Chapter 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Which 19 year-old Serbian will be responsible for starting WWI? How did he start the War? Which countries were involved in the Triple Alliance prior to WWI? What did this alliance become known as when WWI began? When Italy decided to remain neutral in 1915, what country joined the Central Powers? How did WWI help the United States economy? What British passenger ship will be sunk in May of 1915 causing the deaths of 1,198 lives including 128 Americans? (We don’t go to war because of the sinking of this ship) What will be Wilson’s reaction to the sinking of this British ship? What was contained in the Sussex pledge of 1915? What happens in April of 1917? Chapter 31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. What are the three reasons for US involvement in WWI? Describe the Zimmerman Note and why it cause Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany. What happened to the Zimmerman Note? When did the US declare war on the Central Powers? What were the twin goals for WWI from Woodrow Wilson? What was the Creel organization in charge of during WWI? What memorable song by George M. Cohan would be created to describe the Americans arriving in Europe to fight during WWI? What were some examples of people in the United States going “war mad”? How were names changed for Sauerkraut and hamburger to make them more patriotic? This Socialist leader will be arrested in 1919 because he was in violation of the Espionage Act of 1917 and actually ran for POTUS from jail. What did the Espionage Act prevent? What was the IWW? What precedent was established in the SCOTUS case Schenck v. United States (1919)? What had to be instituted in 1917 to help solve our shortage of military men? How many men were registered from the draft? How many US men lost their lives in WWI? How many men actually saw combat experience in WWI? What was the responsibility of the War Industries Board and the Railway and Food Administration? What name is given for the movement of African-American workers north during WWI? In what Southern city did a race riot take place where Black soldiers came into conflict with local residence over the policies of segregation? How did WWI present an opportunity for Women and Blacks? What Constitutional Amendment will be passed in 1920 granting Women’s suffrage? What administration would future president Herbert Hoover be placed in charge of to help feed the US and its allies during the 1920s? Why were “victory gardens” created? How did the United States finance WWI? What is meant by the term conscription? What was different about the Selective Service Act of 1917 versus the one issued during the Civil War? What is a conscientious objector and how many were there during WWI? What did many African-Americans serve as during WWI? Why? What did Russia do in March of 1918, which caused the Allies to have to confront hundreds of thousands of battle-tested Germans? How many Russian, German, British, Austria-Hungarian, Italian and US men were killed in WWI? Why were American soldiers called doughboys? On what day did WWI officially end? How did the US contribute to the Allied victory in 1918? 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. What was the name of the treaty which was signed in June 1919 formally ending WWI? Who were know as the “Big Four” at the Paris Peace Conference? When the Paris Peace Treaty turned into a punish treaty the Senators who were known for isolationism were better known as these? Which US governmental body is responsible for ratifying treaties? Why did Wilson not favor Asian, African and Middle Eastern self-determination? Why was the League of Nations a failure as an international peace keeping force after WWI? Who was the new chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that didn’t support the Treaty of Versailles? What was Wilson’s plan for post-war peace which he delivered in January of 1918 to US Congress? How did Woodrow Wilson try and get the Treaty of Versailles passed by the US Senate? What caused Wilson to fail to get the US Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles? Why were Senator Lodge and other critics alarmed by Article X of the League of Nations? Who will be the Republican nominee for President of the US in 1920—eventual winner? Who was elected VP in the election of 1920? What campaign slogan will Harding use to get elected in 1920? Why didn’t Theodore Roosevelt run for president in 1920?