Report Vocabulary Apply correct report format. Term Definition Hanging indent A temporary left margin that indents all lines but the first line of the text. A list of all references used in a report. This allows the writer to give credit to the author of the material used in the report. Reference list/ Works cited/ Bibliography Body The main text of a personal letter, business letter, memo, email, or report. Unbound report Short reports that are prepared without binders or covers. Double space Pressing the enter key twice (2) leaving one blank line. This can also refer to line spacing using the word processing feature to leave one blank line between each line of text. Side heading Left bound Headings used to separate the report into sections. Longer reports prepared with binders. Left margin is wider (1.5”) to accommodate binding along the left margin. Top margin is wider (1.5”) to accommodate binding along the top margin. The title page is the first page of a report. It gives the title of the report, the name of the writer, the name of the school or class, and the date. Top bound Title Page