Tree Identification Notebook Instructions: Spring Semester 7th Grade Yr. Please choose 25 of the following tree species to identify. Please select small branch of leaves that will fit on an 8.5” X 11” page. Leaves should be pressed and dried. Large heavy books work best. Newspaper works well to keep from staining pages in book. Leaves should dry in a week. Once specimens are dried place them on a sheet of card stock or printer paper. Photo albums with clinging sheets work well too. Rubber cement should glue specimens to pages. On the page please include the Common Name and Scientific Name.. Fall Semester 8th Grade Yr. YOU WILL NEED A TOTAL OF 36 (you will only need to add 11 to notebook) of the species below. Your Notebook should contain no less than 6 CONIFERS. If you would like to compete in the Georgia National Fair Leaf Notebook Contest please read the attached handout and follow guidelines. Notebooks completed in this format will be judged locally and the top 3 will be sent to Ga Nat. Fair. Notebooks do not have to be Identical. Table of Contents and Cover Page need to be identical. We will complete in class. You will need to do the written specimens at home. Common Name 1. American Beech 2. American Holly 3. American Sycamore 4. Ash 5. Baldcypress 6. Black Cherry 7. Black Locust 8. Black Walnut 9. Black Willow 10. Blackgum 11. Boxelder 12. Catalpa 13. Chestnut Oak 14. Chinaberry 15. Eastern Cottonwood 16. Eastern Hemlock 17. Eastern Hophornbeam 18. Eastern Redbud 19. Eastern Redcedar 20. Eastern White Pine 21. Flowering Dogwood 22. Honeylocust 23. Laurel Oak 24. Live Oak 25. Loblolly Pine 26. Longleaf Pine 27. Mockernut Hickory 28. Mulberry 29. Paulownia Scientific Name Fagus grandifolia Ilex opaca Platanus occidentalis Fraxinus spp. Taxodium distichum Prunus serotina Robinia pseudoacacia Juglans nigra Salix nigra Nyssa sylvatica Acer negundo Catalpa bignonioides Quercus prinus Melina azedarach L. Populus deltoides Tsuga canadensis Ostrya virginiana Cercis canadensis Juniperus virginiana Pinus strobus Cornus florida Gleditsia triacanthos Quercus laurifolia Quercus virginiana Pinus taeda Pinus palustris Carya tomentosa Morus spp. Paulownia tomentosa 30. Pecan 31. Persimmon 32. Post Oak 33. Red Maple 34. River Birch 35. Sassafras 36. Sawtooth Oak 37. Shortleaf Pine 38. Silver Maple 39. Slash Pine 40. Southern Magnolia 41. Southern Red Oak 42. Sweetbay 43. Sweetgum 44. Turkey Oak 45. Virginia Pine 46. Water Oak 47. White Oak 48. Willow Oak 49. Winged Elm 50. Yellow-Poplar Carya illinoensis Diospyrus virginiana Quercus stellata Acer rubrum Betula nigra Sassafras albidum Quercus acutissima Pinus echinata Acer saccharinum Pinus elliottii Magnolia grandiflora Quercus falcata Magnolia virginiana Liquidambar styraciflua Quercus laevis Pinus virginiana Quercus nigra Quercus alba Quercus phellos Ulmus alata Liriodendron tulipifera YOUTH EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS - FFA 34 DENDROLOGY NOTEBOOK John Allen Bailey • Coordinator 478-289-2558 dIVISION 34101 - Junior Dendrology Notebook (Students in the 9th grade and below) DIVISION 34102 - Senior Dendrology Notebook 1. Each school may enter up to 3students’ leaf collection notebooks in each of the above classes (6 notebooks total). The notebook should be the FFA notebook or any other standard hardback notebook. The entire class should use the same type and color notebook. 2. Each junior notebook will contain tree samples from the Junior Natural Resources CDE tree list only. Each senior notebook will contain tree samples from the Forestry CDE Tree List. 3. Chapter winners will be determined by the combined scores of the top three students’ notebooks. 4. Each Senior notebook must contain 40 forest tree species that are listed in the FFA Awards Bulletin. Each Junior notebook must contain 36 forest tree species that are listed in the FFA Awards Bulletin. Each notebook should contain a minimum of six conifers, four of which must include loblolly, longleaf, shortleaf and slash pines. The remaining leaves should be hardwoods. Consideration should be given to trees that are economically important and natural to the area. Extra leaves may be included, but will only be considered for tie-breaking purposes. 5. All notebooks must be original student work, prepared by the student entering the contest. Students must be enrolled in middle school or high school at the time of this competition. Teachers may be asked to verify authenticity of students’ work. 6. Each notebook should contain: A. Student’s name, school, grade, instructor’s name B. Table of contents listing each species in the notebook C. Leaves arranged by conifers and hardwoods D. A written description of the specimen, including common name, descriptive features of the species, key characteristics, wood description, uses and distribution area. This information should be on the right-hand page of the notebook and the leaf specimen should be on the lefthand page of the notebook. 7. Display will be graded on: neatness, uniformity, quality of specimens, accuracy of identified specimens, quality and originality of descriptions. Ribbon Value *Junior Division Champion $40, plaque & 400 points Blue 200 points *Junior Divison Reserve Champion, $30, plaque & 300 points Red 100 points *Senior Division Champion $40, plaque & 400 points White 50 points *Senior Division Reserve Champion $30, plaque & 300 points HM No points Dendrology Notebooks Chapter Champion $100 & plaque Chapter Reserve Champion $50 & plaque