I don't understand how to do an assignment! (After it's due)

Saint Bonaventure High School
Course: Mythology
Instructor: Mr. Molina
English Department
Classroom: 401
Office Hours: 30 Minutes before and after
school or by appointment.
“The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.”
- Aristotle, Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician, 384 BC-322 BC
Course Description
This course is a survey of world mythology with a foundation in the classical Greek myths.
Mythology informs modern American culture in many aspects of our history, society, art/literature,
and entertainment. Students will read and analyze myths among Greek, Norse, Chinese, Native
American, Egyptian, and African cultures. Students will learn how myths inform and are informed
by history, religion, psychology, and literature.
Required Texts
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
World Mythology by Donna Rosenberg
Expectations are behaviors that are required for success, they are not negotiable.
 Be Respectful: Respect yourself, other students, the teacher, and school property..
Intentional harassment, abuse, cussing, spreading rumors, bullying, vandalism, or violence
will not be tolerated. This type of behavior will lead to immediate disciplinary action.
 Don’t Talk While the Teacher is Talking! (Self-explanatory)
 Be Engaged: Pay attention in class and participate in discussions. You will be graded for
your participation! I need to assess your learning.
 Follow Directions: Pay attention to directions, and correctly implement them.
 Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourself! (Self-explanatory)
Your learning will be gauged often through tests and quizzes. Tests/exams will always be announced
ahead of time, while quizzes may or may not be. You may sometimes be given a study guide for
upcoming tests, but not always. To prepare yourself for pop quizzes or tests without study guides
make sure you are taking notes in class!
There will be in-class assignments that affect your grade, including discussions and socratic seminars.
Participation is mandatory and will be recorded.
Class Behaviors
 No food, drinks, or gum of any kind is allowed in class. Water is acceptable.
 After school detentions will be assigned for misbehavior. Students will spend this time
cleaning the classroom: dusting, scraping off gum, etc.
All assignments must be turned in with the proper heading: Name, date, period, and assignment title.
You will lose points for each item that is missing.
Late Work
I accept late work any time before quarterly grades are submitted. All late work will receive a
deduction in grade. An assignment that is one week late loses 10% from the graded score. An
assignment that is more than a week late loses 50% from the graded score. NOTE: this means
that I deduct the 10/50% AFTER I grade the assignment!
Absent Work
You are responsible to come see me on your own time after an absence to get any makeup work.
During class is not the time for this! Before school, after school, or during any of the breaks is
appropriate. If an assignment was given before your absence you will be given an extension of a day
or two after your return to submit the work.
Required Materials
St. Bonaventure Agenda
Pens (blue or black ink) and pencils
Lined notebook paper
3-ring binder
Folders and Dividers (for assignments)
Highlighters (for note-taking)
Flash-drive or Google Drive account
Extra Help
I am always available to help you with any questions you may have. Please ask as many questions
concerning assignments and classwork as you can think of. You may do this in class, during class
breaks, before and after school, or by email. If you need help/tutoring for a major project or essay, I
can help you, and will take that into consideration when grading. However, no leniency will be given
if you claim not to have understood an assignment after you turn it in.
English Frequently Asked Questions
My printer is broken/dog ate my homework/backpack is lost so I need an
extension on the homework!
When was the assignment given? If it was given yesterday, then you have one extra day. If it was
given more than a couple days before, then sorry, you should have been better prepared! Get a flash
drive, use the school printed, use your friend’s printer, go to a print center/Fedex, or use the
printers at your local library.
I don’t understand how to do an assignment! (Before it’s due)
I can help you! Ask me for clarification or examples anytime. If my assistance doesn’t resolve your
confusion, ask another student from class that you trust. Finally, start the assignment anyway and get
an in-progress draft completed; bring you draft to me and I will tell you if you are on the right track
or what changes you need to make for the final product.
I don’t understand how to do an assignment! (After it’s due)
Sorry, but making excuses after an assignment is due is called laziness or being unprepared. Turn it
in late for a score deduction.
I am sick or going to be absent when a major assignment is due!
First, email me and let me know. Second, have a family member or friend bring it to class for you, or
turn it in a day early. Think ahead and be prepared. If you get sick after an assignment is given you
are still responsible for working on the assignment during your absence. If you contact me by email
I can give you an extension of a day or two, to turn it in.
Is this going to be on the test? Should I be taking notes?
If Mr. Molina is speaking to the class assume he is doing one of three things:
1) Giving instructions for an assignment
2) Lecturing on vital content
3) Guiding a discussion or activity
On occasions one and two you should always be taking notes, and some class discussion will also
require notes. So when in doubt, take notes!
How come my grade isn’t updated online? What’s my current grade in class?
I am not a fast grader because I read all of your assignments. Small assignments will usually be
graded within a few days of submission. Larger assignments, such as essays, may take a week or two
(depending upon the size of the assignment). If you want your current grade, during class is not the
appropriate time to ask for it. Come by during break or before and after class.