
Brooke H Clubbs
SC 105: 100: T-Th 8 AM
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: I would like for my students to get to know me better.
Thesis: I would like to introduce myself to you so you can know who I am beyond just
being your teacher.
I. Walt Whitman wrote, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then. I contradict myself. I am
large. I contain multitudes."
II. This is a good quote to describe my life.
III. My interests and beliefs don't always coincide with popular stereotypes.
IV. I am not quite a stay at home mom because I work; I am not quite a career woman
because I spend so much time at home with my kids.
V. My religious beliefs do guide the way I vote; people are surprised that I am Catholic
and a Democrat.
VI. I have my Master of Fine Arts in Acting and traveled all over the East Coast acting in a
touring production, which some folks might think is kind of exotic; I scrapbooked it all
which some people might think is the epitome of your typical "soccer mom."
VII. I would like to introduce myself to you so you can know who I am beyond just being
your teacher.
VII. So to go along with these contradictions, instead of multitudes, I have brought in
just three objects to represent my past, present and future.
I. First, I have a seed packet.
A, This represents something my mom always told me: "Bloom where you are planted."
B. When I was younger, I thought I was missing out because I didn't live closer to the city.
C. We lived in Kankakee, an hour south of Chicago.
D. Our house was in "rural" Kankakee so I fell into the Herscher School
District---surrounded by farm land.
E. I wanted us to move to a suburb of Chicago or at least into Kankakee proper.
F. I wanted to go to a big high school with a large fine arts program.
G. My mom entertained the idea, but she ultimately decided that the schools were just
fine where we were.
H. She told me I would just have to bloom where I was planted---make the best of what I
I. I discovered she was right.: I had an awesome time in high school and plenty of
J. I was offered a full ride to Southeast, a school I had never heard of.
K. I had figured I would go to the University of Illinois like a lot of my other friends.
L. But, I decided to see if I could bloom here...and I did.
M. I met my husband, decided to go to grad school...and then moved back here to start
our jobs and family!
N. Sometimes I am tempted to look into moving to St. Louis, but I just remember my
mom's advice and the fact that success is achieved through making the most of what you
have where you are.
II. Moving onto my second object, I have my day planner.
A. This little book represents my love of organization and list making as well as my
B. In some ways, I am very laid-back.
C. For example, when it comes to house-keeping, I would rather play with the kids than
have a clean kitchen floor.
D. But I am bit of a perfectionist in other ways.
E. For example, I reread my e-mail for typos before I send it.
F. My day planner shows some of the ways I am a perfectionist because it is full of my
lists and schedules.
G. I don't like to waste time; I want to be productive so I can have more time to relax!
H. I have a lot to keep track of too---my classes, appointments, meetings, church
obligations. social events...and then my husband's schedule, my oldest daughter and
son's school calendar and all that goes with it (like when I am supposed to bring treats for
a teacher appreciation day or turn in her fundraising forms) and my youngest daughter’s
day care schedule.
I. It's a lot to keep up with three kids and a dog, but I love this season of my life.
J. I have learned that you can have everything---just not all at the same time!
III. Finishing up with my third object, I have an archival pen.
A. I mentioned in my introduction that I like to scrapbook.
B. I take photos, put them down on paper, add some embellishments and then most
important, use a pen like this to write down the details.
C. This pen represents all I have yet to write.
D. I think my life story has been pretty fascinating so far and I am excited to see what
will come next.
E. After I graduated, got married, got a job, had a baby and bought a house, I found
myself at a loss.
F. I had reached most of the milestones or goals I had envisioned for myself as a kid.
G. But now I realize there is still a lot more living and dreaming to do.
H. And I will be recording it all.
I. So, I hope you have learned a little bit more about me, your teacher, Mrs. Clubbs
II. By describing these objects---a seed packet, planner and pen--- that represent my
past, present and future, I hope I have given you a little insight into the multitudes that,
like Walt Whitman, I believe I contain.
III. Thank you.