Definition of terms: Genetic resources, biological

Clustered summary of topics and issues raised / lessons learnt in the presented
bioprospection and biopiracy cases (3.5. evening)
Definition of terms: Genetic resources, biological resources, traditional knowledge, derivatives and
their uses
Where ends ABS?
- Farmers' rights, breeders' rights, patents
Recognition of geographical indication
Definition of ownership of the resource(s) in question
Ownership and use rights for biological resources
Local community involvement in negotiation and granting agreements
Local benefit sharing structures must start from poverty alleviation perspectives
Flexibility in BS agreements needed: upfront payments, milestone payments, possibility of
Access procedures and participation
Benefits must consider biodiversity conservation
Traditional knowledge as an element of biodiversity
Access must not lead to overexploitation: EIA, SIA, Biosafety
ABS process can strengthen communities ("non-monetary benefits")
Fair trade principles to be considered in ABS agreements
Monitoring of international transfers/uses of genetic resources (certificate of origin)
Demand side/user measures ________Compliance
Importance for regulations to be put in place
Importance of regulations to be implemented and monitored
Ensure compliance/Corrective measures ________ at national and international level
Shared cross-boarder resources
National/Regional responsibilities (e.g. AU)
CBD/ABS under conditions of civil war
General information gap
Resource accounting and databases - Further discussion TK protection Vs documental
Broader capacity building
Role of NGOs/commercialization