The Secret Life of Bees Final Essay Assignment

The Secret Life of Bees Final Essay Assignment
1. Sue Monk Kidd is known for including strong symbolism throughout her novels. In a five
paragraph essay, explain one symbol that appears throughout the novel. Be specific in what the
symbol is, where the symbol appears, and what it all symbolizes. In each paragraph, there should
be a direct quote from the novel that illustrates the symbolism and an explanation of the
connection between the symbol and what it symbolizes. Throughout the essay explain how the
symbol adds meaning to the overall novel.
2. Throughout The Secret Life of Bees Lily struggles to understand motherhood and feels alone. At the
end of the novel, Lily feels fulfilled and mentions that she has “more mothers than any eight girls
off the street” (302). Explain how Lily’s idea of motherhood changes throughout the novel and
how Lily becomes stronger by the end of the novel. In each paragraph, there should be a direct
quote from the novel that illustrates Lily’s perspective on motherhood and an explanation of how
Lily’s perspective is changing.
3. One focus in Sue Monk Kidd’s novel is on Our Lady of Chains. In a five-paragraph essay explain
how Our Lady of Chains goes against society’s expectations in the 1960’s. In each paragraph, there
should be a direct quote from the novel that explains Our Lady of Chains and an explanation of
how the description goes against society’s expectations. Be specific. End your essay by explaining
the impact of Our Lady of Chains.
4. August tells Lily that the most important purpose of life is to "persist in love." One theme of the
novel is the importance of loving others despite living in a challenging world. Select a character
who “persists in love” throughout the novel. In each paragraph, there should be a direct quote
from the novel that explains the quote and how the character is persisting in love despite the
difficulties this character faces. End your essay by summarizing the importance of this theme.
5. Advanced Essay Assignments:
 Select a literary critical perspective (formalism, feminist theory, or archetypal) and write
an analysis of The Secret Life of Bees. You will need to study the critical perspective, find
examples of this perspective throughout the novel, and write an essay that includes quotes
about both the critical perspective AND quotes from the novel. Organize your essay by
explaining one aspect of the perspective then transitioning into where that perspective is
present in the novel using a quote. Finally, explain what the perspective reveals about the
novel’s overall message. This essay will involve additional reading, quote inclusion, and
conferencing with Ms. Sharbaugh.
 The novel deals with many negative actions, such as the death of a parent, the mental and
physical abuse of another parent, racial prejudice and violence. But it also offers positive
actions as well, such as the "kindness of strangers," loyalty of friends, the willingness to
trust and support new relationships, and the beginnings of romantic love. Great artistic
works often merge the positive and the negative into one interwoven story. Organize your
essay to explain how Sue Monk Kidd realistically depicts many evils of the world, all of
which actually exist in real life, but also how she offers us hope by supplying Lily and the
reader with the counter suggestions of how we can overcome such evil with positive
actions and beliefs. For this essay you will need two quotes per body paragraph to show
the juxtaposition of the negative events and positive outcomes.
The Secret Life of Bees Final Essay Assignment
This essay assignment is worth 90 points! It is not designed to be an essay that you should rush through
but one that will challenge you and strengthen your writing! Please make sure you read through the
below steps carefully to ensure that you are successful! This essay will help prepare you for high school
and will enable you to analyze literature in a formal essay.
Step One:
Read each essay option carefully. Then, select the essay option that you are interested in AND will
challenge you to learn and grow in your writing.
Step Two:
Figure out your thesis statement. What is your overall argument and direction for your essay? How will
you divide the topic into three body paragraphs?
Step Three:
Select three quotes to support each argument in each body paragraph. Then, record your quotes on the
outline worksheet. You will need to accurately introduce and cite your quote in MLA format.
Step Four:
Fill in the rest of the outline! Not only does this outline count as part of your grade, but it will guide your
writing and help organize your thoughts!
Step Five:
You will need to conference with Ms. Sharbaugh about your outline and the direction of your essay.
Step Six:
When your outline is complete, begin writing the first draft of your essay. Type this essay in Google Docs,
set up your essay in MLA formatting, and share the essay with Ms. Sharbaugh at
Step Seven:
Make sure that as you are writing your first draft, you are checking all of the essay requirements and
including quotes to support each argument.
Step Eight:
Edit and reread your essay multiple times. Edit for grammar, spelling, personal pronouns, organization,
word choice, textual evidence, MLA formatting, etc. Grade your essay with the rubric! Fix all of your
Step Nine:
After you have perfected your essay, you should print your essay and turn it into Ms. Sharbaugh. Make
sure your essay is turned in on time!!! If your essay is late, you will lose points for each day it is not
turned in.
Introductory Paragraph:
Introduce the author and novel:
Provide a very short, one sentence overview of the novel:
Explain your topic clearly:
Thesis Statement: Your main argument and topics of your three body paragraphs (this is the
direction of your essay)
1st Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
2nd Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
3rd Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
Concluding Paragraph:
Summary of Body Paragraph 1:
Summary of Body Paragraph 2:
Summary of Body Paragraph 3:
Strong Concluding Statement:
NAME:________________________________ THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES FINAL ESSAY RUBRIC
MLA Format for Top of Page:
Student includes their first and last name, class name, teacher
name, and MLA formatted date. The essay has a title clearly
printed and centered.
Introductory Paragraph:
Introduce the author and novel:
Provide a very short, one sentence overview of the novel:
Thesis Statement: Your main argument and topics of your three
body paragraphs (this is the direction of your essay)
1st Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
2nd Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
3rd Body Paragraph:
Transition/Topic Sentence:
Introduction to Quote:
MLA citation:
Explanation of how quote supports your topic:
Concluding Transition:
Concluding Statement:
Concluding Paragraph:
Summary of Body Paragraph 1:
Summary of Body Paragraph 2:
Summary of Body Paragraph 3:
Strong Concluding Statement:
Strong Word Choice/Style:
Final Grade:
Points Earned
Points Possible
90 Points