JULIUS CAESAR The Real Man The Play The Characters JULIUS CAESAR – THE REAL MAN A historic figure who lived from 100 to 44 BC Military Leader and Ruler of Rome Statues currently exist in museums today Caesar’s biography was written in Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Caesar was assassinated by his fellow senators in 44 BC Multitude of cultural references exist for Caesar JULIUS CAESAR – THE PLAY Shakespeare retained many facts from Plutarch’s biography of Caesar, Antony and Brutus But he added, deleted and altered to suit his dramatic purposes Took 3 years and telescoped it into 6 days of action Speeches in the Forum (famous lines in the play by Brutus and Antony) – no historical precedent JULIUS CAESAR – THE PLAY The emotional and fickle mob – Shakespeare’s creation to add drama Characters of Casca, Octavius, Portia and Calpurnia – greatly expanded by Shakespeare The raw material of the real historic figure of Julius Caesar is true in the play BUT the finished product is entirely Shakespeare’s creation THE PLAY Characteristics of Shakespearean Tragedy Tragedy: a drama in which a series of actions leads to the downfall of the main character Tragic Hero: usually the title character – but in Julius Caesar not so The tragic hero is a person of high rank, whose fate has an impact on society Hero has a Tragic Flaw – a fatal error in judgment, a weakness in character that contributes to his/her downfall THE PLAY Soliloquies (asides) – speeches given by an actor alone on state that express thoughts that are hidden from the other characters “Beware the Ides of March” – famous line, but a real reference to a date on the calendar – March 15th JULIUS CAESAR – THE MOVIE THE CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY Julius Caesar and his wife Calpurnia BRUTUS AND CASSIUS Marcus Brutus Cassius THE CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY Portia, wife of Brutus CHARACTERS OF THE PLAY Marcus Antonius (Marc Antony) Antony giving his famous speech to the people of Rome in Act 3 Scene 2 Act 1 Runner in the Lupercal Games touch Calpurnia for good luck THE CHARACTERS In Act 3 Scene 1 – the conspirators assassinate Caesar The conspirators: Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Trebonius, Caius Ligarius, Decius Brutus, Metellus Cimber, Cinna (not the poet) THE CHARACTERS In Act 1 Scene 2 – a Soothsayer (fortune teller) warns Caesar to beware of the 15th of March – known as “the Ides of March” FAMOUS QUOTES - CAESAR “I could be well moved if I were as you. If I could pray to move, prayers would move me. But I am constant as the Northern Star…” “Et tu Brute” FAMOUS QUOTE - ANTONY “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Caesar.”