Ensure all course registration paperwork is in place

Your Student Charter
1. be course ready
 Ensure all course registration paperwork is
in place
• Course Inquiry Points – CIP
• Occupational Health checks
• Outstanding Disclosure and Barring Service checks (DBS)
• Cumbria Card
 Paying your fees in 2014/15
If you are self- financing your tuition fee, which means you do not have a
tuition fee loan and or have an accommodation fee the link below will provide
details on how and when to pay
 www.cumbria.ac.uk/PayingFees
 The University reserves the right to apply sanctions which may affect your
study and residency on campus for late payment.
Confirmation of a Tuition Loan
• If you have a tuition fee loan and at registration you did not hand in your
funding award letter from Student Finance England, please do so
as soon as possible.
• Drop boxes are located at the Course Information Point and in
the Library on all campuses.
For enquiries and payment call Finance on 01524 590826
2. Know your
rights and
 Take the time to read university and course
Student Charter
Programme handbook
Module handbooks
 Be familiar with University regulations and
professional standards requirements
Student Code of Conduct
Academic regulations – e.g.malpractice/plagiarism
Fitness to practise – professional standards
Social Media Policy
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Student Complaints Procedure
3. Keep yourself
and others safe
First Aid
First aiders available on all campuses
Contact Reception if you need a first aider
In an emergency ring 999 – know your postcode and the
address of the campus.
 always request a first aider as well
First aid boxes are available across campus
Please report all accidents and incidents, report forms are
available from Reception
Fire Evacuation
The alarm is a loud bell or siren – tested weekly in each building
Fire Drills – two per year in each building
Know your fire exit route – don’t assume you can escape by the
same route you entered the building
Fire Evacuation
If you see a fire:
Activate the Fire Alarm – use Fire Alarm Call Points,
(red boxes) located by exits
Evacuate the building, follow the green signs
Call the Fire Service on 999
Let a Fire Warden know if you think someone may have been left in the
Do not leave the assembly point unless you are told to do so by the
person in charge
Do not go back into the building until told to do so
4. Access help and
 Don’t sit on it; be pro-active
HELP IS AT HAND handbook
•Managing your money
•Mental Health & psychological wellbeing
•Academic skills – skills@cumbria
•Careers and employability
•Students’ Union
•IT help
 Skills@Cumbria webpages
 Your Chaplaincy – life in all its fullness
We have time..
We talk about what matters..
We celebrate good news..
Matthew Firth
University Chaplain
Ilyias Patel
Honorary Muslim Chaplain
5. Be connected
 IT matters – are you connected?
Embed IT video
 Blackboard
Blackboard is the university’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere using a computer or mobile device
Use your network username & password to access it
Provides links to your programme and module sites
Course content and announcements will appear in Blackboard
Many modules will use communication and collaboration tools
Many modules also use Blackboard for submission of assignments and
the return of marks and feedback
Check out the free downloadable app “Blackboard Mobile Learn”
Blackboard Login Page
Insert your network
username and password
Blackboard My Institution Page
PebblePad is the university’s e-porfolio system
Your online personal learning space
It can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere using a computer or mobile device
Use your network username & password to access it
You can create “Assets” such as Webfolios, blogs, CVs and much more
Assets can be shared with certain people, made public or kept private
Some modules may use PebblePad for assessment and feedback
Free mobile app available
Need to enhance your digital skills?
Access a range of online self-help resources on Blackboard.
To access click the Skills@Cumbria tab and select Digital Skills
Digital skills
Any questions?