sum taxable
income after graduating. Jane will bring that back to the CB for consideration.
Ed asked about the TEXAS Grant drug question. Jane stated that there was a statement that
might require random drug testing. She does not foresee that it would go away. She is not sure
why we focus on drug felonies. Karen stated that we don’t want to see financial aid funds used to
purchase drugs. Jane stated that if you open it up to change there might be more changes that
we did not expect.
Rick stated that TASFAA has four issues that they will focus on – BOT, TEOG/TEXAS Grant,
Drug Question in line with federal requirements, Priority Model. Rick asked Jane if there were
other issues that would be helpful for TASFAA to focus on. Jane stated another issue would be
that exemptions programs have an academic progress requirement and that the loop hole that
let’s use an exemption to get around penalties for excess drops and excess hours be closed. If
you have a student who has taken 40 hours beyond the degree requirements, the college no
longer gets formula funding and the school can then pass this cost on to the student by
increasing tuition up to the non-resident rate. If you have an exemption from tuition, you still end
up paying it. It doesn’t impact the student at all. The CB does not want to do it with a waiver
because they are a different animal. They know the priority model is complex. The state is not
opposed to changing the drug question to match the federal questions. There are minor changes
to Hazelwood. You can live in Oklahoma and receive Hazelwood if they are doing distance
learning. It was not intended to be given to those out of state. They have had questions from
grandparents regarding giving the benefit to grandchildren.
Vickie Tanner
Vickie stated that TG is alive and well. They will be around after July 1st and will continue to
provide customer service. They are working on expanding their services. They have created a
webpage to assist schools in the transition to DL. The website contains contact information for
Department of Education and templates of letters to students, parents, press releases, etc. There
is also a timeline. LBW and lender fact sheets will be suspended on June 25, 2010. AdvanTG
will be available for the life of the loan to allow for adjustments through June 2011. Joe asked if it
would be available after June 2011 and Vickie stated that they have not made a commitment to
be available after that date. TG has been working with lenders and providing guidance on the
transition. She went over what TG is still working on – IDA, exit counseling, IBR training,
attending rallies and trainings. She discussed the TG conference. April 27-29, 2011 will be the
date for TG’s next conference. Rick asked how things were coming with TG working on
information for the legislature. Vickie did not have an update on it but does know it is being
worked on. Rick asked about Default Aversion Services action that was taken at the last board
meeting. Vickie said there were some things in the works but she did not have details on how
this process will be implemented. Joe thanked TG for putting additional funding into the Wootan
Grant. Karen asked when a decision would be made for a plan to be put in place for AdvanTG
web. Joe asked how many are using the product to process private loans. Karen stated that it
would be helpful to know by January if AdvanTG would be available for the next year. Joe asked
how many would be interested in paying for this service. Caren stated that there may be many
schools that will need this service and schools may not be aware of the date that the product will
not be available. Caren stated that ELM is changing things and it might be a benefit to others to
use AdvanTG. CB loans process is also been a benefit for processing and receiving funds
through AdvanTG. Vickie thanked everyone for the feedback.
May 14, 2010
Vickie Tanner
TG Report
TG has a $32 billion FFELP portfolio and will continue to provide the same high-quality services for its
borrowers, schools, and lenders that customers have come to expect from TG.
TG’s commitment to our customers:
• TG will continue to provide life-of-the-loan support for loans guaranteed by TG and first
disbursed by June 30, 2010.
• TG will provide transition assistance
• TG continues to expand our services in key areas of need in higher education that include:
– College access and success
– Financial Literacy
– Default Aversion
– Industry Training
TG Transition Assistance:
 TG Online webpage (accessible from home page) outlines “Resources to assist schools in
switching federal student loan programs”:
o Resources pertaining to the conclusion of FFELP – i.e. TG FFELP guarantee processing;
Private loan processing; Helpful reports and resources;
o Federal Direct Loan Program resources – i.e. COD link & #; Patrick Kennedy video
from TG Conference;
o Questions and Answers
Webinars were held 5/11 and 5/12 with 34 participants/53 registrants - “Concluding FFELP
Originations– TG Guarantee Processing and Products”. Webinars covered highlights from TG
annual training sessions and topics in Shoptalk 551, published 4/27:
o Guarantee and disbursement processing considerations
o Continued FFELP loan processing
o Private loan processing
o Timeline for FFELP conclusion
(TASFAA Board Handout)
o TG product participant highlights
o Transition from TG to FDLP
o Helpful reports, tips, and resources
Shoptalk 553 was published on 5/11 including details about reallocations,
Returns, reinstatements, and resources that can help school’s FDLP transition.
TG is working with lenders to provide operational guidance for the conclusion of FFELP but
encouraging schools and lenders to communicate about specific lender schedules related to
conclusion of FFELP disbursements.
TG participated in DOE training conducted by Raul Galvan at UT San Antonio on May 4, 2010.
Laura Kowalski, TG, presented the Federal Update; Additional topics were Pell and direct loan
processing. About 12 area schools attended.
TG Account Executives:
 are providing exit counseling assistance in TX and IL, CA
 are providing IDA, IBR and List Assist training to schools
 attended rallies and trainings and regional association conferences (KS, OK, ID, TN, NC)
 participated in the National Association of College Admission Counselors Meeting
(35 states, 16,000 students & families)
TG Conference
Overall Attendance – 209/254 registered; 177(85%) schools;16(7.5%) lenders; 16 other; Due to
market conditions, attendance has consistently dropped since our max of 700 in 2006
Overall TG Conference Evaluations
 Overall TG Conference rating - 4.34; excellent in spite of the industry climate; Due
to industry impact on planning and conference attendance;
 Responses from 68 or 32% of 209 attendees; 54/81% schools; 10/14% lenders; 3/4%
other; Overall customers are very appreciative of the conference, training, and services
that TG provides;
 Opening Keynote/Dan Thurman – 4.66
 Cyber Café – 4.5
 Closing Speaker/Kathryn Childers – 4.3
 Hotel and Facilities (AV challenge) – 4.81
 Most valuable sessions/events – 58 positive comments, most mentions about the DE and
Pell, DL transition, Default sessions; next group mentioned several times: keynote,
private loans, FAMS; many more honorable mentions;
 Suggestions for future trainings – 40 comments with several parking cost complaints and
requests for more time for the Pell and THECB sessions; several requests for more small
forums & best practice networking opportunities, and for PPTs; other specific requests;
Breakout Session Evaluations tabulated and shared with speakers & moderators
 Analysis of Breakout Session Ratings:
1 session rated an overall 5 – ListAssist
 46 sessions earned 4 ratings representing 87% of sessions
6 sessions rated 3-3.9 - only 11% of sessions
 Attendance - Breakout attendance averaged 27/session (max 90/91 at the DL Servicer and
2nd Gearing Up session; Attendance at the 2 DE general sessions averaged 163;
 Received session evaluations from 48% of breakout session attendees; 9% of the
general session attendees;
2011 conference planned for same AT&T venue – April 27-29th
FYI – Events
 Coordinating TG’s participation at the NASFAA conference, July 18-21 in Denver, CO
 7 training events scheduled in May
o Know Who You Owe webinars - May 6
o Concluding FFELP Originations Webinars May 11 and May 12
o Prof Judgment webinars - May 20
o West Texas DA Training – May 20
o East NM Regional training – May 20
o Central NM Regional training – May 21
o Kennesaw State Regional training – May 26
 Upcoming events
o Q3 TG Lenders School Advisory Meeting at TG – May 27
o ATLE Annual Meeting at TG – June 15
o Council for the Management of Education Finance at TG – June 26
Amanda Stephens
Carolyn asked if there were any questions for ATLE based upon the submitted report. No further
questions were raised other than those discussed yesterday during Carolyn’s report.
ATLE Report – TASFAA Board Meeting
May 18, 2010
Early on this year, the ATLE board decided not to dissolve the organization, and we stand by that decision
despite passage of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. We feel the valuable
partnerships built over the years through ATLE’s involvement in the industry should not be discarded
lightly. The Texas financial aid community has long been known for its collaborative efforts and
achievements, and ATLE aims to continue that friendship with TASFAA.
Since the last TASFAA board meeting, ATLE has been preparing for the future of the organization while
maintaining our commitment to Texas students. In April, ATLE made a donation to Mapping Your Future
(MYF) in support of their continued efforts to educate students effectively through various entrance and
exit counseling services. We know that many schools in Texas prefer MYF’s products, and we want to
help make sure these products and services continue to be funded for the next year.
As of this month, ATLE has joined the Texas Association of Non Profit Organizations (TANO). We are
very excited about this new partnership as it benefits both the organization and our individual members
through informative webinars, legislative updates, free grant writing assistance, newsletters, etc. TANO is
a respected resource for non profits, and we hope to benefit from their expertise as we adapt.
In lieu of an annual conference, ATLE will host a one day workshop on Tuesday, June 15 th at TG in Round
Rock. The annual business meeting will also be held this day. Speakers include Jim Holt from Credit
Union Student Choice to discuss the changing private loan environment, Lee Donner from Student Loan
Finance Group, First Southwest to address the fluctuations in capital markets, and Mary Beth Harrington of
TANO will discuss building community partnerships and assets. If you are interested in attending, please
contact me, and I will send you more information. You will likely hear more updates from ATLE in the
coming weeks as the board and membership revise current bylaws and evaluate future objectives.
Thank you,
Amanda Stephens (formerly Amanda Dickinson…I got married in March!)
ATLE President
Carol McDonald
A report was not available.
Mike Novak
Mike discussed 100% Direct Loan. He encouraged everyone to watch IFAP for training
opportunities. Customer service has expanded their services to help everyone in the transition
process. The DL website lists instructions for transitioning.
Two Pell Grants in an Award Year will help summer students. Who will be eligible – accelerated
student – if the first Pell award is used, then moved to the second. Joe asked about reconciliation
and what year the funds will be reconciled with. Funds and award year must match. Payment
period may include awards from both first and second award. Karen asked if this would help
eliminate POP situations and Mike stated that it should. Caren asked a question about
acceleration. Mike stated if you use 10-11 funds all rules apply. Mike stated if they paid out of
09-10 then the acceleration is taken out. Caren discussed a policy that states you will use 09-10
then you will pay with the highest Pell award, she asked are you then subject to acceleration. If
summer is paid out of 10-11, that would be first payment out of the first award so acceleration
does not apply. Mike talked about the definition of an academic year. He also discussed the
cross over payment period. Must assign it to one award year, have a valid ISIR for the assigned
year, and may be a different award year for Pell than other Title IV aid. Summer term – full time
equals 12 hours.
Cohort Default Rates- Mike discussed the 2 Year and 3 Year cohort default rate. The threshold
for the cohort default rate has increased since the number of years has increased (25% to 30%).
IRS Data Retrieval – FAFSA on the web filers can retrieve IRS information. Mike discussed the
flags that indicate IRS information was retrieved. Karen asked if Mike knew what was being
considered in neg reg for verification. She stated that the number of verifications has increased
considerably. Carolyn stated that 42% were selected for verification and Karen thought theirs
was about the same. Joe stated that he thought that the 30% would be going away. Joe stated
that they are going to target errors like household size and number in college. They are going to
target the verification based upon flags.
ACG and SMART are going away after the 10-11 year. Mike reminded us about using
Professional Judgment.
Mike is retiring as of Friday. The training officers in the Dallas office are there to help us. He
mentioned that there are some openings within the Department of Education.
Joe asked about the Perkins Loan. Mike stated that it was business as usual for the next year.
Standing Committee Reports
Fall Conference
Anne Walker
Carolyn spoke with Anne last night and they were still planning for a registration fee of $295.
Carolyn based her budget on 450 attendees. Several board members are concerned with this
number won’t be realized. Carolyn will get with Anne on the cost and attendance estimates and
email the board further information for approval. Carolyn mentioned an additional product that
was purchased from ATAC regarding conference materials and registration – conference mini site
for events management. The cost was about $200. Rick suggested that the additional fee be
charged to the conference committee budget. Tia asked what the site will do for us. Carolyn
stated that this product allows for the handouts to be posted online and request meal plans for the
conference. Conference theme is Charting a New Course. Hotel information is also listed on this
site. Reporting tools are also available from this site.
TASFAA 2010 Fall Conference Volunteer Member Notes
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Rice University, Lovett Hall, Founder’s Room
Jan Abasolo, Phillip Applebaum, Caite Blount, Wally Boudet, Valerie Bustillos, Vincent
Carales, Casey Creel, Leticia Gallegos, Caroline Hernandez, Jeneen Holmes, Carolyn
Jones, Donna King, Marisela Maldonado, Lynda McKendree, Marcos Mendez, Scott
Moore, Christina Palacios, Beth Reid, Cathy Wright Texas, Anne Walker, Debra
Wilkison, Jason Young.
Connie Castillo, Irma Chapa, Keith Dickson, Vicki Jacobs, Diana Stout
Call to Order/Member Introductions
Anne opened meeting in sharing some history of Rice’s campus.
Volunteer members introduced themselves.
Approximately 1/3 of members served on committee in previous year.
President’s Remarks
Carolyn Jones was present and provided an insight as to how she envisions the conference.
It was expressed that she hopes for the conference to provide opportunity for members to walk
away refreshed and that an event to be planned will be one that people will talk about afterwards.
Conference Details
TASFAA this year will take place October 6-8 in Galveston.
Suggested that surveys be consistent. Committee had noticed that surveys from last year had
some ranked 1 through 5 (with 5 being good rating and 1 being negative) and others ranked 5
through 1 (with 1 being good rating and 5 being negative). There was a survey that had been
ranked negatively, but had good comments of presentation. Committee felt that may have
occurred due to inconsistent ranking.
2010 Theme was opened for ideas. Volunteer members voted for “Charting a New Course” to be
the theme.
Conference to take place at Galveston Convention Center. With primary hotel for conference to
be the Hilton and the San Luis as a spillover site option.
Food subcommittee will review menu options to choose selections.
Members discussed importance of options for food choices for those who may be vegetarian, have
food allergies, etc.
Anne suggested that Local Arrangements subcommittee and Food subcommittee go down to
Galveston to view the area in advance.
Entertainment ideas were discussed (pirates, Mardi Gras, masquerade ball, beach party, and Vegas
night). The committee decided to opt for the cruise ship idea so that the different ideas could be
incorporated into several smaller theme-like areas of the ideas proposed. In addition, the
committee felt that the cruise ship idea would better flow with the conference theme “Charting a
New Course”.
Conference details not yet available on conference section of TASFAA site, but dates had been
mentioned in February TASFAA newsletter.
Anne suggested that Registration subcommittee should be in charge of getting registration online,
but Wally Boudet said he did not recall Registration doing that in previous year.
Carolyn then told Cathleen Wright Texas to send information to her via website.
Next TASFAA newsletter will come out April 2nd. Anne said that Local Arrangements
subcommittee will need to get something to Melet.
Anne briefly mentioned about conference food options for breakfast.
Committee members brainstormed for ideas to better obtain a clearer number of attendees that
may attend food sessions.
Some members suggested that food tickets be issued in registration packets.
Some members suggested that something could be placed on conference badge to identify if
attendee had selected food session.
In the end the committee members determined that would be too hard to monitor.
Anne said she has all signage. Registration subcommittee will need papers to insert into signage.
Wally suggested format online program so that attendees can print own (could save approximately
$500 for TASFAA organization).
Carolyn suggested 2-3 page session description on paper be placed in registration packets.
Anne suggested that agenda be a pocket guide with map on cardstock paper (perhaps glossy
depending on costs).
Someone mentioned that a printer could be used for name tags on-site. They mentioned that for
previous conference that a printer was borrowed from business center at hotel for a fee. Cathleen
suggested TASFAA purchase a printer so that can be used in future conferences to cut costs.
Anne suggested Local Arrangements subcommittee to work on audio/visual (i.e. printer setup for
registration including paper).
To cut costs it was suggested that presenters bring their own handouts or provide to TASFAA in
advance so that they may be placed online.
Attendee gifts were mentioned. Committee said that in previous year that pad folio had been
provided to attendees. Other suggestions were beach towels and bottles for beverages. In the end
the committee seemed to lean towards the idea of pad folios again since they allow convenience
for taking notes and carry paperwork.
Anne said that additional people may be asked to cover registration desk depending on volume.
It was suggested that vendors could provide information of document imaging and private
collection programs. It was also suggested that College Board could possibly be asked to be
presenter or vendor.
The committee is aiming for about 25 booths. In prior years number had been over 100, but with
changes in the lending industry and loan programs that number has decreased.
A couple of session proposals mentioned were of net price calculator requirement (state vs. federal
requirements) and also tax sessions. Tax sessions proposed to be either by Jim Briggs (more so
for IM methodology schools) or an IRS agent (as this had been done in SWASFAA free). The
mention of costs came up. In the end it was proposed that an IRS agent can do a basic session that
could provide knowledge for all schools and that Jim Briggs could do a more detailed session for
IM methodology schools.
Cathleen mentioned several other suggested sessions. At present 17 slotted sessions suggested
and six breakout sessions.
Anne suggested that Cathleen send out list of necessary sessions to listserv and then ask for
feedback from listserv for suggestions and other ideas.
Casey Creel suggested session regarding preferred lender requirements. Casey and Cathleen
suggested TG, ELM Great Lakes, or schools that use those platforms could perhaps do a session
about private loans.
Someone suggested session on doing more with less.
Direct Loan reconciliation session suggested by Anne.
Conference Details/Timelines
Anne said that individual committees can email her with general timeline.
Suggested a phone conference call once or twice and can rejoin in summer to finalize details.
Anne mentioned that free rooms are for conference committee members. She suggested that Jim
Briggs be provided with a free room.
Hilton hotel lobby and conference rooms have free internet, but the guestrooms do not have free
internet (but can get for an additional fee).
Registration subcommittee will need a room to setup packets and store items during day.
Breakouts with Subcommittees
Subcommittees split up to discuss details of tasks and next steps for areas to review/address to
progress towards getting information setup.
Next Steps/Meetings
Conference call proposed for middle of May.
Meeting proposed for end of June for committee to meet again.
TASFAA 2010 Fall Conference Volunteer Member Notes
Monday, May 17, 2010
Conference Call
Jan Abasolo, Casey Creel, Leticia Gallegos, Caroline Hernandez, Jeneen Holmes,
Marisela Maldonado, Lynda McKendree, Marcos Mendez, Scott Moore, Anne Walker,
Debra Wilkison, Jason Young.
Connie Castillo, Irma Chapa, Keith Dickson, Vicki Jacobs, Diana Stout, Phillip
Applebaum, Caite Blount, Wally Boudet, Valerie Bustillos, Vincent Carales, Carolyn
Jones, Donna King, Christina Palacios, Beth Reid, Cathy Wright
Local Arrangments:
Jan, Anne, Jeneen, Phillip and Mari went to Galveston on May 6 th to meet about facilities and food. Food
selections were made although we thought the food seemed expensive, they stated the prices are not much
different than when TASFAA was there three years ago.
At this point, we will probably not use the Exhibit Hall as we only have about 15 confirmed vendors but
will set up in the hall in front of the Exhibit Hall.
Hotel information is available on the TASFAA website
Scott has had contact with Tamara Lewis as our keynote. She does not charge for her keynote but does
distribute a James Avery Catalog. Her talk is called “Charting Your Own Course” which would fit in
nicely with the conference theme of “Charting a New Course.”
Tamara will do her talk for the committee and we’ll decide at that time if we should use her or use a paid
speaker. Scott has priced paid speakers at $3500 to $7500.
The Galveston Convention Center has contacts for a Casino Night that Mari will send to Scott. Also, Scott
knows of some bands to play classic rock. Ronnie Barnes has been tapped to do an auction. We weren’t
sure if that would fit in with the evening event or it might be done in conjunction with the president’s
Jeneen and Caroline were going to check with Wally and Alan Ahmad about why the conference
registration was not up yet on the TASFAA web page. The group decided to go ahead and get the neck
wallets although they are more expensive this year. Since the group decided not to do a large publication,
the money saved there can go towards the neck wallets. Gifts still need to be decided upon.
Lynda reported that we had 20 sessions filled with the idea that we need 36 slots to fill. She will be
checking with Cathleen to see if we can reduce the number of sessions as well as have longer breaks. The
committee paid for a site for presenters to use when submitting their sessions, however, that site is still not
up. Our hope is that once that site is up, we will get more presenters.
When we met at the Galveston Convention Center on May 6th, Phillip said that we only have 15 vendors
confirmed. Casey didn’t they had actually made contact with the vendors yet. At this point, we know
vendor participation will be substantially less than it was a year ago. One thought Phillip shared was
getting people outside the industry to participate. In other words, people selling things like jewelry, etc.
The Vendor committee will work on that.
Joe Pettibon
A report was not available.
Lynn Barnes
Carolyn reviewed Lynn’s report. Carolyn had hoped for 250 members and based her budget on
this number. Lynn has worked hard to increase the numbers – 8 new members were added. Ed
asked what the most number of members we have had. Karen stated that we need to look at
school members only. Joe thinks the numbers are pretty good excluding proprietary schools.
Mike asked if Lynn had contacted schools to find out why they are not participating. Joe stated
that most had indicated that they would renew. Carolyn was pleased with the increase in
members. Rick stated that 2005 there were 180 voting members. Rick stated that the numbers
started falling after 2007. In 2008, we had 117 voting and 34 associate members. Joe stated
that many members are renewing earlier instead of waiting on the fall conference.
Lynn Barnes, Jr.
Chair, Membership Committee
May 3, 2010
Membership Committee Report
The membership committee is pleased to report that membership renewals keeping coming, although it has
slowed down compared to the fall. We are now close to the membership we had last year, and with the
commitments made via the phone campaign, we should exceed last year’s numbers. Here are the numbers
for this year.
211 (11 are pending payment) institutions have renewed their membership. (Last year there were
213 total institutions with memberships).
30 institutions (all types) have not renewed yet – 11 of the 30 are schools.
8 of the 211 memberships this year are new members.
About 6 institutions who have been called have expressed intent to renew, but no action has
transpired. Follow-up continues.
The membership committee has primarily focused on two groups: those whose memberships expired in
2009 and those that expired in 2008 or 2007. The schools were called and emailed, resulting in 21
institutions renewing their membership and 4 institutions who are brand new members. Much of the
information in the database is either incorrect or missing, so quite a bit of research on the internet was
needed in order to complete the task.
The membership committee will continue working the list of institutions pending payment as well as those
who have expressed interest in renewing. To committee continues work to identify other organizations
interested in TASFAA membership.
Nominations & Elections
Caren Stewart
Caren reviewed her report with the board. She reviewed her timeline and stated that the
nominations opened yesterday. She has already received a few responses. During the week of
June 7th, the committee will review the candidates and then have a phone conference with the
board for approval. The elections site will open by 7/12 so that results can be available for the
July board meeting. She asked that the board encourage those in our area to nominate or decide
to run for a position. Dana, Mike, Laurie, Henry, Richard and Sharon are in their first year on the
board. Carolyn stated that last year we were late getting started and had a low participation rate.
We also ran into multiple candidates from the same school. It was hard to fill the ballot. Carolyn
encouraged us to help secure nominations so the association can vote. Rick stated that this
committee normally has a member from each region so that they can go out and request
nominations from their area. Rick stated that she might be able to recruit a few other members
for her committee especially since Tina left. Caren agrees and will do that. Carolyn stated that it
is important that we get a good slate. Carolyn stated that the wording might be changed to state
that they are nominating for Treasurer – Elect. Joe asked if she had gotten any responses. She
had not checked since the nomination site just opened last night.
Report from
TASFAA Nominations and Elections Committee
Committee members:
Don Buehrer
Valdez Belen
Caren Stewart
The committee has lost one member; Tina Chargois, she is no longer employed with University of
The committee needs to obtain nominations for the following open positions for the 2010-11 year:
1- President-Elect (serves as President-Elect for 2010-11, President for 2011-12 and Past-President for
2012-13) The President-Elect assists the President and prepares for his or her term of office.
1- Treasurer (serves as Treasurer-Elect for 2010-11, then Treasurer for 2011-12 and 2012-13) The
Treasurer is a non-voting member of the Board elected for a two year term. The Treasurer oversees and
manages the Association’s financial matters.
1- Secretary/Historian (serves two year term) The Secretary is a non-voting member of the Board and is
elected by the voting membership. The Secretary also serves as the scribe for the Association and the
Historian responsible for the Association archives.
5- At Large Board Members (serve two-year term).
Board members are responsible to attend all board meetings and recognize and uphold all fiduciary
responsibility vested in the Board.
An email was sent to the membership on May 4th informing them of the positions. Nominations should be
open in approximately two weeks, depending on any further delays from the flooding in Tennessee, which
is affecting operations of ATAC.
Expected timeline:
Nominations open - 5/17/10
Nominations close - 6/4/10
Committee reviews nominations, contact viable candidates and collect bio - 6/7/10
Present to board for approval (conference call) – 6/9/10
Contact candidate to let them know that they will be on the slate (email) 6/10/10
Announce candidates to membership – 6/11/10
Elections open – 7/12/10
Election ends – 7/23/10
Report to the board at board meeting – 7/27/10
Devon Wiggins
Devon gave an update on NAOW attendees. There were 79 registered with one committee
member registering per school policy and 8 no shows (7 paid and 1 had not paid). She stated
that several participants were confused about the additional night not covered in the fee for those
that came the day before. There were several that had issues with their arrival time and the hotel
was gracious enough to not charge us for those nights. She also had one committee member
who was to help with training who did not show up and she has not been able to contact him.
She was able to get someone to fill in for this presenter. She had 10 committee members show
up to help with the training. Carolyn asked what the campers were saying about the training.
Devon stated that so far they have all been positive. There are always a few who are not happy
but overall it has been good. Devon visited about the registration reports and that it would be
helpful to have the information in a more usable format – room accommodations especially. Tia
stated that there has been a lot of confusion on the registration process because most were
familiar with registering for the fall conference and making their own hotel reservations. Carolyn
stated that this was handled this way only because we had to fulfill the room block requirement
with our contract. Carolyn thanked Devon for her work. Karen asked how many registered late.
Devon and Tia stated that most registered early. Tia checked and there were 11 that registered
late. Dinner tonight with NAOW participants and they are doing a skit and would like us to judge
the skits.
TASFAA Training Committee Report
As of May 2010 Board Meeting
One committee member resigned on 2/19/10. There are a total of 13 remaining and active members.
Meetings since last report were held on the following dates:
February 5, 2010
February 26, 2010
March 26, 2010
April 30, 2010
May 7, 2010
May 16, 2010 (planned)
NAOW 2010 May 17th through the 20th.
Registration fees set as follows:
Registration Fees (through April 23, 2010)
Single Room - $525
Double Room - $425
Commuter - $425
Registration Fees (after April 23, 2010)
Single Room - $550
Double Room - $450
Commuter - $450
Total registered at time of this report:79
Update will be given during meeting.
Cost Saving Measures:
 Campers will print out power point presentation handouts themselves
 LCD projectors and laptops were provided by committee members.
 Evaluation forms were printed free of charge by San Jacinto College and UT-Arlington.
Projected Contract Expense is 48,000.00 as quoted by Hilton representative 5/13.
 If room rate is covered by the registration fee, will it cover those arriving early or staying
late due to preferred travel arrangements. If not, how to handle reservations and avoid
confusion to campers
 Expected revenue shortage of approximately $7,300.00.
Respectfully submitted on May 13, 2010
Devon Wiggins
Chair, Training Committee
Meeting adjourned for the evening at 5:18 p.m.
Meeting resumed on Wednesday morning at 8:42 a.m.
Ad Hoc Reports
Carolyn Mallory
A report was not available.
Communications Network
Alan Ahmad
Alan did not submit a report. Carolyn visited about the ATAC office being closed due to the
flooding in Nashville this caused some delays in getting information on the website. Alan has
changed positions. He is now with the Health Sciences Center. He is also working on a
communications calendar since there is lag time in submitting a request for information being
placed on the web and when it actually is available on the website. He is still working on the
calendar and hopes to have it finished soon so that Joe will have it to use next year. This will
help future presidents and committee chairs to keep things moving and getting things done in a
timely manner. Rick asked about the TRAIN Network. Carolyn stated that he has pulled the
information from the website and is working with ATAC on their product. She has not gotten a
written recommendation to purchase the tool so that it can be presented to the board.
Constitution & By Laws
Shannon Crossland
Shannon went over her report and the recommendations. Shannon asked that the board
entertain the recommendations so that the committee can take them to the association for a vote.
The P&P and the Constitution have been formatted and published on the website. They did
discuss some discrepancies with the Hall of Fame and Lifetime Membership wording. She will
work with the Membership Committee to work out the differences. She stated that they might
invite the lifetime members (retirees) to the fall conference and recognize their work. Carolyn
asked about the two changes that were approved last year and she asked if they were in the
Constitution. Shannon mentioned that the current recommendations were to remove the
reference to the associate member in other areas of the constitution. Karen asked if a vote was
needed since it was clean up. Rick stated he felt this was just clean up and would not need a
constitutional vote. Recommendation 3, 4, 5 and 6 are just clean up and won’t require a
membership vote. Karen stated that it would need a board vote.
Joe moved that we remove the associate member reference from the P&P
and Constitution. Kay seconded the motion. The motion passes.
Carolyn asked that we discuss recommendations 1 and 2. Shannon asked if we wanted to wait
until July to put the recommendations to the membership and take the vote at the fall conference.
Joe mentioned that there is reference that there are 11 at large that vote but currently we vote 9
at large and the secretary and treasurer do not vote. It used to be that there were 11 at large and
then within the board a secretary and treasurer were selected. Joe stated that we changed that
at some point but it still references 11 reps at large. Karen stated that there are 10 reps at large –
five in year one and five in year two. Karen also stated that the president, past president and
president elect are also voting members. The secretary and treasurer do not vote. Karen thinks
that it was changed to 11 when the associate member was added to the board. There really are
13 voting members. Joe mentioned that we might need to change the at large number
referenced as well. There are 10 at large voting members since the associate member is no
longer a part of the board.
Carolyn asked about waiting on making the changes to see if we find any others.
Joe motioned that we accept recommendation 1 and 2 and present it for a
vote at the fall conference. Mike seconded the motion.
The recommendations would need to go out 60 days before the conference and it needs to go to
the membership 30 days prior to the vote. Karen stated that we have gotten away from taking
votes at the conference and it would be good to have a conversation about the changes to the
Constitution. Karen asked if we were discussing the merit of the recommendations or are we just
discussing putting it out to a vote. Karen read the justification for recommendation #2 and it is not
sufficient in her mind to make it a standing committee since it is not a requirement of the
association. She asked if we really wanted to call it Newsletter when we are talking about
communication. She feels it is an important committee. Carolyn stated that it had been
something the board had visited about several times. She asked if the constitution should
reference an ad-hoc committee. Rick thought it might be more appropriate to go back to the bilaws to take out the reference to the Newsletter Committee and replace it with something that
would refer more generally to communications. Joe stated that Newsletter Committee is probably
not the right name. Karen stated that she gets confused which on is Communication and which
one is Newsletter. Rick stated that two ad-hoc committees were combined into Communications
Network and Newsletter while Lisa was president. Carolyn stated that it was PR and Newsletter.
Communications Network and Newsletter Committee are the two committees currently. There are
several references to the Newsletter Committee in the Constitution. Karen stated that the
information might need to be moved to the committee’s duties. Joe stated that Section 2 Number
6 references Newsletter Committee. Duties of Officers and Committees are a product of its time.
Joe stated that he would like to withdraw his motion. Mike agreed to
withdraw the second.
Carolyn stated that since the motion has been withdrawn that Shannon work on new
recommendations for the July board meeting. Specific committees are not mentioned except in
this area. Carolyn asked that she review the rest of the document to see if there are other
references that might need to be changed. Joe asked that she also look at the provision where a
board member leaves during their term and see what wording might be needed in the event a
second board member is unable to fulfill their position. Joe asked about #7 about the treasurer
providing a list of paid members before the vote is taken. Joe asked if we checked the
membership before voting takes place. Carolyn stated that they can’t vote online without paying
their dues. Tia will work with Shannon on a recommendation to update wording to reflect current
Committee Members: Kathy Bassham, Irma Chapa, Shannon Crossland, Delisa Falks, Linda GonzalezHensgen, Timothy Matusheski, Carol McDonald, Marcus Wilson
Committee Member Activities to Date:
Committee Conference Call:
1. Only two members of the committee participated in the conference call: Delisa
Falks and Marcus Wilson.
2. Requested to members to review published TASFAA Policies and Procedures as
well as TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws be reviewed and any inconsistencies,
grammatical errors, etc. be reported for corrections.
3. The committee discussed the Recommendations for Changes (attached on page 3),
and are in agreement with these going forward with a formal recommendation to the
4. Membership discrepancies between Hall of Fame and Lifetime Membership were
discussed. Ideas and thoughts included:
a. Review original intent of each – is this still applicable? Change
requirements of each.
b. Allow Hall of Fame to include active members and Lifetime Membership
dedicated to retired or dissociated members.
c. Invite all members who are retiring to lunch for recognition during fall
conference. Those members who/were active and made names for
themselves will be in attendance.
5. Discussed comments from Timothy Matusheski for Constitution and Bylaws –
committee agreed most items were a moot point and the Constitution and Bylaws
referred to Articles of Incorporation.
Committee Chair Activities to Date:
Prepared recommendations for removal of any language pertaining to Associate Membership
from the Constitution and Bylaws to reflect the membership vote of such remove in July,
2. Formatted and edited TASFAA Policies and Procedures Manual for consistency, spelling,
grammar, etc.
Formatted TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws for consistency, spelling, grammar, etc.
Updated the TASFAA website with current and most recently adopted Constitution and Bylaw
and TASFAA Policies and Procedures.
Updating TASFAA Policies and Procedures Committee Information Section with guidance from
Rick Renshaw.
Outstanding Tasks:
Membership discrepancies.
Recommendation for Changes TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws Summary
Recommendations for Changes
TASFAA Constitution and Bylaws
Recommendation 1:
Constitution, Article VII, Section 6 currently reads:
“The counting of votes for constitutional amendments will be private and be supervised by the Constitution
and Bylaws Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson will submit the results to the President. The Chair
will also ensure that results are announced to the membership at the next business session of the
Association, included in the official Association minutes, published in the first issue of the Association
newsletter and posted to the website following the voting.”
Recommended Change:
“The counting of votes for constitutional amendments will be private and supervised by the
Secretary/Historian or another appropriate individual designated by the President. Results will be
submitted to the President and announced to the membership at the next business session of the
Association, included in the official Association minutes and published to the members through the
The Constitution should not reference an ad hoc committee that may or may not exist. It is inconsistent
with the designation of Constitution and Bylaws as an ad-hoc committee. This committee should remain
ad hoc.
Recommendation 2:
Bylaws, 5. Committees, Section 3: “Newsletter” should be added as a standing committee of TASFAA.
The Bylaws consistently refer to the Newsletter committee as a primary committee for communicating
information to the membership. The Bylaws place a high degree of importance and expectation on the
existence of the Newsletter committee. Therefore, it should have full standing as a permanent committee.
Recommendation 3:
Constitution, Article III, Section 1a currently reads:
“The voting officers of the Association shall be a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and
eleven (11) representatives at large. They shall serve as members of the Board of Directors and shall
include representatives of institutions in the State of Texas who hold voting membership in the Association
as well as one elected Associate member. The Board of Directors will hereafter be referred to as the Board
in this document.”
Recommended Change:
“The voting officers of the Association shall be a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and
eleven (11) representatives at large. They shall serve as members of the Board of Directors and shall
include representatives of institutions in the State of Texas who hold voting membership in the Association
as well as one elected Associate member. The Board of Directors will hereafter be referred to as the Board
in this document.”
Associate membership positions were removed from the Board. Passed by membership - July 2009.
Language in Constitution needs to reflect the removal of this position.
Recommendation 4:
Constitution, Article VI, Section 1 currently reads:
“Any member institution of higher learning, associate member, affiliate member, or interested persons shall
be entitled to send one or more representatives to Association meetings and workshops. Only one
appointed representative of any given voting member institution shall be eligible to vote. Only one
representative of any given voting member institution shall be eligible to be elected to a voting office in the
Association. Only one appointed representative of any given Associate member agency shall be eligible to
vote for the Associate delegate to the Board.”
Recommended Change:
“Any member institution of higher learning, associate member, affiliate member, or interested persons shall
be entitled to send one or more representatives to Association meetings and workshops. Only one
appointed representative of any given voting member institution shall be eligible to vote. Only one
representative of any given voting member institution shall be eligible to be elected to a voting office in the
Association. Only one appointed representative of any given Associate member agency shall be eligible to
vote for the Associate delegate to the Board.”
Associate membership positions were removed from the Board. Passed by membership - July 2009.
Language in Constitution needs to reflect the removal of this position.
Recommendation 5:
Bylaws, 4. Nominations and Elections, Section 6
“Voting shall be by mail, Email, or on-line ballot. Ballots must be received by the Nominations and
Elections Committee no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting. The candidate for
President-Elect receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered elected. The five (5) candidates
receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered elected to the Board. A one-year vacancy on the
Board will be filled by the person receiving the sixth (6 th) highest number of votes. If there is a tie vote, a
run-off election will be held before the annual meeting. The Associate delegate candidate receiving the
highest number of votes shall be considered elected to the Board.”
Recommended Change:
“Voting shall be by mail, Email, or on-line ballot. Ballots must be received by the Nominations and
Elections Committee no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting. The candidate for
President-Elect receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered elected. The five (5) candidates
receiving the highest number of votes shall be considered elected to the Board. A one-year vacancy on the
Board will be filled by the person receiving the sixth (6 th) highest number of votes. If there is a tie vote, a
run-off election will be held before the annual meeting. The Associate delegate candidate receiving the
highest number of votes shall be considered elected to the Board.”
Associate membership positions were removed from the Board. Passed by membership - July 2009.
Language in Constitution needs to reflect the removal of this position.
Recommendation 6:
Bylaws, 4. Nominations and Elections, Section 7
“For voting purposes, the Treasurer shall provide a certified list of paid up voting members prior to the
nomination and election. The Treasurer shall also provide a certified list of paid Associate members for the
purpose of voting for the Associate delegate to the Board.”
Recommended Change:
“For voting purposes, the Treasurer shall provide a certified list of paid up voting members prior to the
nomination and election. The Treasurer shall also provide a certified list of paid Associate members for the
purpose of voting for the Associate delegate to the Board.”
Associate membership positions were removed from the Board. Passed by membership - July 2009.
Language in Constitution needs to reflect the removal of this position.
Early Awareness
Raul Lerma and Linda Gonzalez – Hensgen
Carolyn reviewed the report. Raul is stepping down from the committee chair. Joe asked about
recruiting someone from his office. He would like to ask Lynn Barnes from his office but he did
not know if that would be a conflict. Rick asked about Richard Sapp with TG to see if he would
be interested. Rick also suggested that Joe check with Linda to see if she has a staff member
who would be interested in chairing the committee. Henry stated he did not have a problem with
Joe asking someone from his office to chair the committee if no one else sets up to be the chair.
Carolyn stated that some of the schools stated that the training was not as professional as it has
been in the past. Karen asked if we had collected evaluations. Carolyn stated that she had
asked Raul to create a survey and stated that he did send out some questions and listed those as
challenges. Karen stated that we don’t always know how someone is going to train until they
present. There was a survey for attendees and the questions were from the host sites. There
was not supposed to be a cost for this committee but the materials were shipped to one location
and TASFAA covered the cost of mailing the information out to the host site. Kay stated that they
did get the materials but got them very late. Rick stated that the NASFAA News discussed the
training and we might want to check out the article.
Arlington, May 18 – 19, 2010
First of all, I would again like to thank Carolyn for the opportunity to chair The Early Awareness
Committee. It was definitely a new challenge. Unfortunately, I am currently facing some challenges in my
office, as probably many others are too, so I sincerely apologize that I was not able to dedicate as much
time as I probably should have to this committee. In order to assure it is a success, I am respectfully
requesting that I be replaced as chair for the upcoming year with someone that can dedicate more time to it.
I’m terribly sorry Joe. I have been sitting in on all scheduled NT4CM meetings this year and will gladly
bring the new chair up to date.
As I stated in my last report, it was indeed an interesting experience transitioning to a new training
program. The NT4CM training program is different from what we have been used to, from training
materials, to the paperwork that is required such as a Training Session Information Form required of every
training site. Obviously the biggest advantage to the program is that the program and its materials are free.
Considering the association’s financial condition this is certainly a great benefit.
I again want to sincerely thank all the trainers that assisted at the training sessions and especially those that
assisted in coordinating the training in their region. I appreciate the patience they had with me throughout
the training.
As previously reported, I was not able to get training in the following regions: 3, 6, 13, 14, and 18 even
after a number of requests on the TASFAA List serve and calls to those listed as contacts last year. Since
my last report, I am happy to let you know that Region 19 had their training on March 23rd with 20
attendees. Attached, should be information on this year’s final count.
It appears those who attended were pleased with the training giving mainly 4’s and 5’s on the evaluations
that range from 1 being Unacceptable to 5 being Outstanding/Much more than acceptable. As far as
feedback from the region coordinators that have responded, it appears they prefer the TASFAA
Just as a reminder these are the challenges:
Main way to communicate with NT4CM is by email. Although they did respond rather quickly.
Based on recent meetings there will be an assigned contact that should make things easier;
Delivery of materials. Materials were sent to one location (Region 15 Angelo State). I can’t thank
Shannon enough for arranging to have the materials forwarded to the appropriate sites. Thank you
Carolyn for stepping in to help with the cost. I brought this up at the first meeting NT4CM had
this year and they assured me this should not happen again;
Additional paperwork i.e. Training Session Information form;
This is almost a year long process;
Regions that were not able to provide a training site;
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Raul H. Lerma, Chair
Linda Gonzalez – Hansen, Chair
Mentoring, Leadership and Diversity Initiatives
Michael Williams
Mike has stepped down as the chair. Belen has agreed to step in and chair the committee for
A report was not available.
Legislative Issues
George Torres
Carolyn reviewed George’s report. Rick would like us to send out a detailed position statement to
the committee. He thinks TASFAA needs to issue a position. He thinks there was some
confusion on what our position is. Tom needs to know what our positions are so that he can craft
a position for TASFAA. Joe asked who was on the committee. Carolyn stated that Rick, Joe and
Micki Roemer are on the committee. There were comments about Top 10% and BOT that were a
little fuzzy. Rick stated that the board has not discussed this. Karen stated that we need to back
up a step and asked if we have a policy as to who speaks for TASFAA. What would prevent
someone from representing TASFAA? Rob did not vet all of his comments through the board.
Karen stated that she would like to know what is going to be said on behalf of the association.
Carolyn was unable to attend the meeting. She asked Tom Melecki to attend but they thought it
would look UT heavy. She only had 6 days to get someone to attend in her place. Rob was to
speak to was how funds would be used in Texas if you had $250,000,000 in student financial aid.
Joe and Rick gave Rob some talking points but Rob did not use many of the talking points. Rob
did state he represented his school during the presentation. Tia stated that our tax exempt
purpose states that we are established for education and research purposes for the membership.
She did not want to branch out too far to state that our purpose is for legislative issues for the
stated. Karen stated that we are educating legislature. Carolyn stated that is part of our strategic
goals but Tia is concerned that it is not stated in our purpose. She stated that our purpose is for
education and research of our membership and she thought there might be a fine line between
the two. The purpose statement is written in the constitution. Karen stated that section 3 does
say promoting effectiveness of student financial aid programs in post secondary institutions and it
has to be legislative because that is the source of the funding. Joe stated that how we craft a
statement is important and that we do need to have a written position. Rick stated that we need
Tom to craft a position. Protect funding and the Top 10% are two issues that need to be
addressed. Rick would like the committee to bring something to the board so that we can review
before the next meeting. Karen asked if the talking points could be shared with the board. Rick
thinks it would be good to share those and get responses back to Tom on the boards thoughts.
Karen stated that if she gets a call about her institution she can answer but if she gets a call from
someone that knows she is on the board and wants to know what TASFAA thinks that it would
help to know what the talking points are. Tia agreed that it is important that we are all on the
same page. Karen stated that on our campuses we may have other positions but when speaking
for TASFAA we need to be prepared to answer. Joe stated that we might need to be prepared to
answer based upon sector. Joe and Rick will share the talking points with Carolyn and she will
get them out to the board for discussion. Once the talking points have been discussed, she will
send information to Tom and ask him to write a position statement for TASFAA to be discussed at
the next board meeting.
TASFAA Legislative Issues Committee Report
May 2010
Legislative committees have begun interim studies on matters related to student financial.
House Higher Education Committee
The House committee opened its study at a February 24 committee hearing. Its charge is to:
Study current financial aid programs, tuition and fee exemption programs, loan repayment
programs, and professional incentive programs. Evaluate the impact of need-based versus meritbased assistance. Recommend changes where appropriate to improve the alignment of these
programs to meet state needs.
The House committee’s invited witnesses include a panel of aid administrators, which gave testimony to
better acquaint the committee with financial aid. Lisa Blazer discussed merit and need-based aid, Tom
Melecki reviewed the history of financial aid in Texas, Joe Pettibon covered state and institutional financial
aid programs, and Rick Renshaw provided an overview of the federal financial aid programs.
Representatives of the Higher Education Coordinating Board also testified on progress in the Closing the
Gaps initiative and the Board’s newest proposal for prioritizing TEXAS Grants on the basis of merit. TG
also testified to propose a change its charter in the wake of recent federal student loan legislation, and
representatives of Texas’ higher education authorities promoted a plan for their new role in a post-FFELP
Senate Higher Education Committee
The Senate committee’s charge is to:
Study and make recommendations regarding more cost-effective funding of financial aid,
including ways to restructure financial aid programs to promote student success and the efficacy
of the current $365 million in current exemptions and waivers offered to students at institutions of
higher education. Examine the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
determine the impact on eligibility for existing Texas financial aid programs and on data
availability resulting from the simplification. Include recommendations on how to expand the
TEXAS Grant and B-on-Time programs.
The Senate committee began its deliberations April 26. Lisa Blazer, Joe Pettibon, and Rick Renshaw were
again invited to testify – Lisa on expanding TEXAS Grant and B-on-Time, Joe on state and institutional
aid, and Rick on the federal programs. The Coordinating Board again testified its TEXAS Grant
prioritization proposal, and about FAFSA simplification. TG again testified about its charter change.
Testifying for TASFAA, Rob Sheridan recommended that Texas Grants remain the state’s premier
financial aid program; and that TEXAS Grants be modified to be an on-going fixed amount rather than the
annual average of undergraduate tuition and fees; that no new programs be created until existing programs
are adequately funded; that, if the state intends to recognize merit, it should do so through the Top 10%
Scholarship; that funding for the Texas Work-Study program be expanded; that TEOG be increased to
reflect community college enrollment growth; that B-on-Time participation be at the discretion of
institutions based on their student demographics; that a common calendar be adopted to govern the
establishment of state student aid regulations; that allocation letters be sent no later than mid-February; that
TG be funded to provided default aversion assistance to schools; and that waivers and exemptions be
reviewed to determine if they serve the state’s citizens.
The Senate committee is convening a workgroup of legislators and staff who will meet between now and
the beginning of session to continue pursue that committee’s charge. The workgroup’s first meeting is May
17. Tom Melecki has been asked to provide another history/overview of financial aid and the Coordinating
Board will again discuss its TEXAS Grant proposal.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Melecki
Chair, TASFAA Legislative Committee
Newsletter and Public Relations
Melet Leafgreen
Carolyn brought a copy of the latest newsletter if you have not already seen it.
A report was not available.
President’s Advisory Council
Rick Renshaw
Rick reviewed his report and the questions that were asked of past presidents. He brought
guidance from PAC regarding what the past presidents stated. This information is being
presented so that the board can make a decision. PAC did not want to make the decision.
Tiered fee structure is thought to be a good idea. Karen stated that we have to justify the
additional cost. We can’t just say NASFAA does it because with NASFAA we do get more for
paying more. Rick reviewed the comments that were shared from the past presidents regarding
fee structure. He also visited about deliverables and stated that training was the focus. He also
reviewed the way to cut costs or how to generate revenue. He discussed increasing the type of
vendors/partners and increasing proprietary schools participation. He discussed cutting budget
costs – sharing rooms, regional training losses over the last few years, renegotiating conference
contracts, stipends for secretary/treasurer, committee expense, board expense – are 10
delegates needed, online training, changing days of the week or number of days, change to a non
prime time conference time. Karen discussed committee structure but we might need to discuss
what we do and do we need to continue in this path, like high school counselors training. It is a
benefit but it might be something that could be shared with another association. Joe visited about
increasing numbers for other areas on campus or with high school counselors attending the ABC
workshop. There is a lot of benefit to the high school counselor training but it may be out of our
scope. Joe stated that all of the training should be self supporting. Current membership dues
should be $350 to cover association expenses. We are currently charging $175. Take out the
cost for scholarship and that that would bring down the cost to $300 per institution. Karen stated
that we do not have activities that are revenue generating. The large expenses for the
association are ATAC, scholarship and board. Carolyn stated that what we raise for the
scholarships with the auction will be what is in the budget for next year. Rick stated if all the
trainings are self supporting, then we will need to structure the dues to cover the association’s
Karen asked if there were other opportunities to increase revenue. Carolyn stated that the
expense for high school counselor training is a huge benefit to schools and students. Karen
stated that we just need to be in agreement that budget funds should be used for these types of
programs. Carolyn is working on why we have committees and what their responsibilities are.
Carolyn stated that we have been working on this for three years and we need to make a decision
by the July board meeting as to what our dues will be for next year. $65000 budget then the
schools fee would be about $300. Rick asked if we change it for everyone or do we let smaller
schools pay less. Karen stated that the larger schools would then need to pay more. She thinks
we need to do some research and see where to draw the line. Joe stated that we must raise the
dues unless we cut the budget. If we cut the budget, then we can find a rate for the dues. Henry
stated that we need to look at where we can reduce our costs and then come back with what the
need will be. Carolyn stated that we have cut back the last two years and that we have cut out a
board meeting. The last two years we have increased the due amount in small increments. Joe
stated that the annual report is something that we might want to cut out and have an electronic
version instead of printing it out. Rick stated that it is in pdf form on the website. He thinks we
can cut this out of the budget. Tia stated that jumping the membership up to $300 is really a
small amount. Rick stated that they are going to negotiate the 2011 conference cost and that the
finance committee could put together a budget proposal for next year and that would give a better
idea of what the fees could be. Karen asked if something could be ready in June. We need to
decide before July because many schools are in the process of forming their budget. Joe would
like to have a balanced budget. Carolyn stated she wanted one as well but Karen stated that we
are dealing with other things this year. Karen stated that committees need to be held
accountable and if they over spend they need to come to the board and justify the expense. Joe
asked about the budget for president elect and Carolyn stated that it was to help with travel
expenses. Kay stated that the meals for the board meetings can be cut back. Carolyn stated that
many times the food is cheaper to buy then renting the room. It does look like we are spending
too much but it is probably cheaper than renting room space. Carolyn stated that you might be
able to cut board meeting costs by having a meeting by phone in February or July. Tia discussed
the stipends. She stated that other organizations might not pay stipends but you really need to
know the person and there is a lot of work associated with the treasurer position. Ed stated that it
lends credibility to the association with the way Tia has handled the organizations funds. Karen
stated that a lot of the associations do pay the treasurer but not necessarily the secretary.
Carolyn stated that many have two treasurers one that pays the bills and one that collects. Karen
stated that the secretary and historian positions were combined and that is probably where the
stipend came from and that other associations have a committee for the historian. Joe visited
about the right number of people on the board and if you reduce the number you would reduce
the cost. Boards across that state have 9 regents. Carolyn stated that you would have to change
the constitution to be able to do that. Karen stated that you can’t do that for next year. It would
have to be for 11-12 if a change was to be made. Joe stated that we are not structured to
represent all areas of the state and all types of institutions. Carolyn asked Joe to have a budget
for us in June to review. Karen stated that we might want to look at other states to see what they
do and stated that NASFAA has that information. Rick has a 2005 survey from NASFAA that
shows the type of corporations, dues, membership structure, etc. Karen stated that there might
be a more recent report. Rick stated that this was the most current data available. Carolyn stated
in July we would be able to set the dues. Rick asked if there should be a board committee to
review what other states are doing with the dues structure. Carolyn asked Karen and Ed to work
on it. Shannon volunteered to help with the research. They will work on getting information by
July. Tia suggested that they look at guidestar.org as a good resource. Joe asked that they look
at the number on the board as well.
PAC Report
May 2010 Board Meeting
Arlington, Texas
Several of the past presidents responded to a request for help in answering the following questions:
1. Should we continue with a flat rate or use a tiered dues structure?
2. If tiered, how should the tiers be determined, size of staff, size of student body, or some other
3. What should be the main deliverables on which the association should focus its resources?
4. What are some possible ways to cut costs on the main deliverables and still provide value to the
schools for maintaining their membership?
Here are some of the comments that may help the board make its decisions on these issues:
Should we continue with a flat rate or use a tiered dues structure?
If tiered, how should the tiers be determined, size of staff, size of student body, or some other basis?
 The 2008-09 PAC submitted a recommendation that the board move to a tiered model
based. NASFAA and SWASFAA both use a tiered model.
 I would recommend we use enrollment (using the NASFAA model). The question that came up
last year was a larger institution might question what the “extra” benefit would be that they
received for having to pay more because of their enrollment. Again, this can be addressed by
saying that we have decided to use the NASFAA model.
 You may want to investigate the cost changes if you applied a percentage of aid recipients to
enrollment. Both figures are on the FISAP and available. I say this because many community
colleges have large enrollments but a smaller percentage of students actually receive aid and
they often have the hardest time justifying dues
 I have no problem with using a tiered structure if I can justify the additional benefits that a large
school receives versus a small one. Simply saying we are using the NASFAA model doesn’t
work. NASFAA offers additional benefits such as more access to the Encyclopedia, more
copies of the Transcript and Journal, more people who receive the NASFAA News, etc.
 Perhaps we could pursue something like 10% off of a second or third conference registration (or
other event) or something along those lines. Right now the only benefit a large institution
receives regardless of whether you use staff size, student population, aid population, etc. is the
privilege of paying registration fees for more people to attend conferences.
 To simply expect the large institutions to pick up all of the slack isn’t very realistic.
 I do like the idea of using enrollment but I also see the point on what additional benefit would
larger schools receive. While I know we can’t necessarily provide all of the benefits that
NASFAA has, we could potentially look at maybe providing some kind of discount for
conferences or perhaps training sessions. The nice thing about having multiple staff members
logged into TASFAA is that they get all of the listserv questions and that helps keep them
involved, asking questions and participating. [Large schools] spending quite a bit sending them
to training or conferences. Some kind of break would be nice. It doesn’t have to be huge.
 Membership dues only have so much elasticity. A tiered system may cause some institutions to
take pause and reflect on the value added expense of belonging to TASFAA. One needs to look
at SWASFAA and its minimal membership from Texas as to value added.
What should be the main deliverables on which the association should focus its resources?
 It seems to me that TASFAA exists for three purposes: 1. Training 2. Legislative
advocacy 3. Peer networking. If we cease to provide the first two, we have no reason to
 Training
 Training and perhaps legislative since we are heading into a legislative session
 I think it should be training (of institutional staff and legislature) and outreach.
 The association will be challenged to provide revenue based training effectively. There is
a lot of competition in this area, especially from the Department of Education.
Guarantors and servicers that are trying to stay in business will also be focusing on these
opportunities. I would recommend the training committee understand the real needs of
the members and what needs a school can and would pay to receive training on based on
budget cuts at schools.
 It seems that there might be something schools or individual members might buy.
Professional certification was an issue sometime ago. I have heard more about the need
for this again in the last two years in light of all the rules on ethical behavior. Someone
will probably take the lead on this. Texas could set the standard and possibly enhance its
revenue by offering courses needed to establish certification and licensees.
What are some possible ways to cut costs on the main deliverables and still provide value to the schools for
maintaining their membership?
Reduce Mack Adams scholarships to be only the cost of registration for whichever
training opportunity being requested. The school and TASFAA can share the cost of
sending one of their staff members to NAOW or the conference.
Not cost cutting, but possible revenue generating:
 Board needs to make effort to reach out to institutions that we have left out for
while, namely proprietary schools. There are very few that participate in
TASFAA and yet there are many out there. We need to make an effort to
engage some of the more knowledgeable professionals in that arena and have
them help us formulate some training opportunities specifically for them.
Although many of us do not agree with their philosophy, we have to recognize
that there are some solid schools out there and we need to bring them into the
association. However, there has to be some major effort in learning what they
need from TASFAA that would encourage them to join.
 With the loss of our lender partners, it is also important that the organization
seeks out other groups that may be a good "fit" for the Associate membership
category. (i.e., groups such as software vendors, consulting groups,
 The Membership committee has been, for the most part, "inactive" and needs to
get aggressive in increasing the membership base. It is understandable why there
was a decrease in Associate Members, however there was also a drop of voting
members from 170 to 117. If we had kept all of our voting members, the
revenue from Membership dues would have increased for 08-09, even with the
drop in Associate members. We need to find out why we are losing those
We did do training exclusively for them [proprietary schools] and had a decent response.
They planned the agenda and it included things that we would probably not have thought
We could also decrease the number of scholarships offered. I believe there were
originally only 3 or 4 offered each year.
We need to take a hard look at committee and board expenditures. We can’t continue to
offer regional training at a net loss to the association. I know we are living with some
existing contracts for the fall conference and think we have made some good decisions
for 2012. Have we reviewed the 2011 contract to determine if it needs to be modified?
As hard as this discussion would be, maybe we need to look at the stipends for the
Secretary and the Treasurer. Many associations (state or regional) do not offer such a
I agree on the scholarships. Do we really need to provide everything? It seems
reasonable that the school and TASFAA can share the costs or perhaps reduce the
number of scholarships offered.
We need to look at committee costs. I think that several committees have already done
that across the board by having conference call meetings instead of face to face and I
know that the conference and training committees have looked at ways to cut costs for
the past couple of years.
We might have to look at developing some online opportunities so more schools can
participate. The thing we have to be careful of is if we increase the membership dues,
especially if we do a tiered approach and some institutions will be paying more, we need
to continue to offer affordable training opportunities if that’s going to be one of major
The committee structure should be reviewed. Do we really need as many committees as
what now exist? Can they be consolidated? Is the Board itself the right size?
If training is the primary focus of our deliverables, could we think about moving to a one
or two day annual conference instead of the traditional three day conference?
Regional Training
Lisa Blazer
Carolyn stated that the numbers were down compared to previous years and also that there were
quite a few attendees that have not paid. Tia stated that 146 have paid and 25 have not paid yet.
Dana mentioned that even though the numbers were down at their site, the training was really
good. Karen asked if the revenue reported on the budget report included all that had paid. Tia
confirmed. If the expenses are within the revenue collected, then it will all wash out.
May 2010
Committee Members:
Lisa Blazer/UTSA, Chair
Jose Guerrero/NTHESC
April Gonzales/UTSA
Consuela Mitchell/SMU
Dana Mingo/DCCCD
Jim Reed/West Texas A&M
Training Topics: Introduction to Communication Styles; Needs Analysis and Professional Judgment; State
Programs (by THECB staff); Am I Independent or Dependent; Veteran Issues/Eligibility
April 21st
April 29th
April 30th
May 5th
May 11th
May 13th
Corpus Christi
Dallas Area
San Antonio
El Paso
Lubbock Christian University
Delmar College
Tarrant Co Community College
University of the Incarnate Word
Houston Community College
El Paso Community College
25 attended
16 attended
28 attended
33 attended
42 attended
27 attended
171 attended
Training Cost = $30
Notes: Final revenue and costs will be provided for the July Board meeting. The attendance is down but
from what I heard, people just aren’t able to travel or pay for training so even though the cost was low, it
still didn’t allow for as many to attend. The topics were well received. We had 171 register for the events
and we currently have 129 that have paid in full. An email has gone out to those that registered but did not
pay for the event. I will also send emails to the schools that had people attend without having registered so
that we can ensure we collect from them as well. We did our best to keep costs as low as possible.
The July report will include a summary of the evaluations as well as the final budget expenditures and
funds received to date. We will also make recommendations at that time as well for next year’s training.
We are still gathering data since the last training was yesterday.
Christina Quintanilla
Carolyn reviewed the report. There were 8 scholarship awards given and one recipient did not
attend. The scholarship amount was approximately $4300 for NAOW. Karen was concerned
with this amount based upon our conversation at the last meeting. She thought we were going to
cut back on the amount. Karen thinks this should be cut back to one or two awards if any next
year. Tia mentioned that we need to exclude the registration fee. That would bring the expenses
down by about $1500. The hotel cost is taken from training. Tia said if she gets an itemized list
of the expenses she would charge the hotel expense to the scholarship line. Carolyn asked
about the guidance she needs to give Christina. She asked what needs to be done for the fall
conference. Henry asked if registration, travel and hotel are covered by the scholarship. Karen
mentioned that we had visited about doing a matching scholarship. Rick stated that we could
limit the scholarship to the registration fee. Karen stated that travel is the big unknown. Ed
stated that Galveston would be more expenses. Carolyn stated it would depend on where they
were coming from. Tia asked about the time frame and wondered if we could wait until July to
discuss it after we find out what the NAOW expenses really were. Carolyn thinks it might be a
little late to start the scholarship process in July. Karen agreed. Carolyn was going to see what
the time frame was to put the information out on the website. Tia stated that June is when
information is to go out. July 16th is the deadline for submitting an application. Carolyn stated we
need to determine what to tell the committee. Carolyn asked if we just covered the registration
fee would schools still send someone. Mike stated he would still send them and that it would be
similar to FSA where we would just have to cover hotel and travel. Henry asked if we should set
a limit on the scholarship amount. Karen stated that we could set a limit. Joe stated that he
would use the scholarship to help with attendance. Dana suggested just covering the registration
fee. Karen stated that when it started we just gave 2 or 3 scholarships. Karen stated that she
does not feel compelled to offer 10 -15 scholarships. Henry asked again about the costs
covered. Tia stated that funds are reimbursed to the recipient. Karen discussed that we want to
be sure that someone does not stay at another hotel. We need to use the hotel block. Carolyn
asked if we limit the number. Joe doesn’t think we need to offer any scholarships for fall
conference. Joe does not want to use membership dues or charge other participants a larger
amount to cover the scholarships. Karen stated this all started when we had vendor support and
an abundance of funds. Rick stated that SWASFAA scholarships are funded by donations and
not budget. Carolyn visited about the auction and trying to raise funds. Joe suggested that we
offer scholarship for the ABC workshop and this would help the hotel night. Consensus is that we
do not offer scholarships for fall conference and offer scholarships to the ABC recipients. Tia
stated if we cover the travel we would be helping with more than the registration fee. Karen
stated that she thinks we need to offer more than just the ABC fee. Karen suggested a set fee to
help with other expenses. Joe stated that we would be better off to say we will offer ABC free of
charge if they stay for the conference. If we redirect the funds from scholarship to ABC, then the
costs would be covered. Karen has a concern in offering a free training this year since next year
there might be an expectation that it will be free again. Joe was trying to use the room block so
that we meet our commitment. Dana clarified that we are discussing having ABC free if they stay
for the conference. She thinks many might just decide to come for the conference only. Karen
asked if costs had been set. She stated that we need the costs in May next year. Henry thinks
we should not offer any scholarship in the fall. He thinks we need to look at it again to determine
what to do next year. Rick stated the president could move funds from the budget. Karen stated
that we had already spent scholarships for NAOW.
Carolyn will instruct the committee due to budgetary constraints that we will not offer scholarships
in the fall. Fund raising will be available at the conference to help with next year’s scholarships.
The TASFAA Scholarship Committee recently reviewed many applications and decided upon Mack
Adams Scholarship recipients for the New Aid Officers Workshop. The recipients are:
Keri Carlile – Temple College
Iris Cook – North Central Texas College
Jose Gonzalez – University of Texas – Pan American*
Shelby Huff – Clarendon College
Christian Ramirez – University of Texas – Pan American
Lisa Rivera – Texas A&M – Corpus Christi
Sheryl Weaver – Texas State Technical College
Kathy Williams – Weatherford College
*Jose Gonzalez has informed us that he will not be able to attend the NAOW.
All scholarship recipients were notified and sent information regarding reimbursement of expenses.
All communication so far has been via email, a format that seems to work well for this committee. There
are no current plans to conduct a formal meeting. Over the next few months, we will be reworking the
scholarship application for the fall conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina Quintanilla, Chair
Site Selection
Jim Ann Batenhorst
Carolyn discussed the report and stated that Jim Ann has asked us to approve the Corpus Christi
contract for 2012. Henry asked what the room block was. 592 is the amount that we are required
to meet. Rick visited about changing things and looking at a 2 day conference instead of 3 days.
Karen stated that we truly already have a 2 day conference – start at noon first day, all day
second day, half a day on third day. Rick asked if we could have a meaningful conference in a
shorter time frame. Karen stated that is better to send people to something that are longer than
sending people out to several short things. Rick visited about changing the days of the week to
see if we could get better savings. (over the weekend or start Sunday and end in Tuesday)
Karen stated that October is such a busy time for conferences and that is part of the reason costs
are higher. Carolyn stated that to cut costs the ABC it was shortened. Carolyn stated that we
could change ABC’s to a regional training. Mike asked about webinars. Carolyn stated that she
did not like them and Karen stated they have to be well done and it is expensive. Rick stated that
if we approve this request then we can visit about changing things. Carolyn asked if we wanted
to wait on making a decision on this contract. Henry asked when they had to have a response. It
is the end of May. Carolyn stated if we are not ready to sign the contract that we needed to give
her some direction. Ed asked if we did not sign the contract what would happen. The contract
would need to be renegotiated. Karen stated she was not sure that we were ready to make that
decision. Henry asked if we were comfortable with the room block. Carolyn thought the room
block was very good at this point.
Henry moves that we accept the contract for 2012. Karen seconds it. The
motion passes.
Carolyn asked about the selection for the following year and it was stated that we could postpone
a decision for awhile.
Members of the TASFAA Board,
The TASFAA Site Selection Committee has been formed for the 2009-2010 year.
Committee members are:
JimAnn Batenhorst, Chair, South Plains College
Phillip Applebaum, Member, Brazos Higher Education Service Corporation
New Business:
A tentative meeting has been scheduled with Nancy Garner, Hilton Hotel, Arlington for Wed. May
19th (after the board meeting) to discuss additional negotiations on the Fall 2011 contract that is in
We need to make a decision concerning utilizing the Arlington Convention Center or being
released from our contract with them; and paying a penalty.
The site for the Fall 2012 Conference will be the Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi, Texas
pending the approval of the contract by the TASFAA board at the board meeting in Arlington May
18th and 19th.
Would someone make a recommendation to approve?
The committee will begin visiting possible sites for the Fall 2013 Conference this summer.
JimAnn is scheduled to meet with Erica Perry of the Lubbock Convention and Visitors Bureau in
early June to visit the Overton Hotel & Conference Center.
All communication so far has been via email; although the committee is willing to visit any proposed sites
as deemed necessary by the Board or as the situation dictates.
Jim Ann Batenhorst, Chair
(806) 781-5309
Henry Garcia
Henry reviewed his report. Membership numbers are an issue for SWASFAA as well. He
discussed the training sessions.
SWASFAA Relations Committee
The SWASFAA Board of Director met April 12-13, 2010 in Arlington, TX.
 Decentralized training will be Webinar Format.
Topic: “Revising your Cost of Attendance.”
Jackie LaChapelle, LA, elected to NSAFAA Board of Director as Representative-At-Large.
Rick Renshaw will be serving as NASFAA Commission Director in 2011.
Encourage Texas schools to renew SWASFAA membership.
In process of converting from ING to Gary Rodger’s Capitol, Inc.
Boot Camp
Annual Conference
NASFAA Webinars – Cost can be combined with Membership Dues
October – Consumer Information
November – Year Round Federal Pell Grant
December – Verification
January – Satisfactory Academic Progress
February – Getting ready for Program Reviews
March – R2T4 Funds – “Tricky Issues”
May or June – TBD (hot topic)
2011 Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK, Hard Rock Hotel (pending) November 13-17.
December 13-14, 2010
New Orleans, LA
December 14-17, 2010
New Orleans, LA
New business
Rick moved that we go into an executive session. Karen seconded. Motion passes. Carolyn
stated that we have a board member who has not been at the board meetings this year. Rick
stated that the P&P states that a member who misses more than two consecutive meetings may
be replaced by the president unless there is just cause. Carolyn asked what the protocol is in a
case like this. Tia stated that is says that they will automatically vacate the seat after missing two
consecutive meetings. Karen stated that it is part of the by-laws. Carolyn asked if there were any
suggestions for filling the seat. Henry asked what part of the state she represented. Rick stated
that she could fill the seat with someone in her area or look at last year’s ballot. Carolyn stated
that Amanda was the last one on last year’s ballot.
Karen stated that since there are only two meetings left that she appoints someone who has
previously served or has served recently. She stated that the appointment is only until the next
election. Tia made a recommendation that Shannon fill the empty board position. Kay
recommended Devon. Carolyn is going to check with Sharon about vacating the seat and
Shannon to see if she will fill the seat.
Henry made a motion to accept the recommendation that Shannon fill the
seat vacated by Sharon. Ed seconded. The motion passes.
Carolyn asked about who will be a representative at the state level. Joe thinks the general
course of action would be if the president can’t go then another member of the board or the
legislative committee chair would step in. Rick asked if we needed to add something to the P&P.
Karen did not think the P&P addresses this but thinks it should address issues like this for state
and federal level. Rick stated that we might add a section on public policy. Carolyn will work on
it. Joe stated it could be added to duties of the board.
Rick stated as the finance committee looks at cutting expenses that we might need to revisit
looking into using a negotiator for site selection. Karen stated that in other associations they felt
that the individual association might be able to get a better price. Rick stated that using Don
would be better able to negotiate deals for the organization. Don does not charge the association
a fee. He receives funds from the hotels he negotiates with. Ed stated that if there was a way to
negotiate as a whole – other organizations in other states – that could help get a better price. Ed
thinks it would be good to use someone who is already plugged into the convention process.
Karen stated that there was not penalty for ending the arrangements with Don. Rick will give Joe
Don’s contact information.
Unfinished Business
There being no further business, Carolyn adjourned the meeting at 11:51
Email from Joe regarding TASFAA Budget Considerations 5/24/10
As promised, attached is a draft budget for 2010-2011 for TASFAA as well as an accompanying document
with some of my reasoning. This is a draft intended to focus discussion on what can/should be changed in
the future. I realize some of the changes may be controversial, but we need to have the discussion and
reach consensus at the next board meeting. Even with these changes, I am not clear (and need some help
from Tia and others) on what costs are associated with the following:
Newsletter/Public Relations Committee – Is there really a budget need? If so, what is it?
What constitutes administrative expenses and how much are we spending in this category?
How much do we pay for an annual audit of our accounts?
On the awards, plaques, and certificates, how often do we buy pins and how much do we spend every year
versus periodically?
Again, please take this as a starting point and feel free to respond with any and all comments.
Great work, Joe. Lots of ideas to think about and work with to achieve a balanced budget. I had added
several comments to add to the conversation as we move on. Looking forward to hearing the thoughts of
the other board members.
Great work Joe! I have added a few comments in addition to Rick.
Hi Joe,
I agree with Rick that you did a great job. I was looking at the cost of the TAFSAA membership and
conferences fees to see how we compared to other surrounding states. It does seem that our costs are
somewhat higher but we do have a large state. I included some information on what I found and added a
comment to the conversation.
By the way, great comments Rick
Mike Carranza, Associate Dean
Student Financial Services
The admin/misc expenses for the year ending 10/31/09 were made up of the following:
Let me know if you need anything else
Audit Fee
BankCard Annual Fee
Board/Fidicuary Coverage
Camera Battery
cc fees
Deposit Slips & Envelopes
fax service annual
General Liability Insurance
go emerchant
president's plaque
printer cartridges
Quickbooks software renewal
receipt book
reclass juan galvan refund on credit card washed through fees
reclassification - putnam
stop payment charge
Grand Total
This is helpful information. I have reorganized it into the following budget categories. Does this make
sense to you? It also highlights that there is little opportunity for reduction within these expenses.
09-10 Admin/Misc Expenses
Financial Charges
BankCard Annual Fee
cc fees
Deposit Slips & Envelopes
go emerchant
stop payment charge
Quickbooks software renewal
Board/Fidicuary Coverage
General Liability Insurance
Camera Battery
fax service annual
president's plaque
printer cartridges
receipt book
reclass juan galvan refund on credit card washed through fees
reclassification - putnam
Grand Total
Budget Principles:
o Fall Conference, New Aid Officers Workshop, and ABC Workshop will be self supporting.
o Membership dues should cover all other association costs after reducing expenses (see below).
o Most committees should utilize conference calls exclusively for meetings, except Fall Conference
and Training Committees.
o Estimates for attendance and membership numbers should be realistic and conservative. Any
revenue realized above the budget would be available the subsequent year. Any revenue shortfalls
need to be reflected in reductions the following year’s budget or the taken from reserves as the board
Cost Containment Efforts:
o Discontinue Regional Training in its current form. Explore partnership with TG that is cost neutral
to the Association.
o Reduce travel expenses for Past President and President-Elect by only funding the Past President to
attend TASFAA and flight for NASFAA while funding the President-Elect to attend Leadership
Development Conference, TASFAA, and SWASFAA.
o Reduce Trailblazer Award to $2500 cap.
o Reduce stipend for Secretary to $600 for the year, and seek Association approval to eliminate
o Eliminate separate budgets for each committee that is not self supporting, except Newsletter/Public
Relations and Site Selection.
o Ad-hoc committees that will not be renewed - Constitution and Bylaws Committee,
Mentoring/Leadership/Diversity Committee, Regional Training, Scholarship Committee, and
Presidents Advisory Council.
o Roll mentoring program into Training Committee responsibilities.
o Eliminate printing of annual report and scholarships.
o Reduce budget for Newsletter/Public Relations Committee and award pins, plaques, and certificates.
o Uncategorized expenses should be rolled into Administrative/Miscellaneous.
New Expenses:
o Add budget for Legislative Issues Committee to better engage TASFAA during the legislative
o Consider obtaining a teleconferencing number for TASFAA utilization.
Further possible reductions:
o Decrease Treasurer stipend to $250 or $300 per month.
o Decrease board size from 13 to 11 voting members and from 2 to 1 non-voting members, dropping 2
at-large positions and the separate Secretary/Historian position. Secretary will be elected from
within the board similar to the Vice-President.
TASFAA Budget Proposed 10-11
Income for Self-Sustaining Programs
Fall Conference Fees-Current YR
Fall Conference Fees-Prior YR
Regional Training Fee
New Aid Officers Workshop Fees
ABC Workshop Fees
Income for Association Costs
Investment Revenue
Membership Dues
Transfer from Reserves (if necessary)
Total Income
Fall Conference Committee
Committee Expenses
Conference Expenses - Current Year
Conference Expenses - Prior Year
Regional Training Committee
Committee Expenses
Regional Training Expenses
131250.00 $295 x 450
0.00 $30 x 300
18750.00 $400 x 100
7500.00 $100 x 75
50000.00 $175 x 250
$375 x 350
$30 x 300
$250 x 75
$100 x 75
$250 x 200
Training Committee
Committee Expenses
New Aid Officers Workshop Expenses
ABC Workshop Expenses
Association Operating Costs
Board of Directors
Past President Travel
President Travel
President Elect Travel
Rookie of the Year (Trailblazer Award)
Stipend-Secretary ($200/month)
Stipend-Treasurer ($350/month)
President's Discretionary
Finance Committee
Membership Committee
Nominations/Elections Committee
Awareness/Partnership Dvlpmnt Comm.
Awards Committee
Communications Network Committee
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Mentoring, Leadership & Diversity
Newsletter/Public Relations Comm.
President's Advisory Council
Scholarship Committee
Site Selection Committee
Annual Report Printing
Database Services (ATAC)
High School Partnership Trng
Mack Adams Scholarship
Award Pins, Plaques, and Certificates
Uncategorized Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
Email Communication Regarding Fall Conference 2012 Contract 5/27/10
Dear Board members,
Please read the following contract especially page 7 of 11. I know the board approved me to sign this
contract but these dates did not appear until we got the final version. I feel these dates are way too early for
this heavy of a penalty and want the board's input before I sign.
Thanks for you time and attention to this important matter.
I agree, these penalties are very steep…I am not sure if they penalties can be negotiated?
The penalty does seem excessive, but I am not familiar with hotel contracts. Is this standard or can we
negotiate? I think we should try negotiating and see what happens before the contract is signed.
Hi Carolyn,
I also agree these penalties are quite high. In addition, page 5-Banquet Services, it states we have to meet
an $8,000 expense for food and not spend less than 90% ($7,200) or TASFAA will be liable for the
difference. I think we should try to negotiate.
I, too, think the dates for the penalties are too far out. As to the food and beverage totals, I think we will
easily exceed that amount. One meal at $20 per person (which is very cheap at a hotel) X 350 attendees
gets you to $7,000. We need to renegotiate the time frame of the penalty. I would think that 50% at a year
out and 75% four months prior to the conference should be the most we would consider. 50% at 18 months
doesn’t ring true with other hotel contracts I’ve been part of.
Carolyn – Yes, I agree. The penalties are too high. I would agree too for renegotiation.
Email Communication Regarding Revised Fall Conference 2012 Contract 5/27/10
Dear Board,
Please let me know if you agree that it is okay to sign this contract with the adjustments made to the
cancellation portion of the contract.
Thanks for your input.
>>> "Kimberly Murphy" <kmurphy@omnihotels.com> 5/27/2010 4:30 PM >>>
I hope we got it all this time!! Please review the changes I made to the cancellation and see if that will
work better for you. We hope we never run into a situation where we would have to look at them, but I did
make some adjustments based on our conversation. Just for an FYI, when we run into situations where
groups have to cancel, we look at dates where we can reschedule. We don't want anyone to have to pay a
cancellation fee, we want you to use your money towards an event for your group.
Cancellation after contract signature and before January 1, 2011
$5,000.00- 8 months
Cancellation between January 1, 2011 and before October 31, 2011
(25% of total room nights @ $139.00)
$20,544.00- 10 months
Cancellation between October 31, 2011, and May 31, 2012
(50% of total room nights @ $139.00 and 50% of food & beverage guarantee)
$55,360.00- 7
Cancellation after May 31, 2012, and prior to Group’s arrival October 8, 2012
(100% of total room nights @ $139.00 + 100% of food & beverage guarantee)
$110,721.00- 5
Thank you for your assistance!!
Looks good. I think you should sign. Joe
I agree for you to sign. Thanks! Shannon
Hi Carolyn,
I agree for you to sign.
Much better! I agree that you should sign this contract.
Agreed. Ed
I agree as well. Thank you, Amanda Jurovic
Much better. I vote yes. Karen
My apologies for just now being able to join in the conversation. I, too, agree that the revised contract is
much more palatable. If the motion and second are on the table to authorize Carolyn to sign the contract, I
vote in favor of the authorization.
Carolyn, I agree on the revisions, noted. Thanks, Dana
Email Communication Regarding Cancellation Proposal October 2011 6/9/10
Dear TASFAA Board,
We are trying to cancel our 500 room block with the Hilton Arlington for October 2011. We will negotiate
a new contract for the NAOW for May 2011 in its place. Can I have a motion and a second for me to sign
this cancellation and proceed with the NAOW contract. I will send the NAOW Contract for a motion and
second for approval when received?
Please let me know if you have questions.
Carolyn J. Jones
Financial Aid Technical Coordinator
>>> "Ruelas, Cory" <Cory.Ruelas@ihrco.com> 6/9/2010 1:42 PM >>>
Ms. Jones,
Hilton Arlington has received your cancellation notification. Attached please find our Cancellation
Proposal. Please review, sign and return by this Friday, June 11, 2010. The contract for the TASFAA - New
Aid Officers Workshop scheduled for May 15-18, 2011 will be sent shortly.
We appreciate the opportunity to host this meeting again in 2011. Please keep our hotel in mind should
your hotel needs change during the October 2011 Conference, we would love to host overflow rooms.
At your service,
Cory Ruelas
Director of Sales - Hilton Arlington
2401 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006
Direct: 817-640-4715 Fax: 817-652-0243
E-mail: cory.ruelas@ihrco.com
From: Carolyn Jones [mailto:CJones@collin.edu]
Sent: Mon 6/7/2010 11:35 AM
To: Pettibon, Joseph; Ruelas, Cory
Subject: Re: FW: Hilton Arlington Notice
TASFAA Would like to cancel our room block for October 2011. We would like to book the hotel for May
2011 instead.
Please advise what steps need to be take to accomplish this.
Carolyn J. Jones
TASFAA President
Carolyn J. Jones
Financial Aid Technical Coordinator
>>> "Pettibon, Joseph" <jpettibon@sfamail.tamu.edu> 6/5/2010 6:15 PM >>>
Your old email address appears to not be working. Do you want me to send a letter to the Arlington Hilton
requesting the cancellation or do you want to do that?
Also, have you sent notice to the Sheraton that we want to execute the 10% reduction allowed on the room
From: Ruelas, Cory [mailto:Cory.Ruelas@ihrco.com]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 4:02 PM
To: Pettibon, Joseph
Subject: FW: Hilton Arlington Notice
Mr. Pettibon,
I’m trying to reach Ms. Jones, however, she is out of the office and her e-mail is not working. Please read
over the information sent to her on behalf of Nancy Garner at the Hilton Arlington. Feel free to call me
should you have any questions.
Thank you!
Cory Ruelas
Director of Sales - Hilton Arlington
2401 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006
Direct: 817-640-4715 Fax: 817-652-0243
E-mail: cory.ruelas@ihrco.com
From: Ruelas, Cory
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 3:41 PM
To: 'cjones@ccccd.edu'
Subject: FW: Hilton Arlington Notice
Ms. Jones,
My name is Cory Ruelas, I am the Director of Sales at the Hilton Arlington hotel, and I’m following up on
a called you placed earlier regarding the cancellation of the Oct 2011 block and the contract for the May
2011 NAOW. Nancy is out, hopefully returning on June 14 th but I will make sure the group is taken care of.
The 1st request we have is a written notification from the group advising us of their desire to cancel the Oct
2011 contract. Once I receive that, a Cancellation Settlement Proposal along with the contract for the May
2011 NAOW room block will be issued. Please be advised space is on hold for the 2011 NAOW meeting.
I’m at your service should you have any questions. I’ll wait on your response before proceeding with the
necessary paperwork.
Cory Ruelas
Director of Sales - Hilton Arlington
2401 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006
Direct: 817-640-4715 Fax: 817-652-0243
E-mail: cory.ruelas@ihrco.com
From: Garner, Nancy
Sent: Wed 6/2/2010 2:12 PM
To: 'Carolyn Jones'
Subject: Hilton Arlington Notice
After speaking with you today, I realized that I had no form of cancellation in writing from your committee
cancelling the block for 2011.
Please respond to this email and notify me of the TASFAA board decision to cancellation the entire block
for the 2011 annual conference for Oct. 3-7, 2011.
I will proceed with the settlement statement and the contract for the workshop.
Nancy Garner
Senior Sales Manager
Hilton Arlington Rated #1 Business Hotel by Tripadvisor.com
2401 East Lamar Boulevard
Arlington, Texas 76006
Direct: 817-640-4718
Fax: 817-652-0243
Email: nancy.garner@ihrco.com
So move. Karen Krause
Second Mike Carranza, Associate Dean
Student Financial Services
We have a motion from Karen Krause to sign the cancellation Settlement Proposal and a second by
Mike Carranza.
Any discussion?
Q1. Is this less expensive than paying the $16K penalty and adding that to the cost of returning the NAOW
to St. Mary's?
Q2. If we drop the 'all inclusive' registration structure and require participants to book and pay for their
own rooms, will this kill the
perceived value of the NAOW for the membership? NAOW will become as
expensive as a conference trip for the participants.
Comment. If we were to roll the $16K into the price of the NAOW over the next two years at St. Mary's,
that would add about $80 to the normal
registration fee each of the next two years. This would still be less
than registration plus a $500 hotel bill. Not sure if we could get enough participants to meet a room block
at the Hilton with a registration fee plus room pricing.
some of my thoughts.
How many room nights are we committing to for 2011 NAOW? There is part of me that thought the
workshop did feel a bit more "professional" being in a hotel as opposed to being in the dorm, but that may
not be enough to offset the potential reduction in attendees. Do we need to schedule a 30 minute
conference call to discuss since this is a fairly significant amount of money?
The conversation with the Hilton was a similar setup as the NAOW this year, but we would like to reduce
the room block commitment. The Training Committee and the attendees both rated having this at a hotel as
better environment, including citing being better prepared to address emergencies. So, the question to me
is what type of setting do we want to have for the NAOW? Either is workable.
As for recovering the $16,000 penalty through future increases in registration fee for NAOW, I see no need
to do that if we go this route.
That is what the reserve is for, especially if we are planning increases to the membership fee.
A short conference call could be helpful.
Rick - can you set up a conference call?
Board - Who could attend a conference all if we got it set up for tomorrow?
Would A.M. or P.M. be better for you?
I already have an open account for TASFAA conference calls. No advance reservation needed. Give me
the time and I will send the phone number and access code to the group.
How does 3:30 sound for a conference call?
Please let me know if you cannot attend at that time. We need a quorum to have a vote.
Dear Board,
Some have expressed confusion so I am sending a quick explanation to help clarify things for everyone.
We have a 500 room block contract for the Arlington Hilton for the Fall Conference in 2011. This was our
overflow hotel (our main hotel is the Sheraton our conference hotel). We will not need any of those
rooms. There is a $16000 penalty to cancel that contract. In order to avoid paying that $16000 penalty we
were looking at having the NAOW there again in May.
The question raised has been: Will it be cheaper to move the NAOW back to St Mary's and pay the
Is that clear as mud now?
I was away at meetings so I could not join in on the call. Dana Mingo
TASFAA Board Meeting
June 10, 2010
Phone Conference
Members Present: Carolyn Jones, Rick Renshaw, Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Amanda Jurovic,
Karen Krause, Mike Carranza, Joe Pettibon, Laurie Coulter, Shannon Crossland and Richard
Not Present: Kay Mooney, Dana Mingo, Enrique Garcia, Tia Clary
Carolyn called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.
Carolyn discussed the final numbers with NOAW – expenses $45000 and revenue - $33000 with
a loss for NAOW of about $12,000. But we did not have to pay the $55,000 penalty. Original
budget projected $40,000 in NAOW fees. We expected 100 campers at $400. There were 72
campers this year with the revenue of $33000. Joe stated that the hotel expense was figured into
the cost for NAOW so next year’s structure might be different. Carolyn said all the feedback was
good for this year. Joe stated that we had been at St. Mary’s for years. Karen stated that we
could structure the room cost different for the future. Joe stated that we are currently trying to
avoid a $16,000 penalty. Joe wondered if we could let the participants pay their room fee on an
individual basis and lower the NAOW fee. Karen asked about the contract and Carolyn stated
that we do not have a contract yet. Joe mentioned that the Hilton had been asked to reduce the
room block for next year’s workshop. Karen asked how many room nights we used this year.
Carolyn stated that the information had been received but she sent it on to Tia. Karen stated that
even if 50 people stayed at the hotel for four nights that something in the area would probably
work. The contract needs to be signed by June 28th. Karen stated that we could make the
membership aware of next year’s cost once we know what the cost will be. Carolyn stated that
we had about 70 participants last year as well and that it may be more of a trend with the current
environment. Carolyn needs to sign the cancellation notice before we negotiate a new contract.
Carolyn asked Rick about his concerns for having the workshop at St. Mary’s and paying the
penalty for cancelling the contract. Rick thought it might be cheaper to pay the $16,000 and
continue to have it at St. Mary’s. $22667 was the total expense for NAOW 2009. There were 73
participants in 2009. Carolyn stated that getting the contract for NAOW this year was a little more
difficult. Joe stated that budget restraints may affect participation regardless of whether the
NAOW is at the Hilton or at St. Mary’s.
Karen made a motion to allow Carolyn to sign the cancellation settlement
proposal and then allow negotiation for NAOW 2011. The motion was
seconded by Mike. Amy took the vote and the motion passes. Carolyn will
send the cancellation notice to the Hilton.
Carolyn discussed one other issue regarding nominations for 10-11. We have run into a small
snag. The committee has been unable to find someone to run for President Elect. Carolyn asked
if we go to the membership for vote without a President Elect. Rick stated we have to leave it
open until a nominee is available. Carolyn had someone in mind but they have not served on the
board. Please let Carolyn know if you can think of anyone who would be great in this position.
Rick suggested contacting past presidents to see if they would run again. Carolyn stated we
have to have one but would like to have two nominees. There were two running for treasurer and
one for secretary. Carolyn asked if we could have one run for secretary and Rick stated that he
would leave it open as well. He is working on getting a candidate for the position.
Phone conference ended at 3:56 p.m.
Email Communication Regarding NAOW 2011 6/14/10
Here is the new contract for next years NAOW. Do we want to just stay with what we did this year? If not
what changes should be made?
They want me to sign by Friday.
>>> "Ruelas, Cory" <Cory.Ruelas@ihrco.com> 6/11/2010 5:04 PM >>>
Thank you for returning the signed Cancellation Settlement Proposal. We were sorry to lose the booking
for October ‘11 but glad to have this workshop back for May ‘11. A copy of the countersigned proposal
will be sent to your attention on Monday. Attached please find the contract for the TASFAA - New Aid
Officers Workshop scheduled for May 15-19, 2011 at Hilton Arlington. Please note the following:
Room block was revised to reflect numbers similar to 2010 results
Group room rate did not increase
Matched upgrades and discounts offered in 2010
Please review, sign and return by next Friday, June 18, 2010. We are hoping to have Nancy back next
week, in the meantime please do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions or concerns.
At your service,
Cory Ruelas
Director of Sales - Hilton Arlington
2401 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76006
Direct: 817-640-4715 Fax: 817-652-0243
E-mail: cory.ruelas@ihrco.com
From: Carolyn Jones [mailto:CJones@collin.edu]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 4:05 PM
To: Ruelas, Cory; Garner, Nancy; Tia.Clary@lcu.edu; jbatenho@southplainscollege.edu; jpp2@tamu.edu
Subject: TASFAA Cancellation Settlement Proposal
Here is the Cancellation Settlement Proposal.
Carolyn J. Jones
Financial Aid Technical Coordinator
Hey, everyone. Just got back in town and reviewing my messages. I don't see any conversations about this
request from Carolyn to critique the proposed NAOW contract for next spring.
Couple of things I am wondering about:
1.Contract appears to be for a minimum total amount of $40,000 including both catering and room charges
(page 2 Catering services and Page 5 Cancellation)
2. However, it appears that page 5, Attrition, makes us responsible for 100% of the room block regardless if
we exceed $40,000 is total room pick up and catering.
3. If the NAOW 2011 pricing is going to exclude room charges, the wording on Page 2,
Reservation/Rooming List, should be revised to match the intentions for each participant to make his or her
own reservations.
Sorry all,
We have been so busy with the start of our summer session and all the headaches that come with this that I
have not had a chance to reply.
Rick, I did see the same as you did where the Hotel is holding us to a minimum of $40,000 in rooms and
catering services. And as you mention, we are being committed to 100% of room blocks even if we exceed
the limit.
On page 5 under the cancellation clause, it mentions that "the closer in time the cancellation occurs the
greater the damage." I see that the contract states that as of the date of the signature TASFAA is
responsible for 100% of the $40,000 anticipated revenue. What do they mean by the closer to the
cancellation? Were there different percentages leading to the event?
My thoughts
Mike Carranza
I shared the contract with the Training Committee. Their only feedback was to change the "working lunch"
on Wednesday to the same room as the other lunches during the week.
If we can, I think we should negotiate a lower minimum or a percentage where we are not penalized (i.e. if
we hit 90% of the amount).
I also think we should ask them to roll the TASFAA Board Meeting for May 2011 into this same contract
to allow us to maximize the room block and meeting costs associated with this meeting as well. It could
help achieve the $40,000 minimum if we cannot lower it.
Last, I have to ask the question on the Hilton points. This seems to me to be a questionable practice and
one that is absent from other TASFAA contracts. While it may seem to be a waste to let the points go
unearned, it provides a very negative impression that other reasons may have been at work in the selection
of this site. We know that is not the case, but I think it should be removed.
Let me know if you need me to do something on this.
Email Communication Regarding NAOW and Board Meeting 2011 6/22/10
Dear Board,
Here is a revised contract from The Hilton for the Board Meeting and NAOW for May 2011. This needs to
be completed and signed by Friday.
Do we need a conference call to discuss or will you read and motion - second and vote?
Thanks for your time and attention to this matter.
>>> "Ruelas, Cory" <Cory.Ruelas@ihrco.com> 6/21/2010 8:29 PM >>>
As promised and per our earlier conversation, attached please find a revised contract from Hilton Arlington
for the TASFAA New Aid Officers Workshop and Board Meeting scheduled for May 15-19, 2011.
Changes agreed upon include:
Meeting name has been changed to include Board Meeting
Meeting space and meal requests for Board Meeting have been added to May 17 and 18, 2011
Minimums were left the same for the overall meeting at $40,000
HHonors clause has been removed from contract
Lunch on 5/18/2011 has been changed from a Working Lunch to a regular lunch in a separate
Cancellation clause has been modified to reflect $40,000 required revenue is based on guest room
and food/beverage
Let me know if I’ve left anything out. Thanks again for bringing the group back to the hotel!
At your service,
Cory Ruelas
Looks better. I will vote in favor of this contract. Rick
I move that we approve for Carolyn to sign this contract. Joe
I second. Dana
I have a motion from Joe to sign the contract with the Hilton Arlington for
the 2011 NAOW and Board Meeting. Dana Mingo has seconded. Motion
Is there any discussion?
I vote Yes to sign. Thanks! Shannon
I vote yes. Mike Carranza
I vote yes. Thank you, Amanda Jurovic
I vote…yes. K
Yes. Karen
I vote YES. Laurie Coulter
Yes. Ed
Yes! Richard
Email Communication Regarding President Elect Position 6/22/10
Dear TASFAA Board,
We have been having issues finding someone to run for President Elect. One of the issues is that the
President Elect is required to have been a board member by our policy and procedure manual.
I have a request for a one time override of that requirement to allow Harold Whitis to run for the position.
Harold has been involved in TASFAA since 1979. He has been a trainer, on various committees and has
chaired various committees. He has worked within budgets and has attended many board meetings over the
years as he completed his duties.
I believe the requirement for serving on the board was put in place so that the President-Elect had some
experience with how the board functions and I believe that Harold has that understanding with his long
involvement with TASFAA.
Please give me your feedback and approval or disapproval and reasons for such ASAP.
Thanks for your time once again!
I move we waive the requirement of being a Board member for this year’s nomination
I second the motion that we remove the requirement of being a board member for this
year’s nomination process.
Kay Mooney
I second this. Dana Mingo
I have a motion from Henry to waive the requirement for this year to allow Herald to run for President-elect
since he does have extensive experience with TASFAA.
We have a second from Kay Mooney.
Can we now have any discussion if there is any?
If we waive the requirement, then the information should be sent to the TASFAA list extending the
deadline for nominations to Friday allowing others who have not served on the board to be considered. It
may yield nothing, but it is worth doing.
Good morning to all,
I think we need to change the verbiage which states the President Elect “must be a Board member” to
“must have Board knowledge” or something along those lines. This will serve for future guidance if we are
faced with this again.
My thoughts
Mike Carranza
I'm in agreement with Joe.
Laurie Coulter
we have a motion and a second with a request to post the change in
requirements to the list-serve to allow others to run. Motion passes.
Can I please have you all vote for or against ASAP please!
For. Shannon Crossland
I vote for. Mike Carranza
I agree with Joe. I also think we need to look at the requirements of having to be a current board member
as long as they have had some experience with committees and the board.
Kay Mooney
I vote for. Kay
For. Ed Turney
For. Joe
For. We should discuss any change to the wording of the P&P at the July meeting. Karen
Aye. Rick
In favor. Laurie Coulter
For. Richard Silva
Dear Board,
We have a motion and a second and ten votes for allowing a one time override to the board member clause
for president-elect. (we will discus changing this wording at our July board meeting).
Karen - Please post a message to the list serve requesting nominations through Friday for President elect
with TASFAA service and board knowledge through past committee activity.
Hopefully we can close the nominations on Friday - close of business and then get them out to the website
for vote by July 1, 2010?
Thanks to everyone for your time and attention to this matter!
If you have not looked at and commented on the NAOW/Board Meeting Contract please do so ASAP.
Hi Carolyn,
Yes, we should have enough time to announce the candidate slate by July 1st (or earlier). We then need to
wait 30 days to open the elections. I will contact you to organize a conference call with the board for
approval of the candidates next week. Thanks!!!
Caren Stewart
Email Communication Regarding Slate of Candidates 6/30/10
Hi Rick,
Attached is the final spreadsheet; the nominations tab contains detail on the nominations received, the
second tab contains the bio from each candidate (also see pdf attached). Those candidates listed in red on
the nominations tab have not submitted a bio to date, after numerous requests from the committee. Those
highlighted in green have withdrawn their nomination.
Please forward to the board for review prior to the conference call on Tuesday to approve the slate for
election. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if you have any questions.
Caren Stewart
Chair Nominations and Elections committee
Caren Stewart
Hi, everyone. Carolyn will be back from vacation next week but we need to move forward now and begin
work on finalizing the nominations process for this year's elections.
I am attaching a copy of the message containing the candidate list being recommended by the Nominations
and Elections Committee. Please review carefully in preparation for discussion and a vote early next week.
If you have any questions or need additional information about any of the candidates, contact Caren
Stewart, committee chair.
I expect there will need to be some discussion about the list that cannot be handled through e-mail.
Assuming that a conference call will be necessary, please respond to this message as soon as possible with
your availability to attend a conference call on Tuesday, July 6 or Wednesday, July 7.
Looks like Wednesday, July 7th at 11 AM is the best chance to get a quorum for business. I know some of
you that responded indicated you would not be available at that time, but given the urgency of the matter,
we need to move forward.
I will finalize this decision with Carolyn on Tuesday and send out the conference call instructions at that
time. Please review the attached candidate list being recommended by the NE Comm. and be prepared to
discuss and vote on Wednesday.
Thanks and have a safe holiday weekend.
Carolyn has confirmed the board conference call for tomorrow, Wednesday, July 7, at 11:00 AM. The
purpose of the meeting is to discuss and approve a slate of candidates for the 2010 elections.
TASFAA Board Meeting
July 7, 2010
Phone Conference
Members Present: Carolyn Jones, Ed Turney, Amy Hardesty, Amanda Jurovic, Karen Krause,
Mike Carranza, Richard Silva, Kay Mooney, Joe Pettibon, Laurie Coulter, Henry Garcia, Shannon
Committee Chair: Caren Stewart
Not Present: Dana Mingo, Tia Clary, and Rick Renshaw
Carolyn called the meeting to order at 11:04 a.m.
Carolyn asked Caren Stewart to go over the email that she sent regarding the slate of nominees.
She stated that several withdrew their nomination and several have not turned in their bio. She
asked if there were any questions. Carolyn asked about Janetta to see if she had any experience
but Caren has not received her bio. Carolyn visited about the exception that was made for the
president elect. Karen stated that if we have not received a bio that we would not consider them
for the position. Caren Stewart agreed with Karen Krause. There are 12 nominees for Board
Member. Carolyn stated that since Janetta did not submit the bio that she would not be allowed
to run. Joshua would also be disallowed since he did not supply a bio. The Board was in
Kay made a motion to accept the slate of candidate. Laurie seconded the
Carolyn asked for discussion. Karen stated that she was concerned with several candidates
since they did not have any prior involvement within TASFAA. Carolyn asked if the membership
should get to see the bio and make the decision. Karen thinks the board should have a say in the
slate of candidates who will run our organization. Carolyn stated that we will need 6 board
members and if those without experience were disallowed that would only leave 8 candidates.
Kay agreed with Karen that knowledge of the organization will help them to be better prepared to
serve. Carolyn is concerned that if we don’t allow the volunteers to run it could hurt us in the
future. Caren asked if the candidates had been active in other organization would that change
the decision. Karen thought having association experience would be a benefit. There are four
candidates running for the board that stated that they do not have experience – LaTasha
Goudeau, Michelle Wells, Stephen Brower and Toni Bryant. Iroghama Omere as the nominee for
secretary did not have experience but there is less concern over this position since they do not
vote. Carolyn asked if there was anything in our procedures that say that past experience is
required to run for the board. Brower has not had board experience but he has been involved in
other associations. Henry stated that he had some experience. Carolyn stated that she did not
see anything in the nomination and elections section that states they have to have experience.
Joe stated that he did not find anything that states they need experience to run for election.
Carolyn stated that the P&P states the president elect must have experience but the board
member does not give that requirement. Karen stated that there was not anything in writing to
keep them from being on the ballot. Joe asked about the board approving the slate of
candidates. Carolyn stated that it was to insure that the candidates met the requirements and
that the nomination and elections committee has done their job. We would also give the
committee the authority to proceed with the ballot. Karen stated that if they are nominated that
we do not have to put them on the ballot. Joe stated that if we have the authority to approve the
slate we could disapprove some of the nominees. Karen stated that she was concerned with
having a board member represent the organization when they have not had experience and she
was not sure that starting as a board member was the best thing to do. Caren stated that they
did not ask about further experience in other organizations. Kay asked if we had weeded people
out in the past. Henry stated that in the past we had plenty of nominations and that if there were
more than one nominee from a school, one of those had to be weeded out. Caren stated that she
did not know what previous N&E committees have done and if they weeded anyone out prior to
bringing the slate to the board. Karen can live with the slate of candidates but we are endorsing
this slate.
Amy took the vote. The motion passes.
Carolyn asked Caren to proceed with the process. She asked her to follow up with those who did
not submit a bio so that they know that they will not be on the ballot. Caren will contact all of the
other nominees to let them know that they will be on the ballot. Caren will submit the slate of
candidates through the listserve. Voting will be allowed over a period of two weeks. We will need
to meet again by phone conference to review and approve the new board members.
Phone conference ended at 11:30 a.m.
Email Communication Regarding Revised Slate of Candidates 7/9/10
Dear Board,
We need to vote to accept an amended ballot because one person requested being removed from the ballot:
Toni Bryant
>>> Caren Stewart <cstewart@atienterprises.edu> 7/9/2010 8:10 AM >>>
Hi Carolyn,
Please see the emails below. Can we just remove her from the election ballot? I will revise the list of
candidates when I send the next reminder out to the membership. Please advise. Thanks!
Caren Stewart
817.591.1098 office
682.667.9228 blackberry
-----Original Message----From: Caren Stewart
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 7:52 AM
To: 'Bryant, Toni L'
Cc: Speed, Sandra K; 'Valdez, Belen'; 'Buehrer, Don'
Subject: RE: [tasfaaL] Announcement of Candidates for 2010-11 Elections
Hi Toni,
I do not have an email from you indicating what you mentioned below, the only email I have from you is
your bio as we requested. Also, we contacted all candidates at the end of the vetting process to let them
know they their nomination had been approved by the board. There was no indication that you had
withdrawn your nomination.
I will contact you later today, thanks.
Caren Stewart
817.591.1098 office
682.667.9228 blackberry
-----Original Message----From: Bryant, Toni L [mailto:TLBryant@schreiner.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:38 PM
To: Caren Stewart
Cc: Speed, Sandra K
Subject: RE: [tasfaaL] Announcement of Candidates for 2010-11 Elections
I think there may be some mistake? I had asked that my name be removed for this year since I am not quite
finished with my Master's degree.
-----Original Message----From: tasfaal-bounces@tasfaa.org [mailto:tasfaal-bounces@tasfaa.org] On
Behalf Of tasfaal@tasfaa.org
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:11 PM
To: tasfaal@tasfaa.org
Subject: [tasfaaL] Announcement of Candidates for 2010-11 Elections
Subject: Announcement of Candidates for 2010-11 Elections
List: tasfaaL
Date: July 8, 2010
From: Caren Stewart
------------------------The Nominations and Elections committee proudly announces the official Slate of Candidates that have
been approved by the TASFAA board, for the 2010-11 TASFAA elections;
For the position(s) of Board Member (5 open positions):
Amanda Jurovic
- Rice University
Cathleen Wright
- Texas Lutheran University
Debra La Grone
- Texas A&M University - Texarkana
Ed Turney
- University of North Texas
LaTasha Goudeau
- University of Houston Downtown
Mari Chapa
- University of Texas at Brownsville
Melet Leafgreen
- Texas Christian University
Michelle Wells
- Midwestern State University
Shanna Hollis
- Texas Wesleyan University
Shannon Crossland - Texas Tech University
Stephen Brower
- Hardin Simmons University
Toni Bryant
- Schreiner University
For the position of President Elect:
Harold Whitis
- Texas A&M Health Science Center
For the position of Secretary/Historian:
Iroghama Omere
- Prairie View A&M University
For the position of Treasurer Elect:
Becky Wilson
- Texas Tech University
Elections will open on Monday, August 9th 2010. Voting will done via the online voting system on the
TASFAA website. If you are the primary contact for your institution, please go to
http://www.tasfaa.org/docs/forms/memIndivUpdate.html then log in and check your individual profile to
make sure that the box for primary contact is checked.
IMPORTANT: Only the person designated as the primary contact for your institution will receive the
instructions to access the on-line ballot.
We encourage all members to carefully review and consider these individuals who are willing to lead our
State Association, and to VOTE!!!
We thank all the candidates for their willingness to serve our membership.
*From your Nominations and Elections committee
I make the motion that Toni Bryant's name be removed from the approved
candidate list at her request.
I second. Mike Carranza - Motion passes.
I second the motion. Dana
We have a motion by Rick and a second by mike to amend the ballot. Any discussion?
Hearing no discussion please vote now:
Everyone please respond with a yes or no to accept the amended ballot removing Toni.
Yes. Mike
Yes. Shannon
Yes. Amanda
Yes. Laurie
I vote yes. Ed
Yes. Dana
Yes. Richard Silva
Passed with 9 yes and 0 no.
Amanda, Henry, Shannon, Mike, Ed, Dana, Laurie, Richard, Joe
All voted yes.
Yes. Rick
Yes. Karen