f presentation


Chapter 18 – Anatomy of the

Cardiovascular System

Dr. Kim Wilson


• Location of the heart (Figure 18-2)

– Lies in the mediastinum, behind the body of the sternum between the points of attachment of ribs two through six

– Approximately two thirds of its mass is to the left of the midline of the body, and one third is to the right

– Posteriorly the heart rests on the bodies of vertebrae T5-T8

– Apex lies on the diaphragm, pointing to the left

– Base lies just below the second rib

– Boundaries of the heart are clinically important as an aid in diagnosing heart disorders

Location of the Heart

Size and Shape of the Heart

• Size and shape of the heart

– At birth, is transverse and appears large in proportion to the diameter of the chest cavity

– Between puberty and 25 years of age the heart attains its adult shape and weight

– In an adult, the shape of the heart tends to resemble that of the chest



Coverings of the Heart

– Structure of the heart coverings

• Pericardium (Figure 18-4)

– Fibrous pericardium: tough, loose-fitting inextensible sac

– Serous pericardium:

» parietal layer lies inside the fibrous pericardium

» visceral layer

(epicardium) adheres to the outside of the heart

» pericardial space with pericardial fluid separates the two layers

– Heart coverings protect against friction

Wall of the Heart

• Structure of the heart

– Wall of the heart: composed of three distinct layers (Figure


• Epicardium: outer layer of heart wall

• Myocardium: thick, contractile middle layer of heart wall; compresses the heart cavities, and the blood within them, with great force

• Endocardium: delicate inner layer of endothelial tissue

Chambers of the Heart

– Divided into four cavities with the right and left chambers separated by the septum (Figures 18-6 and 18-7)

• Atria

– Two superior chambers known as receiving chambers because they receive blood from veins

– Atria alternately contract and relax to receive blood and then push it into ventricles

– Myocardial wall of each atrium is not very thick because little pressure is needed to move blood such a small distance

– Auricle: earlike flap protruding from each atrium

Chambers of the Heart

• Ventricles

– Two lower chambers known as pumping chambers because they push blood into the large network of vessels

– Ventricular myocardium is thicker than the myocardium of the atria because great force must be generated to pump the blood a large distance

– myocardium of left ventricle is thicker than the right because it must push blood much further

Valves of the Heart

– Valves of the heart: mechanical devices that permit the flow of blood in one direction only (Figure 18-8)

• Atrioventricular (AV) valves: prevent blood from flowing back into the atria from the ventricles when the ventricles contract

– Tricuspid valve (right AV valve): guards the right atrioventricular orifice; free edges of three flaps of endocardium are attached to papillary muscles by chordae tendineae

– Bicuspid, or mitral, valve (left AV valve): similar in structure to tricuspid valve except has only two flaps

Valves of the Heart

• Semilunar valves: half-moon– shaped flaps growing out from the lining of the pulmonary artery and aorta; prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery

– Pulmonary valve: valve at entrance of the pulmonary artery

– Aortic valve: valve at entrance of the aorta

Skeleton of the Heart

• Set of connected rings that serve as a semirigid support for the heart valves and the attachment of cardiac muscle of the myocardium

• Serves as an electrical barrier between the myocardium of the atria and that of the ventricles

• Surface projection (Figure


Flow of Blood Through the Heart

Right Side

Right atrium

Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve

Right ventricle

Pulmonary semilunar valve

Pulmonary trunk & artery

Pulmonary veins → left atrium

Left Side

Left atrium

Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve

Left ventricle

Aortic semilunar valve


All tissues of the body

Blood Supply of Heart Tissue – Coronary


– Blood supply of heart tissue (Figures 18-10 and 18-11)

• Coronary arteries: myocardial cells receive blood from the right and left coronary arteries

– First branches to come from the aorta

– Ventricles receive blood from branches of both right and left coronary arteries

– Each ventricle receives blood only from a small branch of the corresponding coronary artery

– Most abundant blood supply goes to the myocardium of the left ventricle

– Right coronary artery is dominant in approximately

50% of all hearts and the left in about 20%; neither coronary artery is dominant in approximately 30%

– Few anastomoses (one or more branches) exist between the larger branches of the coronary arteries

Blood Supply of Heart Tissue – Coronary


Coronary Veins

• Veins of the coronary circulation

– As a rule, veins follow a course that closely parallels that of coronary arteries

– After going through cardiac veins, blood enters the coronary sinus to drain into the right atrium

– Several veins drain directly into the right atrium

Nerve Supply of the Heart

• Conduction system of the heart: composed of modified cardiac muscle, it generates and distributes the heart’s own rhythmic contractions; can be regulated by afferent nerves

• Cardiac plexuses: located near the arch of the aorta; composed of sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers

• Fibers from the cardiac plexus accompany the right and left coronary arteries to enter the heart

• Most fibers end in the sinoatrial (SA) node, but some end in the atrioventricular (AV) node and in the atrial myocardium; the nodes are the heart’s pacemakers

• Sympathetic nerves: accelerator nerves

• Vagus fibers: inhibitory, or depressor, nerves

Blood Vessels

• Types of blood vessels

– Arteries

• Carry blood away from heart; all arteries except pulmonary artery carry oxygenated blood

• Elastic arteries are largest in body (e.g., aorta and its major branches)

– Able to stretch without injury

– Accommodate surge of blood when heart contracts and able to recoil when ventricles relax

Types of Blood Vessels - Arteries

– Arteries (cont.)

• Muscular (distributing) arteries

– Smaller in diameter than elastic arteries

– Muscular layer is thick

– Examples: brachial, gastric, superior mesenteric

• Arterioles (resistance vessels)

– Smallest arteries

– Important in regulating blood flow to end organs

• Metarterioles

– Short connecting vessel between true arteriole and 20 to 100 capillaries

– Encircled by precapillary sphincters

– Distal end called thoroughfare channel, which is free of precapillary sphincters


• Types of blood vessels (cont.)

– Capillaries

• Primary exchange vessels

• Microscopic vessels

• Carry blood from arterioles to venules; together, arterioles, capillaries, and venules constitute the microcirculation (Figure 18-


• Not evenly distributed; highest numbers in tissues with high metabolic rate; may be absent in some “avascular” tissues, such as cartilage


• Types of blood vessels (cont.)

– Capillaries (cont.)

• Types of capillaries (Figure 18-15)

– True capillaries: receive blood flowing from metarteriole with input regulated by precapillary sphincters

– Continuous capillaries

» Continuous lining of endothelial cells

» Openings called intercellular clefts exist between adjacent endothelial cells

– Fenestrated capillaries

» Have both intercellular clefts and “holes,” or fenestrations, through plasma membrane to facilitate exchange functions

– Sinusoids

» Large lumen and tortuous course

» Absent or incomplete basement membrane

» Very porous; permit migration of cells into or out of vessel lumen

Types of Capillaries

Types of Blood Vessels - Veins

• Types of blood vessels (cont.)

– Veins

• Carry blood toward the heart

• Act as collectors and reservoir vessels; called

capacitance vessels

• Structure of blood vessels (Figure 18-13)

– Layers

• Tunica externa: found in arteries and veins (tunica adventitia)

• Tunica media: found in arteries and veins

• Tunica intima: found in all blood vessels; only layer present in capillaries

Structure of Blood Vessels

– “Building blocks” commonly present

• Lining endothelial cells

– Only lining found in capillary

– Line entire vascular tree

– Provide a smooth luminal surface; protect against intravascular coagulation

– Intercellular clefts, cytoplasmic pores, and fenestrations allow exchange to occur between blood and tissue fluid

– Capable of secreting a number of substances

– Capable of reproduction

Structure of Blood Vessels

• Collagen fibers

– Exhibit woven appearance

– Formed from protein molecules that aggregate into fibers

– Visible with light microscope

– Have only a limited ability to stretch (2% to 3%) under physiological conditions

– Strengthen and keep lumen of vessel open

Structure of Blood Vessels

• Elastic fibers

– Composed of insoluble protein called elastin

– Form highly elastic networks

– Fibers can stretch more than 100% under physiological conditions

– Play important role in creating passive tension to help regulate blood pressure throughout the cardiac cycle

• Smooth muscle fibers

– Present in all segments of vascular system except capillaries

– Most numerous in elastic and muscular arteries

– Exert active tension in vessels when contracting

Circulatory Routes

• Circulatory routes (Figure 18-16)

– Systemic circulation: blood flows from the left ventricle of the heart through blood vessels to all parts of the body (except gas exchange tissues of lungs) and back to the right atrium

– Pulmonary circulation: venous blood moves from right atrium to right ventricle to pulmonary artery to lung arterioles and capillaries, where gases are exchanged; oxygenated blood returns to left atrium by pulmonary veins; from left atrium, blood enters the left ventricle

Systemic Circulation

• Systemic circulation

– Systemic arteries (Tables 18-2 to 18-6; Figures 18-17 to


• Main arteries give off branches, which continue to rebranch, forming arterioles and then capillaries

• End arteries: arteries that eventually diverge into capillaries

• Arterial anastomoses: arteries that open into other branches of the same or other arteries; incidence of arterial anastomoses increases as distance from the heart increases

• Arteriovenous anastomoses, or shunts, occur when blood flows from an artery directly into a vein

Fig. 18-17.

Principal Arteries of the Body

Fig. 18-18.

Branches of the Aorta

Fig. 18-19. Arteries of the Head and Neck

Fig. 18-20. Arteries of the Brain

Fig. 18-21. Arteries of the Upper Extremity

Fig. 18-22. Arteries of the Lower Extremity


• Systemic circulation (cont.)

– Systemic veins (Figures 18-23 to 18-29)

• Veins are the ultimate extensions of capillaries; unite into vessels of increasing size to form venules and then veins

• Large veins of the cranial cavity are called dural sinuses

• Veins anastomose the same as arteries

• Venous blood from the head, neck, upper extremities, and thoracic cavity (except lungs) drains into superior vena cava

• Venous blood from thoracic organs drains directly into superior vena cava or azygos vein

Fig. 18-23.

Veins of the


Veins of the

Head and


Fig. 18-25. Veins of the Upper


Fig. 18-28. Veins of the Lower


Fig. 18-26. Inferior Vena Cava

Hepatic Portal Circulation

• Hepatic portal circulation (Figures

18-16 and 18-28)

– Veins from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestines send blood to the liver by the hepatic portal vein

– In the liver the venous blood mingles with arterial blood in the capillaries and is eventually drained from the liver by hepatic veins that join the inferior vena cava

• Venous blood from the lower extremities and abdomen drains into the inferior vena cava

Fetal Circulation

• The basic plan of fetal circulation: additional vessels needed to allow fetal blood to secure oxygen and nutrients from maternal blood at the placenta (Figure 18-29)

• Two umbilical arteries: extensions of the internal iliac arteries that carry fetal blood to the placenta

• Placenta: where exchange of oxygen and other substances between the separate maternal and fetal blood occurs; attached to uterine wall (Figure 18-30)

• Umbilical vein: returns oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus; enters body through the umbilicus and goes to the undersurface of the liver, where it gives off two or three branches and then continues as the ductus venosus

Fetal Circulation

• Additional vessels needed cont.

• Ductus venosus: continuation of the umbilical vein; drains into inferior vena cava

• Foramen ovale: opening in septum between the right and left atria

• Ductus arteriosus: small vessel connecting the pulmonary artery with the descending thoracic aorta

Changes in Fetal Circulation after Birth

• When umbilical cord is cut, the two umbilical arteries, placenta, and umbilical vein no longer function

• Umbilical vein within the baby’s body becomes the round ligament of the liver

• Ductus venosus becomes the ligamentum venosum of the liver

• Foramen ovale: functionally closed shortly after a newborn’s first breath and pulmonary circulation is established; structural closure takes approximately 9 months

• Ductus arteriosus: contracts with establishment of respiration; becomes ligamentum arteriosum

Cycle of Life: Cardiovascular Anatomy

• Birth: change from placenta-dependent system

• Heart and blood vessels maintain basic structure and function from childhood through adulthood

– Exercise thickens myocardium and increases the supply of blood vessels in skeletal muscle tissue

• Adulthood through later adulthood: degenerative changes

– Atherosclerosis: blockage or weakening of critical arteries

– Heart valves and myocardial tissue degenerate, reducing pumping efficiency
