8th lit, Quarter 2




lit, Quarter


Literary Terms, 11/8

Text: any arrangement of words

Metaphor: when something is itself and represents something else

Allusion: a reference to something outside the text that the reader is expected to know.

Synecdoche: a part of something is used to refer to the whole.

The crown

“All hands on deck”

Hyperbole: great exaggeration

Motif: any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story.

Part 1 vocab:

Abyss: a void, emptiness

Adders: snakes

Ballistics: the science of the motion of projectiles in flight.

Bestial: beast-like

Cacophony: harsh or painful sounds

Feigning: faking

Gullet: throat

Part 1 vocab

Heresy: disbelief in the established religion or rules.

Jargon: language used by a particular group.

Mausoleum: large tomb

Odious: hateful

Proclivities: desires

Quibble: argue

Quick Write

Analyze this quote:

“If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.”

Why would it appear at the front of

Fahrenheit 451? Make some predictions about the book.

Literary Terms

Double meaning: a word that has two meanings

Satire: a genre of literature that use irony, humor, and ridicule to attack human vice or folly.

Fairy tale: a story that contains folkloric and fantastical creatures

Paradox: a statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or a situation which (if true) defies logic or reason

T-P-S requirements

Extended answer using 1 quote (9-14 sentences long)

All participants must write names/participate in discussion.

Decide who will present each part

Work effectively to stay on task as well as guide each other to success!

The Sieve and the Sand

Arsonists: people who set fires

Beatific: blissful

Certitude: certainty

Contemptible: worthy of hate

Enameled: painted

Insidious: treacherous

Moor: boggy area

Phosphorescent: glowing

Praetorian: special bodyguards, resembling the Roman imperial bodyguard.

Sieve: strainer

Teem: to abound

Televisors: walls with built-in televisions for entertaining and brainwashing people.

Verbiage: excessively wordy

Welter: a chaotic mess.

The Sand and the sieve discussion questions

Why does the author weave in reminders that a war is imminent?

Describe the confrontation between

Montag and the ladies who come to visit

Mildred. What does the scene say about the life women live in this society?

How does Capt. Beatty behave toward

Montag at the Firehouse?

Where do the firemen go after receiving the alarm? Why would they go there?

Literary terms:

characterization – strategies an author uses to give characters personality

juxtaposition – the placement of ideas together which are generally not associated

repetition – the recurrence of a word or phrase for literary effect

anaphora – the repetition of a first phrase

irony – the occurrence of the opposite of what is expected

Burning Bright

Aesthetic-visually pleasing

Convolutions-complicated curves and windings in the brain.

Incriminate-to show evidence of involvement in a crime.

Juggernaut-a massive force that crushes anything in it’s path.

Liquefaction-process of becoming liquid

Define these:

Please write the page number as well as the definition of each word. Due at the end of the sectioin.






Scythe valise

Utah Write Requirements

5 paragraphs

Introductory paragraph-introduce topic and stance

3 body paragraphs—supporting details and examples that add meaning to your introductory paragraph/thesis

Concluding paragraph—”wrap it up” restate important topics mentioned that strengthen your stance.

Items to consider

Sentence length variation

Transitional words and phrases



Did you consider the other side of the argument?

Is there enough evidence to support your thesis?

Literary Devices: 1/3

Connotation: associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning.

--emotional attachment

Denotation: Dictionary definition of a word


Which word has a more positive connotation?

Ted’s Restaurant is furnished with (old, antique) furniture.

Mike’s (shabby, vintage) bike is black and gold.

A group of (loud, enthusiastic) students walk to school every day.

My parents argue (loudly, passionately) about politics over dinner.

Literary Devices

Meter: The recurring pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Onomatopoeia: a word that imitates the source of the sound it describes.


Oxymoron: a figure of speech that combines contradictory ideas.

Parallelism: a poetic device in which two or more words, phrases or lines of a poem reflect each others' content.

Literary Devices:

Pathos: The appeal to an emotion

Pun: A play on words, usually for comic reception.

Soliloquy: A dramatic monologue that represents a series of unspoken reflections.

Poetic Devices

Iamb: a group of two syllables with a unstressed and stressed syllable.

Iambic Pentameter: a line of 5 meters that are unstressed and stressed:

“That time of year thou mayst in me behold.

Feet: groups of syllables in a line.


Meter=The basic rhythmic structure of a verse of lines in verse.


14 lined poem

2 types



Petrarchan Sonnet

14 lines; 2 stanzas

First 8 lines: octave

Problem is presented

Final 6 lines: sestet

Answer to the problem

Shakespearean Sonnet

14 lines

3 quatrains

1 couplet
