Customizable Domain-Specific Computing Proposal for NSF “Expedition in Computing” Program Point of Contact: Prof. Jason Cong Participating Universities: UCLA (lead), Rice, Ohio-State, and UC Santa Barbara (Complete list of PI/Co-PI available inside) 1 Focus: Power/Energy Efficient Computation Current Solution: Parallelization Parallelization Source: Shekhar Borkar, Intel 3 Our Proposal: Beyond Parallelization – Customizable Domain-Specific Computing Parallelization Customization Adapt the architecture to application Source: Shekhar Borkar, Intel 4 Motivation and Vision A few facts We have sufficient computing power for most applications Each user/enterprise need high computing power for only limited tasks in his/her application-domain Application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) can lead to 10,000x+ better power performance efficiency, but too expensive to design and manufacture Our vision and approach A general, customizable platform for the given domain(s) • Can be customized to a wide-range of applications in the domain with novel compilation and • • runtime systems Can be massively produced with cost efficiency Can be programmed efficiently Goal: A “supercomputer-in-a-box” with 100x performance/power improvement via customization for the intended domain(s) Analogy: Advance of civilization via specialization/customization 5 Application Domains: Medical Image Processing & Hemodynamic Simulation Medical imaging has transformed healthcare An in vivo method for understanding disease development and patient condition Estimated to be $100 billion/year More powerful & efficient computation can help • Fewer exposure using compressive sensing with lower sampling frequency • Better clinical assessment using improved registration and segmentation algorithms to provide quantitative measures of disease (e.g., cancer) Hemodynamic simulation Magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of an aneurysm Very useful for surgical procedures involving blood flow and vasculature Both may take hours to days to construct Clinical requirement: 1-2 min Intracranial aneurysm reconstruction with hemodynamics 6 Medical images exhibit sparsity, and can be sampled at a rate classical Shannon - Nyquist theory : min u ARu - S sampled points 2 grad(u ) vox els 1 voxel : u( i ) w i , j f ( j ) 2 2 2 , w i,j e voxel jvolume Z ( i ) registration v segmentation F(data , ) div t surface (t ) voxels x : (x,t) 0 analysis denoising reconstruction Application Domains: Medical Image Processing Pipeline v (v )v p v f ( x ,t ) t 1 S y k zk S k 1 2 h u v u t v ( ) v T ( x u ) R ( x )T ( x u ) 3 3 v i v 2v p v j i v j 2 i f i ( x ,t ) t x j x i x j j 1 j 1 compressive sensing total variational algorithm fluid registration level set methods Navier-Stokes equations 7 analysis segmentation registration denoising reconstruction Application Domains: Medical Image Processing Pipeline • These algorithms have diverse computation & communication patterns • A single, homogeneous system cannot perform very well on all of these algorithms • Need architecture customization and hardwaresoftware co-optimization • Include many common computation kernels (“motifs”) • Applicable to other domains compressive iterative, local or global communication dense and sparse linear algebra, optimization methods Bi-harmonic registration (Using the same algorithm on all sensing platforms) CPU (Xenon 2.0 GHz) GPU (Tesla C1060) FPGA (xc4vlx100) 11x variational Non-iterative,1xhighly parallel, local93x& globaltotal communication ~100 W ~150 W optimization~5W sparse linear algebra, structured grid, methods algorithm 3D median filter: For each voxel, compute the median of the 3 x 3 x 3 neighboring voxels fluid parallel, global communication denseCPU linear algebra, (Xenon 2.0 GHz)optimization GPU (Teslamethods C1060) FPGA (xc4vlx100) registration Quick select Median of medians Bit-by-bit majority voting 1x 70x 1200x level set local communication dense linear algebra, spectral methods, MapReducemethods ~100 W ~140 W ~3 W Navier-Stokes local communication sparse linear algebra, n-body methods, graphical models equations 8 Overview of the Proposed Research Customizable Heterogeneous Platform (CHP) $ $ $ $ DRAM I/O CHP Fixed Core Fixed Core Fixed Core Fixed Core DRAM CHP CHP Custom Core Custom Core Custom Core Custom Core Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Domain-specific-modeling (healthcare applications) Reconfigurable RF-I bus Reconfigurable optical bus Transceiver/receiver Optical interface Architecture modeling CHP creation Customizable computing engines Customizable interconnects Design once Customization setting CHP mapping Source-to-source CHP mapper Reconfiguring & optimizing backend Adaptive runtime Invoke many times 9 CHP Creation – Design Space Exploration Core parameters NoC parameters Interconnect topology # of virtual channels Routing policy Link bandwidth Router pipeline depth Number of RF-I enabled routers RF-I channel and bandwidth allocation … Frequency & voltage Datapath bit width Instruction window size Issue width Cache size & configuration Register file organization # of thread contexts … Customizable Heterogeneous Platform (CHP) $ $ $ $ Fixed Core Fixed Core Fixed Core Fixed Core Custom Core Custom Core Custom Core Custom Core Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Prog Fabric Custom instructions & accelerators Amount of programmable fabric Shared vs. private accelerators Custom instruction selection Choice of accelerators … Reconfigurable RF-I bus Reconfigurable optical bus Transceiver/receiver Optical interface Key questions: Optimal trade-off of efficiency & customizability Which options to fix at CHP creation? Which to be set by CHP mapper? 10 CHP Mapping – Compilation and Runtime Software Systems for Customization Goal: Efficient compiler and runtime support to map domain-specific specification to customizable hardware Adapt the CHP to a given application for drastic performance/power efficiency improvement Domain-specific applications Abstract execution Application characteristics Programmer Domain-specific programming model (Domain-specific coordination graph and domain-specific language extensions) CHP architecture models Source-to source CHP Mapper C/C++ code Analysis annotations C/C++ front-end RTL Synthesizer (xPilot) Reconfiguring and optimizing back-end Binary code for fixed & customized cores C/SystemC behavioral spec Customized target code Performance feedback RTL for prog fabric Adaptive runtime Lightweight threads and adaptive configuration CHP architectural prototypes (CHP hardware testbeds, CHP simulation testbed, full CHP) 11 Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) Organization A diversified & highly accomplished team: 8 in CS&E; 1 in EE; 2 in medical school; 1 in applied math Aberle Baraniuk Bui Chang UCLA Rice Domain-specific modeling Bui, Reinman, Potkonjak Sarkar, Baraniuk CHP creation Chang, Cong, Reinman CHP mapping Cong, Palsberg, Potkonjak Sarkar Application modeling Aberle, Bui, Vese Baraniuk Experimental systems All (led by Cong & Bui) All Palsberg Potkonjak Reinman Cheng UCSB Cong (Director) Ohio State Sadayappan Cheng Sadayappan Cheng Sadayappan All All Sarkar (Associate Dir) Vese 12 Milestones Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Application modeling Form benchmark sets in medical imaging and hemodynamic & establish baseline results Demonstration of benchmark sets on Prototype 1a Model the benchmark sets on DSCG & DSLE and drive the CHP optimizations Demonstration of benchmark sets on optimized CHP runtime environment Evaluation of benchmark on final CHP and quantify the impact on real world clinical data Domainspecific specification Develop Domain Specific Coordination Graph (DSCG) with abstract metrics Implementation of DSCG+DSLE executable models for benchmark sets; Refinement of DSCG+DSLE executable models for benchmark sets Public release of DSCG infrastructure and the DSCG+DSLE executable models for benchmark sets CHP creation CHP hierarchical imulation Infrastructure CHP initial designspace tuning; Domainspecific component synthesis & selection CHP design- space exploration with full system simulation System integration CHP mapping Source-to-source CHP mapper for Prototype 1a, Experimental systems Identification of abstract execution metrics to guide CHP exploration Fine-grained task scheduling system with locality and load balance adaptations Refinement of CHP design- space exploration with detailed simulation Reconfiguring and optimizing back-end transformations; Phase-based adoptions in adaptive runtime Design of software reliability components Support of software reliability Initial CHP prototype with COTS components (Prototype 1a) CHP testbed (Prototype 2) prototyping on FPGAs Prototype RF-I chip (Prototype 1b) with traffic generators and multicast CHP testbed tapeout (Prototype 2) Demonstration of the full CHP mapping system on Prototypes 1a & 2 Full system integration and demonstration 14 Milestones for Experimental Platforms Prototype 1a: Heterogeneous integration of offthe-shelf CMPs + GPUs + FPGAs, e.g., Intel Xeon CPU + Xilinx V5 FPGA (via FSB) + Nvidia Tesla GPU (via PCI-express 2.0) Initial HW platform for CHP compilation and runtime system development Prototype 1b: RF-interconnect prototype RF-I implementation at 45nm CMOS with multiple digital cores/traffic generators Performance, power, and reliability study Prototype 2: final CHP implementation for the proposed healthcare domains RF-I tape-out at IBM 90nm CMOS 3D CHP Layer 2 Single-chip integration or 3D integration Programmable Fine-grain Cores fabric DCT Unit Fixed core Layer 1 Customizable core Shared cache 15 Integrated Research and Education New courses planned based on the research “Architecture and Compilation for Domain-specific Computing” “Computational Techniques for Medical Imaging” “Programming Models and Application Development for Domain-specific Computing” • With projects for new domain, e.g., scientific computing, VLSI CAD, and digital entertainment May be jointly taught (multi-disciplinary) Developed and shared via Connexions (, an open-access education platform now with over 1M users/month (based at Rice) Graduate student training Estimated around 18 students in total in four campuses Seminars and workshops on interdisciplinary research, career development, ethics, entrepreneurship … Undergraduate student training 10 summer research fellowship each year, via UCLA FOCUS, Rice AGEP and similar programs Outreach to high-school students 5-7 high-school summer scholarship each year, via UCLA SMARTS programs 16 Outreach Partner: Frontier Opportunities in Computing for Underrepresented Students (FOCUS) Aims to increase the number of underrepresented minorities interested in computing disciplines Currently has 50 underrepresented undergraduates: 23 in CS 27 in CSE 2007 summer research poster competition The first prize winner 17 Outreach Partner: Science Mathematics Achievement and Research Technology for Students (SMARTS) A six-week summer college preparation program at UCLA Engage underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering and math training SMARTS activities Course related activities • Math courses (Intro to Statistics and AP Calculus Readiness) • SAT preparation Research activities Will have CDSC faculty and graduate students involved to serve as mentors and provide projects This year, SMARTS program has over 80 applicants 30-35 will be admitted (due to limitation of funding) 18 Knowledge Transfer Main outcome of the project 1. CHP prototypes 2. Compilation and runtime system for CHP mapping 3. Application drivers – original source code & modified code with domain-specific modeling 4. General methodology for customizable computing (mainly through publications) #1 – 3 will be shared with the research community via web as they become available Industrial partners Altera, IBM, Intel, Magma, Mentor Graphics, Nvidia, Xilinx More will be contacted and included if the project is officially funded Campus partners UCLA Institute of Digital Research and Education (IDRE) Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) UCLA Wireless Health Institute (WHI) Technology transfer experience Impact via industrial partners: IBM, Intel, Xilinx … Startups: Aplus (acquired by Magma in 2003), AutoESL (Magma and Xilinx were investors) 19 Why an Expedition Address a fundamental problem – energy efficient computing What’s beyond parallelization? Our proposal – a transformative approach using customization Many challenging research topics Domain-specific modeling/specification Novel architecture & microarchitecture for customization Compilation and runtime software to support intelligent customization New research in testing, verification, reliability, etc in customizable computing Integrated effort in modeling, HW, SW, & application development Demonstration in a critical application domain Healthcare has a significant impact to economy and society Can greatly benefit from customizable domain-specific computing 20