expectations 2013

Ms. Silverstein-Vitale
Expectations of teachers:
-Will show students how to evaluate authors’ literary techniques
-Will listen and learn from students
-Will take notice when students challenge themselves and go the extra mile
-Will prepare a variety of curriculum materials
-Will keep parents and guardians involved in the learning process
-Will communicate with guidance regarding student progress
-Will be clear about goals and requirements for assignments
-Will record and review students’ attendance
-Will be vigilant for plagiarism of all kinds
-Will help students to recognize the strengths and weaknesses in their writing and instruct students so
they can become stronger writers
-Will provide writing models when available to help students improve their work
-Will participate in a scholarly community
-Will inform students of assignments ahead of time
-Will prepare students for future courses and college
-Will teach a variety of literacy and writing skills for a lifetime of learning
Expectations of students:
-Be in your seat ready to listen when the bell rings and start working on the given task. Read the written
instructions before asking about them.
-Always come prepared to class with a writing instrument, a notebook, a folder and whatever books you
are assigned to bring.
-Headphones, cell phones and other electronic devices will not be visible in the classroom.
-Participate verbally and in written form on a daily basis.
-Think for yourself and have faith in your own ideas, while still showing respect for the ideas of others.
Respect yourself and your peers, don’t put yourself down and don’t put others down.
-Unless we are doing a special activity, stay in your seat the entire period until the bell rings—no lining up
at the door.
-Keep your hands to yourself at all times—even before class begins or after it ends.
-Adhere to all school rules and codes.
-Eat outside of class--avoid using class time for meals and snacks, unless medical problem warrants it.
-Inform me of any important life changes or events.
-Listen carefully so that we don’t have to steal class time from others by repeating.
-Show me and show yourself that you are willing to try something difficult, challenging and new, as
opposed to trying to do things “the easiest way.”
-Only ask me for an extension or special treatment in an emergency and never expect or demand it.
-Do not turn in any work that is not completely yours—you may not “work together” or receive outside aid
on any assignment or homework unless you have specific permission from me to do so. That includes using
websites, even when paraphrasing from them.
Grading Policy:
-Essays, projects and tests will make up the bulk of your grade and are usually 50-100 points each. Ten
points are deducted per day late.
-All writing assignments must be submitted typed and through electronic submission to turnitin.com.
-Students will receive a zero on the day the assignment is due or the test is given if absent—that may be
altered if the student has a legitimate absence and submits make-up work within one week.
-Vocabulary quizzes and assignments will count as 20% of the total grade for the marking period.
-Vocabulary midterm and final will count on the second and fourth marking period respectively.
-Reading check quizzes will count from 20 to 50 points and may be unannounced.
-Accountable talk and class preparation grade will include homework, classwork, participation and
preparedness. This will vary depending on number of homework assignments each marking period.
-Students must wait to see me outside of class to discuss a particular grade or an individual issue—this is
not appropriate for class time.
-Students with the highest scores will go beyond expectations to help push themselves and the greater
learning community to a higher level of insight and understanding of the work we will study. They are
doing the bare minimum.
Class work:
The class work grade will be based on the following:
-Points are given for:
 taking notes
 asking insightful questions
 analyzing texts in depth and challenging oneself and the class
 helping others in the class to learn (without giving answers to them!)
 participating verbally in class discussion in a positive way
 non-verbal signs of participation such as eye contact and nodding
 completing assigned class work tasks in the given time frame
 keeping a complete and organized notebook
 being in one’s seat when the bell rings with notebook open ready to learn
 listening respectfully when others are speaking
-Points are deducted for:
 disrupting class verbally
 speaking without raising one’s hand and waiting for me to recognize you
 cheating and plagiarizing
 not taking notes when instructed
 name-calling, putting down or disrespecting other students or teachers
 distracting other students from learning in any way
 not completing assigned class work tasks
 habitual lateness to class and/or creating disruption when arriving in the room
 having cell phones, headphones or music players out during class or using them in one’s lap or bag
 keeping cell phone on or allowing it to make sounds during class
 eating during class without permission
-Homework will be assigned nightly, and be due at the beginning of the next class period. Points will be
deducted for missing, late or incomplete homework assignments. Homework assignments will usually be
worth 5 points per activity, unless it is a more lengthy assignment.
-If you are legitimately absent, homework is due the day you return unless other arrangements are made
with me.
-Homework will be marked late if turned in late due to field trip, school event or coming late to school.
-All homework must be original, without aid of websites or other people, even if it is in your own words.
-Each quarter you will be required to turn in four major written assignments.
-Editing and revising will be required through self-assessment and peer revision.
-Essays and writing assignments turned in late receive a five-point penalty per day late.
-All writing must be original, without aid of websites or other people, even if it is in your own words.
-All work must be submitted on both paper (must be legible and usually I will require it be typed) and
electronically to turnitin.com account by due date. It must be turned in the period it is due.
-Three points are deducted per day if late to turnitin.com and five points are deducted per day late if
print copy is late.
-Students are encouraged to complete prewriting work early to receive feedback from the teacher via
email or during a scheduled conference time.
-Students will complete vocabulary assignments every two to three weeks and quizzes every two to three
-Vocabulary homework will include multiple sections, to be done over several days. Do not leave it all for
the last night—these are long assignments.
-Vocabulary is cumulative and will be assessed on multiple occasions, including a midterm and final exam.
-Quiz will include any item from the designated vocabulary assignment.
-Vocabulary from literature may be tested on tests and quizzes on the work of literature and/or
individual quizzes.
-Students will be reading multiple pieces of literature simultaneously, and will learn to successfully
balance doing so.
-Students will create written response to each text and complete multiple assessments of each, learning a
variety of methods of analyzing and articulating their responses to a text.
-Students will learn general literary analysis skills, connecting and comparing multiple texts in order to
prepare for future college-level literary study.
-Students may be quizzed cumulatively on readings at any time.
Grammar, usage and mechanics:
-Students will learn a foundation and working knowledge of grammar, usage and mechanics.
-Students will create and improve upon their own grammar, usage and mechanics focus correction areas.
-Students are accountable for correct grammar, usage and mechanics on every assessment.
-Students must take at minimum five sequential benchmark exams over the course of the year, as written
by the state of NJ and modified by the district.
-These exams do not require specific preparation outside of class, but will cover general skills and
reading/writing strategies, as studied as part of the course.
Plagiarism and cheating:
-There is a school policy of no tolerance for cheating and plagiarizing. Any amount of cheating and/or
plagiarizing will result in a zero on the assignment or test/quiz, as well as an honor code violation
submitted to the grade-level vice-principal.
-Students may not confer on homework or assignments with any other student unless specifically directed
to do so.
-Any undocumented or improperly documented unoriginal material turned in as an assignment or as part of
an assignment is plagiarism.
-Any assignment that includes paraphrased information from other sources is still considered plagiarism—
think for yourself.
-Any unauthorized materials visible to the student during an exam or verbal contact with other students
during an exam is considered cheating.
-Students are responsible for all notes missed while absent. Make sure to get the phone number and
email address of at least one or two classmates to help you to keep up in case you fall ill.
-Students have one week from the day a quiz/test/in-class writing task was given to make it up before or
after school. Students are responsible for initiating discussion of a time to make up tests with me.
Missed quizzes and tests will not be given in class because new material will be missed. After one week 10
points will be deducted per day late.
-Students must hand in assignments on the day that they return to school after the assignment is due.
-Three points are deducted per day if late to turnitin.com and five points are deducted per day late if
print copy is late.
-If a student’s reason for missing class is not legitimate according the attendance office, he or she will
receive a zero on any assessment given that day, without opportunity to make it up.
-Taking very careful class notes and doing additional note-taking at home. Writing and responding to text
as you read will help you to better understand and make meaning of literature.
-Practice of listening skills—we cannot stop class regularly for people who failed to listen to information.
-Students should not expect to raise grades by requesting “reassessment”--it is done only in cases in
which students experience an emergency.
Contact Info:
-Contact me via email at tsilverstein@chclc.org. Email is the most effective way to contact me.
-To view most assignments and due dates view the e-board, which links from the East website under
Faculty Websites, listed as Silverstein. The shortlink is as follows:
-To check grades look for updates online on Progressbook/Gradebook approximately once per week.
Make-up assignments will not be added immediately, but will be entered when scored.
-I meet with students outside of class by appointment—students can email me to set up appointments.
-Parents can schedule an appointment to meet with me by emailing the student’s guidance counselor, who
can coordinate times.