ENGLISH LIT MR. BROXSON’S RULES FOR SURVIVAL: Sometimes, we have too many rules to remember! ENGLISH COMP & BRITISH LITERATURE MR. BROXSON Richard.Broxson@Glynn.K12.ga.us Why am I wearing a tie? You only get one chance to make a first impression! ENGLISH LIT MR. BROXSON’S RULES FOR SURVIVAL: 1. TRUST have confidence or faith in ENGLISH LIT MR. BROXSON’S RULES FOR SURVIVAL: 1. TRUST 2. INTEGRITY Doing the right thing even when no one is watching ENGLISH LIT BROXSON’S RULES FOR SURVIVAL: 1. TRUST 2. INTEGRITY 3. RESPECT To honor, esteem, admire ENGLISH LIT RESPECT: Keep hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself. Listen while others are speaking. ENGLISH LIT Daily—Enter room quietly, sharpen pencils and begin working on DO NOW ENGLISH LIT Get to class on time! ENGLISH LIT DON’T BE LATE FOR CLASS ! Tardy students should come directly to class. However, If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be considered Absent. ENGLISH LIT • When the tardy bell stops ringing—you are officially tardy • This will be noted in I.C. ENGLISH LIT ENGLISH LIT DON’T BE LATE FOR CLASS ! 4TH TARDY= Teacher Detention & Parent Contact ENGLISH LIT ATTEND CLASS REGULARLY ENGLISH LIT • 10 Absences will result in suspension of driver’s license for one year. • Excused notes go to Ms DeLorenzo ENGLISH LIT • I.D. BADGES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT: 1. Go buy a new one at the M.C. 2. Go to Admin II and call your parent to bring it to you 3. NO EXCEPTIONS! ENGLISH LIT • BADGES WILL BE WORN AROUND YOUR NECK AT ALL TIMES • CASES WILL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIONS • YOUR SMILING FACE MUST REMAIN VISIBLE ENGLISH LIT RR Passes The Wall of Integrity Find your name on the class roster in the back. Write the date in the block & your initials. ENGLISH LIT STUDENTS ARE LIMITED TO Hall passes per semester *at my discretion If you are tardy or disruptive-forgetaboutit ENGLISH LIT • Payment for exceeding 6 passes per semester is: • Write one 5 sentence persuasive paragraph explaining why you should become an exception to policy. ENGLISH LIT Clear bottled water is the only beverage allowed ENGLISH LIT No food, beverages or candy allowed in the classroom ENGLISH LIT It is your Responsibility to make up assignments promptly (including SSA) • • • • Get with me prior to or after class Get with classmates for information Check my website for activities Daily worksheets are often in a basket on the front table ENGLISH LIT TURN IN ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME: Late daily work will be penalized 10% for every day late. Homework cannot be made up—0% A B C F Dress Code Don’ts ENGLISH LIT NO CELL PHONES PHONES WILL BE SECURED AND TAKEN TO THE ADMIN You can get it back after attending Saturday School ENGLISH LIT ATTITUDE Counts ENGLISH LIT THE “R” WORD RESPONSIBILITY ENGLISH LIT • If you can’t stay awake, stand up and take your work to the back of the class—no repercussions • DO NOT PUT YOUR HEAD ON YOUR DESK ENGLISH LIT • Do not interrupt class to go to the restroom; Wait until there is a break in the action. • Do not ask to go to the restroom 10 minutes after tardy bell or 10 minutes prior to release bell. ENGLISH LIT • Use proper grammar when speaking in my classroom ENGLISH LIT • MY POLICY ON ISS: • It is up to the perpetrator to get the assignment from me before or after school Incarceration is no excuse for a missed assignment ENGLISH LIT If you get tossed out of class for doing something stupid: Wait outside the door until I get a chance to ‘counsel’ you. Do not wander the hallway or go to Administrator unless told to do so. ENGLISH LIT • When asked to read in class, you will participate or receive a Zero for the day • BYOP • Bring your books, notes and homework to class every day ENGLISH LIT • Do you want to be exempt from my Final Exam? • Sorry, no exemptions this year. There are no dumb questions Fact or Fiction? • Fiction • But we prefer to use the euphemism “irrelevant” Why is the sky blue? How many people have you shot? What is the price of tea in China? Can I eat this paste? ENGLISH LIT A bit of advice: Keep your boss happy ENGLISH LIT COOPERATE and GRADUATE