AP LIT NAME____________________ “Barn Burning” Discussion Questions Faulkner 1. How is this a Bildungsroman story? At what point do we know? 2. What are the key symbols in this story and how do they serve thematic purposes? 3. What is the point of view in this story? How can you tell? 4. Does it matter that this is being told to us through Sarty’s consciousness? How does this accentuate the conflict? 5. What is the tone of the story? How is it established? 6. What specific images or sensory details stood out to you? 7. What role do women play in the narrative? AP LIT 8. Discuss the character of De Spain. What purpose does he serve? 9. How could this story be about position and wealth? 10. What is the deal with the “grocery store courthouse”? 11. Why burn barns specifically? NAME____________________