Teaching Judgment - NavigatingAccounting.com

Freeing up Time for Critical Thinking
Applications for Introductory Financial Accounting Course
G. Peter and Carolyn R. Wilson
University of British Columbia Okanagan
June 6, 2012
© 1991-2012 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
 How do we put 20 pounds of sugar into a 5 pound bag?
 On the one hand, we are increasingly held accountable for
ensuring students learn more and more vocabulary, procedures,
processes, skills, and contextual details.
 On the other hand, reporting scandals underscore our
responsibility to prepare students to think more critically about
ethical considerations and the relevance, reliability and
consistency of reported numbers when preparing, auditing, or
using them.
 How do we accommodate students’ differences?
 Students increasingly come to us with diverse experiences,
aptitudes, aspirations, and learning styles.
How do we free up class time for critical thinking?
 Identify resources, incentives and strategies
 Take advantage of technology
 Utilize frameworks
 Conceptual framework
 Application framework
 Learning framework
Frameworks Summary
Conceptual Framework
Focuses on how accounting
reports are affected by and affect
three intertwined decisions
Applications Framework
Well-known corporations’ annual
Fictitious companies with similar
financial statements
You are an outsider trying
to determine the
decisions behind the
You are an insider
making the decisions
behind the numbers
Learning Framework
Content to meet diverse aptitudes,
experiences, and aspirations
Maps to navigate content
Hands-on tour of intro financial accounting course
 Session 2: Framing record keeping and reporting
 Session 1: Measurement judgments: Students’ balance sheets
 Session 5: Income statements & OEC Map: Connecting statements
 Session 6: OEC Map: Revenue & expense recognition
 Session 4: Analyzing balance sheets across industries
 Session 3: Risks & rewards: Mall exercise
 Session 11: Statement of cash flows, SCF Entry Map, & R&R Map
 Session 27: Big accounting picture – Accounting Decisions Map