Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: _____ PHYSIO | The Skeletal System Study Guide Part I A. Functions of Bone and the Skeletal System 1. The skeletal system performs the following functions: Support: _________________________________________________________________________________ Protection: _________________________________________________________________________________ Assisting in movement: _________________________________________________________________________________ Mineral homeostasis: _________________________________________________________________________________ Production of blood cells: _________________________________________________________________________________ Triglyceride storage: _________________________________________________________________________________ B. Types of Bones 1. Bones can be classified on the basis of ________________ and _______________ into four main types. 2. Long bones: __________________________________________________________________________ Examples: ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Short bones: _________________________________________________________________________ Examples: ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Flat bones: __________________________________________________________________________ Examples: ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Irregular bones: ______________________________________________________________________ Examples: ___________________________________________________________________________ C. Structure of Bone 1. The typical anatomy of a long bone includes the following: Diaphysis: ________________________________________________________________________ Epiphyses: ________________________________________________________________________ Metaphyses: ______________________________________________________________________ Articular Cartilage: _________________________________________________________________ Periosteum: ______________________________________________________________________ Medullary Cavity: __________________________________________________________________ Endosteum: _______________________________________________________________________ D. Bone Surface Markings The various structural features are adapted to specific functions. Depression and Openings 1. Foramen: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Meatus: _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Fossa: ______________________________________________________________________________ Processes that Form Joints 4. Condyle: ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Head: _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Facet: ______________________________________________________________________________ Processes to which tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues attach 7. Tuberosity: __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Spinous Process or Spine: _______________________________________________________________ 9. Trochanter: __________________________________________________________________________ 10. Crest: _______________________________________________________________________________ E. Divisions of the Skeletal System 1. The adult human skeleton consists of _______________ bones in two principal divisions 2. The axial skeleton is composed of _______________ bones. 3. The appendicular skeleton consists of _______________ bones. F. Axial Skeleton: Skull 1. The skull rests atop the ____________________ & consists of the cranial bones (8) & facial bones (14). 2. The ____________________________ are the frontal bone (1), parietal bones (2), temporal bones (2), occipital bone (1), sphenoid bone (1), and ethmoid bone (1). 3. The _______________________ are the nasal bones (2), maxilla (2), zygomatic bones (2), mandible (1), lacrimal (2), palatine bones (2), inferior nasal conchae (2), and the vomer (1). G. Sutures 1. Sutures are ___________________________ joints in an adult found only in the __________________ bones. They are represented by the following: Coronal suture: Unites the ___________________ bone with the 2 ____________________ bones. Sagittal suture: Unites the 2 _____________________ bones. Lambdoidal suture: Unites the __________________ bones with the 2 _________________ bones. Squamous suture: Unites the 2 __________________ bones with the ___________________ bone. H. Axial Skeleton: Hyoid Bone 1. The hyoid bone is unique in that it does not _______________________________ with any other bone in the body. It acts as an attachment sites for several muscles and ligaments of the _______________________, ____________________________, and ___________________________. I. Axial Skeleton: Vertebral Column 1. The vertebral column is composed of 26 bones, distributed into ________________ regions. 2. The cervical region in the neck region contains 7 bones. The thoracic region contains 12 bones. The lumbar region contains 5 bones. The sacral region contains 5 bones fused into one. The coccygeal region can contain up to 4 bones fused into one. 3. There are four curves found in the normal vertebral column. They aid to ________________________, ___________________________, _________________________, and prevent ____________________ of the vertebral column bones. 4. The thoracic and sacral curves are primary curves, remnants of the fetus’s single anteriorly concave curve. 5. The cervical and lumbar curves are anteriorly convex. These secondary curves develop as a child begins to hold the head up (cervical curve) and assumes an upright position (lumbar curve) respectively. 6. Between each vertebrae there is a disc of ________________ cartilage called the ________________ disc, which serves to act as a shock absorber. J. Axial Skeleton: Thorax 1. The thoracic cage consists of the _______________________________, _________________________ (and associated costal cartilages), and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. It protects the __________ in the thoracic and abdominal cavity. 2. The sternum is composed of 3 major areas: ________________________________________________ 3. Twelve pairs of ribs make up the thoracic cavity. They attach posterior to the thoracic vertebrae. 4. The first seven pairs of ribs are attached directly to the sternum via _____________________________ and are called the true ribs. 5. The remaining five pairs of ribs are referred to as the ____________ ribs because their costal cartilages do not directly attach to the __________________. 6. The eleventh and twelfth false ribs are also called the ______________ ribs because their anterior ends to not attach at all.