Anabolic Response to Testosterone in Transgenic Mice with Knocked-down Androgen Receptor in Skeletal Muscle Fibers Cindy D. Knaff, Douglas A. Monks, Ph.D., Cynthia L. Jordan, Ph.D. Neuroscience Program and Department of Psychology, Michigan State University STATISTICAL ANALYSES INTRODUCTION Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone which increases muscle mass and regulates both size and number of levator ani (LA) muscle fibers RESULTS Paired t-tests were used to examine mean differences in LA muscle fiber diameter and number of wild type and transgenic mice. The LA muscle skeletal muscle is sexually dimorphic, very sensitive to the androgen testosterone and provides a useful model for understanding how anabolic steroids affect skeletal muscle Although, no significant differences were found, the number of muscle fibers between animal groups borders on significance. Graph 1. LA Muscle Fiber Size 14.5 Previous research has shown that testosterone acts on androgen receptors (AR) in skeletal muscle to regulate size and number of muscle fibers A larger sample size is needed in order to clarify and extend the results from the current study This study determines whether the AR in LA muscle fibers themselves regulate LA muscle fiber size and number by studying a line of transgenic mice whose AR expression has been lowered in skeletal muscle fibers. Size (Diameter in Micrometers) 14 LA muscle fiber, fibroblasts and endothelial cells express AR OBJECTIVE 13.5 13 CONCLUSIONS 12.5 The results suggest that AR in LA muscle fibers may regulate LA muscle fiber number. 12 11.5 Androgens can increase the number of LA muscle fibers in development and not in adulthood. 11 1 To determine whether the AR in LA muscle fibers regulates LA muscle size and number No significant differences in mean diameter of muscle fibers and number were observed between animal groups 2 3 Graph 2. Thus, the present results suggest that lowering the number of androgen receptors in developing LA muscle fibers will interfere with the effect of androgen on fiber number. LA Muscle Fiber Number METHODS 3000 LA muscle was harvested from three transgenic and three wild type mice 2500 Fiber Number Muscles were sectioned in twelve micron sections with a cryostat, two slides per animal, six LA muscle sections per slide An H+E stain was performed on all slides Cross sectional area of LA muscles were measured in micrometers using images captured at 4x and imageJ public domain software 2000 1500 FUTURE DIRECTIONS 1000 500 Cross sectional area of individual LA muscle fibers were measured in micrometers using images captured at 40x and the minor axis of a fitted ellipse is used as a measure of muscle fiber diameter 0 1 2 Transgenic Mean=1821 3 Wildtype Mean=2394 Examine the spinal cords from these same wild type and transgenic mice because the motoneurons that innervate the LA are also sensitive to androgen Increase our sample size for all measures Muscle fiber number was estimated by multiplying cross sectional area by counts of individual muscle fibers sampled from three 40x images Figure A. Low magnification view of a cross section of a LA Muscle Table 1. LA Muscle Fiber Number Mean Transgenic 1821 Wildtype 2394 SD 223 207 Hypothesized Mean Difference P(T<=t) one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Alpha=0 .05 SEM 74.4 68.9 Variance 49903 42652 Obervations 3 3 0 0.068 0.134 REFERENCES Breedlove, S.M., and A. P. Arnold (1983) Hormonal Control of a developing neuromuscular system. I. Complete demasculinazation of the male rat spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus using the anti-androgen flutamide. J. Neurosci. 3: 417-423. Breedlove, S.M., and A. P. Arnold (1983) Hormonal Control of a developing neuromuscular system. II. Sensitive periods for the androgen-induced masculinization of the rat spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus. J. Neurosci. 3: 424-432. Table 2. LA Muscle Fiber Size Mean Transgenic 12.87 Wildtype 13.39 SD 0.525 0.897 SEM 0.175 0.299 Variance 0.276 0.812 Obervations 3 3 Christensen, S. E., S. M. Breedlove, and C. L. Jordan (2000) Sexual Differentiation of a Neuromuscular System. Sexual Differentiation of the Brain: 149-169. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Breedlove Jordan Lab - Michigan State University - Neuroscience Program Hypothesized Mean Difference P(T<=t) one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail Alpha= 0.05 Figure B. High magnification view of cross sectioned LA Muscle 0 0.263 0.526