Geography is - Hanover Community School Corporation

Geography and Map Skills: H2 to H9
 The study of the world, its people and the landscapes they create.
Mapping the Earth
Globe – a scale model of the Earth
To study the Earth, geographers use a grid (A pattern of imaginary lines running
north and south, east and west).
Latitude lines are imaginary east-west lines (parallels because they are parallel to
each other)
The Equator is a latitude line (0 degrees latitude) and
divides the Earth in half, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere. Latitude
parallels are measured north of the Equator and south of the Equator.
The North Pole is 90 degrees north latitude.
The South Pole is ____________________.
Longitude lines are imaginary north-south lines (meridians) that run through the
north and south poles.
The Prime Meridian is a longitude line (0 degrees longitude) and divides the
Earth in half; Western Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere. Longitude meridians are
measured east of the Prime Meridian and west of the Prime Meridian.
The International Date Line is a longitude line (180 degrees
longitude) other opposite side of the Earth from the Prime Meridian.
The day begins!
Hemispheres of the Earth
The Equator/Prime Meridian divides the globe into two halves called
The Equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
 Northern Hemisphere continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, North America,
South America
 Southern Hemisphere continents: South America, Australia, Africa,
The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.
 Western Hemisphere continents: North America, South America, Western
Europe, Africa
 Eastern Hemisphere continents: Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
Map Making
A map is a flat diagram of all or part of the Earth’s surface.
Parts of a Map:
 Title – shows what the subject of the map is.
 Compass Rose –directional indicator shows; north, south, east and west
(cardinal directions). Draw and Label
(intermediate directions) northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast)
 Scale- provides distances in miles or kilometers EX: 1 inch equal 100 miles
 Legend- or map key explains what the symbols on a map represent
 Locator Map- shows where in the world an area on a map is located
See page H7 for examples
Types of maps H8-H9
 Political Maps- political features/countries and capital cities
 Physical Maps-physical features/mountain ranges, oceans rivers
 Special –Purpose Maps-focus on a topic; climate, population
5 Themes of Geography
 Location- where something is
 Place- describes the features that make a site unique
 Human-Environment Interaction- people interact with their
environment in many ways.
 Movement-How and why people move from one place to another
 Regions-Areas with common characteristics (landforms, climate,
Chapter 1 Section 1; pgs 4-9 Studying Geography
What is Geography?
Geography is the study of the world, its people and the landscapes they create.
Landscape is all the human and physical features that make it unique.
 Geography as a Social Science
Social Science is a field that studies people and the relationships among them.
Looking at the World
 Local Level
Geographers help town leaders decide the best location for schools, parks and
shopping centers.
 Regional Level
Region- part of the world that has one or more common features that distinguish
it from surrounding areas. Can be based on:
Physical characteristics: mountains, plains, deserts
Human characteristics: language, religion, or history
 Global Level
Discovering relationships of people who live far apart.
The Geographer’s Tools
 Maps A flat drawing that shows all or part of the Earth’s surface
 Globes A spherical, ball shaped model of the entire planet
 Satellite Images Images gathered by satellites are used to make accurate
Chapter 1, section 2; pgs 10-14
Finish the questions in your spiral.
1. Two types of satellite images are
Geography Themes and Essential Elements
2. The six essential elements of Geography are (pg 13)
Write the definition for:
3. Absolute Location4. Relative Location-
Where in the Universe is Cedar Lake, Indiana?
Finish the following sentences
5. 5 things that are included in an area’s environment are
6. One reason why people move from one place to another is
Five Themes of Geography (pg 11-quick picture and definition)
1. location
2. place
3. regions
4. movement
5. human environment interaction
Chapter 1, Section 3; pgs 16-20
The Branches of Geography
Physical Geography
 The study of the world’s physical features-its landforms, bodies of
water, climates, soils, and plants
Human Geography
 The study of the world’s people, communities, and landscapes
 The science of map making
 The study of water on Earth
 The study of weather and what causes it
Complete pg 21, 1-10