3-Eye Monster - Gordon State College

Literary Analysis
Essay #1 1.5 to 2 pgs
Essay #2, 850 words, double spaced
Important Literary Concepts
The Basics
Narration/point of view
• Other key
– Historical context
– Social, political,
economic contexts
– Ideology
– Multiple voices
– Various critical
– Literary theory
To show an understanding
of the text and how an
author uses the literary
elements within the text
NOT simply to re-tell or to
summarize the plot.
Basic Literary Analysis
 Choose
a way to analyze a
The Literary Elements
See LO (9-13)
Conflict and the Plot
Point of View
Style (figurative language) and
Literary Elements
is the time and place of a story’s
Setting refers not only to time of day or
season but also to the historical period and
circumstances, weather conditions, and
circumstances of place.
Parts of a Plot
Inciting incident – event that gives
rise to conflict (opening situation)
Development- events that occur as
result of central conflict (rising action)
Climax- highest point of interest or
suspense of story
Resolution- when conflict ends
Denouement- when characters go
back to their life before the conflict
Types of Conflict
Part of the plot is centered some sort of conflict
that will put the character into a situation (a
struggle of opposing forces):
Style and Tone
Style relates to an author’s use of vocabulary,
level of diction, sentence structure, arrangement
of ideas. It is “a combination of two elements:
the idea to be expressed and the individuality of
the author” (“Style” 487).
Tone shows the author’s attitude toward his or
her subject. A tone might be “formal, informal,
intimate, solemn, sombre, playful, serious,
ironic, condescending” (“Tone” 503).
Look for some sort of Truth or
insight, a message. Any given
work will have multiple meanings
(‘themes’). For example, Margaret
Atwood's "Happy Endings" is a
about how one should savor the
development of one's life, and
move beyond its structure to focus
on its meaning, or a treatise on
how to write, or both--all
depending upon one's reading of
the work.
Two Kinds of Symbols
Conventional or traditional symbols: These symbols
have meanings that large numbers of people understand.
They embody universal suggestions of meaning, such as
that a voyage suggests life or flowing water suggests
time and eternity (“Symbol” 467). Can you guess what
the visual symbols below stand for?
Depending on one’s own cultural background, she might
answer that these are three of the letter t. Or he might
say that they are the masts of a ship. If one has been
raised in a Judeo-Christian culture, however, it’s highly
likely that that person might see three crosses here,
representative of the Crucifixion of Jesus and salvation.
Examples of symbols
In Susan Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers,” the canary is
itself a pet bird, but it also seems to stand for Mrs.
Wright, of the sweet singing voice, caged and finally
(spiritually) killed.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark,” Georgianna’s
birthmark is itself but may also be seen as a concrete
illustration of the imperfection of physical humanity, an
imperfection which Aylmer, in his quest to play God and
control nature, cannot accept.
In Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat,” the boat is itself
but is also a symbol of the larger world (a small world =
“microcosm”) in which a community of men must
grapple with the forces of nature.
Two Kinds of Symbols (continued)
Private or original symbols: These kinds of symbols may be
relative, dependent upon the beholder or upon how they are used
in a work.
The park bench where you met
the one you love is a private symbol
which you interpret privately.
The empty space on the wall where the picture once was could be
a private symbol of personal loss for one person, while for another
the lighter shade of that space simply indicates that a wall needs
to be painted.
In fact, a symbol may shift in meaning as the work develops.
Private symbols “acquire” meaning because of the ways they are
used in a literary work (“Symbol” 467). Critic Sven Birkerts writes
that private symbols gain their meaning “gradually, through
repetition or strategic placement” and that they have “powerful,
condensed meanings” (“Symbolism” 113).
What is an Analysis?
An analysis of a literary work may
How the various components of an
individual work relate to each other
How two separate literary works deal
with similar concepts or forms
How concepts and forms in literary
works relate to larger aesthetic,
political, social, economic, or religious
Basic Literary Analysis
 Use
quotations from the
text that illustrate your
point and then explain
 “Hook” (see RG: pg 22) to get the
reader’s attention.
 Title and author of work with brief info
about the work.
 Thesis which states the literary
element you are analyzing and what
you hope to prove in your paper.
Which is the Best Thesis
Moby-Dick is about the problem of
Moby-Dick is boring and pointless.
Moby-Dick is about a big, white
The use of “whiteness” as imagery
in Moby-Dick illustrates the theme
of uncertainty about the meaning of
life that Ishmael expresses
throughout the novel.
Body Paragraphs:
 Each paragraph should be focused on a
certain idea connected to the thesis
 Use “The Three I-ed Monster” to build
each paragraph. (We’ll discuss this
in a minute!)
Include primary and secondary
What is a Secondary Source?
A book or article that discusses the
text you are discussing
A book or article that discusses a
theory related to the argument you
are making
A book or article that discusses the
social and historical context of the
text you are discussing
Conclusion (see RG: pg 23-24)
 Sum up your argument.
 Hit the high notes!
 Do NOT introduce any new quotes or
 While the paper does not use I or me,
here you can include your opinion of the
piece and get more personal.
Writing a Strong Body Paragraph
The Three I-ed Monster
 Identify
 Integrate
 Interpret
The Three I-ed Monster - Identify
Identify which words from a text you
want to use in your paper.
 Use the strongest portion of the text
that fits your topic.
 Avoid using quotations of more than
three sentence unless absolutely
 Use quotation marks around
direct quotes
 Use parenthetical documentation
to cite your source.
The Three I-ed Monster - Integrate
Mix the words of your source in with your
own words to introduce your quote.
 Do not allow your quotation to “float” (to
be in a sentence all by itself without
words of your own).
NO: “The use of fire imagery
shows that the main character is
in a constant state of turmoil.”
(Jones 24)
 YES: Fire is present throughout
the book and it “shows that the
character is in a constant state
of turmoil.” (Jones 24)
The Three I-ed Monster - Interpret
Think about: How does analyzing
literature in this way help us to
understand the text, ourselves, and/or
our world in general?
how this quotation fits into
the thesis of your paper
why it is important in
understanding the text
what this quote tells us about
the text and/or life
Your next
analysis essay
will be due on
Friday, March