30 Days: Illegal Immigration Notes





World Geography

30 Days: Illegal Immigration Notes

Directions: As you watch this episode of

30 Days

, take notes to help you formulate your opinion on the issue of immigration. Be sure to take notes on both sides of the issue.

Loosening the Borders (Amnesty/easier to Tightening the Borders (Deport illegal immigrate) immigrants, no amnesty, more difficult to immigrate)

 Immigration is a part of America’s history. Most Americans have ancestors who emigrated from other countries. It is unfair to tell new immigrants that they cannot enter the US.

 The Gonzalez family (featured in the film) are all good people. They are not harming the United States. They are productive people (children are good students)

 Currently it is difficult for illegal immigrants to find steady work in the US;

Amnesty would make finding work easier for illegal immigrants (according to Mr.


 Amnesty would make it possible for illegal immigrants (like Armida) to go to college

 The Gonzalez family and other illegal immigrants contribute to our economy

 Currently illegal immigrants cannot travel back to their home to see family members (Gonzalez family cannot see sick grandparents and uncles, aunts, cousins). Amnesty would change make it so they could see their family

 Most illegal immigrants came here because the conditions in their own country were so poor that they could not provide food, clean water and shelter for their families.

 Entering the USA without the proper documents (i.e. visa, green card) is against the law. If we do not enforce our laws then no one will ever obey them.

Granting Amnesty would encourage other people to enter the country illegally.

 Illegal immigrants are not citizens so they do not have any “rights” here. They are not entitled to jobs, healthcare, education, etc…

 Illegal immigrants are “tearing this country apart” – Frank (minuteman).

He believes that illegal immigrants will destroy American culture and the

American economy.

 Illegal immigrants are exploited (taken advantage of) by their employers. Illegal immigrants are paid lower wages than

American workers and forced to do dangerous work.

 Even after living with the Gonzalez family for 30 days and becoming friends with them, Frank still has not changed his mind about the issue. He still supports the minutemen and he believes that illegal immigrants should be deported.
