
Weekly Writing
I have decided to assign the students writing homework for the next 3 weeks. Their task will be
to think, plan and write one story each week and submit it. I do not usually assign writing at home,
however I feel this class would benefit from it. Students will share their writing with the class and I will
post videos of them reading it on our class website.
I have outlined a step by step process for you to help with this. These are the same steps and
strategies we use in class when writing a personal story. The students should be familiar with this
process. Of course, you and your child have the option to complete more than one step per day. Work at
a rate is the best for you and your child. I have attached a sample piece of writing that is considered
appropriate for your child’s grade. Planners are also provided.
Below is the guide which will help move you through the steps.
Day 1 / Step 1 – Think of a topic/Sketch it - It should be personal/real, something that he or she
has done.
Examples include: skating or swimming lessons, going to a birthday party, making cupcakes,
visiting or playing with friends, a sleepover etc…
Day 2 / Step 2 – First, Then, Next, Finally Planner – They should add a few words or short
sentence in each block about their topic. They will expand these details in step 3. (Planner provided)
Examples include: where does story take place, who was there, what did you do, how you feel.
Day 3 / Step 3 – Adding details – Here students will expand on each detail from step 2. They
should be able to write at least 2 sentences for each block.
Examples include: On Wednesday night I go to swimming lessons with my sister. It is at the big
indoor pool. The pool has a deep end and shallow end. I stay in the shallow end.
Day 4 / Step 4 – Word Choice – For this step students should go back and reread their story and
decide if they can add any interesting words to their writing.
Examples Include: screamed for said, zoomed for ran, terrific for good / fun.
Day 5 / Step 5 – Periods and Capitals – Going back over their work and fixing or adding capital
letters and periods in each sentence.