Name: Chapter 1 Describe how rules are viewed in the “community

Name: _______________________
Chapter 1
Describe how rules are viewed in the “community” in The Giver.
What do you think it means to be released?
Who is Asher and how would you describe him?
a. Tunic
b. Fascinated
c. Adequate
d. Jeering
Chapter 2
1. How are children named in the community?
2. What is the Ceremony of Twelve?
3. Vocabulary:
a. Adherence
b. Observation
c. Affectionately
Chapter 3
What is different about the baby’s eyes?
Why is Jonas sensitive about the baby’s eyes?
Describe what happens to Jonas and the apple.
a. Chastised
b. Mystified
c. Nondescript
Chapter 4
1. How is Fiona described? (Use a direct quote)
2. Describe how old people are treated.
3. Vocabulary:
a. Awkward
b. Tabulated
c. Nuisance
d. Mischievous
Name: _______________________
Chapter 5
1. What is the treatment for Stirrings? What do you think is a Stirring?
2. What do you think of the rigid adherence to rules in The Giver? For example, Jonas felt
he had to tell all of his dream because it is a rule.
3. Why is it an “uncomfortable category” to be different?
Chapter 6
How do parents get their children?
What do the Nines get at the ceremony?
How do people find the person they are going to marry?
a. Spouse
b. Disposition
c. Buoyancy
Chapter 7
1. What is the big upset that happens at the end of chapter 7?
2. Vocabulary
a. Solemn
b. Prestige
c. Pampered
d. Serene
Chapter 8
In your opinion, what could be good about the Ceremony of Twelve?
In your opinion, what is NOT good about the Ceremony of Twelve?
What is Jonas’ assignment?
What is Jonas’ reaction to his assignment?
What is the crowd’s reaction?
Name: _______________________
Chapter 9
1. Inside the folder for the Receiver, there is a list of instructions. Explain the
instruction and Jonas’ reaction to instruction 3,
2. his reaction to instruction 5,
3. and his reaction to instruction 6.
4. Vocabulary
a. Throng
b. Exemption
c. Prohibition
Chapter 10
1. What are the only kinds of books that Jonas has read?
2. How do you think receiving memories is linked to wisdom?
3. Why do you think the community doesn’t want everyone to have memories of the
4. Vocabulary
a. Conspicuous
b. Self-conscious
5. Write a response to Chapter 10. A response may be your thoughts on characters,
the plot or just your ideas about what is going on in the novel. Write at least three,
well written sentences.
Chapter 11
1. What is sameness?
2. Describe the Giver.
3. Vocabulary
a. frigid
b. consciousness
Chapter 12
1. Explain what Jonas was seeing in the apple and in Fiona’s hair.
2. What is the positive aspect of sameness?
3. What is the cost, or negative aspect, of sameness?
4. Vocabulary
a. admonition
b. relinquished
Name: _______________________
Chapter 13
1. Jonas discovers that without Sameness, people would have a choice. What does the
Giver say the problem is with giving people choices?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the Giver? Support your answer in a short paragraph (4-5
3. Why do you think that citizens are not allowed to read books?
4. Vocabulary
a. Awareness
b. Irrationally
c. Frustration
d. Perception
5. A cliffhanger is when an author ends the chapter with suspense, making the reader
want to continue. What is the cliffhanger in this chapter, or is there not one?
Chapter 14
1. Vocabulary
a. Daub
b. Unendurable
c. Instantaneous
d. Deliverance
e. Unconsciously
f. Fretful
g. Deliberately
2. Why would it be a good thing never to know pain?
3. Why would it be a bad thing never to know pain?
4. Which is better, to know or not know pain? Why?
5. Why does Jonas give Gabe the memory? Is this a good thing or not, why?
Chapter 15
1. Vocabulary
a. Rigid
b. Immobilized
c. Grotesquely
d. Randomly
2. What memory does the Giver give Jonas and why?
Name: _______________________
Chapter 16
1. Why is the concept of Family so strange to Jonas?
2. Quote father’s response to the word love.
3. What are the differences between how we treat old people and how old people are
treated in The Giver?
4. What do colors represent or symbolize?
5. Vocabulary:
a. Obsolete
b. Outlawed
c. Amusement
6. Summarize chapter 16.
Chapter 17
1. “Thinking, as he always did, about precision of language, Jonas realized that it was a
new depth of feeling that he was experiencing.” Why is Jonas experiencing a new depth
of feelings?
2. Why do you think Jonas stopped taking the pills? (hint, look at what he could not go
back to on pg. 131)
3. Why does Jonas stop the game?
4. What happens to identical twins?
5. Vocabulary
a. Permeated
b. Cruelty
c. Crouched
d. Exaggerated
Chapter 18
1. Vocabulary
a. Dejected
b. Anguish
c. Devastated
2. Who was Rosemary?
3. What happened to her?
4. What happened to the memories the Giver had given her?
Name: _______________________
Chapter 19
1. At the beginning of the chapter, Jonas agrees the twin should be released. Find the
quote he uses to explain his position.
2. What does it mean to be released?
3. Jonas’s father at times is described as cheerful and gentle while he is performing the
release. What is the effect on the reader of his father being described like this while
doing something so horrifying? In other words, how do you, as the reader, feel or think
about the father?
4. Predict what Jonas will do now.
5. Vocabulary
a. Astonished
b. Sympathetically
c. Syringe
Chapter 20
1. What is the point of view of the novel?
2. What is the deception that Jonas understands when he says, “I will do whatever you
like, sir. I will kill people, sir. Old people? Small newborn people? I’d be happy to kill
them, sir.”
3. “Feelings are not part of the life she’s learned” is a statement about the community’s
value system. List at least three things the community values.
4. What memory does the Giver not want to give to Jonas?
5. What is Jonas’s plan?
6. Who is the Giver’s daughter?
7. Vocabulary
a. Puzzled
b. Panicked
c. Empathetically
Chapter 21
1. Why did Jonas have to leave at night instead of according to plan?
2. Vocabulary
a. Rueful
b. Inconvenient
c. Condemned
d. Fugitives
Name: _______________________
3. What memory does Jonas transmit to Gabe when the planes come, and why?
Chapter 22
1. Vocabulary
a. Subtle
b. Perils
c. exquisite
2. Why was Jonas, “awed by the surprises that lay beyond each curve of the road”?
3. If Jonas had not left, he wouldn’t be hungry for food, but what would he be hungry for?
Chapter 23
How does Jonas fight off the cold?
What feeling gives him strength even though he is cold and exhausted?
What does he feel is waiting for him at the bottom of the hill?
a. Obscured
b. Agonizing
c. Lethargy
Write an epilogue to the book. An epilogue is a piece of writing at the end of a story, usually
used to bring closure to the work. It tells the end of the story. You may choose to end the story
however you want the story to end.
Write in the same point of view as the book.
It must be at least four paragraphs long.
Use at least five vocabulary words from the book.