Welcome to Meet the Teacher at Lord Aylmer Elementary (Cycle 2.2

Welcome to Meet the Teacher at
Lord Aylmer Elementary
(Cycle 2.2)
Alanna McIntyre amcintyre@wqsb.qc.ca
Evaluated Competencies:
 Solves a situational problem – 30%
 Uses mathematical reasoning – 70%
A Brief Overview:
The students will be using a Numbers workbook and math dictionary to support them this year.
Math Makes Sense, Math Quest and additional resource material will also be used to assist them
in acquiring and developing a sound knowledge of mathematical concepts and fundamentals.
Units throughout the Year:
Whole Numbers/Place Value
Number Patterns
Multiplication and Division
Fractions and Decimals
Data Management
Types of Evaluations:
 Tests
 Quizzes
 In Class Work/Homework
 Application Problems(One-concept problem solving )
 Situational Problems (Multi-concept, multi-step problem solving)
Final Evaluations/Exams
 Cycle 2.2 MELS Administered exam – Mid May to Early June
 Each exam will count for 15% of the students’ final mark
Language Arts:
Evaluated Competencies:
 Uses language to communicate and learn – 33%
 Reads and listens to spoken, written and media texts – 33%
 Produces written and media texts – 34%
A Brief Overview:
The students will use a variety of literary materials to build a strong foundation in all areas of
language (reading/writing/speech).
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
 Six Traits of Writing
 Response to Literature
 Narrative Writing
 Creative Writing
Types of Evaluations:
Oral Presentations
Science &Technology:
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
Cycle 2.2
 Energy
 Simple Machines
 Animals and Ecosystems
Types of Evaluations:
 Tests/Quizzes
 Projects/Oral Presentations
 Only an overall subject mark will appear on each report card
Geography, History and Citizenship Education:
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
 Cycle 2.2 New France
 Tests/Quizzes
 Projects/Oral Presentations
 Only an overall subject mark will appear on each report card
Ethics and Religious Culture:
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
 A focus will be placed upon ethical questions, understanding of the phenomenon of
religion and the practice of dialogue
Types of Evaluations:
 Projects/Oral Presentations
 Only an overall subject mark will appear on each report card
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
 To invent short scenes & to interpret short scenes 70%
 To appreciate dramatic works, personal productions and those of classmates 30%
Students will be required to appreciate dramatic works by using subject-specific vocabulary
and by making connections between the work, the effects felt and the socio cultural aspects
of it
The curriculum looks at the following elements of theatre:
 Reader’s Theatre
 Clowning/Comedy
 Shadow Theatre
 Vocal Effects
Identifying Story Development
Creating a story
Types of Evaluation
 Drama appreciation
 Personal productions
 Classmates productions
 Only an overall subject mark will appear on each report card
Focused Topics Throughout the Year:
 To produce individual and media works of art - 70%
 To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images, personal
productions and those of classmates - 30%
The students’ knowledge of producing their own images and messages will also
be evaluated throughout the year
There will also be presentations of artists, their work and artistic genres
Types of Evaluations:
 Art Appreciation
 Personal Productions
 Only an overall subject mark will appear on each report card
Physical Education:
The physical Education program has three competencies that will be developed over the course
of the year: to perform movement skills in different physical activity settings; to interact with
others in different physical activity settings; and, to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle.
Students in Cycle 2&3 (grades 3-6) will participate in physical activities of many kinds,
including team sports, cooperative and competitive group games, individual sports and fitness
challenges. Appropriate social interaction such as team strategy, cooperation, respect for rules
and for others, self-control, attentive listening, appreciation, and full participation are stressed
throughout the year. Students will undergo regular fitness testing and reflect on strategies to
improve their personal fitness by making good lifestyle choices. Students are also encouraged to
take part in extra-curricular sports programs offered throughout the year.
Please ensure that your child always has appropriate running shoes that tie up tightly for both
indoor and outdoor activities. Appropriate shoes in Phys. Ed are as important a learning tool as
a pencil is for Math or Language Arts.
French (taught by Mme. Christine):
Evaluated Competencies (French):
· communicates in French 40%
· understands oral and written texts in French 40%
· produces oral and written texts in French 20%
 Students will be evaluated on their ability to use language to communicate as well as
their reading and writing skills.
 All 3 competencies will be evaluated and reported on at the end of every term.
 The students’ knowledge of oral language, reading comprehension and writing will also
be evaluated throughout the year.
Types of Evaluations:
· In-class work
· Participation in discussions
· Reports
· Oral Presentations
· Tests
The most common form of communication this year will be through e-mail. Please feel free to
contact me via e-mail with any questions or concerns.
Christine Potvin
- Students will use the agenda to communicate homework assignments and messages
- Any letters or administrative forms are handed out and students place them in the back
pocket of their agenda. If there are any changes to the end of the day (bus, walking,
daycare, pick-up) please be sure to add a signed note in the agenda so I can notify the
- I will be sending regular classroom updates via email or through our class website
www.macalanna.weebly.com . Please join my email list. I check it every day and would
be happy to answer questions via email.
- Each child will have a file folder protected with a Ziploc bag in order to carry homework
between home and school.
- MATH : There will be an Application Problem sent home each week for homework to be
corrected in class. (Monday). I will also send home any unfinished work or review sheets
as homework in order to prepare my students for upcoming tests and classwork.
- LANGUAGE ARTS : I will send home in class work to be completed and other writing
practice periodically. There are no formal days that this will be sent home, yet the
details and instructions will be clearly outlined. I will also make the due date and
expectations clear. Each child will participate in the HOME READING program. Students
will have the opportunity to exchange their books each Monday morning. The reading
log will be kept in the homework folder.
- Other homework/projects will be given from time to time and guidelines/due dates will
be provided both in the agenda and via email. ANY INCOMPLETE HOMEWORK WILL
I am thrilled to share this school year with your children. They are a wonderful, energetic
and enthusiastic group and I hope to make their Grade 4 experience as positive and
memorable as possible. In our class, I value a sense of community as well as supporting a
great confidence in all that they do. I make it very clear that all people have different
strengths and weaknesses and that as long as we try our best in all areas we should be
proud of all we do.
I want your child to feel challenged, motivated, yet confident in his/her abilities. I hope
to support them both academically and socially as they continue to develop their
interests, personalities and aspirations.
Ms. Mac 