Chapter 23 Test Study Guide

Chapter 23 Test Study Guide
20 points
Multiple Choice: (12 questions; 1 point each)
Lincoln’s approach to the South at the end of the war
President Johnson’s Reconstruction plan
14th amendment
Congressional Reconstruction
how blacks were treated under southern Reconstruction
formation of the Ku Klux Klan
Compromise of 1877
purpose of Jim Crow Laws
four reading comprehension questions from Booker T. Washington’s
autobiography (printed on test)
Extended Response: (4 questions; 2 points each)
Examine the image your teacher is projecting: (found on p. 328 of textbook)
What interesting details do you see in this image? List four.
Indentify at least three different parts of the image that represent movement
toward full citizenship for Africa Americans during Reconstruction.
Name at last two events that happened during Reconstruction that represent
movement away from full citizenship for African Americans.
In general, do you think African Americans moved toward or away from full
citizenship during the period of Reconstruction? Explain.