Syllabus WSU Department Name Child and Family Studies WSU Course Number & Listing CHF 2400: Family Relations (3 Credit Hrs.) High School: Syracuse High School WSU Concurrent Adjunct Instructor: Morgan Robertson High School Course Name: CE Adult Roles and Financial Literacy 2015-2016 (Attention: Contact the College or University you wish to attend to make sure that these Concurrent Enrollment courses will meet your goals for fulfilling General Education requirements or will count toward your chosen major). Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s Office Hours Wednesday during Tutorial and After School Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s phone and email Phone: (801) 402-7900 ext. 28031 E-Mail: WSU Course Description: This course is designed to focus on the structure and process of healthy and unhealthy family systems and relationships. Various components of the two types (functional and dysfunctional) will be explored. The dynamics of healthy family functioning using current and past family theory, and individual lifespan development, research and active learning experiences are part of this course. This class meets the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Standards #2 and #5 WSU Required Textbook & Materials: Family Life Now: A Conversation About Marriages, Families, and Relationships (2nd Edition). Kelly J. Welch. Pearson: Allyn and Bacon. ISBN 9780205632510 IMPROTANT NOTE ABOUT TEXTBOOK: Please note that this book is available in four different formats. It is available in a hard cover, soft cover, loose bound (a la carte) and also in an e-text format. All versions contain the exact same information; the only difference is the format. You need to be aware that the bookstore will not buy back the unbound version of the textbook. The book is required for this course and you will need to acquire a copy. WSU Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to insure that the student, upon successful completion of the course, will have acquired skills, knowledge and values related to the course description. These include the ability to: Assess family forms from a structural/process perspective Acquire the understanding of the components of a healthy family unit Have experience with the dynamics of family functioning Have acquired understanding and application skills of family concepts Have assessed relationship characteristics, context, communication patterns for strengths and weaknesses Apply core family concepts to any family form Complete and understand a three-generation GENOGRAM with application of class concepts. NOTE: If you plan on majoring in child and Family Studies, or think you may possibly major in Child and Family Studies, you will need to save all of your paperwork associated with this course for your Certified Family Life Educator portfolio. Academic Honesty: Cheating is defined as taking credit or presenting work as your own that is not your own original work. You are encouraged to meet together and discuss course material, but all examinations must be completed individually and without any notes. The group project must be an original project prepared by the group. Plagiarism is not acceptable and proper citation of sources is required on all assignments using APA style (5th Ed.). Additional information regarding student’s rights and responsibilities can be found in the Student’s Code: ADA: Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary. For additional information, go to the following URL: Exam Policy: Exams will be open in the testing centers on the scheduled dates only. Exams will not be offered at any other times (No Exceptions). Be sure to plan all vacations and other activities accordingly. Failure to take the exam during the scheduled time will result in a zero score for that exam and no make-ups will be allowed. Late Work Policy: All work turned in late, without a valid late work voucher (you only get 5 for the entire year, so use them wisely), will receive ½ credit. Vouchers may not be used on the Genogram Paper. Please plan ahead and get all work turned in on time. Academic Attendance Policy: In keeping with the Syracuse High School Attendance Policy, 100 points per Term (worth 25% of your grade) will be awarded at the beginning of each Term and will be taken away for the following attendance infractions: tardy is -5 points, unexcused absence is -20 points, excused absence (after the 3rd one) is -10 points, and a truancy is worth -30 points. Redo of assignments: There will no opportunities to redo assignments after the due date. If you are uncertain of the specific requirements for any assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to clarify with the instructor prior to the due date and submission of the assignment. Exams: There will be 16 exams throughout the year that will be based solely upon the Welch textbook (1 exam per chapter). These exams will consist of 30 multiple choice questions per chapter that will consist of 30 multiple choice questions per chapter that will be graded by Weber State University faculty. The exams will be administered on Chi-Tester through Weber State University and grades will be sent to your school instructor (These are worth 60 points each). Performance Objective Assignments Throughout the class, there will be approximately 13 in-class activities that you will be required to participate in. These will include group and individual activities. Exact dates for the activities will not be provided, but there will be roughly 2 per month. Completion of the in-class activity will be graded on a pass/fail basis (80 % or better is passing). These assignments are required to get the state certification for the Adult Roles and Financial Literacy portion of the course. Three Generation GENOGRAM All students are required to develop a graphical version of a GENOGRAM. You must create this using the software program called GenoPro ( You may download this software for free using the 14 day trial version. In addition to the graphical version, you will need to write a 6 page analysis and interpretation of a graphical GENOGRAM (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins). It is required that you organize the paper by headings by topics (see below). The paper must address these major family system concepts discussed in class. More information will be presented on the GENOGRAM later in the class. Grading Rubric for GENOGRAM 120 points Neatly prepared graphical version of the GENOGRAM (prepared with GenoPro) with identification and labeling of three generations and adequate use of family system symbols. 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 50 points 50 points Identification and discussion of parenting styles in paper across all three generations (authoritarian, permissive indulgent, permissive neglectful, authoritative) Identification and discussion of cohesion and flexibility in the family systems in paper across all three generations Identification and discussion of boundaries in the family systems in paper across all three generations Identification and discussion of Gottman couple communication styles in paper across all three generations (avoidant, volatile, validating, or hostile). Identification and discussion of problem solving strategies/stress management across all three generations. Identification of functional or dysfunctional patterns (e.g., divorce, education, abuse, mutual assistance, substance use) across all three generations. Identification of communication practices (levelers, placate, blame, compute, distract) in family systems across all three generations. Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, Quality of Writing, Flow, etc. Correct headings and length Grade Distribution A 93% or greater A90-92% B+ 87-89% B 84-86% B80-83% C+ 77-79% C 74-76% C70-73% D+ 67-69% D 64-66% D60-63% E 59% or below Adult Roles and Financial Literacy Scope and Sequence 1st Semester Self Concept and Labeling Values Goals *(Identify two personal and one financial value and set a short and long-term goal that relates to each of these values). Decision Making Term #1 Project – About Me Book – 200 points Careers *(Research a career that includes educational requirements, skill development, and income potential and demonstrate how to complete a personal state and federal tax form.) Spending Plans Budgeting *(Track your personal income and expenses for two weeks. Use your findings to develop a realistic monthly budget.) Communication *(Demonstrate the ability to use at least two constructive communication skills.) Chapter 3 Family Life Now Chapter 3 Exam - 60 points Term Project #2 - Genogram Paper – 500 points Dating *(Set personal rules/responsibilities related to dating behaviors that support your personal values.) Chapter 7 Family Life Now Teen Sex, STI’s, Teen pregnancy Chapter 9 Family Life Now Dating Violence & Rape Love and Infatuation Chapter 6 Family Life Now Chapter 7, 9, 6 Exams – 180 points Consumerism *(Select an item to purchase. Research and compare at least three brands using consumer information resources. Use the decision-making process to determine which product to buy.) Review for State Test – 25 points State Test #317 – 160 points 2nd Semester Mate Selection Engagement Wedding Planning and Costs Term #3 Project – Project Reality – 200 points *(Develop a realistic monthly budget for a family based upon a set income which includes: savings, housing, utilities, transportation, insurance, clothing, entertainment, and miscellaneous categories.) Marriage *(Develop a list of ways to personally build and strengthen a marriage.) Chapter 8 Family Life Now Marital Adjustments Chapter 5 Family Life Now Marriage and Money Chapter 12 Family Life Now Chapter 8, 5, 12 Exams – 180 points Conflict Resolution *(Apply conflict resolution and problem-solving strategies to resolve an identified common source of marital conflict.) Marriage and Divorce Chapter 13 and 14 Family Life Now Spouse Abuse Chapter 15 Family Life Now Chapter 13, 14, 15 Exams – 180 points Financial Institutions Credit *(Evaluate three different credit card applications AND determined the total cost of an item purchased on credit at three different rates of interest.) Stocks Savings and Investing Checking *(Demonstrate how to manage a checking account. Include how a bank statement is reconciled with a monthly statement.) Families *(Select, implement, and evaluate strategies to strengthen family relationships.) Chapter 1, 2, &16 Family Life Now Chapter 1, 2, 16 Exams – 180 points Term Project #4 – Empathy Belly Project – 150 points Human Reproduction Preganancy & Birth Chapter 4 & 10 Family Life Now Parenting *(Evaluate personal readiness for parenting &apply positive guidance techniques to resolve three child-rearing problems.) Chapter 11 Family Life Now Chapter 4, 10, 11 Exams – 180 points Review for State Test – 25 points State Test #319 – 160 points Total Point Breakdown for CE ARFL Genogram Paper – 500 points 16 Exams (60 points each) – 960 points College Points = 1,460 Points (40%) About Me Project – 200 points 1st Semester Daily Assignments and Attendance – 635 points Review & State Test #317 – 185 points Project Reality – 200 points Empathy Belly Project – 150 points 2nd Semester Daily Assignments and Attendance – 635 points Review & State Test #319 – 185 points Adult Roles and Financial Literacy Points=2,190 (60%) Total Points for Year=3,650