Prasyarat /Prerequisite : ISK4213
(KomunikasiPemasaran/Marketing Communication)
Dosen / Lecturers:
Koordinator Mata kuliah
(Subject Coordinator):
Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si
NIP. 198212302008122003
NIDN. 0030128202 email
Mobile no:085334553688
(SMS/Whatsapps only)
Member Lecturer 1 :
Galuh Ayu Savitri M.I.Kom email
Mobile no: 085649813433
(Call and SMS)
Member Lecturer 2 :
Azizun Kurnia Illahi MA email azizunkurniaillahi@gmail.
Mobile no: 085746407678
(Call and SMS)
Deskripsi / Description
This Subject focusses on any issue related to brand and how to build the brand and strategic branding. The subject also discusses several brand atributes and issues relating to branding communication. On top of branding, students are required to make an investigation/ formulation of several brand management methods/ branding.
Mata kuliah ini berfokus pada segala sesuatu tentang brand dan strategi-strategi dalam melakukan branding. Berbagai macam atribut sebuah brand berikut carauntuk mengkomunikasikannya juga akan dibahas didalam mata kuliah ini. Selain mengetahui cara membangun brand, mahasiswa juga akan melakukan investigasi/ formulasi terhadap berbagai macam metode manajemen brand atau branding
Tujuan Perkuliahan / Objective of the subject
This subject is aimed at catering the students with branding strategies. Having completed the course, students will be able to formulate brand strategy for any entity.
Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman pada mahasiswa mengenai strategi branding. Diharapkan setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini mahasiswa mampu memformulasikan brand strategy untuk berbagai entitas
Time Schedule / Waktu perkuliahan
Diyah / Azizun
Tuesday 18.20-
20.30 delay toleratio n 10”
Diyah/ Azizun/ Galuh
Room Class chairman:
5.5 Noval 085655511228
randa 08175403883 randazakariaputra@gmail.c
5.6 Burhan : 085646439000
Arum : 087884476328
6.2 perform
5 groups punishment : cookies
6 groups = 7
09.30 no teleratio n
Diyah /Galuh
Strategic branding is designed as the introductory course of the professional practice in branding. Thus, this subject emphasizes on concepts and applications on branding activities. The assessment for the subject will be based on integrated major assignments, from the first meeting until the end of the semester. The assignment is divided into two main components:
Mid exam assignment:
Total weighing of 50%, divided into several assessment components. In the mid exam assignment, students are required to make projects on branding formulation for clients. In the first assignment, students will need to focus on a general strategic planning, such as situational analysis (competitor, consumer insight – TOWS analysis), brand architecture decision, brand identity decision, brand positioning, and brand essence.
Final exam assignment:
Total weighing of 50%, divided into several assessment components.
The focus of the final exam assignment is to extend the mid exam assignment. Students are required to decide the brand touch-point and brand activation applications (brand communication) for clients.
Group Assignment:
The class is divided into ….. groups; each group consists of ….. persons. The responsibility of the class chairman to form the groups.
Students are asked to develop branding strategies for the following entities:
Product branding : Teh PTPN (the rolas) / Kopi Brotoseno etc
Non profit-organization branding :IWAMA / RSJ Lawang/Perpustakaan kota Malang etc
Places Branding: Alun2 kota malang/Tawira Malang etc
The report format:
This subject does not oblige students to follow a particular format. Students are free to explore their creativities they have to make the reports attractive as long as the assignment core content/ details are not compromised.
Write names and student numbers of all the members of the team at the back of the CD box or at the back cover of the printed documents (if students fail to include the names of the members of the team, the concerned students will not be graded).
The report must be submitted in hard and softcopy formats (on an attractive CD box = student agency logo). The sample of CD and box must be submitted for assessment purposes.
The duties of the class chairman
Is responsible for preparing the lecture tools, such as LCD, AC, markers, reserved laptop computer, sound system, etc;
Is responsible for coordinating groups and assignments;
Maintains ‘jarkom’ if the lecturers require so;
Provides the class data (groups) – names, students ids, emails, etc.
Students of the strategic branding course are obliged to understand and comply with all the applicable regulations on campus ethics.
The class regulations for the strategic branding are as follows:
Active students prepare for the materials for discussions, actively engaged in class. The lecturers’ duties are as coordinators and mentors;
During the lectures students are not allowed to disrupt the class (chatting, reading irrelevant materials for the class, doing other assignments not part of the subject);
Students must speak and behave politely in and out of class, either in the in-class lectures, or through other social media
(telephone, SMS, email, WA, etc);
Proper and neat dressing code. For examples: no hats/ ponchos / sandals/ shorts/ transparent clothing and other unethical clothing;
Foods and drinks are allowed in class as long as they do not distract classmates and lectures; However, chewing gum is forbidden
(considered rude);
Litters must be disposed in the disposal bins when the class looks messed during the lecture because of the litters, all the students will be penalised of 1 point reduction from mid or final exams;
Smoking is never allowed in class. If students want to smoke, they must ask permission from the lecturers, and they will be given
10 mins allowance for smoking in the smoking area;
If students are late more than the timing tolerance, they are still allowed to attend the class but they cannot attend the class OR they can still follow the lecture but they cannot sign the attendance;
Lecturers will try to come on time to the class. Should lecturers not come to class or are coming late due to other important affairs, the lecturers will contact the class chairman so the class could be dismissed or they need to wait for the lecturers to come;
Students must understand and obey the campus ethics.
If students fail to comply with the regulations, they will be given 2 point reductions either in mid or final exams for every breach.
Additional Remarks
Plagiarism and Deceitful Actions
To avoid fraudulent activities/ plagiarism, students are asked to attach the statement of anti-plagiarism (attached) in every single assignment submitted. By signing the statement, students understand and are bound to receive any risk and consequence of committing any plagiarism actions.
To understand the definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it, please check Proper APA referencing. For group assignments, students are responsible not only to the individual work done, but also to the group work.
Assignment consultation
We are fully aware that the assignment loads for students are quite heavy, plus other subject assignments. However, those do not prevent the students from being underperformed. The Assignment consultations are available since week four (by appointment). Please drop by to our office or to the other agreed places for consultations if they are deemed to be useful to improve the quality of the assignments as expected.
Communication with the Lecturer
Students may email or send SMS/ WA the subject lecturers when they have something to discuss. Please keep in mind that this communication is not the means for getting permission to be absent and come late to the class. SMS/ email should be sent in a polite language.
Subject materials and announcement
Lecture materials will be uploaded on Lecture plans (SAP), assignment remarks, lecture handout, and the like will be uploaded on that blog. Please regularly check the blog to get the latest news on the subject.
Students are fully responsible to sign in on the account (do not rely merely on your friends). The published materials are only for internal usages.
Complaints and Critiques on the Teaching Methods a.
For the members of the groups:
This subject has a high level of group dynamics. Given the fact that this is a group based assessment subject, students are allowed to log the peer evaluation form should they feel that there are imbalanced workloads within the individual group. If it is deemed necessary, students may ask for internal peer review (there is a form to be filled out by each member of the team, to assess themselves and their friends) that to be submitted a maximum of three days after the assignment submission date/
assignment presentation. b.
For the subject lecturers:
Lecturers are open to critiques and suggestions as long as they are addressed politely. Please log your complaints and suggestions directly after the class or through email. We will try our best to solve the problems or we will try to respond the concerns promptly. Do not hesitate to discuss with us.
Terlambat tanpa pemberitahuan : mahasiswa pulan dan rescehdule
Attendance and Mark Complaint
Attendance is the personal responsibility of each student with the academic department. Students are required to be present for the minimum of 80% of all the meetings. There is no mark improvement/ assignment addition if students fail to fulfill this requirement.
Complaint clarification on the grade should be submitted 3 days at the latest after the grade is published.
Main References:
No Bibliography:
Aaker, David A. 2009. Brand Leadership. Simond & Schuster UK Tbk
Davis, M. 2009. Fundamentals of branding. AVA publishing. London
Heding, Knudtzen & Bjerre. 2009.Brand Management: Research, theory and practice. Routledge:NY
Kapferer, JN. 2008. The new Strategic Brand management:4 th edition. Kogan Page Philadelphia
Neumeier, Marty. 2006. The Brand Gap. New Readers. Berkeley
Additional References:
No Bibliography:
Al Ries and Laura Ries. The 22 Immutable Law of Branding. Perfectbound
Anholt, Simon. 2005 Brand New Justice. Elsevier Butterworth heinemann
Belch and Belch. 2010. Advertising and Promotion. McGrawHill
Clifton, Rita, and Simmons, John. 2003. Brands and Branding. Profile Books Ltd. London
Davis, M. 2005. More than a name: an introduction to branding. AVAbooks:Singapore
Deirdre Breakenridge. 2001. Cyberbranding : brand building in the digital economy. PrenticeHall
Dinnie, K. 2008. Nation branding: Concepts, Issues, Practices. Eslevier:Amsterdam
Duncan,T.2002. IMC.Using advertising and Promotion to build Brand.McGrawHill
Duffy & Hopper. 2003. Passion Branding. Willey:UK
Elson,T. 2004.Culture and Positioning as determinants onf strategy. PalgraveMacmillan:NY
Kaputa,C. 2011. You are a brand (translation). Gagas Media:Jakarta
Kasali,R. 2013. Camera Branding: Cameragenic vs Auragenic. Gramedia Pustaka Utama: Jakarta
Kotler, Philip. 2009. Marketing Management:13 th ed. Prentice Hall Inc
Kotler&Pfoertsch. 2006. B2B Brand Management. Springer:Berlin
Light, Lary and Kiddon, Joan. 2009. Six rules for Brand revitalization. Wharton School Pub
Maclnnis, Park, Priester. 2009. Handbook of brand relationship. ME Sharp:London
Schroeder&Salzer-Morling. 2006. Brand Culture. Routledge:Oxon
Shimp, T. 2010. Advertising, Promotion, & Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 8e. South-Western, Cengage
Tai & Chew. 2012. Brand Management. Jkt: Indeks
UNWTO & ETC. 2009. Handbook on Tourism Destination Branding. Madrid : WTO
Wheeler,A. 2009. Designing Brand Identity. John Wiley and Sons:Hoboken NJ
Teaching Materials:
Class agreement
Introduction: The basic definition of
Brand, Branding, and rebranding
Brand Architecture
Branding strategy : global rules
Situational analysis: consumer audience and Competitor analysis
Forms of
Small group discussion
Small group discussion
Small group discussion
Small group discussion
The Expected End Results
Students will understand:
The basic definition of Brand,
Branding, and rebranding
The relation between Brand &
Branding and marketing communication
Basics of 7 Brand approach
Students will understand the concept of brand architecture, such as:
brand relationship spectrum –
Type of brands
Students will be able to understand branding strategies;
Students can develop concepts or branding formulations based on
Branding techniques
Students will be able to conduct branding researches pertinent to:
consumer research
segmentation and positioning research
consumer insight
competitor analysis
Assessment Criteria
The basic formulations in branding strategy
Consumer and competitor researches
Differentiation and brand positioning
Brand Identity
7 Workshop
8 Mid Exam
Small group discussion
Small group discussion
Case study
Project Based
Learning (PjBL)
Students will be able to understand the differentiation strategy and
Positioning approach
Students can understand the concepts of :
Identity approach
Brand Identity planning model
brand prism
Other approach related to brand identity
Students can assign differentiation and position of a brand
Students are able to analyze and formulate brand identity for client
Progress report of the Project
Presentation :
Project report 1
Discussion of the theme
(clear, accurate, and concise) and topic argumentation
Flow and logics of the proposal
Project totality (2-6) and presentation
Discussion of the theme
(clear, accurate, and concise) and topic argumentation
Flow and logics of the proposal
20 %
Building brands :
Brand touch point
Brand Message
Camera Branding
Cyber Branding
Entities (1) :
Employer and Internal
Organizational branding
Brand of non-profit organization
Entities (2) :
Places and Destination branding
Small group discussion
Case study
Small group discussion
Case study
Small group discussion
How Marcom works on branding
Branding in the World Wide
employer branding categories
internal branding
internal communication as internal branding techniques
Students will be able to understand the concepts and basic formulations:
content of places
Presentation techniques
(engaged with the audience, clear, professional, and sticking to the time limit)
Students can formulate and apply brand communication to the target audience.
Equity : the reason why build the brand
Case study
Entities (3) Personal and Political Branding
Brand Culture and
Brand communities
Brand relationship and customer relationship
Small group discussion
Case study
Small group discussion
Case study
Small group discussion
Case study
destination branding
tourism branding extra chapter : City and Nation
Students will be able to understand the concepts and basic formulations:
Personal and Political
Students will be able to understand the concepts and basic formulations:
Brand Culture and Brand communities
Brand relationship and customer relationship
Students will understand
approach of brand equity :
subjective and objective approach
asset of brand equity :
brand awareness
perceive quality
Brand association
brand loyalty
brand image
brand preference
15 Workshop
16 Final Exam
research of brand equity
Project Based
Learning (PjBL)
Project Based
Learning (PjBL)
Discussion : Progress report brand building – communication
Presentation :
Final project report
Descriptions of branding techniques done in accordance with lectures 9 and 10-13
(depending on the case chosen)
Discussion of the theme
(clear, accurate, and concise) and topic argumentation
Flow and logics of the proposal
Presentation techniques
(engaged with the audience, clear, professional, and sticking to the time limit)
Project totality (revision 2-6) and
9 as well as 10-13 (depending on the case chosen)
Discussion of the theme
(clear, accurate, and concise) and topic argumentation
Flow and logics of the proposal
Presentation techniques
(engaged with the audience, clear, professional, and sticking to the time limit)