to view the study guide for the Ch. 15

Oakdale High School
Advanced Placement United States History
Mr. Simoncini
Chapter 15-16 Study Guide
Chapter 15
Carpetbaggers and scalawags
Differences between Lincoln’s, Johnson’s and the congressional plans for reconstruction
Ida Tarbell
Johnson’s impeachment
Key foreign policy initiatives of post-war presidential administrations
Overall problems associated with Reconstruction and what led to the end of Reconstruction
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Purpose of the Ku Klux Klan
Sharecropping and tenant farms
State governments in the South
The attempt to resolve the issue of race relations in the U. S.
The Compromise of 1877
The failure of the Grant Administration
The Freedmen’s Bureau
The Reconstruction Amendments
The Wade-Davis Bill
The work of Booker T. Washington
Chapter 16
Anti-coolie clubs and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Causes associated with the demise of Native American tribes
Causes of the demise of Hispanic culture in the West
Common traits of Native American Tribes
Cowboys and key elements of the cattle industry
Dates of Native American uprisings noted in Chapter 16
Frederick Jackson Turner
Grassroots anti-Chinese sentiment in California and elsewhere in the West
Key legislation regarding purchasing of public land by prospective farmers (The Homestead Act of 1862
and the Desert Land Act of 1877)
Key Native American leaders during the period covered in Chapter 16
The cause of women’s suffrage in the West
The Dawes Act—its background and what it did
U. S. immigration policy with regard to Asians
Western society and labor mobility