Course Syllabus -- Chemistry

Honors Chemistry
Mr. Kenneth Baker
Course Description:
Chemistry (Honors) is a year-long laboratory course for college bound students who have strong math skills and
a strong interest in science. Major topics in chemistry will be covered with a special emphasis placed on
general chemical principles and chemistry as a quantitative science. Mathematical applications are stressed.
The course is designed to stimulate growth of logic and deductive/inductive reasoning ability. The course
consists of lectures, demonstrations, class discussions and laboratory investigations with emphasis on the latter
as a means to develop observation and interpretation skills.
Textbook: Sarquis & Sarquis (2012). Modern Chemistry. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co.
Course Outline:
Laboratory safety and procedures
Chapter 1: Matter and Change
Chapter 2: Measurements and Calculations
Chapter 3: Atoms: Building Blocks of Matter
Chapter 4: Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms
Chapter 5: Periodic Law
Chapter 6: Chemical Bonding
Chapter 7: Chemical Formulas & Compounds
Chapter 8: Chemical Equations & Reactions
Chapter 9: Stoichiometry
Chapter 10: States of Matter
Chapter 11: Gases
Chapter 12: Solutions
Chapter 13: Ions in Solution / Colligative Properties
Chapter 14: Acids and Bases
Chapter 15: Acid-Base Titration and pH
Chapter 16: Reaction Energy
Chapter 21: Nuclear Chemistry
Needed materials:
3-ring binder with dividers and notebook paper.
Chemistry textbook (provided)
Pen and/or pencil
Scientific calculator
Closed-toe shoes for lab. Shoes can be left in the lab. Please put your name on them with a marker.
The school grading scale (honors) is used. Multiple assessments are used, including homework, labs, quizzes,
exams and projects. Grades are weighted according to the following:
A) Exams/Quizzes – 70%. Students are generally given an exam at the end of each chapter. They
are provided with a study guide and review session in class prior to the exam. Students are given
both scheduled and pop quizzes.
B) Labs – 20%. Most chapters will include at least one lab. Students are generally given two school
days to complete the report after completing the lab procedure.
C) Homework – 10%. Homework will be assigned most days. Assignments are usually due at the
beginning of the hour. Most assignments will be checked for completion. Many will also be
graded for correct answers.
Chemistry is an exciting and, at times, demanding subject. There will probably be occasions when your
understanding of material is not coming as easily or quickly as you would like. Please do not sit alone and
continue to struggle. I am available and willing to help students, and expect you to use this resource. Students
may receive extra assistance outside of class at the following times: Before school I am available from about
7:00 to 7:20. If students need to see me earlier, they can make an appointment. At the end of the day I am
available 7th hour or after school by appointment. Please let me know you will be staying after school.
Students and parents may contact me at my email address: