Anatomy and Physiology Semester Test Review #2 Chapter 10, 11

Anatomy and Physiology Semester Test Review #2
Chapter 10, 11, 12 Heart, Vessel, Blood and Lymph
1. The right side of the heart pumps what type of blood.
2. The valve between the right ventricle and the right atrium is the
3. What is unique about the Pulmonary veins
4. The contraction phase of the heart is called
5. The pacemaker of the heart is the
6. The most common type of blood in America is
7. The blood vessel involved in the taking of blood pressure is the
8. Normal blood pressure would read
9. What three organs are fed by the celiac trunk?
10. What do the coronary arteries do?
11. The functional unit of the circulatory system and the site of nutrient & gas exchange is
12. What are some characteristics of the erythrocytes
13. The universal recipient is blood type.
14. What are 3 major differences between arteries and veins.
15. Blood from systemic circulation is returned to the right atrium by the
16. The correct sequential path of a normal action potential in the heart is
17. The function of the chordae tendineae is to
18. The three arteries that originate along the aortic arch are the
19. Heart failure due to clogged coronary arteries is called
20. A normal pulse would be about
21. Plasma is about ____% water.
22. A normal hematocrit would have _____% cellular components.
23. The “Lubb-dubb” sound of the heart is caused by
24. When a baby gets antibodies from mom it is called __________ immunity.
Chapter 13 Respiratory
25. The functional unit of the respiratory system is the
26. The Total Lung Capacity is about ___L
27. The function of the cartilage rings of the trachea is to
28. Chronic degeneration of the alveoli that decreases surface area and diffusion rates of
29. The exchange of gasses between the rbc’s of the blood and the cells of the body’s
tissues is