
o Circle the letter AND choice of the correct answer.
o Use your NOTES III. Rocks and Minerals A-B to help you answer the questions below.
o Explain your answer in complete sentences.
1. What can you infer about the mineral graphite from the fact that you can scratch it with just your
A. It is not very lustrous.
B. It is not very hard.
C. Its streak is black-colored.
D. It has fracture.
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________
2. Which of the following minerals is shiny and looks like metal?
A. Magnetite – submetallic
B. Talc – nonmetallic
C. Galena – metallic
D. Calcite – nonmetallic
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________
3. What word describes the material involved in a streak test?
A. Fractured
B. Powdered
C. Scratched
D. Liquid
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________
4. Which property describes the way a mineral breaks in a rough, uneven, and jagged way?
A. Cleavage
B. Fracture
C. Hardness
D. Streak
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________
DON’T forget the back!
5. Which mineral is considered the hardest on Mohs Hardness Scale? (Hint: use your Mohs Hardness
Scale in your NOTES section of your binder)
A. Talc
B. Calcite
C. Quartz
D. Diamond
6. Which physical property is the least reliable (dependable) way to identify a mineral? (HINT: see your
A. Hardness
B. Fracture
C. Color
D. Cleavage
Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________
7. Why do you need to run several test before you can identify a mineral with 100% certainty?
A. Minerals all have the same chemical structure.
B. Many minerals share physical properties in common.
C. Minerals physical properties can change very quickly.
D. A mineral can only be subjected to a few tests before it breaks down.
8. What property of a mineral indicates that it has cleavage?
A. A milky-white color
B. The ability to be scratched by a steel file
C. The fact that is sizzles in the presence of hydrochloric acid
D. It has flat, smooth surfaces
9. What mineral property is being tested below?
Powdered Mineral
Reaction to Acid