Fitness and Nutrition

Fitness and Nutrition
American eat out an average of 4 to 5
times a week.
• No mess
• Quick
• Many times it’s cheaper.
60 % of American families have both
parents that work.
Americans prefer burger restaurants.
• We use 1500-2500 routinely
• Driving for 30 minutes burns 70
• Playing the piano for 30 minutes
burns 100 calories
• Standing for 30 minutes burns 40
To Loose Weight:
• To burn off 1 pound you must use 3500
calories more than you take in
• A good start is to exercise 500 calories off and
to cut 500 calories from your diet
• Does not eat meat, poultry, fish or seafood
• Does not eat any animal products or by- products
• Such as honey, yeast, eggs, milk, cheese, etc.
• Households with Computers, 1998 and 2003
• In the United States
• 1998
• 2003
McDonald’s food is Addictive?
• Bingeing on foods that are high in fat and
sugar may cause changes in the brain that
make it hard to say no. By stimulating the
brain's natural opioids, large doses of the
foods can produce a high that is similar,
though less intense, to that produced by
heroin and cocaine, they say.
• John Hoebel, a psychologist at Princeton
University, and colleagues showed that rats
fed a diet containing 25 per cent sugar
developed withdrawal symptoms when the
sugar was removed, including chattering teeth
and shivering.
• When the rats were given a dose of naloxone,
a drug that blocks opioid receptors, the
researchers noted a drop in dopamine levels
in the nucleus accumbens, a cluster of cells in
the mid-brain linked with feelings of reward.
• Jeanne Randolph, psychiatrist at the
University of Toronto with an interest in
obesity, said it was well known that eating fast
food and sugary snacks stimulated a cycle of
instant satiation followed by a plunge in blood
sugar, which triggered desire for another
• In a sign of the times, McDonald’s is getting
rid of the extra-large portions that had
become one of its signatures. The burger giant
said it has begun phasing out Supersize fries
and drinks in its more than 13,000 U.S.
restaurants and will stop selling them
altogether by year’s end, except in
• The company cited the need to trim a menu
that has expanded in recent years and said
eliminating super-sizing is only part of that
Diet and Depression
• Trying to find a diet to ease depression?
Unfortunately, there's no specific diet that
works for depression. No studies have been
done that indicate a particular eating plan can
ease symptoms of clinical depression.
• Still, while certain diets or foods may not ease
depression (or put you instantly in a better
mood), a healthy diet may help as part of an
overall treatment for depression.
• noun
• 1. Thermodynamics .
• a. Also called gram calorie, small calorie. an
amount of heat exactly equal to 4.1840 joules.
Abbreviation: cal
• b. ( usually initial capital letter ) kilocalorie.
Abbreviation: Cal
• cal·o·rie
• 2. Physiology .
• a. a unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to
express the heat output of an organism and
the fuel or energy value of food.
• b. a quantity of food capable of producing
such an amount of energy.
Surgeon General
• In 2009, the Surgeon General recommended
that people get at least 150 minutes of
moderate to intense exercise per week---30
minutes per day for at least five days per
• This basic level of activity is enough to
improve the health of those who meet it,
according to The AGS Foundation for Health in
Aging. The recommended exercise quota can
be met by walking, swimming, biking or even
• 61% of adults in the United States were
overweight or obese in 1999.
• Approximately 300,000 deaths each year in
the United States may be attributable to
• Overweight and obesity are associated with
heart disease, certain types of cancer, type 2
diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems,
and psychological disorders, such as
• Physical activity contributes to weight loss,
especially when it is combined with calorie
• Regular physical activity is extremely helpful
for the prevention of overweight and obesity.
• Regular physical activity is very important in
maintaining weight loss.
• In addition to weight control, physical activity
helps prevent heart disease, helps control
cholesterol levels and diabetes, slows bone
loss associated with advancing age, lowers the
risk of certain cancers, and helps reduce
anxiety and depression.