
Algebra Part A
Instructor: Mrs. Senneway
Email: msenneway@uscsd.k12.pa.us
Textbook (in a notesheet/binder format): Carnegie Learning Algebra I
Class Website: USC Teacher Page, blendedschools.net
What will I do in Algebra I?
-graphing points
-defining variables
-solving equations
-finding intercepts
-graphing lines
-writing algebraic expressions
-collecting & analyzing data
-solve real world situations
-graphing curves
-writing algebraic equations
-finding slope of a line
Take responsibility of your own learning:
1. Complete homework assignments
2. Be an active participant in class
3. Be an active listener in class
4. Work cooperatively with peers
5. Come prepared ready to learn
6. Ask questions as soon as something is unclear
7. Seek additional help before, during, or after class
1. Student Text (in the form of notesheets and a binder)
2. Student Assignment book
3. Online Program
Typical week:
We will use both the Student Text and Online Program on a weekly basis. Generally, we will be
spending 3 days per week on lessons and 2 days on the computer program. During the lessons,
you will work through “real world” situations in groups and as a whole class. During the computer
days, you will be working independently. This program is designed to provide you with even more
“real world” problems. The program will keep track of problems you complete and provide prompts
to assist you in mastering each skill/concept.
What will I need to be successful?? Please provide items in bold lettering:
Textbooks (1 Student Text, 1 Assignment Book Provided)
One 3 ring binder
One pocket folder (provided)
Loose Leaf Notebook Paper
Ruler (provided)
Scientific Calculator (TI-30XIIS, TI-30Xa, TI-34) (provided)
How will I receive a grade??
Grading will be based on five main categories – Assessments, Computer Work, Homework,
Projects/Presentations/Cooperative Learning, and Write Abouts. A point system will be used to
calculate your average for each category. This average will be factored into your final grade based
on the following percentages.
 Assessments
You can expect to have an average of one quiz or test every two weeks. Quizzes will
generally be worth 20-30 points. Tests will generally be worth 50-75 points. Don’t be
surprised by the occasional POP Quiz as well. These will be worth 5 – 10 points.
 Computer Work
 You are expected to complete a specified number of Computer Units during each chapter.
Your computer lab grade will be based on your completion of these units in addition to your
successful completion of each lab unit test.
 Generally, you will have two class days per week to work in the Computer Lab. Our
lab days will usually be Monday and Friday. You are encouraged to work on lab at
home by logging into your account.
 Homework
 Homework assignments will be graded on a regular basis. Each assignment is worth 5
points if completed according to the directions given for that particular assignment. You are
expected to at least try every problem.
 “Appropriate Work” for homework problems:
- Pictures
- Explanations
- Questions prepared to ask in class
-Markings on problems
 Assignments that are incomplete or not done according to the directions will not receive full
 Some homework assignments may also be collected and graded for accuracy and/or to see
that you have made corrections to an assignment during our class discussion of that
 Late homework Policy: Each day your homework is late, you lose one point. After 2 days,
you may only receive half credit on your homework assignment once it is turned in. If you
miss a homework assignment, you are required to attend Panther Time or period 7 with Mrs.
Senneway to get caught up on your assignment.
 Projects, Presentations, and Cooperative Learning
 You will be required to work cooperatively with other students to complete in class
assignments. Each student is required to participate by answering assigned questions and
helping teammates. Students who do not participate will not receive full credit on team
 Teams will often be required to present solutions to the class. Presentations will be
assessed on an individual basis. See team expectations below.
 Active participation, cooperation, and effort will positively affect your grade for this course.
Team Expectations
Sit facing each other
Read, think, and complete each problem together
Listen to each other’s ideas
Be respectful!!
Stay on task – Learn as much as you can
Every team member must contribute
Make sure everyone understands
Show all work, label graphs and diagrams, and use sentences for all answers and
 Write Abouts
 You will be required to complete 3-4 Write Abouts per chapter. Write Abouts will be
assigned as class work and/or homework, and may include, but are not limited to, solving
and writing an explanation to a mathematical problem, responding to a quote or question,
writing a comparison of two problem situations, or explaining a mathematical current event.
Write Abouts are graded for accuracy!
Classroom Expectations
1. Be respectful at all times. Please listen carefully when the teacher or any other classmate is
talking. You are expected to be in your seat, looking at the speaker and listening to the
directions, instructions or questions. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in the
following consequences:
a. Warning
b. Removal from Team activity. You will be required to complete all work assigned that
day individually.
c. Removal from classroom to Assistant Principal’s Office. You will be required to
complete all work assigned that day individually. Parents or guardians will be
2. You are required to be prepared and in class on time. As per school policy, every 4 tardies
will result in a discipline report.
General Class Procedures
Arrive to class on time.
Gather materials.
Place homework on your desk.
Complete the Warm-Up problem(s), if provided. Turn it over when you are done.
When the time is up, I will either collect the Warm-Up or we will discuss. Sometimes I’ll
grade the Warm-Up problem.
Directions and objectives will then be given for the day.
You should stay in your seat and listen while directions are given.
If you finish an activity early, you may begin the homework assignment. You must stay in
your seats while the other teams finish.
If you have a question, please raise your hand.
What if I’m absent??
Ask Mrs. Senneway and check out the teacher page for the weekly agenda. If you miss class,
complete the assignment(s) on the agenda, then contact a classmate and/or myself to see if there
were any additions and/or changes made to the assignment during class. Also, be sure to pick up
any worksheets/class work that you missed!
Cognitive Tutor At Home…
You may complete lab time at home by logging onto the Carnegie Learning Server one of three
1. http://online.carnegielearning.com/launch/student/upper_st_clair_hs-15241/
2. USC High School Home Page » “Teacher Pages” » “Mrs. Senneway’s Teacher Page” »
“Algebra Links”
My computer program Username:_____________________________
Student and Guardian Signature
I have read and discussed the course policies and procedures with my student/guardian. I will
provide one pack of pencils to keep in the room for the duration of the year.