Energy Efficiency Call 2015 - Presentation of funding topics 12 December 2015 Gordon Sutherland / Anette Jahn / Gianluca Tondi 1. Buildings and Heating & Cooling 2. Finance and Public Authorities 3. Industry, Products and Consumers CSA EE 05: Deep renovation of buildings - Overview Scope Remove market barriers to the deep renovation of buildings across issues and actors to trigger structural changes in the renovation market. All buildings types are covered. Three sub-topics 1. Driving product and process innovation in the construction sector to improve the market offer 2. Bridging of the gap between expected and actual energy performance 3. Enabling conditions to finance deep renovation of buildings Impacts – trigger renovation towards high energy performance or quality and compliance • • Result in energy savings of at least 25 GWh/yr per m€ of EU funding Investments in sustainable energy; better policy implementation; number of actors influenced IA EE 06: Demand response in blocks of buildings - Overview Scope Demonstration of cost-effective and interoperable solutions for a block of buildings consisting of at least 3 different buildings in real life operating conditions Main elements • • • Focus on real time optimisation of energy demand, storage and supply (including self-production when applicable) using intelligent energy management systems Solutions that do not compromise the comfort of occupants Solutions compatible with smart grids and open international standards and with the distribution network infrastructure Impacts – demonstrate implemented at the level of building blocks • • Result in energy and cost savings Willingness and capability of consumers to participate in demand response solutions IA EE 02: Design of new high performance buildings (PPP) - Overview Scope Demonstrate significantly reduced costs of nearly zero-energy performance levels (or beyond) and accelerate market uptake whilst maintain indoor air quality and comfort. Main elements • • • • • Climate and site adapted passive or active solutions Automated or cost-effective maintenance of installations Minimisation of the gap between predicted and actual energy performance Address the move towards large scale e.g. net-zero energy neighbourhoods Focus on on-site and nearby RES designs and energy efficiency methods that go beyond nZEB standards Impacts – demonstrate cost reductions of at least 15% • Increased share of nZEBs and demonstration of net-zero energy districts RIA EE 13: Technology for district heating and cooling - Overview Scope District heating systems need to be more efficient, intelligent and cheaper. Proposals should address one or more of four sub-topics. Sub-topics • • • • Develop, demonstrate and deploy highly efficient, intelligent district heating and cooling capable of integrating multiple generation sources & operated at different temperature levels Bring down heat distribution losses and integrate storage Develop optimisation, control metering, planning and modelling tools Develop new solutions for low temperature heat recovery and recirculation Impacts – Reduce consumption & contribute to wider usage Reduced energy consumption of space and water heating by 30 to 50% compared to today's level Wider use of intelligent district heating and cooling & integration of renewables, waste and storage CSA Scope EE 14: Efficient heating and cooling - Overview - Remove non-technological market barriers to exploit the full potential of efficient heating and cooling solutions. Focus on at least 1 of 6 sub-topics. Sub-topics • • • • • • Innovative measures to accelerate replacement of old, inefficient H/C systems Support inspection of H/C systems as required in EBPD Solutions in industry – deploy & identify, develop & promote new markets Energy supply systems Develop good practice, licensing criteria, efficiency benchmarks and consumer protection codes & ensure exchange of information, knowledge Develop and demonstrate tools and methodologies required at the member state and EU level to conduct H/C planning procedures Impacts – More favourable market conditions / new markets • • Result in energy savings of at least 25 GWh/yr per m€ of EU funding Investments in sustainable energy; better policy implementation; number of actors influenced 1. Buildings and Heating & Cooling 2. Finance and Public Authorities 3. Industry, Products and Consumers CSA Scope EE 19: Improving the financiability and attractiveness of sustainable energy - Overview - Foster dialogue with and between financial market actors, standardisation and valuation entities, industry, public authorities, consumers and property owners. Three sub-topics 1. Develop frameworks for the standardisation and benchmarking of investments 2. Target public institutional investors 3. Create EU and national sustainable energy financing platforms** Impacts - increased investors' confidence and trust, e.g. • • • innovative (and relevant) asset valuation methodologies agreed by the market national strategies for financing sustainable energy investments … CSA Scope EE 21: Energy services and financial schemes - Overview - Further energy efficiency progress is needed Three sub-topics 1. Roll-out of business models for innovative EE services 2. Replication of successful innovative financing solutions 3. Large-scale capacity building for public authorities & SMEs Impacts, e.g. • Savings of at least 25 GWh/year for every mio Euro of EU support • Larger investments, better implementation of energy-efficiency policies • Number of policy makers influenced, with increased skills, changing their behaviour. CSA EE 20: Project Development Assistance - Overview (1) Scope • Project development assistance • to public and private project promoters such as public/private infrastructure operators, energy service companies (ESCOs), retail chains, cities and SMEs/industry, • leading to innovative, bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects • of EUR 6 million – EUR 50 million EE 20: Project Development Assistance - Overview (2) - Leverage 1:15 during project duration Payback clause: funding is conditional to investment Project Development Assistance Showcase dimension – organisational innovation High replicability CSA EE 07: Enhance capacity of public authorities - Overview Scope: • Innovative ways to empower public authorities to develop, finance and implement ambitious sustainable energy policies and plans – in particular in sectors with high energy saving potential. Capacity building element needs to be integral part of proposals 7 Sub-topics around key issues: 1. 2. 3. Directly linked to the EED Integrated planning, multilevel governance Large scale capacity building on financing and networks Impacts, e.g.: • N° of public officers influenced, of new/improved policies & plans • Contribution to acceleration to EED implementation CSA EE 09: Empowering Stakeholders to assist public authorities - Overview Scope: • • • • Overcome capacity gap to ensure full involvement of private stakeholders and civil society in energy planning and policy. Large-scale capacity building or engagement activities for specific stakeholders (utilities, NGO's, consumer associations etc) ! Who play a key role in the definition and/or implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures initiated by public authorities. Demonstrate strong European added value and ensure continuation of the activities beyond the project duration Impacts: • • Hundreds of stakeholders playing a key role in the definition and successful implementation of national, regional or local policies and As a result, thousands of final consumers impacted 1. Buildings and Heating & Cooling 2. Finance and Public Authorities 3. Industry, Products and Consumers CSA EE 10: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Scope Changing the behaviour of consumers in their everyday life using market segmentation and focussing on 'action', the last step of the AIDA (Awareness – Interest – Desire – Action) framework Sub-topics • Educational activities or tools to help consumers read and understand their energy bills or labels; • to help them take advantage of ICT devices and tools to monitor and analyse their energy use; • to increase trust in individual smart meters or energy audits; • To help them participate in community renewable energy projects Impacts • People changing their behaviour and taking informed investment decisions • E.g. each million € of EU support expected to deliver annual energy savings of around 10% for at least 5,000 households RIA EE 11: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency Scope Creation of innovative IT ecosystems that would develop services and applications making use of information generated by energy consumers (e.g. through social networks) or captured from sensors (e.g. smart meters, smart plugs, social media) and micro-generation. Sub-topics • Applications range from Apps for smart phones and tablets to serious games to empower consumers and enable full participation in the market. • Solutions deployed and validated in real life conditions in publicly owned buildings and buildings in public use or of public interest. • Socio-economic evidence for ICT investment in the field and include detailed plans for sustainability and large-scale uptake beyond the project's life time. Impacts • Energy consumption and emissions reduction • Deployment of innovative ICT solutions for energy efficiency. • Greater consumer understanding and engagement in energy efficiency. CSA EE 15: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation Scope Building up monitoring, verification and enforcement of the EU's related products policy; Sub-topics • Support higher level of surveillance activities and go beyond product testing activities. • Not replace activities that are under the responsibility of Member States but add European value to these activities • Need to involve Market Surveillance Authorities and Consumer (or other end-user) Associations; Impacts • Stronger enforcement of EU product legislation; • Increased market confidence; • 15 GWh/year of avoided energy losses per million euro funding CSA EE 17 - Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups Scope Groups of buyers are established and together set higher-than-available performance levels which manufacturers of sustainable energy products are called to meet through product innovation. Sub-topics • Products with large potential for market demand and supporting EU targets; • Technical specifications ambitious but achievable without large investments in research and development; • No market distortion; • Technology procurement process associated with communication activities to engage manufacturers Impacts • New products with at least 25% better energy performance; • Improved competitiveness of manufacturers; • Creation of influential buyer groups. CSA EE 16 - Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry Scope Removing market barriers, in particular lack of expertise and information on energy management; Mechanisms to secure funding for energy efficiency investments & facilitate the continuation of activities beyond project lifetime Sub-topics • Uptake of cross-cutting innovative technologies • Total-site energy management schemes and system optimization • Prioritise energy-intensive industries. • Four specific areas: Industrial system efficiency benchmarking: sectorspecific technology pathways towards 2050; energy management in SMEs & industry; human & organizational challenges Impacts • Capacity building projects: increase the skills of hundreds of people working in the sector, resulting in savings of at least 25 GWh per year. • Improved competitiveness; larger investments; energy savings; better implementation of policies RIA EE 18 - New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems (PPP) Scope Research and demonstration on technologies, technical and operational approaches to recover waste heat from industrial processes, from material flows originating in industries and to transform it into useful energy forms. Sub-topics • Wide replicability and adaptability to the specificities in different sectors. • Identify and combine the best technologies and most innovative solutions to reduce the total energy consumption and the operation costs of the plant • Methodologies & equipment validated by means of activities at demo sites • Large replication potential. Impacts • Design, development & demonstration of economically viable solutions that recover at least 15% of process heat • Technical, organisational & operational adaptable modules; business and technical risks reduced; integration in current industrial landscape; turn-key solutions with proper pay-back time Code EE Call 2015 Topics Type Budget (M€) Deadline IA 9 4 Feb. RIA 10.6 4 Feb. IA 8 EE-02 Design for new highly performing buildings EE-18 Heat recovery in large industrial systems EE-06 Demand response in blocks of buildings EE-11 ICT for energy efficiency RIA 8.5 EE-13 District heating and cooling RIA 5.3 EE-05 Buildings renovation CSA EE-07 Capacity building of public authorities CSA EE-09 Empowering stakeholders CSA EE-10 Consumer engagement CSA EE-14 Efficient heating and cooling CSA EE-15 EU product efficiency legislation CSA EE-16 Energy efficiency in industry CSA EE-17 Innovation through large buyer groups EE-19 Attractiveness of investments CSA EE-20 Project development assistance CSA EE-21 Energy services and financial schemes CSA New New New CSA 59.3 4 June 4 June Thank you very much for your attention