Name: Date: Flynt - _____ Period _____th Grade Science Minerals

Name: ______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Flynt - _____ Period
_____th Grade Science
What are the defining characteristics of all minerals?
When classifying matter, physical scientists divide matter in pure substances and mixtures.
Where do you think minerals fit? WHY?
How can geologists identify and differentiate between different kinds of minerals?
What factor(s) affect the crystal structure, cleavage, hardness, color, streak, and luster of a
What properties do quarts and calcite have in common? How can you tell these two minerals
WHY do quartz and calcite have different properties?
Describe how Mohs Scale of Hardness can be used to identify minerals.
Mohs Scale of Hardness: 10 diamond, 9 corundum (ruby, sapphire), 8 beryl (emerald, aquamarine), 7.5 garnet,
6.5-7.5 steel file, 7.0 quartz (amethyst, citrine, agate), 6 feldspar (spectrolite),
5.5-6.5 most glass, 5 apatite, 4 fluorite,
3 penny (and calcite),
2.5 fingernail, 2 gypsum, 1 talc
A mineral crystallizing out from magma is an example of a
A mineral fizzing when exposed to a weak acid is an example of a
change occurring.
change occurring.
10. A rock that fizzes when tested with a weak acid (like HCl or vinegar) is most likely made up of
what mineral?
11. You have two samples of galena, Sample A and Sample B. Sample A has a volume of 30 cm3 while
Sample B has a volume of 70 cm3. Using the heft test to compare the mass of both samples (one
in each hand), you notice that that Sample B seems to have significantly more mass than Sample
A. Which of the following statements is MOST LIKELY true about the densities of these two
samples of galena?
a. Sample A has a greater density than Sample B.
b. Sample B has a greater density than Sample A.
c. Both samples have the same density.
d. Not enough information has been provided to compare their densities.