
Theme 3:
Voices of the
James Forten
James Forten
• Genre: Biography – Nonfiction
account of James Forten’s life.
• Summary: James Forten, a free
African American in
Philadelphia, joins the United
States’ fight for
freedom on the high
• This theme conveys the spirit
of the American Revolution.
• You will read about a young
African American man who
fought during the war and
became an
Read 310-311
• Transparency 3-17
Practice book 174
• abolitionists: people who believed
that slavery should be against the
• apprentice: someone who works for
another person in order to learn a
• assisted: helped
• captives: prisoners
Vocabulary (cont)
• conflict: a struggle; a war
• dread: grim fear
• encouraged: gave support to
someone’s efforts or plans
• enslavement: the state of
being owned and controlled
by another person
Vocabulary (cont)
• influential: having the power to
affect events or sway opinions
• privateers: ships that are
privately owned but are
encouraged by the government to
attack enemy ships during a war
• tacking: changing directions
while sailing
Vocabulary Link
• Arms: weapons, especially ones that
can be fired
• Authorize: to give approval or power to
• Seize: to take control of suddenly
• Surrender: to give up to another in
response to demands or force
• Loot: to rob and take things of value
• What are our
Phonics/Decoding skills?
• They are chunking, words we
know, beginning and endings,
affixes, syllables, try
different vowel sounds, base
words or root words
• The crew carried more ammunition
aboard, more powder, and fresh
• Help me figure out this word.
• To figure out this word, I’ll look for
word parts I know. I can try breaking
the first two chunks in between the
consonants. I see “am” and I know “mu,”
I also know “ni” and I recognize “tion”.
Put it all together.
Reading Strategy
• James Forten served on a ship
during the Revolution. As you read,
think of questions to discuss with
classmates about his experiences.
• Keep your questions in your mind
as you read. Form new questions
as they come across new
Comprehension Skill
• Transparency 3-18
• K-W-L Chart
• K stands for what you know
• W stands for what you want
to know
• L stands for what you
Comprehension Skills
Following Directions
• Read all the directions carefully. Use
numbers or order words (first, next,
finally) to figure out the correct
sequence of steps.
• Gather any necessary materials.
• Follow each step in order, finishing
each one before moving on to the next.
• If you come to a step you don’t
understand, reread the directions,
examine any diagrams or illustrations.
Information and Study Skills
Adjusting Reading Rate
• What do you read more slowly, an
adventure novel or a chapter from your
Social Studies book?
• Good readers change their speed at
which they read to match the kind of
selection they are reading.
• Read nonfiction more slowly than fiction.
• When looking for info, scan a nonfiction
selection quickly.
Decoding Longer Words
Prefix sur-
• It was soon clear that the Royal Louis had two
choices: to surrender or to be sunk.
• sur in surrender means “over, above, or
• The base word, render, means “gives or
• surrender means to “give over”
• What are some other examples of surwords?
• Surface, survive,
Decoding Longer Words (cont)
Prefix sub-
• Finally the fear of the battle had
• The prefix sub- means “under,
down, or beneath”
• The word part sided, is Latin meaning
• subsided means “settled down”
• What are some other sub- words?
• ex. submarine, subscribe, suburb
Decoding Longer Words (cont)333E
Prefix sur- and sub-
• British warships surrounded the Royal
• Help me decode this word.
• I see the prefix sur, the ending ed. I
recognize the word round. I put those
together and it sounds correct.
• Pick the prefixes from these words:
subcompact, surplus, surtax, submerge,
surcharge PB 179
sur- means above or
sub- means under,
down, or beneath.
Prefixes are word parts that are added to
base words or word roots to create new words
Final /l/ and /el/
• Understanding the sounds al, el,
and le stand for at the end of
words can help you read many
words that end this way.
• The letters le, al, el come at the
end of many words.
• These two letters usually stand
for the uhl or the el sound.
Phonics (cont)
Final /l/ and /el/
• The heavy thread had to be waxed and
handled with dexterity.
• I recognize the ed, base word hand, and
the suffix le. When I put them
together it sounds correct.
• The Jersey was once used as a hospital
ship. Now prisoners were aboard
recovered from battle. Men lay
groaning on the ship’s lower level.
• Pick out the /el/ sounds.
Final /l/ or /el/
• What do these words have in
common: jewel, sparkle, and legal.
• Correct, the /el/ sound.
• What about this word fossil?
• Correct, this is another way to
spell the /el/ sound.
Practice book 180
A word that describes a noun or pronoun
a, an, and the are articles
an is used before a vowel
Demonstrative adjectives tell which one:
This, that, these and those
This and that are use w/singular nouns
Those and these are used for plural nouns
Multiple-Meaning Words
• Angle
1. point of view 2. figure made
by two lines at the same point
• Single
1. not married 2. one dollar bill
• Level
Particular height 2. flat even surface
Many words have more than
one meaning.
Practice book 181
Vocabulary Skills
• The roads were already filling with
farmers bringing in produce to sell.
Thomas Forten was able to buy his wife’s
• What two words have opposite
• Antonyms are words that have
opposite meanings.
• What are the antonyms of these: early,
steady, difficult, heavy, and dangerous?
• Practice book 183
Grammar Skills
Adjectives; Proper Adjectives
• An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun. It
tells what kind or how many.
• A, an, and the are special adjectives called
articles. Remember a is used with a word
starting with a consonant and an with a word
starting with a vowel.
• Demonstrative Adjectives tell which one.
• This, that, these, and those are demonstrative
adjectives. This and these refer to nearby
• That and those refer to items far away.
• This and that are used with singular nouns and
these and those are used with plural nouns.
333K Trans 3-20
PB 184
Adjectives are words that
describe nouns.
Proper Adjectives
Transparency 3-21
• Rules
• A proper adjective is an adjective
formed from a proper noun.
• Proper adjectives are always
capitalized. Ex. French fries,
Mexican food, Italian sub.
• Practice book 185
Grammar 333L
Improving Your Writing
• Expanding Sentences with Adjectives
• Good writers look for places in sentences
to add adjectives that help readers see
clearly what is being described.
• The sailor looped a rope around the post.
• Improved: The British sailor
looped a heavy rope around
short, thick post.
Practice book 186
Capitalizing Names of People
and Places
Transparency 3-23
Practice book 188
• Biographies contain many proper
names, or both people and places.
• All proper nouns begin with a capital
• Good writers proofread their writing
to make sure they have capitalized
proper names correctly.
Proper Nouns
Always capitalize
proper nouns
Is this kelsey and ryann, or is this Kelsey and Ryann?
Structural Analysis
Base words and word roots
• A base word is a word that can stand alone
or to which endings and other word parts
such as prefixes and suffixes can be added.
• A word root provides clues to the meaning
of a word but is not a word by itself.
• Root rupt means “to break” ex. rupture
• Root struct means “to build” ex. structure
• Root spect means “to look” ex. spectacle
• Root opt means “eye”
ex. optical
Base words and Roots
Base words are
words that can
stand on their
Roots are words
that cannot stand
on their own, they
are word parts.
Challenge Words
• mineral
• influential
• vital
• neutral
• kernel
Spelling Test
1. jewel
2. sparkle
3. angle
4. shovel
5. single
6. normal
7. angel
8. legal
9. whistle
10. fossil
11. puzzle
12. bushel
13. mortal
14. gentle
15. level
16. label
17. pedal
18. ankle
19. needle
20. devil
Study Guide
Following directions
Prefixes sub- and surFinal /l/ and /el/ sounds
Multiple meaning words
Proper nouns
Base words and root words