Energetics Pwr Pt - The Practical Educator

Do Now-QUIZ on separate sheet of paper- do not
talk or use notes
Place your HW on your desk
Analyze why Carbon is unique
Define polymer
What is the monomer of proteins?
Analyze a disaccharide?
Carbon Properties
• http://www.elementalmatter.info/carbon-properties.htm
Carbon has 4 valence electrons; therefore, Carbon can bond to 4 other
Carbon also readily bonds to other C, forming chains and rings=variety
of organic compounds
Carbon Bonding
• Organic compounds- C attached to H
• Inorganic compounds- typically do not have C, but if C, not attached
to H
Carbon’s 4 valence electrons
• 8 valence electrons= stable
• C has 4 valence (outer) electrons, so C readily forms 4 covalent bonds
with other elements
• Straight Chains, Branched Chains, Rings
Carbon forms single, double, triple bonds
Functional Groups
• Influence bonding properties and other properties of molecules.
Hydroxyl -OH
Carboxyl -COOH
Amino –NH2
Phosphate- POOOOHH
Large Carbon Molecules
• Start with: monomers
• Simple molecules
• Monomer+ monomer= polymer
• Repeated, linked units
• Large polymers= macromolecules
Monomers link to form polymers
Condensation Reactions
• When monomers link to form polymers, a H2O molecule is released
Hydrolysis Reactions
When polymers are broken down into monomers, H2O is added
Condensation: building polymers
Hydrolysis: breaking down polymers
Thinking Map
• Create a thinking map
Do Now
• Differentiate between condensation rxns and hydrolysis rxns
• Trace the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular
Nucleic Acids
Recall: Remember Dust Bowl article?
1. Carbs
• Monomer=saccharide
• Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen
• 1C:2H:1O
• Energy or structure
• Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides
A. Monosaccharides
• Simple sugar; monomer
• Carbon:Hydrogen:Oxygen 1:2:1
• (CH2O)n n is 3-8
• EX (CH2O)6  C6H12O6
Most common: glucose, fructose, galactose
Glucose= energy for cells
Fructose= in fruits; sweetest
Galactose= in milk
Glucose, fructose, galactose
• C6H12O6
• Same chemical formula but different structure= isomers
Same chemical formula but different structure= isomers
B. Disaccharides
• Two monosaccharides combined through a condensation rxn
• “double sugar”
• Ex: fructose + glucose = sucrose
mono + mono = di
C. Polysaccharides
• Complex
• 3 or more monosaccharides
• Ex: animals store glucose as glycogen (chains of glucose in muscles
and liver)
Polysaccharides cont.
• Plants store glucose as STARCH
• Plants also have cellulose- strength and rigidity of plant cells
2. Proteins
• Made of CHON mostly
• Formed by linking amino acids
• Enzymes, hair, horns, skin, etc
Amino Acids
• 20
• Structure:
• central C, carboxyl group (-COOH), amino group (-NH2), side R-chain
• Main difference is in R group: shape
Amino acid
Amino Acid
Amino acid: note R group
Amino acids
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GzR-k7-dZ4
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBRFIMcxZNM
• Amino acid covalently bound to another amino acid
• Long chain of amino acids
• protein
Polypeptide formation
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lijQ3a8yUYQ
• RNA or protein
• Biological catalysts- speed up chemical reactions by lowering
activation energy
Enzyme-Substrate Complex
1. Enzyme fits like lock and key to substrate at enzyme’s active site
2. Enzyme changes shape so bonds in substrate are weakened
3. Enzyme releases products
4. Enzyme is unchanged and can be used over and over again
Temp and pH can change enzyme shape and enzyme won’t fit on
substrate - no chemical rxn
3. Lipids
• Monomer=fatty acid
• Large, nonpolar, organic
• Include: triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, waxes, and pigments
Fatty Acids
• Unbranched Carbon chains
• Have a carboxyl group (COOH) at one end
• COOH end is hydrophilic-attracted to water
• The Hydrocarbon end is nonpolar
• Hydrophobic “hates water”
Saturated VS Unsaturated
Triglycerides (fats)
• 3 fatty acids + glycerol
• Saturated
• High melting points
• Solid at room temp
• EX: butter, fats in red meat
• Unsaturated
• Soft at room temp
• Inside of seeds-energy and Carbon source for plant embryo (endosperm)
• 2 fatty acids attached to a glycerol
• Head=glycerol= loves water
• Tails=fatty acids = hate water
• Make up cell membrane: lipid bilayer
• Long fatty acid chain + long alcohol chain
• Waterproof
• Ex: cuticle; earwax
• Hormones
• testosterone
• Cholesterol
4. Nucleic Acids
• Store and transport information in the cell.
• Monomer=nucleotides
• Phosphate group, 5-C sugar, ring-shaped Nitrogenous base
• 2 types
• Deoxyribonucleic acid
• Ribonucleic acid
Phosphate group, 5-C sugar, ring-shaped Nitrogenous base
Phosphate group, 5-C sugar, ring-shaped Nitrogenous base
• Determines characteristics of organisms and directs cell functions
• Stores and transfers information from DNA which is essential to
making proteins
Thinking Map
• Create a thinking map of the 4 macromolecules and their subsets