Example 1 I was only 19 when my mom died. When she died no one

Example 1
I was only 19 when my mom died. When she died no one wanted to take care of 4 teenagers.
Being the oldest of 5 I agreed to take the responsibility. We literally had no place to go. Scared
as ever I got a newspaper and started looking for anything with 3 bedrooms, hoping to find
something in time.
Example 2
I grew help in a small community, from birth to age 25. It was an all-black town here in St. Louis
County. We may have been poor; you really wouldn’t notice it by the fun we used to have. All
the guys on my block, we used to do almost everything together, like playing football, or
baseball, and basketball.
Example 3
Before the semester started I was so unprepared! Ugh talk about not being excited or looking
forward to anything but I had to change that mindset to almost being prepared. I thought I was
going to be so nervous and afraid to try anything yet alone even ask a question I seriously was
Example 4
The score I received from my assessment was 111, which indicated that I needed more
preparation. I don’t really agree with the results I was given I know that there are some things
that needed to be changed but not several. The thing I dint like about assessments is they don’t
take into consideration of all the outside opposing forces.so not knowing that and generalizing
is senseless to me.
Example 5
The first four weeks of college for me up until this point has been a very trying and
overwhelming journey.Even though I didn’t know what was in store for me, as a result I tried to
be prepared for it to the best of my ability as I could be.Consequently even when I thought that
I was ready frustration showed its ugly face. Finding all of my classes wasn’t all that hard
because my visit to St. Louis Community College weeks before allowed for me to get a feel for
the campus.
Example 6
After I had my son Owen I made the commitment that I would make something of myself. I was
living off public aid with a toddler and a newborn on the way no high school diploma and no
job. I didn’t want to live like this for ever. I had to do something I made it my bissunes to get off
my butt at 7 months pregnant and take my GED test. That was a start.
Example 7
Well when I was in high school I had to decide what college I was going to go to. So I had to look
at what I wanted to major in which was culinary arts. So I went to my cooking teacher to help
me. So she said Saint Louis community college forest park has one of the best cooking
Example 8
I have siblings who I care for most of the time because my mom is always either at work or out
somewhere with her friends or her fiancé. I have two households’ I’m taking care of right now
and I’m not making as much money as I need to make this happen. I am trying to stay focused
on school and to arrive on time and do what I need to do here but every time I try it never
works out that way.
Example 9
My assessment score was 101 which is defined as needing more preparation for college. I think
that score was a true reflection of how I am and I’ve been in college for four semesters now.
All in all, I have gotten a lot better with my studying for tests and doing all my homework but I
see myself sometimes still doing the same things I was in high school.
Example 10
When I was a younger boy I always had the luxury of having doctors and my mother taking care
of me. They always gave me advice on how to stay healthy even though it irked me hearing
them say it over and over again. I was inept when it came to taking care of myself but I knew
that it would soon be my responsibility to take care of my body as I got older and not my moms.
Example 11
When, well before the semester had started I had checked blackboard to make sure that I was
still enrolled in the classes. Then a week before school had started I had come up and got my
books and supplies. So that I know that I will be ready for school when it starts. My internal
view of how I was preparing myself for this semester made me confident. I wasn’t that sure of
how I was going to be ready or get ready for this semester, but I made mends meet.