Discovery Informatics

Session 1: Plenary
Themes in Discovery Informatics
Science Has a Never-ending Thirst
for Technology
 Computing as a substrate for science in innovative ways
 Ongoing investments in cyberinfrastructure have a
tremendous impact in scientific discoveries
 Shared high end instruments
 High performance computing
 Distributed services
 Data management
 Virtual organizations
 These investments are extremely valuable for science, but do
not address many aspects of science
Further Science Needs
 Emphasis has been on data and computation, not so much
on models
 Need to support model formulation and testing is missing
 Models should be related to data (observed or simulated)
 Emphasize insight and understanding
 From correlations to causality and explanation
 Developing tools for the full discovery process and using tools
for the discovery process
 Tools that help you do new things vs tools that help you do
things better
Further Science Needs
 Many aspects of the scientific process could be improved
 Some are not addressed by CI (eg literature search, reasoning about
 Others could benefit from new approaches (eg capturing metadata)
 Effort is significant
 Many scientists do not have the resources or inclination to benefit from
 How do you create a culture in which science stays timely in its use of
 Discipline-specific services make it harder to cross bounds
 Methods and process for being able to work with scientists
Further Science Needs
 Integration is important and far from being a solved
 Integration across science domains
 Integration within a domain
 Connecting tools and technologies to the practice of science
 Most science is done local, need to respond accordingly (e.g.,
how do you support your student, get tenure)
 How to reduce the impedance mismatch between cognition and
 The “long tail” of science – most of science is not big science nor
big data
 CI can transform all elements of the discovery timeline
Further Science Needs
 User-centered design
 Usability
 Functionality
 What are metrics for success
 Adoption by others?
 Characterization of domains and facets that impact discovery
informatics is still not understood
 You can’t get this by asking the scientists
 What are equivalent classes of domains as they pertain to CI
 Need to treat domain scientists, social scientists, and
computer scientists on equal footing
Emerging Movement?
 A movement for scientist-centered system design?
 A movement to focus on the “human processor bottleneck”?
 Human cognitive capacity is flat (or at best getting slightly linearly),
while other dimensions of computing have grown exponentially
 A movement for non-centralized science? (“long tail” of science (on
multiple dimensions) aka “dark matter” of science; small science vs
big; small data vs large)
 A movement to improve the use of mundane technology in science
 A movement to lower the learning curve in infrastructure?
 There will be some curve, but it is smaller and the same no matter what
you need to access
 eg web infrastructure is a good example
What is Discovery Informatics
 We should come back to a definition later in the meeting
 Some possible defining characteristics:
 Small data science still has a major role to play
 Complements big data science
 Much of science is largely local
 Complements science at larger scales
 Big data science can be seen as a movement to more centralized science
 The “long tail” of scientists are still largely underserved
 The “long tail” of scientific questions still has rudimentary technology
 Spreadsheets are still in widespread use
 Many valuable datasets are never integrated to address aggregate questions
 Discovery is a social endeavor
 Socio-technical systems to support ad-hoc collaborations
 Enable routine unexpected or indirect interactions among scientists
 eg, unanticipated data sharing
 DI: Automating and enhancing scientific processes at all levels?
 DI: Empowering individual researchers through local infrastructure?
Do Scientific Discoveries Result from
Special Kinds of Scientific Activities?
 Perhaps, but we do not need to address this question if we
can agree to consider discoveries in a continuum
 The more the scientific processes are improved, the more the
discovery processes are improved
 The more we empower scientists to cope with more complex
models (larger scope, broader coverage), the more the
discovery processes are improved
 The more we open access of potential contributors to scientific
processes, the more the discovery processes are improved
Discovery Informatics: Why Now
 Discovery informatics as “multiplicative science”: Investments in this
area will have multiplicative gains as they will impact all areas of
science and engineering
 Multiplicative in the dimension of the “human bottleneck”
 Could address current redundancy in {bio|geo|eco|…}informatics
 Discovery informatics will empower the public: Society is ready to
participate in scientific activities and discovery tools can capture
scientific practices
 “Personal data” will give rise to “personal science”
 I study my genes, my medical condition, my backyard’s ecosystem
 Volunteer donations of funds and time are now commonplace
 Enable donations of more intellectual contributions and insights
 Discovery informatics will enable lifelong learning and training of future
workforce in all areas of science
 Focuses on usable tools that encapsulate, automate, and disseminate
important aspects of state-of-the-art scientific practice
Discovery Informatics: Why Now
 Scope to include engineering, medicine
 Science too big to fit in your head all at one time
 Need computation to help understand it
 Current process of conducting science in all areas is utterly
broken, often reinventing processes year after year
 Science are more willing to adopt and collaborate
Three Major Themes
in Discovery Informatics
3) Social
 For each theme:
1. Why important to
2. State of the art
(where is it
3. Topics
 Focus is on coming up
2) Learning
models from
science data
as a group with topics
that each breakout
should elaborate
 Bring up a topic not
yet listed but do not
dwell on it
THEME 1: Improving the Experimentation
and Discovery Process
 Unprecedented complexity of scientific
 Is science stymied by the human bottleneck?
What aspects of the process could be improved, e.g.:
 Managing publications through natural
language technologies
 Capturing current knowledge through
ontologies and models
 Multi-step data analysis through
computational workflows
 Process reproducibility and reuse
through provenance
 Data collection and analysis
through integrated robotics
 Data sharing through Semantic
 Cross-disciplinary research
through collaborative interfaces
 Result understanding through
THEME 2: Learning Models from
Science Data
 Complexity of models and complexity of data analysis
 Data analysis activities placed in a larger context
Comprehensive treatment of data
to models to hypotheses cycle
 Using models to drive data collection activities
 Preparing data in service of model formation and
hypothesis testing
 Selecting relevant features for model development
 Highlighting interesting behaviors and unusual
THEME 3: Social Computing for
 Multiplicative gains through broadening participation
 Some challenges require it, others can significantly
Managing human contributions
 What scientific tasks could be handled
 How can tasks be organized to facilitate contributions
 Can reusable infrastructure be developed
 Can junior researchers, K-12 students, and the public
take more active roles in scientific discoveries
Three Major Themes
3) Social
2) Learning
science models
from data
Improving the Discovery Process:
 Characterizing what the discovery process is
 Current processes are in many ways inefficient / less effective
Manual data analysis
Reproducibility is too costly
Literature is vast and unmanageable
Improving the Discovery Process:
What is the State of the Art
 Workflow systems
 Automate many aspects of data analysis, make it
 Emerging provenance standards (OPM, W3C’s PROV)
 Augmenting scientific publications with workflows
 Creating knowledge bases from publications
 Ontological annotations of articles including claims and evidence
 Text mining to extract assertions to create knowledge bases
 Reasoning with knowledge bases to suggest or check hypotheses
 Visualization
 3 separate fields: scientific visualization, information visualization, and
visual analytics
 “design studies”
 Combining visualizations with other data
Improving the Discovery Process:
What is the State of the Art
 What is the state of the art of what’s currently used in
 Opening data and models
 Visualization not just of data, but also models and
relationships between models
Improving the Discovery Process:
Discussion Topics (I)
 Automation of discovery processes
 What is possible and unlikely in near/longer term
 Representations are key to discovery, hard to engineer change
of representation in a system
 Challenge is to find the right division of labor between human
and computer
 User-centered design
 Automation should come with suitable explanations
 Of processes, models, data, etc.
 Designing tools for the individual scientist (the “long tail”)
Improving the Discovery Process:
Discussion Topics (II)
 Workflows
 Understand barriers to widespread practice
 Have they reached the tipping point of usability vs pain?
 Workflow reuse across labs, across workflow systems
 Are workflows useful?
 What can we learn from workflows in non-science domains?
 Text extraction / generation
 Annotating publications
Improving the Discovery Process:
Discussion Topics (III)
 Visualizations could help maximize the bandwidth of what humans
can assimilate
 Visualization
 Do scientists know what they want?
 Scientists seem to prefer interaction, ie, control over the visualization,
rather than automatic visualizations
 Active co-creation of visualization helps scientists
 Domain specification / requirements extraction
 Centrality of knowledge representations (means to an end)
Reuse, open access, dynamic
Enabling integrated representation, reasoning, and learning
Risk of not being pertinent to some areas of science
From Models to Data and Back Again:
 Need to integrate better data with models and sense-making
 Semantic integration to enable reasoning
 Linking claims to experimental designs to data
 Interpreting data is a cognitive social process, aided by
visualizations that integrate context into the data
 How do we integrate prior knowledge, formalisms scientists
use, how do we update knowledge/formalisms
 Generating useful data is a bottleneck, generating lots of
models is easy, should leverage this
 Need to help scientists to evaluate models
Learning “Models” from Data:
What is the State of the Art
 Cognitive science studies of discovery and insight
 The role of effective problem representations
 The challenges of programming representation change
 Computational discovery
 Model-based reasoning
 Causality
 Temporal dependency analysis
 Design of quasi-experiments
 Spatial and temporal data
 Variability, multi-scale,
 Sensor noise
 Quality control
 Sensor noise vs actual phenomena
Learning Models from Data:
Discussion Topics (I)
 Integrating better models/knowledge and data
Model-guided data collection
 Collect data based on goals
Observations guiding the revision of models
Explaining findings and revising models and knowledge
Visualizations that combine models and data
 Deriving stuff from data
Enable causal connections across diverse data sources
Causal relations co-existing with gaps and conflicts stands in the way to more unified
 Models / patterns / laws?
 Importance of uncertainty, quality, utility
 From models to use
 Connecting computer simulations and model building from data
HPC, simulation, and modeling from data should be connected
Learning Models from Data:
Discussion Topics (II)
 Learning models that are communicable
 Potential for unifying models and associated tools for doing
 ML has a lot of theoretical results that have not yet been
made useful more broadly
 Need to be more usable/accessible
 Particularly in social sciences
 Not always easy to apply to big data
Learning Models from Data:
Discussion Topics (III)
 Incentivizing digital resource sharing to enable discoveries
 Privacy and security: data being misused or not appropriately
 The social sciences are a particularly promising area for
discovery informatics, and what would facilitate this
 Digital resource curation as a social issue
 Verification (of models, conclusions, data, explanations, etc.)
Social Computing:
 Many valuable datasets lack appropriate metadata
 Labels, data characteristics and properties, etc.
 Human computation has beaten best of breed algorithms
 Social agreement accelerates data sharing
 Public interest in participating in scientific activity
 Community assessment of models, knowledge, etc.
 Concretizing elements that were mushy in the past
 Mixed-initiative processes – humans exceed machine in many areas, so
we need to assimilate them for the things that they do better
 Harness knowledge about what makes online communities (including,
e.g., Wikipedia) work well or poorly
 Role of incentives, motivation, in bringing people together to do science
Social Computing:
What is the State of the Art
 Very different manifestations:
Collecting data (eg pictures of birds)
Labeling data (eg Galaxy Zoo)
Computations (eg Foldit)
Elaborate human processes (eg theorem proving)
Bringing people and computing together in complementary ways
Social Computing:
Discussion Topics (I)
 Several names: is there a distinction
 Crowdsourcing, citizen science,
 Designing the system
 Roles: peers, senior researchers, automation
 Incentives
 Training
 Platforms and infrastructure (using clouds right, social web
 Incorporating semantic information and metadata
 Expertise finding
 New modalities for peer review, scholarly communication
Social Computing:
Discussion Topics (II)
 Defining workflows with more elaborate processes that mix
human processing with computer processing
 Humans to do more complex tasks
 Can facilitate reproducibility
 Enticing people to participate while ensuring quality
 Some existing systems should be revisited to be designed as
social systems
 Workflow libraries and reuse tools
 Data curation tools
 Open software
Social Computing:
Discussion Topics (III)
 Systems that enable collaborations that are not deliberate but
 Opportunistic partnerships
 Unexpected uses of data
 Systems that support a marketplace of ideas and track credit
 New ideas/discoveries are often seen as a threat to the status
quo, how do we facilitate integration
 Empower people to share ideas on a problem while credited
 Incentive structures for new models of scholarly
communication, such as blogs