Name: ___________________ Objective: To understand the interactions of organisms within their environment Symbiosis Webquest In this activity you will research the different types of symbiosis we discussed. Follow along with the directions and link to the different sites to answer the following questions. Go to: 1. What is the complete definition given for symbiosis? 2. What are the 3 types of symbiosis we discussed within class? a. b. c. 3. Define each type. a. - b. - c. - Read about the Torsalo (Go to bottom of page) 4. Why is the torsalo considered to be a pest? 5. Because the torsalo is so loud it has a difficult time approaching and surprising organisms it wishes to lay its eggs on. What has the torsalo done to compensate for their loudness that allows their eggs to reach the intended target? 6. What type of symbiotic relationship does the torsalo have with the smaller flies? Circle One Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism 7. Describe in detail the way this symbiotic relationship is shown in this example. TorsaloSmall FlyGo to: Read the text provided. 8. What type of relationships exists between the sea anemone and the clown fish? Circle One Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism 9. What is the benefit of each? a. Sea Anemoneb. Clown Fish10. A tape worm is considered a ________________________. 11. Why must a tapeworm live within another organism? Explain. Be specific!!! What does it lack 12. What type of relationship exists between a sea anemone and a hermit crab? ** Mutualism Commensalism Explain what happens to each in the relationship. Sea AnemoneHermit Crab- Parasitism 13. Give an example of 2 birds that have mutualistic relationships with large herbivores. a. b. 14. Explain how EACH benefit from one another. Cattle EgertBuffalo/ElephantOxpecker Hippo/Rhino- Go to: Read the following examples of commensalism & explain them 15. Explain the relationship between a barnacle and whale. BarnacleWhale16. Explain the relationship between the Monarch Butterfly and Milkweed. Monarch ButterflyMilkweed17. Explain the relationship between a remora and Shark. Remora Shark 18. Explain the relationship between birds and army ants. BirdsAnts- Go to: 20. List 4 benefits gained through mutualistic relationships. 21. Explain the relationship between fungus and plants. FungusPlant22. Explain a mutualistic relationship in the desert. Organism 1Organism 223. Explain a mutualistic relationship in the rain forest. Organism 1Organism 2Go to: Read the following article about cowbirds. ** First 2 questions in first paragraph** 30. What type of symbiotic relationship do cowbirds have? 31. What do they do that gives them that description? *** Read the last 4 paragraphs for the last two answers** 32. How many eggs does the cowbird remove from the host nest? 33. Why is the cowbird young able to receive the majority of the food?