0904 ESF 1830 - FloridaDisaster.org

Hurricane Frances
Evening Briefing
September 4, 2004
24 Hour Operations
Briefing Distribution
• Dial in to Listen
•See Operations Officer for number
• Webcast
•See Operations Officer for URL
• Channel 15 in Capital Circle Office Complex
• Video Conference to DOH, DOACS, FDLE
and others
Up next – SCO & FCO
State Coordinating Officer &
Federal Coordinating Officer
Craig Fugate
Bill Carwile
Up next – SERT Chief
SERT Chief
Mike DeLorenzo
Steve Glenn
Up next – Meteorology
Ben Nelson
Category 2 Hurricane Frances – 50 Miles
East of West Palm Beach
5 PM Wind Field
Wind Field Analysis – Saturday Afternoon
5 PM Advisory
Forecast Landfall
Forecast Wind Swath
Forecast Second Landfall
5 Day Rainfall Forecast
Tropical Storm Ivan in the Eastern Atlantic
Up next – Information & Planning
Information & Planning
David Crisp
Rodney Melsek
New Helpdesk Button
Up next – Operations Chief
Operations Chief
Leo Lachat
Ginger Edwards
Up next – ESF 1&3
ESF #1 – Transportation
ESF #3 – Public Works
ESF #1 – Transportation
ESF #3 – Public Works
• Current Operations –
– Final Preparedness Requests
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Support Immediate Response Requests
ESF #1 – Transportation
ESF #3 – Public Works
Civil Air Patrol
• Current Operations –
– Forward Control Team and 2 RECON Teams with A Team in Collier
– RECON Strike Team Staged in Miami for rapid Response
– Two Mission Air Bases NAPLES with nine aircraft and Jacksonville
with four aircraft
– Three SDIS photo-RECON aircraft staged in South Carolina
(Charleston AFB)
– Ten additional aircraft in state on standby
– Supporting Duval, Broward and Indian River counties with EOC and
shelter support
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Perform SAR as required
– Perform Ground and Air RECON and Impact Assessment
– Support other ESF's as required
– Mobilize Human Services Mission Support Team
ESF #1 – Transportation
ESF #3 – Public Works
• ESF 1, USDOT at ROC in Atlanta, USCG on scene
Up next – ESF 2
ESF #2 – Communications
ESF #2 – Communications
• Current Operations –
– Coordinating cell phone requests and deliveries, phone line
installations and set up for FEIL and Volunteer Florida Call
Center @ Shared Resource Center (SRC)
– Supporting communications set up for LSA's staging
– Monitoring 800 MHz State Law Enforcement System
(experiencing some tower/communications problems in Jupiter
and Ft. Pierce)
– Approx 2200 customers wireline outages reported in South
– 2% cell phone coverage outage reported
• Unmet Needs –
– Need more information of specific locations and personnel
numbers for communications set up
• Future Operations –
– Continue to support communications needs of LSA's, EOC,
state, and county agencies
Up next – ESF 4&9
ESF #4 – Fire Fighting
ESF #9 – Search & Rescue
ESF #4 – Fire Fighting
ESF #9 – Search & Rescue
• Current Operations –
– # of missions on hold, and will be reconsidered after
storm passes.
– Assessment teams are staged or in route.
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Monitor, evaluate, and respond to request as received.
Up next – ESF 6
ESF #6 – Mass Care
ESF #6 – Mass Care
• Current Operations –
– Coordinating with Counties on Mass Care Operations for
initial 48 hours
– Updating shelter database
– Developing MRE distribution plan
– Developing cot distribution plan
• Unmet Needs –
– Procedure to access MRE's and cots positioned in Federal
Staging areas
• Future Operations –
– Continue monitoring and updating shelter database
– Coordinate and publish MRE distribution plan
Up next – ESF 8
ESF #8 – Health & Medical
ESF #8 – Health & Medical
• Current Operations –
15 DMATs either staged or on alert.
2 DMORTS on alert.
1 VMAT on alert.
45 Special Needs Shelters open with 9851 residents.
3915 patients/residents evacuated from 111 health care facilities.
Responding to the county requests for medical staff and health related
supplies and equipment prior to storm impact.
Developing air-med response plan in coordination with EMS air
providers and Florida National Guard.
Coordinating with FEMA in the identification of future medical staffing
Assessing the readiness of the medical assets of the state.
Coordinating the accumulating of current special needs shelter data.
Pre-staging 6 portable clinics at LSA s to augment damaged health
care facilities.
ESF #8 – Health & Medical
• Unmet Needs –
– None identified at this time.
• Future Operations –
– Evaluation of the health care infrastructure damage due to
the storm.
– Response to local health care services experiencing surge
capacity overload.
– Deployment of overhead assessment and response teams
following the path of the storm.
– Determination of preventative health care measures.
Up next – ESF 10
ESF #10 – Hazardous
ESF #10 – Hazardous
• Current Operations –
– Maintaining communication with phosphate industry regarding
freeboard at gypsum stacks and expected rainfall.
– Assisting ESF12 with fuel resource availability for emergency
responders and post storm public needs.
– Responding to a request from ESF3 on projected drinking water needs
due to flooding of drinking water facilities.
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Working on disposal options for animal carcasses on conjunction with
– Identifying staffing resources for possible Forward SERT deployment.
• Federal Issues –
– All remain in place from 9-3-04 (Friday).
Up next – ESF 11
ESF #11 – Food & Water
ESF #11 – Food & Water
• Current Operations –
– Working with Army Corp of Engineers to obtain sufficient
amounts of water and ice.
– Baby food and formula enroute to designated mobilization
– LSA staffing placed on standby.
– Order placed with USDA for commodity foods for mass/
congregate feeding efforts of disaster relief organizations.
– Adult liquid supplement food ordered.
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Supporting Mass Care needs
– Monitoring inventories and reordering as necessary
– Deploy LSA team(s) as needed
Up next – ESF 12
ESF #12 – Energy
ESF #12 – Energy
• Current Operations –
– Power outages in excess of 1,200,000.
– Power restoration will start after storm passes. Out of state
crews are staged and ready to come in after the storm,
– Working with fuel vendors and suppliers to supply fuel to
emergency facilities.
• Unmet Needs –
– Working with fuel vendors and suppliers to bring fuel into the
• Future Operations –
– Work with fuel vendors and suppliers to supply fuels to critical
– Start restoration of electrical power after the storm passes.
– Implementation planning meeting for fuel distribution at 9am
tomorrow morning.
Up next – ESF 13
ESF #13 – Military Support
ESF #13 – Military Support
• Current Operations –
– 3736 Soldiers and Airmen activated
– Organized into two Task Forces:
– Task Force 53rd (TF-53rd)
– 5 Security TF w/ embedded Engineering Mob Cap
– Task Force 83rd (TF-83rd)
– Support 2 LSA’s plus 3 Security Force Elements
– Prepositioned:
– TF-53rd Miami 3 Elements
– TF-83rd CBJTC 1 Element
– RECON 2& 3 in Hanes City
– RECON 4 & 5 w/ C2 and GST Orlando
– RECON 1 Ft. Pierce
– 14 EMAC's working or in-place with 7 states
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Conduct Recon and provide Security/Search & Rescue and
Humanitarian assistance
Up next – ESF 14
ESF #14 – Public Information
Up next – ESF 15
ESF #15 – Volunteers &
ESF #15 – Volunteers &
• Current Operations –
– Public Info Campaign on “How to Help”
– Coordinating with ESF’s to support evacuation operations
– State Volunteer and Donations Hotline, 1-800-FLHELP1,
open 8AM to 8PM
• Unmet Needs –
– Planning the re-entry of Voluntary Agencies
• Future Operations –
– Volunteer Center Conference Call
– Standby for opening of Volunteer Reception Centers in
affected areas
– Opening 2nd Multi-Agency Warehouse, location TBA
Up next – ESF 16
ESF #16 – Law Enforcement
ESF #16 – Law Enforcement
• Current Operations –
– Mobilizing all state law enforcement for response to
impacted areas.
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Respond to impacted areas to support local law
enforcement with law enforcement missions.
– Prepare for re-entry of residents to impacted areas.
Up next – ESF 17
ESF #17 – Animal Protection
ESF #17 – Animal Protection
• Current Operations –
Animal shelters and feed and medical supplies are coordinated
Animal Industry damage assessment teams arranged.
Staffing assigned and available through Wednesday, 9/8/04.
Incident Command structure and optional ICPs are being established.
• Unmet Needs –
– Staff support, supplies and lodging for ICP in Osceola County
– Expanded staffing needs in lengthy recovery.
• Future Operations –
– Re-deploy to ICP as soon as practical.
– Assessment of large animal and small animal needs in impacted
– Implement staging and distribution for animal feeds and medical
– Call-up of additional pre-identified Veterinary support personnel.
– (From UF-CVM, VMAT, USDA, etc.)
Up next – Finance & Administration
Finance & Administration
Finance & Administration
• Current Operations –
– Various purchases and lodging requests
– Some rooms available in Tallahassee
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
– Purchasing and deployment needs
– Monitor costs of event
– State agencies should track their costs
Up next – Logistics
• Current Operations –
– Resources at Lakeland LSA secured for storm impact
– Additional equipment inventory en route
– Proposed LSA #1:
– South Florida Fairgrounds- Verbal Ok received for use of 52,000 sq. ft.
East Expo Bldg. (adjoining open special needs shelter), includes use of
10 outlaying buildings of varying sizes and approximately 50 acres of
open ground space.
– 1200 person base camp to be located at this site.
– Proposed LSA #2:
– Orlando Executive Airport- Contract pending (includes clause
prohibiting media access). Approved use of 4,000 sq. ft. of DOH leased
space as well as 60,000 additional sq. ft. of leased DEM space once
contract is completed. Airport also approved use of east side paved
ramp space and 'back gate' for truck movement.
– 1200 person base camp to be located at this site.
• Current Operations (conti
– Proposed LSA #3:
– Kmart Regional Distribution Center- Verbal approval for yard space
only. Quote coming from vendor to erect structure on site equal to
100,000 sq. ft. Vendor indicates this amount is avail. for shipping
immediately. Separate vendor identified for teams to erect structure on
– 800 person base camp to be located at this site.
– Additionally, County EM directors in Orange, Marion and Palm Beach
counties have been advised of proposed locations and timetable.
– Preliminary LSA site support needs are being assessed and procured
in advance of set up along with emergency contact numbers for
• Unmet Needs –
– None at this time
• Future Operations –
LSA Implementation
Alternate LSA site assessment: Pratt Whitney
Alternate LSA site assessment: Leon County Fairgrounds
Secure fuel distribution sites (4-6) for responder vehicles/
Up next – Recovery
• Current Operations –
– Advanced Recovery Liaisons are:
• also serving as SERT liaisons in selective counties
• providing locations for distribution centers
• submitting reports (see message 789)
• Unmet Needs –
– Continue to seek additional Recovery Staff
• Future Operations –
– Continue to develop and implement appropriate Mission
Assignments to capture hazardous storm data for
mitigation activities.
– Plan for Hurricane Frances Preliminary Damage
– Review and revise, where appropriate, the State Mitigation
Up next – SERT Chief
SERT Chief
Mike DeLorenzo
Next Briefing
September 5 at 0730
Branch Chief Briefing