Honors English II Syllabus

Mr. Todd Watts
Room 110
606.564.3393 ext. 245
In this course, you will read short stories, novels, autobiographies, and other types of nonfiction, poems, and plays.
The works will come from a broad range of time periods and cultures. As you read and analyze texts, you will
become more skilled interpreters of texts and the world in which we live. In addition to reading, you will be writing
expository, narrative, and persuasive essays as well as stories and poems. In journals, you will also have
opportunity to express yourself informally; your journals will serve as a record of your growth and development as
writers and thinkers during your sophomore year. We will not, of course, neglect grammar study and vocabulary
Course Content
 Reading Strategies
 Reading Across the Curriculum
 Knowledge of Literary/Nonliterary Forms
 Influences on Texts (Text Connections)
 Author’s Voice & Method
 Persuasive Language/Logic
 Literary Criticism
 Words & Their History
 MLA, APA, & Chicago Formatting
 Use/Documentation of Sources
Listening, Viewing, & Speaking
 Comprehension, Analysis, and Formal Roles
 Application to media
 Writing Process
 Modes of Writing for Different Purposes and
 Organization, Unity, and Coherence
 Sentence-Level Constructions
 Conventions of Usage
 Conventions of Punctuation
Course Materials
 Pen or pencil
 Class notebook (on iPad): You need to take notes on your iPad and divide into the following
o Notes
o Reading
o Writing
o Vocabulary
o Grammar
Course Policies
Attendance/Absences/Makeup Work: Your presence (mind and body) in class is essential. If you must miss a
class due to illness or other circumstances beyond your control, it is your responsibility to find out which
assignments you missed, to acquire the handouts, and to borrow and copy the class notes for the day(s) you were
absent. Please check the class makeup folder located in the back of the room for makeup work. YOU MUST
Late Assignments: Your responsibilities in this class include keeping your own up-to-date assignment notebook,
maintaining pace with the reading, and turning in all assignments on time. If you are having trouble with an
assignment, please ask me for assistance. Remember, I am more than happy to help you. Each day an
assignment is late, I will subtract 30% from the grade each day the assignment is late.
Plagiarism/Cheating: I begin the year with complete trust and faith in each of you. Please do not abuse that trust
by being dishonest. Learning cooperatively is great, and I encourage you to get together to brainstorm and discuss
assignments. When you sit down to complete an individual assignment, however, let the work be yours alone.
Penalties for plagiarism—another word for cheating—are stiff. If two papers resemble each other too closely, I will
split the points. If a paper is obviously copied, whether from a classmate or from the Internet, it will receive NO
Classroom Rules, Procedures, & Routines
Be on Time. Be in your seat and on-task when the bell rings. If you come in late, YOU MUST have a note or I
need to receive a phone call from a teacher.
Be Prepared For Class. Bellwork will ALWAYS be posted EVERY DAY. When the bell rings, I expect you to be in
your seat and to begin your bellwork/note-taking for the day. This also means you have your materials ready. I
shouldn’t have to remind you; it should happen automatically.
Follow Directions. Please follow any directions I give you—the first time I give them. We will not waste class time
because of disturbances. My time is valuable. Your time is valuable. I will respect your time if you respect mine.
Respect Others and Property. This means let others talk without disrespecting his/her opinion, no desk, wall, or
bulletin board graffiti, etc.
Remain Working Until You Are Dismissed (by Mr. Watts). You are in a high-intensity learning environment. We
maximize and outperform other classrooms! The bell is our signal to stop, put up materials, and for me to dismiss
class. Please do not get up when the bell rings. I will dismiss you—and will not waste any of your time.
Hall Passes: Every student will have three hall passes every nine weeks. You MUST have your agenda and
it must be signed. No one will be excused from class without a student agenda. YOU MAY NOT use a hall pass
during the first 20 minutes of class. (Exceptions are made only for parent/medical notes).
Grading Policy
Evaluation: For major assignments, I will provide the rubrics or explain the expectations that I will use to assess
your work. For general reference, however, here are four similes and a metaphor to represent my expectations for
A Like a double mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and sprinkles, “A” work goes above and beyond
expectations. It not only demonstrates and understanding of concepts discussed in class, but it also takes risks
and presents additional insights.
B Like a really good cup of coffee, “B” demonstrates understanding of the concepts presented in class and shows
thought and effort, but it doesn’t’ take any risks or offer fresh insight.
C Like decaf, “C” work is solid, but it doesn’t pack a punch of “A” or “B” work. It’s competent, but not dazzling.
D Like the burnt dregs from a gas-station coffee pot, “D” work is there, but leaves a bad taste. “D” work just
doesn’t hang together and probably shows a lack or thought and effort.
F Here, the coffee is just water dressed in brown. “F” work is the result of careless work and poor planning.
Extra Credit: Rarely do I offer extra credit. Do not expect opportunities for extra credit. I want your best work,
your best attitude, and your best effort the first time.
Course Weighting:
Classwork and Homework: 30%
Assessments (Quizzes & Tests): 50%
Independent Reading Project: 20%
Each student enrolled in Honors English II is required by the state of Kentucky to take the English 10 End-ofCourse exam at the end of the course (December for the 1st semester; April/May for the 2nd semester). In
accordance with MCHS policy, the End-of-Course exam will be worth 20% of the student’s FINAL GRADE.
Personal Statement & Keys to Success
It is very important that you review your notes and homework daily. This is especially true with homework.
Homework and other assignments always has a purpose:
 PRACTICE reinforces the learning of material presented in class and helps you master specific skills.
 PREPARATION provides supporting information—history, skills, and definitions—for what’s forthcoming; it
will help when new material is covered in class.
 EXTENSTION involves the transfer of previously learned skills to new situations
 INTEGRATION asks you to apply skills and concepts to produce a single product.
I will always make an effort to communicate the purpose of assignments. If you are having trouble, see me as soon
as possible before or after school.
I am excited and proud to be teaching this course. The nature of this course is to challenge and push you to stretch
beyond what you already know and can do. Although I expect you to work hard this year, I will never give you an
assignment or expect you to do anything I haven’t already done or wouldn’t do at your age. I also want you to know
that I appreciate your effort and value each of you as important members of this class, regardless of the grade you
will earn.
Contact Information and Parental/Guardian Signature
I prefer that you ask questions in class. However, I also encourage you to ask questions before and after class if
issues ever arise. My email address is the best way to get in touch with me. I will usually respond no later than 24
hours after your email.
Signature(s) Discuss the course and syllabus with your parents/guardians. Please return to school
________________ with a signed syllabus in the first page of your notebook.
I, _________________________________________ (Student), have read and understand the ENGLISH II course
syllabus and expectations.
I, _________________________________________ (Parent), have read and understand the ENGLISH II course
syllabus and expectations.
Student Signature______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________