Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue

Chapter 10:
Muscle Tissue
Muscle Tissue
• A primary tissue type, divided into:
• Cardiac muscle
• Smooth muscle
• Skeletal muscle
• Attached to bones
• Allows us to move
• Contains CT, nerves and blood vessels
Functions of Skeletal Muscles
CT Organization – 3 layers
Surrounds entire muscle
Separates muscle from
surrounding tissues
Connected to deep fascia
1. Perimysium
 Divides the skeletal
muscle into a series of
 Each compartment
contains a bundle of
muscle fibers:
1. Endomysium
 Surrounds individual
skeletal muscle fibers
 Interconnects adjacent
muscle fibers
 Satellite Cells -
At the end of a muscle:
 All 3 layers come together
to form a:
 Both attach skeletal
muscles to bones
 Tendon fibers extend into
the bone matrix
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Skeletal muscle cells are called fibers
Myoblasts fuse during development to form individual
skeletal muscle fibers
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• Sarcolemma – cell membrane of
muscle fiber
▫ Surround sarcoplasm
▫ Change in the transmembrane
potential is the start of a
• Transverse Tubules –
continuous with sarcolemma
and extends into the sarcoplasm
▫ form passageways through
muscle fibers
▫ Filled with extracellular fluid
▫ Action potentials
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• Myofibrils – cylindrical
structures encircled by T tubules
▫ As long as the cell
▫ Made of myofilaments
 Thin filaments - actin
 Thick filaments – myosin
▫ Responsible for muscle fiber
▫ Mitochondria and glycogen
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• Sarcoplasmic Reticulum – similar to
ER of other cells
▫ Forms network around each
• Terminal cisternae – expanded
chambers of SR on either side of a T
▫ Ca+2 ions storage
• Triad – pair of terminal cisternae
plus a T tubule
▫ Separate fluids
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• Sarcomere – repeating contractile units that make up myofibrils
▫ Smallest functional unit in muscle fibers
▫ Muscle contraction
▫ Made up of: thick and thin filaments, stabilizing proteins and
regulating proteins
▫ Striated
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• A bands – dark bands at center
of sarcomere
▫ Thick filaments (myosin)
▫ Contains:
 M line – center of A band,
connects each thick filament
 H zone – lighter region on
either side of M line, contains
thick filaments
 Zone of overlap – thick and
thin filaments overlap one
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
• I bands – light bands on both
sides of A band
▫ Thin filaments (actin)
▫ Contains:
 Z lines – boundary between
adjacent sarcomeres
 Titin – protein that aligns
thick and thin filaments
▫ Extends from thick
Level 1: Skeletal Muscle
Level 4: Myofibril
Level 2: Muscle Fascicle
Level 5: Sarcomere
Level 3: Muscle Fiber
Muscle Contraction
• Sliding Filament Theory
▫ Caused by interactions of thick and thin filaments
▫ Triggered by free Ca2+ in sarcoplasm
Muscle Contraction
• Thin Filaments – made of 4 proteins:
▫ F actin – 2 twisted strands of G actin, contain active sites for the
binding of myosin
▫ Nebulin – holds 2 strands of G actin together
▫ Tropomyosin – covers G actin active sites to prevent actin/myosin
▫ Troponin – holds tropomyosin to G actin AND contains a site for the
binding of Ca2+
 Holds until Ca2+ binds to the active site
 Contraction can only occur if position changes
Muscle Contraction
• Thick Filaments – consist of a pair of myosin subunits wrapped
around each other
▫ Tail – binds to other myosin molecules
▫ Head – 2 subunits, project towards nearest thin filament
▫ During muscle contractions myosin heads pivot towards thin
filaments, forming cross-bridges with G actin active sites
Muscle Contraction
• Sliding Filament Theory
▫ Thin filaments slide towards
M line – shortening
▫ A band remains the same,
but the Z lines move closer
Muscle Contraction
• Neuromuscular Junction - NMJ
▫ Where the action potential starts
▫ Each branch ends at a synaptic terminal, which contains mitochondria
and Acetylcholine
 Neurotransmitter that alters the permeability of the sarcolemma
Muscle Contraction
• Synaptic cleft –
• Motor end plate –
▫ Both contain AChE – breaks down
• Action potential travels along the nerve
axon and ends at the synaptic terminal,
which changes the permeability
• ACh is released
Muscle Contraction
• ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and
binds to ACh receptors on motor end plate
• Increase in membrane permeability to
sodium ions that rush into the sarcoplasm
▫ Keeps going until AChE removes all ACh
• Travels along sarcolemma to T tubules and
leads to excitation-contraction coupling ▫ Action potential leads to contraction
▫ Triads release Ca2+
▫ Triggers muscle contractions
Muscle Contraction at Sarcomere
1. Exposure of active sites
▫ Calcium ions bind to troponin,
changing its position and
shifting tropomyosin away
from active sites
2. Attachment of cross-bridges
▫ Myosin heads bind to active
Muscle Contraction at Sarcomere
3. Pivoting
▫ Power stroke
4. Detachment of cross-bridges
▫ ATP binds to myosin head, link is
▫ Attach to another active site
Muscle Contraction at Sarcomere
5. Reactivation of myosin
Contraction at
ATP to ADP and phosphate
Cycle is repeated
All sarcomeres contract at the
same time
Contraction duration depends
Duration of neural stimulus
Amount of free Ca2+ ions in
Availability of ATP
Muscle Contraction
• 1. At NMJ, ACh is released and binds to
receptors on sarcolemma
• 2. Change in transmembrane potential
results in action potential that spreads
across entire surface of cell and T tubules
• 3. SR releases stored calcium ions,
increasing Ca2+ around sarcomeres
• 4. Calcium ions bind to troponin, which
exposes active sites on thin filaments and
cross-bridges form
• 5. Contraction begins as repeated cycles
of cross-bridge formation and
detachment happen
Muscle Contraction
• 6. ACh is broken down by AChE and
action potential ends
• 7. SR reabsorbs calcium ions and
concentration in sarcoplasm decreases
• 8. Active sites are re-covered
• 9. Contraction ends
• 10. Muscle relaxation – sarcomeres
remain uncontracted
Rigor Mortis
• Stop in blood circulation causes skeletal muscles to be deprived
of oxygen and nutrients –
• SR becomes unable to pump calcium ions out of sarcoplasm
• Extra calcium ions trigger a sustained contraction
▫ Cross-bridges form, but cannot detach
• Lasts 15-25 hours after death
2 Types of Muscle Tension
• Isotonic Contraction
▫ Skeletal muscle changes length resulting in motion
▫ If muscle tension > resistance: muscle shortens (concentric contraction)
▫ If muscle tension < resistance: muscle lengthens (eccentric contraction)
2 Types of Muscle Contraction
• Isometric Contraction
▫ Muscle develops tension, but does not shorten
Resistance and Speed of Contraction
• Inversely related
• The heavier the resistance on a muscle:
▫ the longer it takes for shortening to begin
▫ the less the muscle will shorten
Muscle Relaxation
• After contraction, a muscle fiber returns to resting length by:
▫ Elastic forces
 The pull of elastic elements (tendons and ligaments)
 Expands the sarcomeres to resting length
▫ Opposing muscle contractions
 Reverse the direction of the original motion
 The work of opposing skeletal muscle pairs
▫ Gravity
 Can take the place of opposing muscle contraction to return a
muscle to its resting state
ATP and Muscle Contraction
• Muscle contraction uses a lot of ATP
• Muscles store enough energy to start contraction, but must
manufacture more ATP
▫ Generates ATP at the same rate that it is used
• ATP and CP
▫ ATP – active energy model (aerobic and anaerobic)
▫ Creatine Phosphate (CP) – storage molecule for excess ATP in
resting muscle
ATP – 2 seconds
CP – 15 seconds
Glycogen – 130 seconds (anaerobic) and 40 mins (aerobic)
ATP and Muscle Contraction
• At rest:
▫ Cells use fatty acids to create CP, ATP and glycogen –
rebuilding their storages (beta oxidation)
• Moderate Activity:
▫ Cells use fatty acids or glucose and oxygen to produce
ATP (aerobic respiration)
 Muscle wont fatigue until all energy is used up
 Marathon runners
• Peak Activity
▫ Cells use oxygen faster than it is supplied
 Aerobic resp only provides 1/3 of needed ATP
 Anaerobic resp provides the rest – lactic acid
Muscle Metabolism
Muscle Fatigue
• When muscles can no longer perform a required activity, they
are fatigued
• Results of Muscle Fatigue:
Depletion of metabolic reserves
Damage to sarcolemma and SR
Low pH (lactic acid)
Muscle exhaustion and pain
• The Recovery Period
The time required after exertion for muscles to return to normal
Oxygen becomes available
Mitochondrial activity resumes
Muscle Fatigue
• The Cori Cycle
The removal and recycling of lactic acid by the liver
Liver converts lactic acid to pyruvic acid
Glucose is released to recharge muscle glycogen reserves
Oxygen Debt – after exercise:
Body needs more oxygen than usual to normalize metabolic activity
Heavy breathing
3 Types of Skeletal Fibers
• Fast Fibers:
Contract quickly
High CP
Large diameter, huge glycogen reserves and few mitochondria
Strong contractions, but fatigue quickly
White meat – chicken breast
• Slow Fibers
Slow to contract and slow to fatigue
Low CP
Small diameter, but a lot of mitochondria
High oxygen supply
Contain myoglobin (red pigment, binds to oxygen)
Dark meat – chicken legs
3 Types of Muscle Fibers
• Intermediate Fibers
Low myoglobin
More capillaries than fast fibers, slower to fatigue
Table 10-3, page 298
Human Muscles
• Muscle Hypertrophy - muscle
Growth from heavy training
▫ increases diameter of muscle
▫ increases number of myofibrils
▫ increases mitochondria,
glycogen reserves
• Muscle Atrophy – lack of
muscle activity
▫ Reduced in muscle size, tone
and power
Physical Conditioning
• Anaerobic Endurance
▫ Uses fast fibers, fatigues quickly with strenuous activities
 50 m dash, weightlifting
▫ Improved by frequent, brief, intensive workouts – interval
• Aerobic Endurance – supported by mitochondria
▫ Prolonged activity – uses a lot of oxygen and nutrients
 Marathon running
▫ Improved by repetitive and cardiovascular training
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
• Striated tissue
• Smaller cells with single nucleus
• Short T-tubules and sarcoplasm
▫ No triads or terminal cisternae
• All aerobic
▫ High in myoglobin and
• Intercalated discs
Smooth Muscle
• Blood vessels, reproductive and digestive systems, etc
• Different arrangement of actin and myosin
• Non-striated
Characteristics of Skeletal, Cardiac, and
Smooth Muscle