2015-2016 Syllabus - Edgewood Independent School District

Mr. Jorge Medrano
8th Grade United States History
Welcome to 8th grade U.S. History! This course covers the time period from
European colonization to Reconstruction. This year students will learn about the
history, ideals of citizenship, and democracy within American.
U.S. History Year at a Glance
1st Nine Weeks
3rd Nine Weeks
Unit 01: Exploration and Colonization
Unit 06: Early Republic (part 2)
Unit 02: Celebrate Freedom Week
Unit 07: Age of Jackson
Unit 03: American Revolution
Unit 08: Manifest Destiny
Unit 09: Industrialism: North and South Economies
Unit 10: Reform and Culture
2nd Nine Weeks
4th Nine Weeks
Unit 04: Writing the Constitution
Unit 11: Sectionalism and Civil War
Unit 05: More Perfect Union
Unit 12: Reconstruction
Unit 06: Early Republic (part 1)
Unit 13: Rights and Responsibilities
World Geography Prep Activities
U.S. History Unit Test Schedule
As each unit is taught, students will be given a Unit and Benchmark exam to check for mastery of
the objectives taught during the Unit.
STAAR Social Studies: May 12th, 2016
Tutoring Schedule
Mr. Medrano will be available for tutoring on Tuesdays and Wednesdays afterschool from 3:45 to
Grading Policy
Grading Procedures: Per EISD standards, grades for 8th grade classes will be weighted as
50% of the total grade will be made up of summative grades (includes tests, quizzes,
projects, presentations, final copies)
50% of the total grade will be made up of formative grades (includes homework, daily
work, interactive notebook assignments)
Homework Policy
Edgewood ISD has stated : Homework has a definite place in the instructional program and is part of the District’s
aims or philosophy of education. At every grade level and in every subject area, homework must be purposeful, reasonable,
and understandable to the individual student. Homework must be properly administered and free from unreasonably long
assignments. All daily homework assignments will be graded and recorded the following day after they are given.
Homework should provide opportunities for the practice of needed skills, and should not, under any circumstances, be
assigned as punishment.
Parents, teachers, and students should be very aware that homework is mandated by Board Policy and is an important and
significant part in student achievement.
Homework gives the individual student the opportunity to apply independent study skills and to develop self-discipline as
well as providing reinforcing role in the learning process.
Homework can be defined by two broad categories: (1) short term related to classroom activities such as daily homework
assignments, to be reviewed the next day by the teacher or class, and (2) long-term which are extended assignments such
as projects and term/research papers.
Homework assignments will not be done during any class time.
Reasons for Homework:
to teach students self-discipline and individual accountability
to make students aware of their responsibility in the learning process
to rely on their learning ability independent from the teacher
to encourage parents to get involved in the learning process
to reinforce the regular class work
to increase learning time
to instill in the student that learning is a continuous life long endeavor
to reinforce study habits
Missing/Late Assignments
EISD policy states: For any class missed, the teacher may assign the student makeup work based on the
instructional objectives for the subject or course and the needs of the individual student in mastering the essential
knowledge and skills or in meeting subject or course requirements.
A student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work in a satisfactory manner and within the time
specified by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will
receive a grade of zero for the assignment.
A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects due in any class missed because of absence.
Teachers may assign a late penalty to any long-term project in accordance with time lines approved by the principal and
previously communicated to students.
If a student has been absent, it is their responsibility to obtain the assignments they missed during
their absence. In Mr. Medrano’ room there is a wall of shelves. On these shelves each class period
will have a “make up work” bin. Inside of this bin will be the assignments students missed with
their name and the date the assignment was given. Students will be allowed 2 days for each day
they were absent to complete the missing work with no late penalty. For example if a student was
absent on Monday the missing work would be due on Thursday.
Late assignments will be accepted however a penalty will be given for late assignments. For
everyday that an assignment is turned in past its original due date, it will have 10 points deducted
from the final grade. After 10 school days the late assignment will not be accepted and will be
given a grade of zero.