Activity 1

DI Learning Plan
Name of Activity: Learning to be
Professional in ALL Aspects
Unit: 4
Course: Intro to Personal Care Services
Activity: 1
KNOW: Students will know the importance of professional image by learning the basics of proper personal hygiene,
personal grooming, ergonomics, and communication with clients.
UNDERSTAND: Students will understand the guidelines of in-salon communication as well as guidelines for
communicating with clients.
BE ABLE TO DO: Students will be able to distinguish between the right and wrong way of communicating with
clients and employees.
Pre-Assessment/Formative Assessment Notes
 Teacher should post and review essential question.
 Essential Question: Why does professional image of an employee and the way they communicate affect how
the salon is viewed as a whole?
 There is a comedic video provided showing a comedian Anjelah Johnson explaining her experience at a nail
salon. Begin the class by showing this video to students.
 After briefly discussing the essential question, teacher will show the class two PowerPoint presentations on
professional image and successful communication.
How Will They Learn
____ Single strategy that engages all
____ More than one learning preference (MI)
__X__ more than one modality (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)
____ other
 Use the files given for each PowerPoint. (“Your Professional Image” and “Successful Communication”)
 Students should also take out a sheet of paper and take notes on these two PowerPoint presentations in order
to better learn the presentation information. (Look at the Overall DI for differentiation options.)
Application Activities
____ Same for all __X__ tier by learning preference __X__ tier by readiness ___ tier by challenge/complexity
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Using the information given from the PowerPoint presentations as well as information in class textbooks,
students will be creating a presentation using whichever visual aid they would like (PowerPoint, Prezi, Emaze,
poster board/butcher paper, etc.) in order to further explain professional image and successful
communication within a specific pathway.
Teacher will group students according to their specific pathway (cosmetology, esthetics, barbering, and nail
technology). Once each pathway is grouped, students will be split up within the groups to cover those two sections.
For example, if the esthetics group has four people, two students will base their presentation on an
Esthetician’s Professional Image while the other two will base their presentation on Successful Communication
as an Esthetician.
Teacher should make sure groups are split up pretty equally. If there is a smaller/uneven group in a certain
area, then a student in the cosmetology pathway can switch over to even out all the groups.
Once the presentations are ready to be presented, students will present to their group. Groups in each
pathway will present their information to the other half of the group in the same pathway. For example,
cosmetology professional image group will present to the cosmetology communication group and vice versa.
Make sure students understand that they are completely responsible for making a good presentation with
sufficient information, as they will be presenting to the other students and the information from
presentations only will be used for a future graded role play activity. Therefore, it would be smart to take
notes during group presentations.
Independent Application
____ individual work
____ tier by readiness
__X__ with a partner
____ tier by challenge/complexity
____ student choice based on interest
__X__ in small group (MI)
 Using the information from group presentations and the presentation notes, students will be now be working
on role plays.
 Students will be in the same groups, but will now switch to the opposite area within their pathway. For
example, partners who were in the esthetics pathway and did a presentation for professional image, will now
do a role play for successful communication.
 Teacher will handout pre-assigned role-play scenarios to all groups. They will be very specific for the pathway
they have chosen and the area they are working in. There are role play scenarios ready for you—see document
Role Play Scenarios.
 Students will have one day to prepare themselves, study the notes taken from the presentations, and type up
a script for their role play.
 On the day of the role plays, students will act out the role play with the teacher for the grade.
 Students MUST all be dressed professionally, be ready for presentations, and have typed script ready to turn
in before their presentation time on this day.
__X__ activity
____ question and answer
____ sharing of products
__X__ exit slips
____ review
____ critical reflection
____ question posing
____ other
 Once all role-plays have been presented, students will now individually work on belief statements for their
“future salon”.
 Students will make believe they are opening up a new salon. They must create a few belief statements for this
salon, including statements that refer to Professional Image and Successful Communication.
 Make sure they think outside the box and be creative! It will be taken up for a grade.
Post Assessment
Blog Time! Students will be writing a blog post for a homework grade.
Here are some blog question ideas:
 How will you show professionalism at your future salon job through professional image and successful
 Students will do a self-reflection on the blog. Be sure to answer these questions. Do you feel that you have a
professional image? Do you feel that you communicate well with others? What are things you can work on in
order to be more professional? Once students have done a self-reflection, have them comment on two other
students’ blog posts. In the comments, students will give tips on how to work on that student’s weaknesses
stated in the blog post.
Activity Grading: Students will be graded on class participation, presentation visual aids and information on/in visual
aids, role-play scripts and presentations, belief statements, blog homework, and work ethic in all activities.
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