IMAGE FUSION SUPERRESOLUTION IN STRUCTURED ILLUMINATION MICROSCOPY A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering by Kamal Abdullah Alharbi SUMMER 2013 © 2013 Kamal Abdullah Alharbi ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii IMAGE FUSION SUPERRESOLUTION IN STRUCTURED ILLUMINATION MICROSCOPY A Thesis by Kamal Abdullah Alharbi Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Warren D. Smith, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Preetham B. Kumar, Ph.D. __________________________________, Third Reader Fethi Belkhouche, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date iii Student: Kamal Abdullah Alharbi I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Preetham B. Kumar Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iv ___________________ Date Abstract of IMAGE FUSION SUPERRESOLUTION IN STRUCTURED ILLUMINATION MICROSCOPY by Kamal Abdullah Alharbi The limited resolution of a microscope is due to the diffraction limit, aperture and the optical lens. Superresolution (SR) methods improve resolution beyond the diffraction limit. Structured illumination (SI) is an SR method that helps acquire and fuse several non-redundant low-resolution (LR) images of the same object to produce a high-resolution (HR) image. In this thesis, an alternative method is developed and evaluated for fusing LR images obtained using SI to produce HR images. The method advocates the use of the L1 norm with total variation regularization to address the problem with existing image reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvolution. The method is applicable for reconstruction of grayscale images. The work also justifies some practical assumptions that greatly reduce the computational complexity and memory requirements of the proposed methods. v The work introduces Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate Ratio (PSSEER) as a quantitative method of measuring image quality. Subjective and objective methods are consistent in showing that L1/TV optimization resolves more details than Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction. The proposed method performs better in the absence of noise and in the presence of either Gaussian or Poisson noise. _______________________, Committee Chair Warren D. Smith, Ph.D. _______________________ Date vi DEDICATION To my parents Abdullah and Salehah, my wife Nada, and my kids Jana, Lama, Abdullah, Yara, and the new baby Sarah vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is the result of close collaboration with a unique team of scientists and friends. It was their sincere assistance and support that helped me reach this milestone. First, I would like to thank my advisor Professor Warren Smith, my role model of an exceptional scientist and teacher. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his guidance. I would also like to thank him for his friendship, empathy, and patience. I would like to thank the team at the Center for Biophotonics Science and Technology, CBST, at the University of California, Davis, for offering me the chance to be a member of the team. I am grateful to Dr. Stephen Lane and Dr. Kaiqin Chu for their invaluable guidance and sincere assistance throughout this work. Thanks to Dr. Preetham Kumar for serving on my committee, reviewing this thesis, and providing all the help and assistance as graduate coordinator during my time as graduate student. Also, I thank Dr. Fethi Belkhouche for serving on my committee, introducing me to the topic of image processing, and for sharing his time answering my questions. My thanks, also, reach to all faculty of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department in California State University, Sacramento (CSUS). Finally, special thanks to the Saudi Arabian National Guard for funding my study at CSUS. Their encouragement was immense. I also thank the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission for their assistance and the support they provide during my study. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Dedication .................................................................................................................. vii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................... viii List of Tables............................................................................................................... xi List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Why Super-resolution? .................................................................................. 1 1.2. Purpose of the Study ..................................................................................... 2 1.3. Organization of the Thesis ............................................................................. 2 2. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Point Spread Function (PSF) and Diffraction Limit ................................. 3 2.1.1. Illumination Pattern.................................................................... 7 2.1.2. Extracting and Shifting Linear Components ............................ 10 2.2. Image Fusion ............................................................................................ 12 2.2.1. Deterministic Approach ........................................................... 13 2.2.2. Choosing Cost Function and Penalty Function ......................... 15 3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 17 ix 3.1. Reasons for the Study ............................................................................. 17 3.2. Simulation Process ................................................................................... 17 3.3. Evaluation of the Reconstructed High Resolution Images ...................... 19 4. RESULTS: ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING ........................ 20 4.1. Selected Original Image .......................................................................... 20 4.2. The Blurry Image ..................................................................................... 21 4.3. Applying Structured Illumination ........................................................... 23 4.4. Reconstruction Process ............................................................................ 25 4.4.1. Wiener-Like Deconvolution..................................................... 26 4.4.2. L1 Norm with Total Variation (L1/TV) Optimization............. 28 Alternating Minimization Algorithm ........................ 28 Iteration Stopping Criterion ........................................ 33 4.5. Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate (PSSEER) ...................... 33 4.6. Comparing Methods in the Absence of Noise ......................................... 34 4.7. Comparing Methods in the Presence of Gaussian Noise ......................... 41 4.8. Comparing Methods in the Presence of Poisson Noise ........................... 49 5. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................... 57 6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 59 Appendix A. MATLAB Code ................................................................................. 61 References ................................................................................................................. 79 x LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Page Table 4.1. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image (PSSEER = 26 dB) in the absence of noise ......................38 2. Table 4.2. Processing time to reconstruct images in the absence of noise ........41 3. Table 4.3. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image in the presence of Gaussian noise with zero mean and standard deviation of 20 (PSSEER = 25.2 dB) .................................................46 4. Table 4.4. Processing time to reconstruct images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation of 20) ................................49 5. Table 4.5. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image contaminated with Poisson noise (PSSEER = 25 dB) ..............53 6. Table 4.6. Processing time to reconstruct images in the presence of Poisson noise .....................................................................................................56 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Page Figure 2.1. One-dimensional representation of the effect of the PSF in the spatial domain ................................................................................................4 2. Figure 2.2. One-dimensional representation of the effect of the OTF ................5 3. Figure 2.3. The concept of SIM as described in [3] ............................................7 4. Figure 2.4. The illumination pattern in the frequency domain ............................8 5. Figure 2.5. Frequency components introduced by the illumination pattern ......11 6. Figure 2.6. Separated components ....................................................................11 7. Figure 2.7 A comparison of original signal f(x), conventional outcome of LTI system g(x), and constructed signal ππ€ (π₯) using Wiener-like deconvolution ................................................................................12 8. Figure 4.1. Lena 512 × 512 gray scale image ...................................................20 9. Figure 4.2. Two-dimensional representation of the OTF ..................................21 10. Figure 4.3. The blurry image, π(π₯, π¦) ...............................................................22 11. Figure 4.4. Illumination patterns for different phases and orientations ............23 12. Figure 4.5. The application of the illumination pattern on g(x,y) .....................24 13. Figure 4.6. The three overlapped components of the illumination pattern in the frequency space with π = 45 degrees and phase φ = 0 ..........................24 14. Figure 4.7. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the original and the blurred images ...................................................................................................36 xii 15. Figure 4.8. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images and the original image ..........................36 16. Figure 4.9. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images and the original image ...........................37 17. Figure 4.10. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using three LR images and the original image ..........................37 18. Figure 4.11. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using nine LR images and the original image ...........................38 19. Figure 4.12. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using three LR images .................................................................................................39 20. Figure 4.13. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using nine LR images ..................................................................................................40 21. Figure 4.14. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images .................................................................................................40 22. Figure 4.15. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using nine LR images ..................................................................................................41 23. Figure 4.16 The blurred image contaminated with Gaussian noise (zero mean and a standard deviation of 20) ......................................................43 24. Figure 4.17. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the blurred with Gaussian noise contamination and the original images .....................................43 xiii 25. Figure 4.18. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image ..............................................................................44 26. Figure 4.19. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image .......................................................................................44 27. Figure 4.20. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction image using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image ..............................................................................45 28. Figure 4.21. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction image using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image ..............................................................................45 29. Figure 4.22. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation 20) ......................................................................................................47 30. Figure 4.23. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation 20) ......................................................................................................47 31. Figure 4.24. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and 20 standard deviation) ............................................................................................48 xiv 32. Figure 4.25. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and 20 standard deviation) ............................................................................................48 33. Figure 4.26. The blurred image contaminated with Poisson noise....................50 34. Figure 4.27. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the blurred contaminated with Poisson noise and the original images ................................51 35. Figure 4.28. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image .......................................................................................51 36. Figure 4.29. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image .......................................................................................52 37. Figure 4.30. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction image using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image ..............................................................................52 38. Figure 4.31. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction image using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image ..............................................................................53 39. Figure 4.32. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise ............................................54 xv 40. Figure 4.33. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise .............................................55 41. Figure 4.34. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise ............................................55 42. Figure 4.35. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise .............................................56 xvi 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1. Why Super-resolution? High-resolution (HR) images are desired and often required for better image processing and analysis [1]. Higher resolution means that more details can be seen. For example, HR medical images are very helpful for doctors to make a correct diagnosis. Signal processing techniques can be used to obtain an HR image from either single or multiple low-resolution (LR) images. This process commonly is referred to as superresolution (SR) in the literature [1]. In this thesis, SR refers to signal processing methods used to reconstruct HR images from multiple LR images. In light microscopy applications, one SR approach used to reconstruct HR images is structured illumination microscopy (SIM), developed by M. G. Gustafsson and R. Heinzmann [2]. This method uses Moiré patterns to see spatial frequencies beyond the Abbe theory [3]. Abbe theory indicates that the lateral resolution of the optical microscope is fundamentally limited because of the finite wavelength of light. Moiré patterns are a visual effect that occurs when viewing superimposed patterns that differ in angle, spacing, or size. In SIM, multiple frames of LR images with lateral shifting and rotation of an illumination pattern are collected and processed to form one HR image [2], [4], [5]. 2 Image fusion, on the other hand, is a field that has been developing in the past couple of decades to enhance image resolution in general. Image fusion uses LR images from different channels to build one HR image. Many techniques have been introduced in the field of image fusion, each of which is designed to serve a specific application [1], [6]. 1.2. Purpose of the Study Structured illumination microscopy and image fusion share the same goal of achieving HR images by using multiple LR images. This work investigates image fusion optimization methods suggested in the literature and compares them with the existing SIM reconstruction method, while at the same time comparing the computational cost of each method. 1.3. Organization of the Thesis The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 provides background information on SIM and image fusion optimization techniques. Chapter 3 shows the methodology followed. Chapter 4 describes the results of algorithm development and testing. Chapter 5 discusses the results of the thesis. Chapter 6 presents a summary, conclusions, and recommendations. 3 Chapter 2 Background 2.1. Point Spread Function (PSF) and Diffraction Limit In imaging, for any Linear Translation Invariant (LTI) system, the information that can be observed, g(x), is the information allowed by the Point Spread Function, PSF; that is, π(π₯) = πππΉ ∗ π(π₯) + π(π₯), (2.1) where * is convolution, f(x) is the original image, and n(x) is noise. This principle is often better described in the frequency domain as πΊ(π) = πππΉ β πΉ(π) + π(π), (2.2) where G(f), F(f), and N(f) are the Fourier transforms of g(x), f(x), and n(x), respectively, and the Optical Transfer Function (OTF) is the Fourier transform of the PSF. Figure 2.1 shows the effect of a PSF on input f(x) to produce output g(x). The PSF widened and blurred some of the details of f(x). Figure 2.2 shows that the non-zero OTF frequency components dictate the frequencies of G(f) that can be seen at the output of the system. 4 10000 f(x) 9000 8000 Magnitude 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 x (mm) (A) 10000 f(x) 9000 8000 Magnitude 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 x (mm) (B) Figure 2.1. One-dimensional representation of the effect of the PSF in the spatial domain. (A) Input signal f(x). (B) Output signal g(x). The output of the LTI system, g(x), has a different peak value and has lost some of the details that existed in the input, f(x). 5 x 10 4 5.5 F(f) 5 4.5 Magnitude 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (cycles/mm) (A) x 10 4 5.5 G(f) 5 4.5 Magnitude 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (cycles/mm) (B) Figure 2.2. One-dimensional representation of the effect of the OTF. (A) Input signal Fourier transform, F(f). (B) Output signal Fourier transform, G(f). The LTI system caused output, G(f), to lose frequency components beyond the cutoff frequency of the OTF (ππ = 15 cycles/mm) that existed in the input, F(f). 6 In 1875, Abbe introduced his theory [3] that shows that diffraction limits define a finite range of spatial frequencies that can be transmitted through a microscope. In this sense, a PSF could be designed with a shape that represents the effect of the microscope’s lens. Simplifying a microscope system mathematically to be represented by (2.1) and (2.2) allowed investigators to find a way to overcome the diffraction limit [4], [5]. The result, Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), achieves a resolution beyond the diffraction limit [2], [5]. Structured Illumination Microscopy uses the principle that Moiré patterns can alias higher frequency components down to the lower frequencies. Structured illumination microscopy uses a sinusoidal illumination to heterodyne the high frequencies of the image into the passband of the imaging system. With lateral shift and rotation of the illumination pattern, multiple frames of LR images are collected and processed to form one HR image. Figure 2.3 outlines the concept of SIM. In (a) Moiré fringes are observed from overlapping patterns. In (b), the set of low-resolution information is represented by a circular “observable region” in the frequency domain. The sinusoidal illumination pattern in the frequency domain is shown in (c). The offset regions caused by the illumination pattern in the frequency domain are shown in (d). In (e), the images recovered from different orientations and phases of the pattern in the frequency domain are shown. These images are used in methods such as Wiener deconvolution, as described in this chapter, to reconstruct an HR image. 7 In order to describe SIM in a clear way, and for simplicity, consider applying the method to the one-dimensional example in Figure 2.1 in order to enhance g(x). The same idea can be generalized to two-dimensional images. Figure 2.3. The concept of SIM as described in [3]. (a) Moiré fringes are observed form overlapping patterns. In (b), the set of low-resolution information in the frequency domain is represented by a circular “observable region.” The sinusoidal illumination pattern in the frequency domain is shown in (c). The offset regions caused by the illumination pattern in the frequency domain are shown in (d). In (e), the images recovered from different orientations and phases of the pattern are shown in the frequency domain. 2.1.1. Illumination Pattern In the one-dimensional case, the illumination pattern is described as π = 1 + cos(2πππ π₯ + π), (2.3) where π0 is the frequency, and π is the phase of the pattern. (Throughout this thesis, continuous Fourier transform notation is used to present theory, but the discrete Fourier 8 transform is used for computer implementation.) Therefore, the illumination pattern in the frequency domain is define as 1 1 πΌ = πΏ(π) + 2 πΏ(π + π0 )π −ππ + 2 πΏ(π − π0 )π ππ . (2.4) Figure 2.4 shows the discrete Fourier transform function of the illumination pattern. For the illumination pattern to be effective, allowing higher frequency components to be seen and extracted, π0 needs to be less than the value of the cutoff frequency, ππ , of the OTF [4], [5]. In this example, π0 = 12 cycles/mm, ππ = 15 cycles/mm, and π = 0. 1 0.9 0.8 Magnitude 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency index Figure 2.4. The illumination pattern in the frequency domain. ππ = 12 cycles/mm, and π = 0. 9 The application of the illumination pattern to signal g(x) results in ππ (π₯) = π(π₯) β (1 + cos(2πππ π₯ + π)), (2.5) which has Fourier transform 1 1 πΊπ (π) = πΊ(π) + 2 πΊ(π + π0 )π −ππ + 2 πΊ(π − π0 )π ππ . (2.6) The passband allowed by the OTF has overlapping components of higher frequencies and lower frequencies. Figure 2.5 shows πΊπ (π) with the illumination pattern aliasing some higher frequency components down into the passband. The diamondsymbol line represents the higher frequency components of G(f) shifted by the cos(2πππ π₯ + π) of the illumination pattern into the passband of the OTF. In reality, this line is added to the x-symbol line, and together they make the square-symbol line which represents πΊπ (π). In the next section, the mechanism for breaking down the squaresymbol line to the three components that represent the x-symbol line and diamondsymbol line is explained. The three components eventually are used to reconstruct the Μ. HR π(π₯) 10 2.1.2. Extracting and Shifting Linear Components The observed πΊπ (π) is a sum of three contributions, and it is not possible to separate them using a single πΊπ . In order to get the three components in (2.6), the sum of which can be seen as the square-symbol line in Figure 2.5, the illumination pattern should be applied with at least three phase values. In the case of two-dimensional images, more than three phases and different orientations are required [5]. After solving for the three independent linear components, one is unshifted and two are shifted objects [5]. The shifted components carry frequencies that were not accessible by the passband of the OTF. The unshifted version may be retained as is, but the shifted versions must be moved in Fourier space so as to bring the spatial frequencies of these components from being centered at f - ππ and f + ππ to being centered at 0 [2], [4], [5]. Then all three components may be combined appropriately to obtain a superresolved image. Figure 2.6 shows the three components separated. References [3] and [5] suggested the use of Wiener-like deconvolution to increase image resolution by a factor of 2. The result of the reconstruction using Wienerlike deconvolution, ππ€ (π₯), is shown in Figure 2.7. In this result, ππ€ (π₯) is much closer to f(x) than is g(x). This example did not incorporate any noise. As this thesis discusses, Wiener-like deconvolution performance is affected in the presence of the noise. Therefore, this thesis investigates another method to reconstruct an HR image using structure illumination LR images. 11 x 10 4 G(f) 1/2(G(f-f0)+G(f+f0)) G(f)+1/2(G(f-f0)+G(f+f0)) 7 6 Magnitude 5 4 3 2 1 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (cycle/mm) Figure 2.5. Frequency components introduced by the illumination pattern. The 1 line with x-shapes represents G(f), the line with diamonds represents πΊ(π + 2 1 π0 )π −ππ + 2 πΊ(π − π0 )π ππ , and the line with squares represents πΊπ (π). x 10 4 G(f) 1/2G(f-f0) 1/2G(f+f0) 7 6 Magnitude 5 4 3 2 1 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (cycle/mm) Figure 2.6. Separated components. These components are used to reconstruct the HR output. 12 10000 f(x) g(x) fw(x) 9000 8000 Magnitude 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 x (mm) Figure 2.7. A comparison of original signal f(x), conventional outcome of LTI system g(x), and constructed signal ππ€ (π₯) using Wiener-like deconvolution. 2.2. Image Fusion Image fusion has been used in many applications, including but not limited to medical imaging, astronomy, security, and surveillance [1], [6]. Image fusion uses mathematical techniques in order to create a single composite HR image that is more comprehensive and thus more useful for the human operator or computer vision task [6]. The basic idea behind SR is the fusion of a sequence of LR noisy blurred images to produce an HR image. The resulting image has less noise and blur effects and thus more HR content than any of the LR input images. Fusing multiple LR images to reconstruct an HR image is an inverse problem, and it is a computationally complex and 13 numerically ill-posed problem. To be able to solve such a problem, many optimization techniques have been proposed in both the spatial and the frequency domains [1], each of which is designed to serve a specific application. Image fusion is a broad topic. This thesis focuses on techniques that help increase the spatial resolution. As described in [1], approaches such as frequency domain, stochastic, deterministic, projection onto convex sets (POCS), ML-POCS hybrid reconstruction, and many others have been studied in the literature for increasing the spatial resolution. This thesis investigates the deterministic approach, since this method incorporates prior knowledge [1], [7]. This approche allows the use of what is known in SIM and solves the ill-posed problem. 2.2.1. Deterministic Approach Since SIM has been well studied, Signal to Noise ratio (SNR), types of noise, and the approximate shape of the PSF are well understood [3], [4]. The deterministic approach of image fusion can use this information to enhance the result of SIM. Going back to (2.1), the convolution is carried out mathematically by multiplication. If the PSF is a matrix with size [m, n], then πππΉ ∗ π₯ = πΎ × π₯, where × is matrix multiplication, and K is a circulant matrix with size [π2 , π2 ]. (2.6) 14 A straightforward but naive method to solve (2.1) is by using the normal equation, π(π₯) = (πΎ π πΎ)−1 πΎ π β π(π₯). (2.7) However, due to the size of K (in the case of a 512 x 512 image, K is 5122 x 5122 ), this solution is impractical. Therefore, developers of SR methods usually explicitly or implicitly define a cost function to estimate f(x) in an iterative fashion [7]. This type of cost function assures a certain fidelity or closeness of the final solution to the measured data. Cost functions are founded on either algebraic or statistical reasoning. Perhaps the cost function most common to both perspectives is the leastsquares (LS) cost function, which minimizes the L2 norm of the residual vector, resulting in Μ = π΄πππππ [|π(π₯) − πΎ × π(π₯)|2 ]. π(π₯) (2.8) Μ is the maximum When n(x) is white Gaussian noise with zero mean, this π(π₯) likelihood estimate of f(x) [7]. However, finding the minimizer of (2.8) amplifies the random noise n(x) in the direction of the singular vectors (in the SR case, these are the high spatial frequencies), making the solution highly sensitive to measurement noise [7]. 15 Some form of regularization must be included in the cost function to stabilize the problem or constrain the space of solutions [1], [6], [7]. The choice of regularization plays an important role in the performance of any optimization algorithm. Like the cost function, regularization also is described from both algebraic and statistical perspectives. In both cases, regularization takes the form of soft constraints on the space of possible solutions, often independent of the measured data, as Μ = π΄πππππ[π β |π(π₯) − πΎ × π(π₯)|2 + πΆ(π(π₯))]. π(π₯) (2.9) In (2.9), the function πΆ(π(π₯)) places a penalty on the unknown f(x) to direct it to a better formed solution. The coefο¬cient µ indicates the weight or the strength with which this penalty is enforced. In general, choosing µ could be done manually, using visual inspection, or automatically, using methods such as Generalized Cross-Validation [8], [9], L-curve [10], and other techniques. 2.2.2. Choosing Cost Function and Penalty Function In recent years, the L1 norm has become an interesting topic for optimization. The L1 norm in the past was ignored due the difficulties in obtaining a solution (it is difficult to differentiate). However, with advancements in computational power, many algorithms have been suggested to solve this type of optimization [11], [12]. Minimizing the L1 norm leads to the sparsest solution [7], [11]. In [11] and [12], the 16 ability of the L1 norm to reduce an impulsive noise was confirmed. Therefore, the L1 norm characteristics, along with new algorithms to solve the L1 norm problem, justify the use of the cost function described by Μ = π΄πππππ[π β |π(π₯) − πΎ × π(π₯)| + πΆ(π(π₯))]. π(π₯) (2.10) Total variation (TV), which was first introduced in [13], has been one of the most successful regularization methods for denoising and deblurring [7], [14]. Total variation is well-known for preserving discontinuities in recovered images, and TVbased algorithms have proven effective for reducing noise and blur without smearing sharp edges for grayscale images [7], [11], [13], [15]. Total variation is defined as ππ(π(π₯)) = ∫|∇ π(π₯)| ππ₯, (2.11) where ∇π(π₯) is the gradient of f(x). By making πΆ=TV, (2.11) becomes Μ = π΄πππππ[ π β |π(π₯) − πΎ × π(π₯)| + ππ(π(π₯))]. π(π₯) (2.12) 17 Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1. Reasons for the Study The purpose of this study is to determine whether the L1/TV reconstruction technique for images obtained using SI results in better performance than the Wienerlike method suggested in [2], [4], [5]. Performance is investigated on blurred image with and without noise (Gaussian or Poisson). The study also investigates whether the number of multiple orientations can be reduced for the L1/TV method compared with the Wiener-like method. 3.2. Simulation Process In this thesis, MATLAB code (Appendix A) is used to generate LR images and to reconstruct HR images. First, an image (original image) is selected of size 512 x 512. Then, this image is blurred to simulate the effect of the diffraction limit caused by the microscope lens by using an OTF defined as 2 +(π π(π −255))2 ) π¦ π¦ πππΉ = π −2((ππ₯ π(ππ₯ −255)) , (3.1) 18 where ππ₯ = ππ¦ = 3, and ππ₯ πππ ππ¦ are frequency indexes of the x-axis and the y-axis, respectively, 0 ≤ ππ₯ , ππ¦ < 512. The code performs SI on the blurry image to obtain multiple LR images. Structured illumination takes the shape of π = 1 + cos(2π (π0π₯ π₯ + π0π¦ π¦) + π), where π = 0, 2π 3 , πππ 4π 1 (3.2) 1 , π0π₯ = 2 π cos(π) , and π0π¦ = 2 π sin(π) for π = 3 π₯ π¦ 45π , 105π , and 165π . The values for π0π₯ and π0π¦ are chosen to make sure the illumination pattern is located within the radius of the passband dictated by the cutoff frequency of OTF so that higher frequency components can be seen and processed [4][6]. Finally, the code performs different trials to assess the performance of the reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvolution and L1/TV optimization. The first trial is to reconstruct HR images using the Wiener-like deconvolution and L1/TV methods with no noise added to the blurry image. The maximum pixel intensity of the original image is set to 1000. This trial performs reconstruction using three LR images and nine LR images as suggested in [4]-[5]. The second trial is performed for the case of Gaussian noise added to the blurry image. The maximum pixel intensity of the original image is set to 1000. The Gaussian noise added to the blurry image has zero mean and a standard deviation of 20. The code 19 performs the reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvolution and the L1/TV methods using three LR images and nine LR images. The final trial of the study is for only Poisson noise added to the blurry image. The maximum pixel intensity of the original image is set to 1000. Poisson noise is pixel dependent (every pixel is affected with Poisson noise that has a different standard deviation). For this study, the Poisson noise of the average pixel of the image is set to have an approximate standard deviation of 20. The code reconstructs HR images using Wiener-like deconvolution and the L1/TV methods using three LR images and nine LR images. 3.3. Evaluation of the Reconstructed High Resolution Images The subjective method of visual inspection is used to evaluate the quality of the reconstructed HR images. Also, Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate Ratio (PSSEER) is used to evaluate the reconstructed image quantitatively. The consistency of the subjective and objective methods of assessing performance is examined. Although processing time is not important in some applications (i.e., biology), this study compares the processing time for Wiener-like deconvolution and L1/TV reconstruction. The comparison shows the trade-off between processing time and quality of the reconstructed images. Processing time were measured for MATLAB 2011a run on an Apple MacBook Pro, 2.3 GHz, Intel I5 with 4 GB of memory. 20 Chapter 4 Results: Algorithm Development and Testing 4.1. Selected Original Image The original image selected is a 512 × 512 grid of pixels that is commonly known in the image processing community as Lena. Lena, as shown in Figure 4.1, has been used as a standard test image [7], [11]. Lena contains edges, smooth areas, and contrast, which make it possible to test reconstruction methods and to generalize the study to a broader context. Figure 4.1. Lena 512 × 512 gray scale image. Lena contains edges, smooth areas, and contrast. Details such as feathers are crisp. 21 4.2. The Blurry Image Figure 4.2 shows the log 10 scaled image of the Gaussian shape of the OTF used to approximate the effect of the lens as defined in (3.1). This two-dimensional representation of the OTF is used throughout the study. In the black region, the OTF has values equal or close to zero. The peak of the OTF is located at frequency index (255, 255). 0 50 100 Frequency Index 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Frequency Index Figure 4.2. Two-dimensional representation of the OTF. In the black region, values are equal or close to zero 22 Let f(x, y) be the image in Figure 4.1, and let πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) be the Discrete Fourier transform of f(x, y) in the frequency space. Multiplying πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) by the OTF results in πΊ(ππ₯, ππ¦) = πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) β πππΉ, (4.1) where (β) is element by element multiplication. Transforming πΊ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) back to the spatial domain results in the blurry image, g(x, y), shown in Figure 4.3. As expected, in Figure 4.3, the higher frequency components (i.e., edges) are now blurred and hard to recognize. Figure 4.3. The blurry image, π(π₯, π¦). The effect of the PSF caused feathers to be blurred and hard to recognize. 23 4.3. Applying Structure Illumination The shapes of the illumination pattern are shown in Figure 4.4. Consider phase π = 0π and orientation π = 450 . This illumination pattern causes a pattern of parallel stripes on g(x, y), as seen Figure 4.5. The resulting three overlapped components seen within the passband dictated by the cutoff frequency of the OTF are shown in Figure 4.6. One component, the centralband, carries the exact information found in blurred image g(x, y). The other components, sideband 1 and sideband 2, are the components that carry the higher frequencies that were not accessible in g(x, y). π = 450 π = 1050 π = 1650 π=0 π= 2π 3 π= 4π 3 Figure 4.4. Illumination patterns for different phases and orientations. 2π 4π The phases values are π = 0, 3 , and 3 , and the orientation values are π = 45π , 105π , and 165π . 24 Figure 4.5. The application of the illumination pattern on g(x, y). The parallel stripes resulted from an illumination pattern with phase φ = 0 and θ = 45 degrees. 50 Frequency index 100 sideband1 (fx+f0x,fy-f0y) 150 200 250 300 centralband (fx,fy) 350 sideband2 (fx-f0x,fy+f0y) 400 450 500 100 200 300 400 500 Frequency index Figure 4.6. The three overlapped components of the illumination pattern in the frequency space with π = 45 degrees and phase φ = 0. The arrows point to the central frequencies of the components. 25 The three different phase values π = 0, 2π 3 , and 4π 3 and orientation π = 45π result in the following set of equations to solve: πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) (πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = 0) β πππΉ π π0 π π0 π −π0 ππππ‘πππππππ1 2π −π ) β πππΉ = [π π0 π π2π π πππππππ11 ], ] × [ 3 3 π 3 4π 4π 4π π πππππππ21 π −π π π0 π 3 π 3 [πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) (πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = ) β πππΉ ] πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) (πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = 2π (4.2) 3 where IP stands for illumination pattern. Equation (4.2) can be rearranged as π π0 π π0 π −π0 ππππ‘πππππππ1 2π 2π [ π πππππππ11 ] = [π π0 π π 3 π −π 3 ] 4π 4π π πππππππ21 π π0 π π 3 π −π 3 −1 πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) (πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = 0) β πππΉ × πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) (πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = [ πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ )(πΌπ π€ππ‘β π = 45 πππ π = 2π 3 4π 3 ) β πππΉ . (4.3) ) β πππΉ ] Each component of the three separated components has different frequency details that can be used to reconstruct an HR image. The same procedure is performed for orientations π = 105π and 165π . 4.4. Reconstruction Process To be able to use these components and the components for the other two orientations for SR, each component is considered a separate LR image. Each LR image would need a different OTF. The centralbands are left as is, and the sidebands of these 26 components are shifted back to the central frequency. The components are represented as ππππ‘ππππππππ (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ × πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ), π πππππππ1π (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ × πΉ (ππ₯ − πππ₯ π , ππ¦ + πππ¦ π ) , π πππππππ2π (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ × πΉ (ππ₯ + πππ₯ π , ππ¦ − πππ¦ ) , π (4.4) } where i = 1 to 3. The LR image equations in (4.4) also can be represented as ππππ‘ππππππππ (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ × πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ), π πππππππ1π (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ (ππ₯ + πππ₯ π , ππ¦ − πππ¦ π ) × πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ), π πππππππ2π (ππ₯ , ππ¦ ) = πππΉ (ππ₯ − πππ₯ π , ππ¦ + πππ¦ π ) × πΉ(ππ₯ , ππ¦ ), (4.5) } where π = 1 to 3. For the bands showed in Figure 4.5, and using the OTF defined in (3.1), the shifted versions of the OTF corresponding to the components are as follows: for centralband πππΉ1 = πππΉ(ππ₯ + 0, ππ¦ + 0); for sideband1 πππΉ2 = πππΉ (ππ₯ + πππ₯ 1 , ππ¦ − πππ¦ 1 ), and for sideband 2, πππΉ3 = πππΉ(ππ₯ − πππ₯ 1 , ππ¦ + πππ¦ 1 ). 4.4.1. Wiener-Like Deconvoluition Each LR image contains additional information that can be used to improve image quality. The question is how to best use these components to enhance the 27 resolution of image in Figure 4.4. Keep in mind these patterns represent different images for the same object. Wiener-Helstrom-like deconvolution was introduced in [14] to deconvolve different images acquired from different sensors (here, different OTFs). So, define the shifted version of the components in Figure 4.6 as π1 = ππππ‘πππππππ1 (ππ₯ + 0, ππ¦ + 0), π2 = π πππππππ11 (ππ₯ − πππ₯ 1 , ππ¦ + πππ¦ 1 ) , πππ (4.6) π3 = π πππππππ21 (ππ₯ + πππ₯ 1 , ππ¦ − πππ¦ 1 ). These components are used to reconstruct the image as proposed in [5] and [14] using πΉπ€(ππ₯, ππ¦) = ∑3π=1 πππΉπ∗ βππ π+∑3π=1|πππΉπ |2 , (4.7) where ∗ represents the conjugate of πππΉπ , and π is noise to signal ratio. From (4.7), a lower value of π may be used for increased visual contrast at the expense of increased noise in the image. In this experiment, π = 0.09. For the case of nine LR images i = 1 to 9. 28 4.4.2. L1 Norm with Total Variation (L1/TV) Optimization For the 2-dimensional case, the optimization problem in (2.9) is defined as Μπ¦) = π΄πππππ[ π β |π(π₯, π¦) − πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)| + ππ(π(π₯, π¦))], π(π₯, (4.8) where π is a positive number indicating the weight or the strength with which this fidelity is enforced, and [m, n] indicates the size of the image. Now, to solve (4.8), the Alternating Minimization algorithm is used as suggested in [15]. Alternating Minimization Algorithm To be able to solve the cost function defined in (4.8), first the regularization part of the equation is defined. Recalling (2.8), the discrete representation for the twodimensional case is ππ(π(π₯, π¦) = ∑π×π π=1 |π·π π(π₯, π¦)|, (4.9) where, for each i, π·π π(π₯, π¦) represents the first-order finite difference of (x, y) at pixel i in both horizontal and vertical directions. The absolute value of π·π π(π₯, π¦), |π·π π(π₯, π¦) |, is the variation of f(x, y) at pixel i. Then (4.8) is equivalent to Μπ¦) = π΄πππππ [∑π×π π(π₯, π=1 (π β |π(π₯, π¦) − πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)| + |π·π π(π₯, π¦)|)]. (4.10) 29 Let z and w be auxiliary variables that approximate [π(π₯, π¦) − πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)] and π·π π(π₯, π¦) in the non-differentiable norms in (4.10), respectively. Then, by adding quadratic terms to penalize the difference between every pair of original and auxiliary variables, the approximate problem to (4.10) is Μπ¦) = π΄πππππ [∑ π(π₯, π×π π=1 (π€π + π½1 |π€ − π·π π(π₯, π¦) |2 ) + π(|π§| 2 π π½2 + |π§ − (π(π₯, π¦) − πΎ × π(π₯, π¦))|2 )]. 2 (4.11) The augmented Lagrangian function of (4.11) is πΏπ΄ (π₯, π€, π§, π) = ∑ (|π€π | − π1 π (π€π − π·π π(π₯, π¦))) π + π½1 ∑|π€π − π·π π(π₯, π¦) |2 + π|π§| − π2 π (π§ − (πΎ × π(π₯, π¦) − π(π₯, π¦))) 2 π + π½2 |π§ − (πΎ × π(π₯, π¦) − π(π₯, π¦))|2 , 2 where π½1, π½2 > 0 are penalty parameters, and π = (π1 , π2 ) is the Lagrangian multiplier. Now, according to the scheme suggested by the Alternating Direction Method (ADM) 30 [5], [16], for a given π(π₯, π¦)π and ππ , the next iteration to find π(π₯, π¦)π+1 , π€ π+1 , π§ π+1 , and ππ+1 is generated as follows: 1. Fixing f(x,y) = π(π₯, π¦)π and π = ππ and minimizing πΏπ΄ with respect to w and z to obtain π€ π+1 and π§ π+1 . The minimizers are given explicitly by ππ ππ 1 π€ π+1 = πππ₯ {|π·π π(π₯, π¦)π + π½1 | − π½ , 0} π ππ (π·π π(π₯, π¦)π + π½1 ), 1 π§ π+1 1 1 (4.12) ππ2 π = πππ₯ {|πΎ × π(π₯, π¦) − π(π₯, π¦) + | − , 0} π½2 π½2 π ππ π ππ (πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)π − π(π₯, π¦) + π½2 ), (4.13) 1 where, sgn represents the signum function. 2. Computing π(π₯, π¦) π+1 via solving the normal equations (π·π π· + π½2 π πΎ πΎ) π(π₯, π¦) = π½1 ππ π·π (π€ π+1 − π½1 ) + πΎ π ( 1 π½2 π§ π+1 −ππ 2 π½1 π½ ) + π½2 πΎ π × π(π₯, π¦). 1 (4.14) 31 3. Updating π by π1π+1 = π1π − π½1 (π€ π+1 − π·π π(π₯, π¦)π+1 ), (4.15) ππ+1 = ππ2 − π½2 (π§ π+1 − (πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)π+1 − π(π₯, π¦))). 2 (4.16) The aforementioned is a solution for (4.10) designed for reconstructing an HR image from only one LR image. In order to get an advantage of the SI method, (4.10) is extended to accommodate all LR images acquired by SI. In case of N images, Μπ¦) = π΄πππππ [∑π×π(π ∑π |π(π₯, π¦)π − πΎπ × π(π₯, π¦)| + |π·π π(π₯, π¦) |)]. π(π₯, π=1 π=1 The augmented Lagrangian function of (4.23) become πΏπ΄ (π₯, π€, π§, π) = ∑ (|π€π | − π1 π (π€π − π·π π(π₯, π¦))) π + π½1 ∑(|π€π − π·π π(π₯, π¦)|2 ) 2 π π + π( ∑|π§π | − ππ π (π§π − (πΎπ × π(π₯, π¦) − ππ (π₯, π¦)) π=1 + π½π 2 |π§π − (πΎπ × π(π₯, π¦) − ππ (π₯, π¦))| ). 2 (4.17) 32 The iteration scheme is 1. Obtaining π€ π+1 and π§π π+1 as ππ ππ 1 π€ π+1 = πππ₯ {|π·π π(π₯, π¦)π + π½0 | − π½ , 0} π ππ (π·π π(π₯, π¦)π + π½0 ), 0 0 0 ππ π π π (4.18) π§π π+1 = πππ₯ {|πΎπ × π(π₯, π¦)π − π(π₯, π¦)π + π½π | − π½ , 0} ππ π ππ (πΎ × π(π₯, π¦)π − π(π₯, π¦)π + π½π ). (4.19) π 2. Computing π(π₯, π¦)π+1 via solving the normal equations ππ π½ π π π π+1 (π·π π· + ∑π − π½0 ) + π=1 π½ πΎπ πΎπ ) π(π₯, π¦) = π· (π€ 1 0 π½π π§π π+1 −ππ π π ∑π π=1 (πΎπ ( π½0 π½ ) + π½π πΎπ π π(π₯, π¦)π ). 0 (4.20) 3. Updating π ππ+1 = ππ0 − π½0 (π€ π+1 − π·π π(π₯, π¦) π+1 ), 0 (4.21) πππ+1 = πππ − π½π (π§π π+1 − (πΎπ × π(π₯, π¦)π+1 − π(π₯, π¦)π )). (4.22) 33 Iteration Stopping Criterion A stopping criterion needs to be defined for the iteration method. This algorithm uses the same stopping criterion and the threshold suggested in [5] and [16]. The iteration stops if the following criterion is met: Μπ¦)π+1 − π(π₯, Μπ¦)π | |π(π₯, ≤ πΎ, Μπ¦)π+1 | |π(π₯, where |β| is the Frobenius norm, and πΎ is the threshold. The value of πΎ controls how fast the iteration process converges. The smaller πΎ is, the longer the convergence takes, but the better the result. In this algorithm, πΎ is set to 10−3 . Keep in mind that this method was designed originally to solve for real images. However, SI actually produces complex images in the spatial domain because of the shifting in the frequency domain. To be able to perform this method on SI images, the images are approximated by taking the absolute value. 4.5. Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate Ratio (PSSEER) An objective image quality metric can be used to dynamically monitor and adjust image quality [17], [18]. Here, the Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate Ratio, PSSEER, is a useful metric for comparing the restored images with the original image. 34 The quantitative measure, PSSEER, takes into account offset and scaling caused by the approximation during the reconstruction process. This metric is simple to calculate, has clear physical meaning, and is mathematically convenient in the context of optimization. Equation (4.22) defines PSSEER as ππππΈπΈπ = 20πππ10 Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ ) max(π(π₯,π¦) 2 , (4.23) Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ −π(π₯,π¦) Μ | √|π(π₯,π¦) where Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ π(π₯, π¦) is calculated by linear regression of the pixel intensity of the original image f(x, y) as the independent variable and the pixel intensity of reconstructed Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ imageπ(π₯, π¦) as the dependent variable. The value of max(π(π₯, π¦)) is the linear regression value at the maximum value of original image f(x, y). 4.6. Comparing Methods in the Absence of Noise The methods first are compared for reconstructing images that are blurred by a PSF. A comparison between the pixel intensities of the blurred image g(x,y) and the original image f(x,y) is shown in Figure 4.7. Figure 4.7 shows that the blurring effect causes changes in pixel intensity level and therefore causes the scattering that represents the degradation of image quality. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. The PSSEER of the blurry image is 26 dB. 35 Comparisons between pixel intensities of the images reconstructed by Weinerlike deconvolution using three LR images and nine LR images and the original image are shown in Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9, respectively. The comparisons indicate that the slopes of the linear regression lines are smaller than the one in Figure 4.7, indicating that scaling is introduced during the SR process. Table 4.1 shows that the PSSEER values of the reconstructed images are higher than for the blurry image in Figure 4.7. The reconstructions using three and nine LR images in Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 appear to be close. The comparison between pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using three and nine LR images and the original image are shown in Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.11, respectively. Table 4.1 shows comparisons of the PSSEER values for Wiener-like deconvolution and L1/TV optimization. In Table 4.1, the results show that L1/TV optimization is able to increase PSSEER values and, quantitatively, enhance the goodness of the blurry image. The table shows that the methods are fairly close to each other. The PSSEER of L1/TV optimization is more than two dB greater than the best performance of Wiener-like deconvolution. 36 Figure 4.7. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the original and the blurred images. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Figure 4.8. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.7. 37 Figure 4.9. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.7. Figure 4.10. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using three LR images and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.7. 38 Figure 4.11. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using nine LR images and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.7. Table 4.1. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image (PSSEER = 26 dB) in the absence of noise. The L1/TV reconstruction using three SI LR images is better than Wiener-like reconstruction using nine SI LR images. PSSEER (dB) Method of the Reconstruction Three SI LR images Nine SI LR images Wiener-like 27.2 27.1 L1/ TV 29 29.4 39 Figure 4.12 and Figure 4.13 show the reconstructed images of Wiener-like deconvolution using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. Figure 4.14 and Figure 4.15 show the reconstructed images of L1/TV optimization using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. These results show that using more LR images produced better performance. Also, they show that L1/TV optimization achieved a better reconstruction using the three SI components than Wiener-like deconvolution using nine SI components. Table 4.2 shows the processing times for the reconstruction of the HR images. The L1/TV method needs more time to reconstruct HR images. Figure 4.12. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using three LR images. The image has better resolution than the blurry image in Figure 4.3. 40 Figure 4.13. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using nine LR images. The image has better resolution than the blurry image in Figure 4.3 and the reconstructed image using three components in Figure 4.12. Ringing artifacts are visible near edges and borders. Figure 4.14. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images. Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like method. 41 Figure 4.15. Reconstruction obtained by the L1/TV optimization using nine LR images. Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like and L1/TV optimizations using three LR images methods. Table 4.2. Processing time to reconstruct images in the absence of noise. The Wienerlike method is much faster than the L1/TV method. Processing Time (s) Method of Reconstruction Three LR images Nine LR images 4.7. Wiener-like 0.15 0.22 L1/ TV 17 34 Comparing Methods in the Presence of Gaussian Noise Gaussian noise with zero mean and a standard deviation of 20 is added to the blurry image, resulting in a noisy and blurry image with a PSSEER of 25.2 dB. Figure 4.16 shows the blurry and noisy image. Figure 4.17 shows pixel intensities of the contaminated blurry image compared with those for the original image. Gaussian noise 42 with a standard deviation of 20 does not significantly increase scattered compared with that in Figure 4.7. But, a comparison of the images in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.16 shows how the blurred image is affected by the Gaussian noise. Comparisons between pixel intensities of the image reconstructed by Weiner-like deconvolution using three LR images and nine LR images and the original image are shown in Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19, respectively. Comparisons between pixels intensities of the image reconstructed by L1/TV optimization using three LR images and nine LR images and the original image are shown in Figure 4.20 and Figure 4.21, respectively. Table 4.3 shows comparisons of the PSSEER achieved by both methods for three and nine LR images. Table 4.3 shows that the reconstructions by Weiner-like deconvolution and L1/TV optimization have increased PSSEER values compared with that of Figure 4.17. Therefore, reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvloution and L1/TV optimization, from a quantitative perspective, successfully enhanced the goodness of the contaminated blurry image. 43 Figure 4.16. The blurred image contaminated with Gaussian noise (zero mean and a standard deviation of 20). The quality of the image is worse than that of the blurry image in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.17. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the blurred with Gaussian noise contamination and the original images. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. 44 Figure 4.18. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.17. Figure 4.19. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope compared with that of Figure 4.17. 45 Figure 4.20. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.17. Figure 4.21. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.17. 46 Table 4.3. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image in the presence of Gaussian noise with zero mean and standard deviation of 20 (PSSEER = 25.2 dB). The reconstruction of L1/TV using three SI LR images is better than Wiener-like reconstruction using nine SI LR images. PSSEER (dB) Method of the Reconstruction Three SI LR images Nine SI LR images Wiener-like 27.15 27 L1/ TV 27.7 28.6 Figure 4.22 and Figure 4.23 show the images reconstructed by Wiener-like deconvolution using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25 show the images reconstructed by L1/TV optimization using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. These results show that the resolution achieved by L1/TV is better. Table 4.4 shows the processing time in seconds of the reconstruction of the HR images. The reconstruction using L1/TV optimization needs more time compared with the case of no noise added to the blurry image. On the other hand, there was no change in the processing time for the Wiener-like method. 47 Figure 4.22. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation 20). The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.16. Figure 4.23. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstructed image using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation 20). The image has better resolution than the blurry and noisy image in Figure 4.16 and the reconstructed image using three components in Figure 4.22. Ringing artifacts are visible near edges and borders. 48 Figure 4.24. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and 20 standard deviation). Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like method. The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.16. The smooth area of the image contains some artifact, but the resolution is better than for Wiener-like deconvolution. Figure 4.25. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using nine LR images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation of 20). Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like method. The image has better resolution than the contaminated and blurry image in Figure 4.16. The artifact in smooth areas in Figure 4.24 is reduced in the case of nine LR images. 49 Table 4.4. Processing time to reconstruct images in the presence of Gaussian noise (zero mean and standard deviation of 20). The presence of noise increases the time for convergence for the L1/TV optimization method. Processing time (s) Method of Reconstruction Three LR images Nine LR images 4.8. Wiener-like 0.15 0.22 L1/ TV 20 40 Comparing Methods in the Presence of Poisson Noise The blurred image is contaminated with Poisson noise. Since Poisson noise is pixel dependent, in this trial, the maximum intensity of the original image is set to 800. This value makes the approximate average pixel intensity close to 400. Using the MATLAB function for Poisson noise, pixels with an intensity of 400 are affected by Poisson noise with a standard deviation of 20. After introducing the noise, the blurry and noisy image maximum intensity is reset to 1000. Resetting the maximum intensity level in this way generates Poisson noise having a size similar to the Gaussian noise used previously. The contaminated blurry image has a PSSEER of 25 dB. Figure 4.26 shows the contaminated blurry image. Figure 4.27 shows pixel intensities of the contaminated blurry image versus those of the original image. The comparisons of pixel intensities of the image reconstructed by Weiner-like deconvolution and the original image using three LR images and nine LR images are shown in Figure 4.28, and Figure 4.29, 50 respectively. The comparisons of pixel intensities of the image reconstructed by L1/TV optimization using three LR images and nine LR images and the original image are shown in Figure 4.30 and Figure 4.31, respectively. Table 4.3 shows comparisons of the PSSEER values achieved by both methods using three and nine LR images. The results in Table 4.3 show the closeness of the PSSEER values for both methods. Figure 4.26. The blurred image contaminated with Poisson noise. The quality of the image is worse than that of the blurry image in Figure 4.3. 51 Figure 4.27. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the blurred contaminated with Poisson noise and the original images. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Figure 4.28. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.27. 52 Figure 4.29. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the Wiener-like reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.27. Figure 4.30. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.27. 53 Figure 4.31. Comparison of the pixel intensities of the L1/TV reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise and the original image. The x-axis is the intensity of the original image; the y-axis is the intensity of the blurred and noisy image. The straight line is obtained by linear regression. Scaling caused by reconstruction is represented in a smaller slope of the straight line compared with that of Figure 4.27. Table 4.5. A comparison of the PSSEER of the reconstructed images from a blurry image contaminated with Poisson noise (PSSEER = 25 dB). The reconstruction by the L1/TV method using three SI LR images is better than Wiener-like reconstruction using nine SI LR images. PSSEER (dB) Method of the Reconstruction Three SI LR images Nine SI LR images Wiener-like 27 26.8 L1/ TV 27.1 28 Figure 4.32 and Figure 4.33 show the reconstructed images by Wiener-like deconvolution using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. Figure 4.34 and 54 Figure 4.35 show the reconstructed images by L1/TV optimization using three LR images and nine LR images, respectively. These results show that the resolution achieved by L1/TV is better. Table 4.6 shows the processing time in seconds of the reconstruction of the HR images. The L1/TV method needed more time than for no noise added and for Gaussian contamination of the blurry image. Figure 4.32. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise. The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.26. 55 Figure 4.33. Wiener-like deconvolution reconstruction using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise. The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.26 and the reconstructed image using three components in Figure 4.32. Ringing artifacts are visible near edges and borders. Figure 4.34. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using three LR images in the presence of Poisson noise. Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like method. The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.26. The smooth area of the image contains some artifact, but the resolution is better than for Wiener-like deconvolution. 56 Figure 4.35. Reconstruction obtained by L1/TV optimization using nine LR images in the presence of Poisson noise. Details are recovered (feathers) better than by the Wiener-like method. The image has better resolution than the contaminated blurry image in Figure 4.26. The artifact in smooth areas that appears in Figure 4.34 is reduced in the case of nine LR images. Table 4.6. Processing time to reconstruct images in the presence of Poisson noise. The presence of Poisson noise affects the speed of convergence of the L1/TV optimization method. Processing time (s) Method of Reconstruction Three LR images Nine LR images Wiener-like 0.15 0.24 L1/ TV 22 44 57 Chapter 5 Discussion In this study, using the same set of LR images obtained by the structured illumination technique, L1/TV optimization performs better with and without noise both quantitatively and subjectively. These results show that the resolution of the images reconstructed by L1/TV optimization is better than that obtained by Wiener-like deconvolution. Wiener-like deconvolution failed to overcome the phase residue that caused the illumination pattern to be retained in the reconstructed images. It also caused ringing artifacts that increased with the number of LR images used for reconstruction. Moreover, the value of ε plays a significant rule in the outcome Wiener-like deconvoultion. In this study, and after many trials, ε = 0.09 is the optimum value that produce a reconstructed image with fewer artifacts and better resolution. Increasing the value of ε makes the reconstructed image more blurry. Decreasing ε makes the reconstructed image noisier with more artifacts. On the other hand, although L1/TV optimization was successful in reconstructing an HR image in the presence of Gaussian noise with zero mean and a standard deviation less than 100, it failed to converge in the case of Gaussian noise with zero mean and a standard deviation larger than 100. Wiener-like deconvolution is able to reconstruct an HR with Gaussian noise with zero mean and a standard deviation larger than 100. Since L1/TV optimization has many parameters that control its performance, 58 and considering the approximation suggested (using the absolute value for the complex images), the reasons for failure need to be examined. Nonetheless, the low level of noise introduced in this study does mimic real SIM applications, and as far as these applications are concerned, L1/TV optimization is a successful alternative. This study shows that using illumination patterns for SR produces offset and scaling during the process of acquisition or reconstruction. This offset and scaling make the use of signal to noise ratio, SNR, and peak signal to noise ratio, PSNR, unsatisfactory as quantitative measures of the performance. Peak Signal to Standard Error of the Estimate Ratio, suggested in this study, shows the ability to overcome offset and scaling and provide a measure that is consistent with visual inspection of the reconstructed images. Although, the reconstruction results of L1/TV and Wiener-like deconvolution are quantitatively close, they differ significantly in resolution. This difference can be seen especially in the case of no noise. The difference between L1/TV optimization and Wiener-like deconvolution is about 1.5 dB, and yet L1/TV optimization resolved more details. As expected, processing time is in favor of Wiener-like deconvolution because of the iterative behavior of L1/TV optimization. The greater the noise added to the blurry image, the slower L1/TV optimization performs. 59 Chapter 6 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 6.1. Summary In this thesis, a modification of L1/TV optimization suggested in [16] is developed to enhance the image reconstruction from multiple LR images obtained by structured illumination. A computer algorithm is developed to perform structured illumination, image reconstruction by Wiener-like deconvolution, and image reconstruction by L1/TV optimization. The structured illumination principles, including the process of separation and shifting, are presented and explained for one- and twodimensional cases. The results of the reconstructed images using Wiener-like deconvolution and the L1/TV method are compared. The study investigated the reconstruction in cases of no noise, Gaussian noise, and Poisson noise. 6.2. Conclusions Image reconstruction by L1/TV optimization is another alternative for SIM to reconstruct images. The ability to reduce the number of orientations of the illumination pattern and resolve more details gives the L1/TV method an advantage over Wiener-like deconvolution. The results also show that L1/TV optimization reduces blurring and noise contamination at the expense of more processing time. 60 This work suggested PSSEER as a quantitative method to assess the performance of the reconstruction. Peak signal to the standard error of the estimate ratio, PSSEER, overcomes offset and scaling introduced during the SR process. The fact that PSSEER can overcome offset and scaling makes it a good alternative to the common quantitative measures of SNR and PSNR. 6.3. Recommendations The advantages of parallel processing can be used to enhance the speed of L1/TV optimization. Many programming languages, including MATLAB, can process the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and other functions using multiple processors to reduce the time needed to reconstruct the HR image. The performance of L1/TV optimization depends on the values of the weights assigned to the regularization term and fidelity term of the cost function [16]. The weights suggested in this thesis were not optimum; therefore, a better choice of weights can be investigated to help improve the restoration quality. This work uses alternating minimization to solve the cost function of the L1/TV. Other algorithms can be used to solve the cost function and the performance compared. 61 Appendix A MATLAB code %% Main Code clear all; clc close all; %% loading original image oi=(rgb2gray(imread('lenna.png'))); oi=double(oi); oi=oi/max(oi(:))*1000; max(oi(:)) [n,m]=size(oi); OI=fftshift(fft2(oi)); x=-n/2:n/2-1;y=-m/2:m/2-1; [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y); dfx=1/n; dfy=1/m; fx=(-n/2:n/2-1)*dfx; fy=(-m/2:m/2-1)*dfy; [fx,fy]=meshgrid(fx,fy); % gaussian filter (PSF) sigmax=3; sigmay=3; H=sigmax*sigmay*2*pi*exp(2*((sigmax*pi*fx).^2+(sigmay*pi*fy).^2));H=H/max(H(:)); h=abs(ifftshift(ifft2(H))); H=fftshift(fft2(h)); % Blurring process OIF=OI.*H;oif=abs((ifft2(OIF))); figure(4),imagesc(fftshift(oif)),plotbrowser('on') oif=fftshift(oif)+20*randn(n,m); % In case of Poisson noise function randn is replaced with poissrnd 62 %% Structured illumination dfx=1/n; dfy=1/m; k=1; for theta=(0:pi/3:2*pi/3)+pi/4 f0x=1/(sigmax*2)*cos(theta); f0y=1/(sigmay*2)*sin(theta); phi1=0;phi2=2*pi/3;phi3=4*pi/3; % Phase shift %% Illumination pattern ip1(:,:,k)=1+cos(2*pi*(f0x.*x+f0y.*y)+phi1); ip2(:,:,k)=1+cos(2*pi*(f0x.*x+f0y.*y)+phi2); ip3(:,:,k)=1+cos(2*pi*(f0x.*x+f0y.*y)+phi3); IB1(:,:,k)=abs(ifftshift(ifft2(fftshift(fft2(oi.*ip1(:,:,k))).*H))); IB1(:,:,k)=IB1(:,:,k)/max(max(IB1(:,:,k)))*1000+20*randn(m,n); IB1(:,:,k)=fftshift(fft2(IB1(:,:,k))); IB2(:,:,k)=abs(ifftshift(ifft2(fftshift(fft2(oi.*ip2(:,:,k))).*H))); IB2(:,:,k)=IB2(:,:,k)/max(max(IB2(:,:,k)))*1000+20*randn(m,n); IB2(:,:,k)=fftshift(fft2(IB2(:,:,k))); IB3(:,:,k)=abs(ifftshift(ifft2(fftshift(fft2(oi.*ip3(:,:,k))).*H))); IB3(:,:,k)=IB3(:,:,k)/max(max(IB3(:,:,k)))*1000+20*randn(m,n); IB3(:,:,k)=fftshift(fft2(IB3(:,:,k))); % Extracting the SI components E=([1 1 1;1 exp(1i*2*pi/3) exp(-1i*2*pi/3);1 exp(1i*4*pi/3) exp(1i*4*pi/3)])^-1; OH1(:,:,k)=E(1,1)*IB1(:,:,k)+E(1,2)*IB2(:,:,k)+E(1,3)*IB3(:,:,k); OH2(:,:,k)=E(2,1)*IB1(:,:,k)+E(2,2)*IB2(:,:,k)+E(2,3)*IB3(:,:,k); OH3(:,:,k)=E(3,1)*IB1(:,:,k)+E(3,2)*IB2(:,:,k)+E(3,3)*IB3(:,:,k); %% zero paddding process % padding the images OH1p(:,:,k)=padarray(OH1(:,:,k),[round(1/(dfx*sigmax*2)) round(1/(dfy*sigmay*2))]); 63 OH2p(:,:,k)=padarray(OH2(:,:,k),[round(1/(dfx*sigmax*2)) round(1/(dfy*sigmay*2))]); OH3p(:,:,k)=padarray(OH3(:,:,k),[round(1/(dfx*sigmax*2)) round(1/(dfy*sigmay*2))]); [K,L,Z]=size(OH1p); % shifting (we use fuction uses fourier transform as mean to shift) OH1p(:,:,k)=FourierShift2D(OH1p(:,:,k),[0 0]); OH2p(:,:,k)=FourierShift2D(OH2p(:,:,k),[-f0y/dfy -f0x/dfx]); OH3p(:,:,k)=FourierShift2D(OH3p(:,:,k),[f0y/dfy f0x/dfx]); % padding and shifting the filter H1(:,:,k)=padarray(H,[round(1/(dfx*sigmax*2)) round(1/(dfy*sigmay*2))]); H2(:,:,k)=FourierShift2D(H1(:,:,k),[-f0y/dfx -f0x/dfy])/2; H3(:,:,k)=FourierShift2D(H1(:,:,k),[f0y/dfx f0x/dfy])/2; k=k+1; end %% Wiener filter [K,L]=size(OH1p(:,:,1)); Iw3=zeros(K,L);Iw9=zeros(K,L); eps=.09; QSQNR=10/10; Ichu=zeros(K,L); Hsum3=zeros(K,L); Hsum9=zeros(K,L); tic for i=1:1 %wiener filter for three LR images Hsum3=Hsum3+(abs(H1(:,:,i)).^2+abs(H2(:,:,i)).^2+abs(H3(:,:,i)).^2); Iw3=Iw3+QSQNR*(conj(H1(:,:,i)).*OH1p(:,:,i)+conj(H2(:,:,i)).*OH2p(:,:,i )+conj(H3(:,:,i)).*OH3p(:,:,i)); 64 end Iw3=Iw3./(eps+Hsum3); toc tic for i=1:3 %wiener filter for nine LR images Hsum9=Hsum9+(abs(H1(:,:,i)).^2+abs(H2(:,:,i)).^2+abs(H3(:,:,i)).^2); Iw9=Iw9+QSQNR*(conj(H1(:,:,i)).*OH1p(:,:,i)+conj(H2(:,:,i)).*OH2p(:,:,i )+conj(H3(:,:,i)).*OH3p(:,:,i)); end Iw9=Iw9./(eps+Hsum9); toc oh1p=(ifft2(OH1p)); oh2p=(ifft2(OH2p)); oh3p=(ifft2(OH3p)); h1=(ifft2(H1)); h2=(ifft2(H2)); h3=(ifft2(H3)); %% optimazation process mu=80; % % tic [XX3] = optimiz3(oh1p(:,:,1),oh2p(:,:,1),oh3p(:,:,1),abs(h1(:,:,1)),abs(h2(:,:, 1)),abs(h3(:,:,1)),mu); toc % tic [XX9] = optimiz9(oh1p,oh2p,oh3p,abs(h1),abs(h2),abs(h3),mu); toc figure(1),% Original image colormap('gray') imagesc(oi);axis image, axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);plotbrowser('on '); 65 plotbrowser('on'); figure(2),% Blurry image (contaminated in case of Guassian or Poisson noise) colormap('gray') imagesc(oif);axis image, axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);plotbrowser('on '); plotbrowser('on'); figure(3) % Reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvolution using 3 LR images colormap('gray') imagesc(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw3))));axis image; axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]);plotbrowser('on '); figure(4) % Reconstruction using Wiener-like deconvolution using 9 LR images colormap('gray') imagesc(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw9))));axis image, axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]) ;plotbrowser('on'); figure(5), % Reconstruction using L1/TV using 3 LR images colormap('gray') imagesc(XX3.sol);axis image; axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]); plotbrowser('on'); % figure(6),% Reconstruction using L1/TV using 9 LR images colormap('gray') imagesc(XX9.sol);axis image; axis off,set(gca,'position',[0,0,1,1],'xtick',[],'ytick',[]); plotbrowser('on'); SNR=snr(oif,oi) % calculating the SNR for the blurry image BSNR=psnr(oif,oi) % calculating the PSNR for the blurry image PSEE=psee(oif,oi); % calculating the PSSEER for the blurry image SNRw3=snr(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw3))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the SNR for Wiener reconstruction using 3 LR images PSNRw3=psnr(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw3))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the PSNR for Wiener reconstruction using 3 LR images PSEEw3=psee(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw3))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the PSSEER for Wiener reconstruction using 3 LR images 66 SNRw9=snr(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw9))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the SNR for Wiener reconstruction using 9 LR images PSNRw9=psnr(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw9))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the PSNR for Wiener reconstruction using 9 LR images PSEEw9=psee(abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw9))),imresize(oi,[K,L]));% calculating the PSSEER for Wiener reconstruction using 9 LR images % % % % snr(XX1.sol,oi) % SNRl13=snr(XX3.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the SNR for L1/TV reconstruction using 3 LR images PSNRl13=psnr(XX3.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the PSNR for L1/TV reconstruction using 3 LR images PSEEl13=psee(XX3.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the PSSEER for L1/TV reconstruction using 3 LR images % SNRl19=snr(XX9.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the SNR for L1/TV reconstruction using 9 LR images PSNRl19=psnr(XX9.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the PSNR for L1/TV reconstruction using 9 LR images PSEEl19=psee(XX9.sol,imresize(oi,[K,L])); %calculating the PSSEER for L1/TV reconstruction using 9 LR images % XXW3=abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw3))); XXW9=abs(fftshift(ifft2(Iw9))); % Ploting the zoomed part of the image OOIf=imresize(oif,[K,L]); figure, colormap('gray'), imagesc(OOIf(200:340,200:340)), axis off , axis image, plotbrowser('on')% Blurry omage figure, colormap('gray'), imagesc(XXW3(200:340,200:340)), axis off , axis image,plotbrowser('on')%Wiener reconstruction using 3 LR images figure, colormap('gray'), imagesc(XXW9(200:340,200:340)), axis off , axis image,plotbrowser('on')%Wiener reconstruction using 9 LR images figure, colormap('gray'), imagesc(XX3.sol(200:340,200:340)), axis off , axis image, plotbrowser('on')%L1/TV reconstruction using 3 LR images figure, colormap('gray'), imagesc(XX9.sol(200:340,200:340)), axis off , axis image, plotbrowser('on')%L1/TV reconstruction using 9 LR images Function PSSEE function x = psee(sig, ref) % x = snr(sig, ref) % snr -- Compute Signal-to-Noise Ratio for images 67 % % Usage: % x = snr(sig, ref) -- 1st time or % x = snr(sig) -- afterwards % % Input: % sig Modified image % ref Reference image % % Output: % x SNR value persistent ref_save; if nargin == 2; ref_save = ref; end; [K,L]=size(ref); R1=ref(1:K*L); R2=sig(1:K*L); [r,m,b] = regression(R1,R2); peak=max(ref_save(:)); figure, plot(R1,R2,'.',1:peak,m*(1:peak)+b,'k'), xlabel('Pixel Intensity of the Original Image'), ylabel('Pixel Intensity of the Constructed Image'),axis([0 peak 0 peak]),plotbrowser('on') peak=max(ref_save(:)); see= sum((R2-(m*R1+b)).^2)/(K*L); %figure,plot(R1,(R2-(m*R1+b)),'.') see=sqrt(see); linearmax=max((m*R1+b)) x = 20*log10(linearmax/(see)); Function optimiz3 function out = optimiz3(oh1p,oh2p,oh3p,h1,h2,h3,mu,opts) % disp('Optimiz3 is running, please wait ...'); [m n] = size(oh1p); if nargin < 8; opts = []; end opts = getopts(opts); C = getC(oh1p,h1,h2,h3); [D,Dt] = defDDt; % initialization X = abs(oh1p); LamD1 = zeros(m,n); 68 LamD2 = LamD1; Lam1 = LamD1; Lam2 = Lam1; Lam3 = Lam1; beta0 = opts.beta0; beta1 = opts.beta1; beta2 = opts.beta2; beta3 = opts.beta3; gamma = opts.gamma; print = opts.print; Denom = C.DtD + beta1/beta0 *C.H1tH1 + beta2/beta0 * C.H2tH2 + beta3/beta0 * C.H3tH3; % finite diff [D1X,D2X] = D(X); KXF1 = abs( ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) KXF2 = abs( ifft2((C.H2 .* fft2(X)) KXF3 = abs( ifft2((C.H3 .* fft2(X)) KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.snr = []; out.nrmdX = []; out.relchg = []; out.f = f; = tv; out.fid = fid; %% Main loop for ii = 1:opts.maxitr V1 = D1X + V2 = D2X + V31 = KXF1 V32 = KXF2 V33 = KXF3 LamD1/beta0; LamD2/beta0; + Lam1/beta1; + Lam2/beta2; + Lam3/beta3; V = V1.^2 + V2.^2; V = sqrt(V); V(V==0) = 1; % ================== % Shrinkage Step % ================== V = max(V - 1/beta1, 0)./V; W1 = V1.*V; W2 = V2.*V; - (fft2(oh1p)))); - (fft2(oh2p)))); - (fft2(oh3p)))); 69 Z1 = max(abs(V31) - mu/beta1, 0).*sign(V31); Z2 = max(abs(V32) - mu/beta2, 0).*sign(V32); Z3 = max(abs(V33) - mu/beta3, 0).*sign(V33); % ================== % X-subprolem % ================== Xp = X; Temp1 = (beta1*Z1 - conj(Lam1))/beta0; Temp2 = (beta2*Z2 conj(Lam2))/beta0; Temp3 = (beta3*Z3 - conj(Lam3))/beta0; Temp1= abs(ifft2(C.H1t .* fft2(Temp1))); Temp2= abs(ifft2(C.H2t .* fft2(Temp2))); Temp3= abs(ifft2(C.H3t .* fft2(Temp3))); Temp = Temp1+Temp2+Temp3; X = Dt(W1 - LamD1/beta0,W2 - LamD2/beta0) + Temp + beta1/beta0*C.H1tX+beta2/beta0*C.H2tX+beta3/beta0*C.H3tX; X = fft2(X)./Denom; X = abs(ifft2(X)); %snrX = snr(X); %out.snr = [out.snr; snrX]; relchg = norm(X - Xp,'fro')/norm(X,'fro'); out.relchg = [out.relchg; relchg]; if print fprintf('Iter: %d, snrX: %4.2f, relchg: %4.2e\n',ii,snrX,relchg); end % ==================== % Check stopping rule % ==================== if relchg < opts.relchg out.sol = X; out.itr = ii; [D1X,D2X] = D(X); KXF1 = abs( ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) KXF2 = abs( ifft2((C.H2 .* fft2(X)) KXF3 = abs( ifft2((C.H3 .* fft2(X)) KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.f = [out.f; f]; = [; tv]; out.fid = [out.fid; fid]; disp('Done!'); return end % finite diff. - (fft2(oh1p)))); - (fft2(oh2p)))); - (fft2(oh3p)))); 70 [D1X,D2X] = KXF1 = abs( KXF2 = abs( KXF3 = abs( D(X); ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) ifft2((C.H2 .* fft2(X)) ifft2((C.H3 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p)))); - (fft2(oh2p)))); - (fft2(oh3p)))); KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.f = [out.f; f]; = [; tv]; out.fid = [out.fid; fid]; % ================== % Update Lam % ================== LamD1 = LamD1 - gamma*beta0*(W1 LamD2 = LamD2 - gamma*beta0*(W2 Lam1 = Lam1 - gamma*beta1*(Z1 Lam2 = Lam2 - gamma*beta2*(Z2 Lam3 = Lam3 - gamma*beta3*(Z3 - - D1X); - D2X); KXF1); KXF2); KXF3); end out.sol = X; out.itr = ii; out.exit = 'Exist Normally'; disp('Done!'); if ii == opts.maxitr out.exit = 'Maximum iteration reached!'; end %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function opts = getopts(opts) if ~isfield(opts,'maxitr') opts.maxitr = 500; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta0') opts.beta0 =15; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta1') opts.beta1 = 30; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta2') opts.beta2 = 80; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta3') opts.beta3 = 80; end if ~isfield(opts,'gamma') opts.gamma = 1.680; 71 end if ~isfield(opts,'relchg') opts.relchg = 1.e-3; end if ~isfield(opts,'print') opts.print = 0; end %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function C = getC(X,h1,h2,h3) [m,n] = size(X); C.DtD = abs(psf2otf([1,-1],[m,n])).^2 + abs(psf2otf([1;-1],[m,n])).^2; C.H1 = psf2otf(h1);C.H2 = psf2otf(h2);C.H3 = psf2otf(h3); C.H1t = conj(C.H1);C.H2t = conj(C.H2);C.H3t = conj(C.H3); C.H1tH1 = abs(C.H1).^2;C.H2tH2 = abs(C.H2).^2;C.H3tH3 = abs(C.H3).^2; C.H1tX = abs(ifft2(C.H1t .* fft2(X)));C.H2tX =abs(ifft2(C.H2t .* fft2(X)));C.H3tX =abs(ifft2(C.H3t .* fft2(X))); %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu) tv = sum(sum(sqrt(D1X.^2 + D2X.^2))); fid = sum(abs(KXF(:))); f = tv + mu * fid; function [D,Dt] = defDDt D = @(U) ForwardD(U); Dt = @(X,Y) Dive(X,Y); function [Dux,Duy] = ForwardD(U) Dux = [diff(U,1,2), U(:,1) - U(:,end)]; Duy = [diff(U,1,1); U(1,:) - U(end,:)]; function DtXY = Dive(X,Y) DtXY = [X(:,end) - X(:, 1), -diff(X,1,2)]; DtXY = DtXY + [Y(end,:) - Y(1, :); -diff(Y,1,1)]; Function Optimiz9 function out = optimiz9(oh1p,oh2p,oh3p,h1,h2,h3,mu,opts) % disp('Optimiz9 is running, please wait ...'); 72 [m n k] = size(oh1p); if nargin < 8; opts = []; end opts = getopts(opts); C = getC(oh1p(:,:,1),h1,h2,h3); [D,Dt] = defDDt; % initialization X = abs(oh1p(:,:,1)); LamD1 = zeros(m,n); LamD2 = LamD1; Lam1 = LamD1;Lam2 = Lam1;Lam3 = Lam1; Lam4 = LamD1;Lam5 = Lam1;Lam6 = Lam1; Lam7 = LamD1;Lam8 = Lam1;Lam9 = Lam1; beta0 = opts.beta0; beta1 = opts.beta1;beta2 = opts.beta2;beta3 = opts.beta3; beta4 = opts.beta4;beta5 = opts.beta5;beta6 = opts.beta6; beta7 = opts.beta7;beta8 = opts.beta8;beta9 = opts.beta9; gamma = opts.gamma; print = opts.print; Denom = C.DtD beta3/beta0 * Denom = Denom beta3/beta0 * Denom = Denom beta3/beta0 * + beta1/beta0 *C.H1tH1 + beta2/beta0 * C.H2tH2 + C.H3tH3; + beta1/beta0 *C.H4tH4 + beta2/beta0 * C.H5tH5 + C.H6tH6; + beta1/beta0 *C.H7tH7 + beta2/beta0 * C.H8tH8 + C.H9tH9; % finite diff [D1X,D2X] = D(X); KXF1 = abs( ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,1)))));KXF2 = abs( ifft2((C.H2 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,1)))));KXF3 = abs( ifft2((C.H3 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,1))))); KXF4 = abs( ifft2((C.H4 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,2)))));KXF5 = abs( ifft2((C.H5 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,2)))));KXF6 = abs( ifft2((C.H6 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,2))))); KXF7 = abs( ifft2((C.H7 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,3)))));KXF8 = abs( ifft2((C.H8 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,3)))));KXF9 = abs( ifft2((C.H9 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,3))))); KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3+KXF4+KXF5+KXF6+KXF7+KXF8+KXF9; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.snr = []; out.nrmdX = []; out.relchg = []; out.f = f; 73 = tv; out.fid = fid; %% Main loop for ii = 1:opts.maxitr V1 = D1X + V2 = D2X + V31 = KXF1 Lam3/beta2; V34 = KXF4 Lam6/beta2; V37 = KXF7 Lam9/beta2; LamD1/beta0; LamD2/beta0; + Lam1/beta1;V32 = KXF2 + Lam2/beta2;V33 = KXF3 + + Lam4/beta1;V35 = KXF5 + Lam5/beta2;V36 = KXF6 + + Lam7/beta1;V38 = KXF8 + Lam8/beta2;V39 = KXF9 + V = V1.^2 + V2.^2; V = sqrt(V); V(V==0) = 1; % ================== % Shrinkage Step % ================== V = max(V - 1/beta0, 0)./V; W1 = V1.*V; W2 = V2.*V; Z1 = max(abs(V31) - mu/beta1, 0).*sign(V31);Z2 = max(abs(V32) mu/beta2, 0).*sign(V32);Z3 = max(abs(V33) - mu/beta3, 0).*sign(V32); Z4 = max(abs(V34) - mu/beta4, 0).*sign(V34);Z5 = max(abs(V35) mu/beta5, 0).*sign(V35);Z6 = max(abs(V36) - mu/beta6, 0).*sign(V36); Z7 = max(abs(V37) - mu/beta7, 0).*sign(V37);Z8 = max(abs(V38) mu/beta8, 0).*sign(V38);Z9 = max(abs(V39) - mu/beta9, 0).*sign(V39); % ================== % X-subprolem % ================== Xp = X; Temp1 = (beta1*Z1 - conj(Lam1))/beta0; Temp2 = (beta2*Z2 conj(Lam2))/beta0; Temp3 = (beta3*Z3 - conj(Lam3))/beta0; Temp4 = (beta1*Z4 - conj(Lam4))/beta0; Temp5 = (beta2*Z5 conj(Lam5))/beta0; Temp6 = (beta3*Z6 - conj(Lam6))/beta0; Temp7 = (beta1*Z7 - conj(Lam7))/beta0; Temp8 = (beta2*Z8 conj(Lam8))/beta0; Temp9 = (beta3*Z9 - conj(Lam9))/beta0; Temp1= abs(ifft2(C.H1t .* fft2(Temp1))); Temp2= abs(ifft2(C.H2t .* fft2(Temp2))); Temp3= abs(ifft2(C.H3t .* fft2(Temp3))); Temp4= abs(ifft2(C.H4t .* fft2(Temp4))); Temp5= abs(ifft2(C.H5t .* fft2(Temp5))); Temp6= abs(ifft2(C.H6t .* fft2(Temp6))); Temp7= abs(ifft2(C.H7t .* fft2(Temp7))); Temp8= abs(ifft2(C.H8t .* fft2(Temp8))); Temp9= abs(ifft2(C.H9t .* fft2(Temp9))); Temp = Temp1+Temp2+Temp3; 74 Temp = Temp+Temp4+Temp5+Temp6; Temp = Temp+Temp7+Temp8+Temp9; X = Dt(W1 - LamD1/beta0,W2 - LamD2/beta0) + Temp + beta1/beta0*C.H1tX+beta2/beta0*C.H2tX+beta3/beta0*C.H3tX; X = X + beta4/beta0*C.H4tX+beta5/beta0*C.H5tX+beta6/beta0*C.H6tX; X = X + beta7/beta0*C.H7tX+beta8/beta0*C.H8tX+beta9/beta0*C.H9tX; X = fft2(X)./Denom; X = abs(ifft2(X)); %snrX = snr(X); %out.snr = [out.snr; snrX]; relchg = norm(X - Xp,'fro')/norm(X,'fro'); out.relchg = [out.relchg; relchg]; if print fprintf('Iter: %d, snrX: %4.2f, relchg: %4.2e\n',ii,snrX,relchg); end % ==================== % Check stopping rule % ==================== if relchg < opts.relchg out.sol = X; out.itr = ii; [D1X,D2X] = D(X); KXF1 = abs( ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) (fft2(oh1p(:,:,1)))));KXF2 = abs( ifft2((C.H2 .* (fft2(oh2p(:,:,1)))));KXF3 = abs( ifft2((C.H3 .* (fft2(oh3p(:,:,1))))); KXF4 = abs( ifft2((C.H4 .* fft2(X)) (fft2(oh1p(:,:,2)))));KXF5 = abs( ifft2((C.H5 .* (fft2(oh2p(:,:,2)))));KXF6 = abs( ifft2((C.H6 .* (fft2(oh3p(:,:,2))))); KXF7 = abs( ifft2((C.H7 .* fft2(X)) (fft2(oh1p(:,:,3)))));KXF8 = abs( ifft2((C.H8 .* (fft2(oh2p(:,:,3)))));KXF9 = abs( ifft2((C.H9 .* (fft2(oh3p(:,:,3))))); fft2(X)) fft2(X)) - fft2(X)) fft2(X)) - fft2(X)) fft2(X)) - KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3+KXF4+KXF5+KXF6+KXF7+KXF8+KXF9; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.f = [out.f; f]; = [; tv]; out.fid = [out.fid; fid]; disp('Done!'); return end 75 % finite diff. [D1X,D2X] = D(X); KXF1 = abs( ifft2((C.H1 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,1)))));KXF2 = abs( ifft2((C.H2 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,1)))));KXF3 = abs( ifft2((C.H3 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,1))))); KXF4 = abs( ifft2((C.H4 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,2)))));KXF5 = abs( ifft2((C.H5 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,2)))));KXF6 = abs( ifft2((C.H6 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,2))))); KXF7 = abs( ifft2((C.H7 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh1p(:,:,3)))));KXF8 = abs( ifft2((C.H8 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh2p(:,:,3)))));KXF9 = abs( ifft2((C.H9 .* fft2(X)) - (fft2(oh3p(:,:,3))))); KXF=KXF1+KXF2+KXF3+KXF4+KXF5+KXF6+KXF7+KXF8+KXF9; [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu); out.f = [out.f; f]; = [; tv]; out.fid = [out.fid; fid]; % ================== % Update Lam % ================== LamD1 = LamD1 - gamma*beta0*(W1 - D1X); LamD2 = LamD2 - gamma*beta0*(W2 - D2X); Lam1 = Lam1 - gamma*beta1*(Z1 - KXF1);Lam2 = Lam2 - gamma*beta2*(Z2 - KXF2);Lam3 = Lam3 - gamma*beta3*(Z3 - KXF3); Lam4 = Lam4 - gamma*beta4*(Z4 - KXF4);Lam5 = Lam5 - gamma*beta5*(Z5 - KXF5);Lam6 = Lam6 - gamma*beta6*(Z6 - KXF6); Lam7 = Lam7 - gamma*beta7*(Z7 - KXF7);Lam8 = Lam8 - gamma*beta6*(Z8 - KXF8);Lam9 = Lam9 - gamma*beta9*(Z9 - KXF9); end out.sol = X; out.itr = ii; out.exit = 'Exist Normally'; disp('Done!'); if ii == opts.maxitr out.exit = 'Maximum iteration reached!'; end %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function opts = getopts(opts) if ~isfield(opts,'maxitr') opts.maxitr = 500; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta0') opts.beta0 =15; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta1') 76 opts.beta1 = 30; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta2') opts.beta2 = 20; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta3') opts.beta3 = 20; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta4') opts.beta4 = 30; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta5') opts.beta5 = 25; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta6') opts.beta6 = 25; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta7') opts.beta7 = 30; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta8') opts.beta8 = 22; end if ~isfield(opts,'beta9') opts.beta9 = 22; end if ~isfield(opts,'gamma') opts.gamma = 1.680; end if ~isfield(opts,'relchg') opts.relchg = 1.e-3; end if ~isfield(opts,'print') opts.print = 0; end %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function C = getC(X,h1,h2,h3) [m,n] = size(X); C.DtD = abs(psf2otf([1,-1],[m,n])).^2 + abs(psf2otf([1;-1],[m,n])).^2; C.H1 = psf2otf(h1(:,:,1));C.H2 = psf2otf(h2(:,:,1));C.H3 = psf2otf(h3(:,:,1)); C.H4 = psf2otf(h1(:,:,2));C.H5 = psf2otf(h2(:,:,2));C.H6 = psf2otf(h3(:,:,2)); C.H7 = psf2otf(h1(:,:,3));C.H8 = psf2otf(h2(:,:,3));C.H9 = psf2otf(h3(:,:,3)); C.H1t = conj(C.H1);C.H2t = conj(C.H2);C.H3t = conj(C.H3); C.H4t = conj(C.H4);C.H5t = conj(C.H5);C.H6t = conj(C.H6); 77 C.H7t = conj(C.H7);C.H8t = conj(C.H8);C.H9t = conj(C.H9); C.H1tH1 = abs(C.H1).^2;C.H2tH2 = abs(C.H2).^2;C.H3tH3 = abs(C.H3).^2; C.H4tH4 = abs(C.H4).^2;C.H5tH5 = abs(C.H5).^2;C.H6tH6 = abs(C.H6).^2; C.H7tH7 = abs(C.H7).^2;C.H8tH8 = abs(C.H8).^2;C.H9tH9 = abs(C.H9).^2; C.H1tX = abs(ifft2(C.H1t .* fft2(X)));C.H2tX =abs(ifft2(C.H2t .* fft2(X)));C.H3tX =abs(ifft2(C.H3t .* fft2(X))); C.H4tX = abs(ifft2(C.H4t .* fft2(X)));C.H5tX =abs(ifft2(C.H5t .* fft2(X)));C.H6tX =abs(ifft2(C.H6t .* fft2(X))); C.H7tX = abs(ifft2(C.H7t .* fft2(X)));C.H8tX =abs(ifft2(C.H8t .* fft2(X)));C.H9tX =abs(ifft2(C.H9t .* fft2(X))); %% ------------------SUBFUNCTION----------------------------function [tv,fid,f] = fval(D1X,D2X,KXF,mu) tv = sum(sum(sqrt(D1X.^2 + D2X.^2))); fid = sum(abs(KXF(:))); f = tv + mu * fid; function [D,Dt] = defDDt D = @(U) ForwardD(U); Dt = @(X,Y) Dive(X,Y); function [Dux,Duy] = ForwardD(U) Dux = [diff(U,1,2), U(:,1) - U(:,end)]; Duy = [diff(U,1,1); U(1,:) - U(end,:)]; function DtXY = Dive(X,Y) DtXY = [X(:,end) - X(:, 1), -diff(X,1,2)]; DtXY = DtXY + [Y(end,:) - Y(1, :); -diff(Y,1,1)]; Function FourierShift2D function y = FourierShift2D(x, delta) % % y = FourierShift(x, [delta_x delta_y]) % % Shifts x by delta cyclically. Uses the fourier shift theorem. % % Real inputs should give real outputs. % % By Tim Hutt, 26/03/2009 % Small fix thanks to Brian Krause, 11/02/2010 % The size of the matrix. [N, M] = size(x); 78 % FFT of our possibly padded input signal. X = fft2(x); % The mathsy bit. The floors take care of odd-length signals. x_shift = exp(-i * 2 * pi * delta(1) * [0:floor(N/2)-1 floor(-N/2):-1]' / N); y_shift = exp(-i * 2 * pi * delta(2) * [0:floor(M/2)-1 floor(-M/2):-1] / M); % Force conjugate symmetry. Otherwise this frequency component has no % corresponding negative frequency to cancel out its imaginary part. if mod(N, 2) == 0 x_shift(N/2+1) = real(x_shift(N/2+1)); end if mod(M, 2) == 0 y_shift(M/2+1) = real(y_shift(M/2+1)); end Y = X .* (x_shift * y_shift); % Invert the FFT. y = ifft2(Y); % There should be no imaginary component (for real input % signals) but due to numerical effects some remnants remain. if isreal(x) y = real(y); end end 79 References [1] S. C. Park, M. K. Park, M. G. 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