동원의 향후 M&A 시 HR 역할 2014.12.20(토) Presentation of Innovation Story HR IMPLICATIONS IN M&A Team 12. DW CONSULTING 김성진, 김효진, 민수환, 박현우 석치호, 윤성진, 이광민, 장혜정 Contents Ⅰ. DW M&A Status Ⅱ. M&A Success / Failure cases Ⅲ. Implications Ⅳ. Suggestions Ⅴ. Conclusion 1/10 I. DW M&A Overview Overview 기업명 대표자 Major M&A History (주)동원그룹 (http://www.dongwon.com) 김재철 (기준일자 : 2014.12.16) Date Acquired Companies 1995.10 성미전자 2008.6 스타키스트 설립일자 1969.4.16 본사주소 서울시 서초구 마방로 68 2012.5 대한은박지 종업원수 840명 (2014.9월 기준) 2014.1 한진피앤씨 신용등급 AA- (한국신용평가기준) 2014.8 테크팩솔루션 Company Value Evaluation(동원산업) • 전통적 수산업 분야임에도 불구하고 최근 9년간 주가 2085% 급등! 향후 M&A를 통한 지속 성장 전략 최고 : 365,000원 (2013.5.31) 최저 : 16,700원 (2005.2.28) 2085% ** [ 가치지표 ] (2014.12.16 기준) 구분 PBR PER 동원산업 1.56 12.85 CJ 1.56 39.62 Through active M&A, DW gains competitive advantage in global environment 2/10 II. M&A Failure Cases due to HR Company Value Evaluation • DW experienced M&A failure with Sungmi Electronics and logistics • A variety reasons including unstable management, financial problems contributed to the cause • DW seems to have learned lessons from this experience as it focuses on the fields, financial and strategic issues However, as most of M&A failures can be traced to poor support of HR-related issues, DW starts to prepare for the best and worst scenarios. A list of Failure cases Companies Financial Legal Hanwha & Samsung High Normal Daimler & Chrysler High Normal HP & Compact High High AOL & TimeWarner Normal High HR Failure Factors Labor management problem LOW Vertical / Horizontal Conservative / Start-Up Politicized, Turf protection • “75% of M&A’s fail or turn out to be disappointments (due to HR)”(Fortune) • “HR Risk : Employees(500), Key employees(10%, 50), annual salary(40million won) 50 * 40M * 3(times) : 6 billion won • Productivity Risk : Employees(500), 20 thousands won/hr, Integration time(12months), time loss(3hr) 500 * 3H * 5 days * 4weeks * 12months * 20,000won = 7.2billion won 3/10 III. Implications Three Implications 1. Participation of HR at last stage during M&A process • Senior HR professionals brought in too little, too late • HR members lacking in understanding on M&A • slow preparedness and evaluation for employees 2. A lack of understanding in essential intangible value in M&A • absent value of Dongwon Way • Lacking in leadership & commitment • Not clearly defined goals and objectives 3. Low awareness and recognition of M&A among employees • No education system about M&A • Growing uncertainty in employees • Low Integration between cultures 4/10 IV. Suggestions(1) HR must involve in M&A at every stages M&A Approach 1 Strategic Planning 2 Valuation 3 Plan Integration 4 Implement & Measure Searching for prospective firms. Information Analysis Form a M&A task force Organize structure & mange related issues Firms adjust strategies to fit their business lifecycles, generating demand for M&A Prospective buyers search for M&A target options Sell-side develops disposal strategy and investor criteria Two sides sign confidentiality agreement (CA) Buy-side carries out target valuation Sell-side provides materials to buy-side for related due diligence Portfolio Option B 2D Senior HR 2E Cloud & ecomme Desktop S/W rce Core Biz 2A Superior 2B Search New Ad Platform 2F Evolution to Online Portal Parties negotiate M&A terms and conditions Parties sign binding SPA Verify important documents Sign financing contract Apply to governing authority for approval Transaction closed - Buyer makes payment - Seller completes handover Post-deal Integration plan implemented. - Personnel redeployment - System, process integration - Corporate culture integration 2CExpanding search mobile Advertising Communication Junior HR “The biggest mistake that organization make during the M&A process is not involving HR” (David Braun) 5/10 IV. Suggestions(2-1) Add new value to Dongwon Way! 도 전 원칙을 철저히 작은 것도 소중히 새로운 것을 과감히 6/10 가족을 소중히 IV. Suggestions(2-2) 원칙을 철저히 작은 것도 소중히 새로운 것을 과감히 가족을 소중히 ◎ 항상 기본에 충실하고 정당한 방법을 선택 ◎ 공정하게 경쟁하는 정직한 자세 -정도와 성실 -동원의 경쟁력의 원천/가장 기본적인 행동가치 ◎ 자신의 역할을 명확히 인식 ◎ 주인의식으로 자신의 역할을 끝까지 완수 -책임과 자율 정신 -현장 중시 ◎ 창조와 도전 정신을 내포 ◎ 끊임 없이 새로운 것을 창조하기 위한 자세 -자발적인 탐구 자세 -부단한 자기 계발 -항상 변화를 추구 ◎ 공유와 지속가능경영을 선언 ◎ 성과창출의 원동력은 구성원임을 인식 - 구성원의 다양성 인정 7/10 IV. Suggestions(3) HR MATRIX AFTER M&A Root Cause Analysis, Actions, and Expectations about HR problems in M&A Education / mentoring Action. 2 Fair PMS Special Program Introduce basic concept of M&A Guarantee the equal opportunity Innovation story 2.0 Mentor/mentee program for significant positions and Advise and support(2,4,6 years) promotion chances Similarity/Difference Survey Action. 1 Root Causes Expectations When: Right after the M&A Factors: Similarities or differences between two companies Respect the differences Learn and respect the cultures, values, and philosophies Employee Uncertainty 1. Can understand the differences between 1. Can give the right motivation to 2. Can digitize and analyze the survey results process, free theme) Special compensation Clash of Corporate Culture workers (New product idea, innovate job both workers 2. Can lay down a groundwork for GWP 8/10 Compensate the stock option to the workers who have employees ownership of acquired company (Based on stock value before the M&A) Special program & compensation 1. Can realize synergy via diverse experiences 2. Integrate employees by proceeding various programs V. Conclusion “Compared with other HRM activities such as retention and training, compensation has less of a spotlight in the academic literature on M&A” (Schmidt and Fowler) Qn : “Why have divorce rates increased over time?” An : Financial problems(1990s) Differences in personality(2013) “Corporate philosophy : Human-centered management” by Kim Jae-cheol, Chairman of Dongwon Group 9/10 Thank You 10/10 Lists Success Companies Backgrounds Success / Failure Factors LG Chem & Hyundai Petrochemical Sought to dominate market portions and expect to strengthen global competitiveness CEO strategic leadership and the specific integration policies Lenovo & IBM Capture overseas customers, distribution, and marketing channels Lenovo can only use “Thinkpad” Sears & Kmart To compete with Target or Wal-Mart Exchange positions Doosan & B0BCOCK Expansion of its brand into Europe & N.A. Dosan Familiarization Program Expected huge savings by combing purchasing and other operations Geographic or Customer Market Extenstion HP & Compact / Improve financial structures To capitalize on the convergence of mass media AOL & TimeWarner and Internet Novell & Wordperfect Differentiated and expansion of its product lines Daimler & Chrysler Failure Lists Companies Daimler & Chrysler Failure HP & Compact AOL & TimeWarner Backgrounds Expected huge savings by combing purchasing and other operations Geographic or Customer Market Extenstion / Improve financial structures To capitalize on the convergence of mass media and Internet Vertical / Horizontal Conservative / Start-Up Politicized & Turf protection Buttoned-down, formality Failure Factors Vertical / Horizontal Conservative / Start-Up Politicized, Turf protection ※ 삼성-한화 인수 ■ 날짜 2014.11.26 ■ 이동규모 - 삼성테크윈 (4,700명) 삼성토탈 (1,500명) 삼성탈레스 (1,000명) 삼성종합화학 (300명) ■ 양사 직원 평균 연봉 삼성토탈 한화케미칼 9,500만 원 6,780만 원 삼성테크윈 한화 7,900만 원 5,400만 원 가치체계 행동규범 가족을 소중히 ◎ 공유와 지속가능성을 선언 ◎ 성과창출의 원동력은 구성원임을 인식 - 구성원의 다양성 인정 14 IV. Suggestions(3) Training and Development program Cultural Differences 1) Admit the organizational differences between two companies 2) Then admit and respect different organizational values Action. 1: Similarity/Difference Survey (* 30 questions with 5 points rating scale) When: Right after the M&A, and every 3 months.during 3 years. How: What are the similarities or differences between two companies Action. 2: Manpower Arrangement & PMS 1)Efficiency of work atmosphere first, then consider balanced placement 2) Guarantee the equal opportunity for significant positions and promotion chances Action. 3: Special Compensation & Contest 1) Compensate the stock option to the workers who have employees ownership of acquired company (Based on stock value before the M&A) 2) Innovation story 2.0 (New product idea, innovate job process, free theme) Expectations 1) 2) 3) 4) Can Can Can Can understand the differences between workers digitize and analyze the survey results relieve the tension among workers make good working atmosphere